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How's Your Adult Webcomic? #3
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You are currently reading a thread in /aco/ - Adult Cartoons

Thread replies: 169
Thread images: 49
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Do you have an 18+ webcomic? Do you plan to have one? It's a thread for you!

>Post ideas, art, works in progress
>Post references
>Share portfolio
>Give advice and critique

Previous thread: >>62247
Smut Authors GOODIE Bag

Here’s a short list of sites that any new webcomic artist or writer will find handy:




PEOPLE: http://senshistock.deviantart.com/gallery/
Scenery: http://www.shutterstock.com/


Easy to use tumblr webcomic theme: https://www.tumblr.com/theme/39018
Do’s and Don’ts for starting a site: http://pastebin.com/kNR2W5mV
put in a boob or two.
hmph, was hoping people would show up
not much to talk about with my comic... it just occasionally has boobs.
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I'll show you mine, what is your comic?
Working on some Dimension H scripts.
Planning panel layouts in my head is tricky.
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The contract I have with the paysite i work for says I am free to release whatever I've done for them a year after the fact. I've been with them for five years though so it's a lot of content. I was thinking of starting a patreon for it along with extra pinups, WIPs and private streams. I'm kind of excited about it.

I hope this will give me a chance to provide extra stuff for me from people who enjoy the comic and stuff.
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I feel like I should post this older one too. This one actually got me some daaamn fine fanart in response.
the boobularity isn't frequent or infrequent.. it's just a thing. a weeaboo thing.. at least a pre-2007ish weeaboo thing.
How do you indicate two characters are speaking in different languages without actually using a different language and when there's no time for exposition? I mean I could use a simple "she's speaking XXX" bubble but I'd rather avoid that since it's a tense moment with action. I was thinking about a different font and color in speech bubble for the other character without outright stating it's a separate language but I wonder if that would be clear enough.
Where is the red-haired guy's penis? He is a guy right?
olde animoo rules, not drawing in the bits. probably should have but i just got into the habit and then, yknow, consistency. and when you dont draw in pubes either it's like.. might as well leave it ken doll style
most of the time people put other languages in <brackets>
but if it's a tense moment most stories pick one character to take the perspective of and put the other in the other language and just let the audience ALSO not understand them. or if not another language, then just gibberish, so it's the same basic thing from that perspective.
Gibberish wouldn't work since they're supposed to switch to that other language later on. I suppose I'll go with the brackets and see how it looks like, maybe mix it with a different font too. Thanks.
oh okay so they each know each other's language, but they're speaking in their own. yeah in that case brackets are the best
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Oh boy, the third panel will look so bad I might as well end myself right now and spare myself the embarrassment later.

But first I will finish this shit, I've been dropping this idea in various forms three times now. As they say, fourth time is the charm or something. Especially since I can't force myself to practice (or draw at all) otherwise.
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Uh, i think they typically obscure it, but still hint at the presences. The way you draws it its more likely to be mistaken for pubis line, in which basically looks like this person doesn't have a penis. Since you are posting it here, you might as well draw them right?
How did you get in contact with them? They come to you or vice versa? Also what site? Can we apply or something?
ehh sometimes.. but invisiblepeen was a thing for a while in some others. i dunno.
Can I post here if I make a /d/-tier comic or should we keep our /aco/ comics vanilla
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Page 3 of >>131507

I'm very new to this webcomic thing so how do you guys deal with posting something weekly? It's pretty strenuous on my part.
I think it's alright considering how most of /aco/ is pretty /d/ tier already
Yeah I get that, but I noticed that most of the /acomics/ thread so far was just people having sex and I dunno if my fattywank smut shit would cause problems over here
>How did you get in contact with them? They come to you or vice versa?
I contacted them when the site was first coming up and they accepted me.
>Also what site?
Filthy Figments
>Can we apply or something?
They're actually accepting submissions right now. They've got a specific idea of what they're looking for though so read through, I guess.
Well, it's personally not my thing but I'm pretty sure it's not against the rules or anything.
Thank you very much. It's tough getting paid work when you're just sorta starting out.
Been playing with animation recently. Trying out different software. I can't afford pro stuff at the moment, so mostly cheaper software with animation component or open source stuff. This is done with flip book from Sketchbook pro.
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Welp, that came out playing faster then the preview for some reason. The one i am posting now is done using "Pencil2D" which is a open source software. Neither this nor Sketchboook pro is "all there" so to speak. All of them export a series of image that I ending up compiling using gimp. Knowing the timing of each frames, I can compiling them in Windows Movie maker if I have to turn them into videos.

