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Girl in class... Need to distract myself.
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First time posting here. I'm a teenager. Friend in class. Amazing girl. Kind, honest, helpful. She's in my batch (we work together and chat for 3 hours per day). Never connected with anyone the way I've connected with her. I've never been in love (ultra-comservative society I live in ) don't know what it's like. Now I feel weak, think about her all the time, get nervous for no reason with her, can't sllep at night... Just lying down in my bed thinking about her. Only few days left with her, will probably never see her again after that. I know I can't ask her out (average looking -slightly obese). My heart is breaking. Do I distract myself? How? What would you do? Need help please
>amazing girl, blah blah
>I've connected with her, blah

there are like 4.5 billion girls in the world.

>I know I can't ask her out
why the fuck not?

If you won't be seeing her forever after a few days there's not much you can do - probably best not to get involved because it'll only hurt more when she leaves or whatever.

On the other hand, if you really think you're in love with her, and have connected with her like you said, then just ask her out." Don't make it weird; if you act like it's weird when you ask she'll think it's weird. go for it at the very start of a conversation after saying hello - "so want to go for dinner tonight/tomorrow/another time. Most people say dinner is a shit first date but I swear by it. And you can have a litte (and I mean a little) alcohol to lubricate your interactions with her.

Another tip - don't ask her where she wants to go. Pick a place, a time, book it after she says yes.

On the date all you need to do is talk shit basically. Hold eye contact, turn your body to face her, sit at right angles to her, not opposite, tell her she looks nice at least twice and PAY THE FUCKING BILL.

If things are meant to be, then distance shouldn't ruin you...
also, if you need advice on actually how to ask her out that's cool too since you said you're nervous around her.

Reason why dinner is so good is because restaurant staff know you're on a date and treat you nice. You can talk and talk. there's so many moves you can make at dinner too, locking eyes, touching her fingers, footsie. and then there's a chance to go to somewhere else after is all goes well.
one other thing. when it's dinner it's so clearly a date that there's no confusion about what you're asking her to take part in. "table for 2" means man and woman on a date, universally.
If I could tell my teenage self one thing, it would be to just straight up tell people how I feel about them. You will save yourself a lot of time living in grey areas. Tell her you are attracted to her and see how she feels and (this is important) respect her feelings for you. If she doesn't like you, fine, at least you're living in reality and not idealizing her anymore. Work on yourself and become your own ideal.
fat - get ripped
lazy - fuck off
hurt my feels - fuck off
really not cool - fuck off
:( - das right.

Girl - Obviously you can't go out and be all 'hay, be my gf ha ha ha yay'
(u dont want to the Thaaat lesbo)

-1- Become friends
-2- Guard new waifu from smellu men
-3- Become healthy
-4- Become close friends
-5- Become closer friends (Jokes, smacking bottoms etc)
-6- Learn to tease
-7- Tease
-8- Close talk
-9- ask out
-10- Stand among the towering skulls of men who had failed, holding your new waifu in your arms and looking towards the rising sun.

Lift up your sword, point it to the sky and relish at the fact that you look fucking awesome.
Agreed, except for the fact that OP mentioned he's a teenager, so alcohol may not be an option. I remember being asked out to dinner when I was a teenager and found it really intimidating. I suggested just going out to get a drink at the local coffee shop (he agreed) and I ended up feeling a lot more comfortable. 15 years later, however? Dinner is the way to go.
yeah, might be intimidating for a teenager I suppose, right time is in your twenties, But I am such a massive advocate of the dinner date.

cinema is shit, awkward tension, don't talk, not involve and intimate
Coffee is over too fast and too difficult to arrange if you have a full time job and no one drinks coffee on weekends unless they're a hipster or a faggot.
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