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Is there anyone here who's had success with this app? Im just looking for advice on what makes a good profile.
I had decent success for a while. Go to the reddit/r/tinder profile thread.
>be attractive
>have between 3 and 10 photos
>be attractive
>most or all photos should be of you in social settings with friends, not mirror selfies or shit like that.
>be attractive
>wear normal, casual clothing in most pictures. Have one or two photos with formal clothing in formal settings, but not all of them.
>be attractive
>if you want to show off your body put one or two photos at pool/beach, not flexing in the bathroom mirror or at gym.
>be attractive

Of course, most important (after being attractive) is to know how to talk to people.
My area must be shit because I'm barely getting matches. Or I'm ugly.
i get like no matches on tinder but pull women easily in real life. tbf though i did do everything this guy told me not to do >>17310659
so maybe i just dont know how to use tinder. dont know why women give a shit about photos where you're with friends and shit. if they see you're attractive, what else matters? if they are worried that you dont have any friends, they can just ask a few questions.
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