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Times you showed might
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Tell me about the times you showed might in spirit mind or body. I feel we often forget the times we were mighty but remember the times when we were weak. Tell me of your mightiest moments and I will tell you mine. I will start in the next post.

It doesn't matter how insignificant you think the moment was. A moment of courage is one of the best moments regardless.

My goal with this thread is to get people to remember the mighty moments and forget the weak ones.
OP here. I typically have pretty severe limitations when talking to women casually. Like voice paralysis and shit or my mind going blank.

Today I was mighty though. Even mores I than I imagined. I talked to a woman casually no issues. On the bus with others in earshot. Other people being around makes me faulter really bad but today I withstood it.

Before I spoke to her, I felt the demob of fear on my back telling me to just ignore the opportunity. So many times this happened... But not today. I casted it out of my mind and was able to take this opportunity. It was a good moment. My mind felt so free and more confident after.

I feel better.. I know this won't be the last I hear from fear but I will be ready to cast it out again. This day marks a day when I was mighty and fears and anxiety could not hold me back.

Remember these days. Forget the weak ones.
I was following your OP, op, but then you talked about talking to a grill on a buss being mighty. Okay, I get that it's all relative, but raise your fucking standards.
>talked to a woman

Your ancestors are laughing at you.

Well yeah it's relative dude. It's actually difficult for a lot of people. I know people who suck at reading but can talk to women just fine. I personally can read very fast and very well but I suck at talking to women.

Who is to say who's problem is smaller than the other? In my mind, what I did was a big deal because I never was able to do what I did.

People always try to shit on victories.

recently i was diagnosed with MdDS. which is basically fancy talk for brain damage. it was bad. i was dizzy, i was nauseous, i couldnt remember how to type, i would watch an entire show and not remember a single thing. i didnt go to work most days. i had no control of when id pass out. i often needed head support. i could only eat about half a cup of greenbeans before id feel sick.

it generally fixes itself anytime between 4 weeks and 40 years. i was a rare case as i had developed it instantly for no reason. i was pretty sad as you can imagine.

since it is a disability my parents were making preparations for me to move in with them. i moved out to los angeles to pursue writing and filmmaking so they even offered to let me convert their basement into a 3d animation studio and invest in motion capture suits so i could continue to tell my stories from the house.

disabilities aside, life seemed to have given me a free pass. id be able to just live comfortably under my parents roof plenty of money doing whatever the hell i wanted living a relaxing (albeit nauseous) lifestyle.

and it bugged me. not just that i had brain damage, but the thought of doing this bugged me.

I realized that I want the adventure that comes with the struggle. i didnt want to just step into my dream job and be done with it. even if it meant downsizing, and getting a menial minimumwage dead end job that i could handle with my brain damage, i wanted to do it. i wanted to live my life.

my boss performed an exorcism and i was better 4 hours later believe it or not.

mostly this. I thought OP was going to talk about some great learning moment but then he tried to act like this was a defining moment that we should all learn from.

dont get me wrong OP im happy for you and personal development is great, but try not to the blow it out of proportion like you ascended to this mighty plane of existence that we are only dreaming of.
I am glad you are better. Your boss must be a good exorcist.
Fuck off m8. Let him feel happy he had a break through.

hes not shitting on your victory, just trying to put it in perspective. im all about life and growth and development and al lthat jazz. its why i come to /adv/ its a great place to learn and a great place to teach.

but the way you are wording it is almost lording it over people.

when you say
>remember these days. forget the weak ones

you're commenting not on you, but on other people, insisting other people learn from you.

which makes it seem a lot more pathetic. like that guy who goes to the gym once and then tells everyone about how they need to get into shape.

hes the best in the area.


to clarify, i am proud of you man. im hoping this is one step on the way to being whatever it is you want to be.

just remember it is one step.
Enough with the man up baits OP, if you live men so much embrace you homosexuality and find peace in sucking dick, but first get off this board.
Oo here. Honestly, the point of this thread is to remember the days you overcame something. No matter how small. If you consider it a obstacle and you overcame it then you should remember it. You shouldn't dwell on the days you failed but the days you overcame.

I know people overcome demons of varying degrees and mine may seem petty and small but it was large in my mind. That's all.

we all understand. just consider toning it down a bit.
bullied from 7 - 9 grade, get sick of bully
tell him straight up you me tomorrow after school
twitchy entire day, giddy as fuck
the time has come and so have i
he pussies out and tries to walk way but i grab him by the shirt and pull him around and try punch, he covers his face with his arms and i dont get any solid hits in, teacher shows up and ends the fight, holds me back, he runs home

a year later we'd smoke weed together but we got into a fight again, gave him the blue eye, next day he gets everyone else at school ganged up on me, i give no fucks, end of year he flunks all his tests because too much weed, i pass with B's which im satisfied with
How DARE OP try to remind us that we're more than our feelings and stronger than we think!


wrong. i appreciate growth in every dose, but when OP began to preach about it, that was where my (and presumably others) issue came from it.

he made it seem like we should all learn from his lesson, instead of appreciating that he was behind and playing catch up.
OP here. I honestly wasn't playing up my moment when I said something like "learn from these days". I was saying learn from these days as in learn from your days like this. Learn from days you overcame. Or learn from days so robe worse overcame. It doesn't mean learn from just mine.
I like to believe that letting go my ex-gf after she broke up with me, keeping me off from showing her how devastated I was and honestly wishing her well was a step forward in my growth.

I still miss her, but I know that I'm going to be okay.
>I appreciate growth in every dose
>op came on too strong

Way to be consistent. I don't think i can believe you about anything. You're a big flip-flopper
OK here goes. There was this kid, we'll call him Tom. Tom is a furry, but he's not one of the scum 400 ones, he just is. Not a lot of people know Tom's a furry, he keeps it on the down low because he doesn't wanna get made fun of. I'm talking with Tom and him being a fury comes up, and he says, "I don't really know. Whenever I'm online or on a social network(like this one) people keep telling me I'm wrong, that furries are gross and I should kill myself, or just stop." I tell Tom that's not true, most people on the sites do it just to make u mad, an it's OK. I said a bunch of other crap too that was all motivational, an he was really happy afterwards.
Oh thought it was it? Nope. Part two.

Tom was so happy, a week later he texted me he's come out if the closet, an open up to people he was a furry. He did. Wore ears to school, a tail, drew the art publicly, ect. One day, when we were gonna meet up(Tris was a week after he started being open) an we were gonna go hang out at town. I go there I don't see him, so I look around. I find him in an ALLYWAY, usually clothes, tail, ears, but there's 5 jocks kicking Kim and smoking him, he's on the ground, one of them is tearing up his notebook. (None of them seen me yet) he's crying, and the jocks are laughing, calling him furfag, perv, stuff like that. This ticks me off to no end, idk why I did this but I pull out my knife, this is a 8 inch long piece of steel sharpened to no end everyday( cu I'm one of those phycopath) I walk up behind one of them and stab him in the neck. Everyone there is in total shock. One of them runs up to me saying, ILL FUCKIN KILL YA, but j stab him, he's dead too. The others run off. I help Tom up, an all he says was thanks. I hand him the notebook, we walk home. I never went to jail because self defence, and defending another. And that was the day almost everyone came out of the closet for being gay, or a furry or a weeb, because they knew if they was being picked on, I'd go an full on murder.
It would probably be learning to walk again after a leg injury.

It was hard but well worth it.
Me and my partner were down 2-5, and I said fuck this, we are not losing to these guys. We won 7-6.
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