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Piloting help
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Hello /b/, I've been wondering for a while on how to approach this as my mother and step-father (whom i live with) aren't very supportive of my career choice. My father was an air force engineer and at a very young age got me interested in planes. Since i could open my eyes i have been playing around with flight simulators (my first being microsoft flight 2002), making paper models of planes, and learning instruments and such. I turned 17 last month and recently started taking flight lessons but they have been very costly, around 150-160 every single hour! My mother and step-father won't or can't help us financially either. I've thought about joining the US Airforce and somehow take my training there, but even though i am a U.S. Citizen, i am turkish, and my mother hates the idea of my serving someone else. We are a lower-middle class family and i recently quit my job for an injury i got from wrestling. I am truly frightened that perhaps because of our wealth or lack of it, i may never get a chance to be a pilot.
Any thoughts on what i should do would be greatly appreciated. I should clarify that i am not asking for any money, just cheaper ways to get results. I want a job i truly love doing, not a fucking desk job.
not /b/ just a copy and paste error, my bad.
So trump is right, THEY ALL KNOW!
>my mother hates the idea of me serving someone else
>I am a US Citizen

You'd be serving YOUR country. You're an American. But, only join the military if that's something you actually want to do.

Also, you have a few options if you decide the military route is for you.

-go to college and do ROTC for the Air Force, Navy, or Coast Guard and try to get into a pilot program.

If college isn't feasible at the moment

-enlist in the Air Force, Navy, or Coast Guard into a Aircrew MOS. do your time, get out and use your GI Bill for flight training.

Also, this thread is more relevant to your question.

I also wanna be a pilot mane, but for some reason I am not feeling a lot of motivation in my life. I need something to get me going.
Thanks for the thread info, and that's just what I tell my mother, i tell her America is my country too and i've got to serve as others before me.
Wanting to be a pilot should be enough motivation, but don't ever become a pilot just for the salary or other bonuses. If you want motivation, look up to the sky and just imagine disconnecting yourself from everything down there, fun huh?
Yea, it's just kinda stressful because the lives of many are at your hands.
I've always considered a career flying but the thing is, you have to start out rich or be okay with being in a LOT of debt for a VERY long time to do it. Most of my friends who ended up doing flight training are making $20,000 a year flying cargo. Only do this if you REALLY love flying so much that you're willing to live in poverty.

I took the other option. I love flying but I found out that engineering is almost as fun and pays enough money to allow me to fly for fun (much more fun than flying a Seminole full of fake rubber dog shit at 2am). That's my recommendation.

Also big things are brewing in the industry, with the advent of NextGen, lots of companies are working on single pilot operations for business jets and airliners--that means 50% fewer pilot jobs. Some time in the next 50 years there will be close to 0 pilot jobs anymore. Keep that in mind, get a job that pays the bills, and fly for fun.
Forgot to mention the military side of things. If you do ROTC or an academy that's about the only way to get into commercial flying without $100,000 in debt. If you can live with that lifestyle, definitely look at the Navy first, then the Air Force. Lots more pilot slots in the Navy and lots more cooler flying
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