As far as I know tho, Pencil2D is a bit better than sketchbook pro in terms of being able to "flip back and forth" kind of deal, and it can change frame rate on the fly. Sketchbook pro is generally just more feature as a standard drawing software, but just okay as far as animation goes.
doin god's work there m8. would like to see some loli. but not TOO loli

and yeah i've never been able to get gif timing to be the same in a program as in a browser
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Bumping with update
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Is that sketchup?
Also about the arm, just something to consider.
Yup. Modeled the whole room so I don't have to do backgrounds from scratch everytime.

Hmm. I dunno I can't see it. I'll stick to my arm for now.
okay... you are playing to my desires pretty hard, good chum
the left arm is fine. the right arm is fattest at the midpoint of each segment, when the forearm should be fattest a few inches from the elbow, and the upper arm should be close to even and kinda rotated relative to the forearm
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I'm... not very good at this. Not only it's ridiculous (BLUR BLUR BLUR etc.), it also takes a shitload of time. I'm pretty sure laying 2-3 basic shades and then going through all of it with small opacity brushes would be easier, but somehow this shit, ~10 different solid levels then bluring everything feels more "natural" to me. I also like how laying down these layers makes some already existing mistakes even more visible. Should have learned painting beforehand huh?

At least I'll have an excuse to drop most of the darkness with the next page. And I'm learning something, I suppose.

The block approach to anatomy is pretty cool. I vaguely remember there was one book dedicated exactly to that, do you perhaps know the author and the title?
that's how that works for most shading i think.. solid layers then blur them. or else blurry-but-still-close-to-solid layers then blur-them-more
bump for some good time nsfw comics.
howcome aint nobody writing a comic about aliens coming to earth to study sexy times
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How about you do it?

i tried to make a porn comic once, earlier this year, wasn't into it
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darker skin no background

just playing with the tripcode, trying to find one i like, but i never do so i never use one

ahem, made in sketchbook pro by the way
Well, the thread is now over. I'm not coming back to 8 other unique posters one of which is Bones.
Eh. Most of posts are shit, but I'm sticking around solely for >>149007
Because damn, he's good.
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I have a comic based on a group but the first part is /ss/ and that seems to be pretty popular. I could dump the team and just focus on that.

Help me out and please vote.

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still working on mine, keep in mind a lot of this stuff is just sketches that are gonna be cleaned up when the whole thing is finished, example: i fixed the kids face in this panel already cause it looked too off.

also guess i'll put this here as well because why not but here's a different comic I did before: http://imgur.com/a/4ALNb#0
oh yeah i remember that. good job with robutts.
Th-thanks mane.
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bump for more tight pants
Is six months for a nine page comic too much?
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Page 3! Wooot

Yeah, unless your art is like lackadaisy cats tier, I think 9 pages for half a year is kinda bordering on lazy
>Page 3! Wooot
Awyiss. Keep being the best.
wheres page 1 & 2?
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>planning on selling mini pay comic
>cover just came out
>the turn out was larger than I thought
>can't wait to hear the feed back on the finished product

I know this is a web comic, but seeing as adult nature pay comics should be included.
Post comic
Ooohhh, how much did you guys make? Also how did you split it? Because there is a 'producer'. Why the fuck do you even need a producer?
it seems like i should dislike this art but i don't. and 'e-peen' has me rolling on the floor
As the producer for this, the project will be non profit and any earned revenue is going directly back into making part 2. The comic is still being made this was kind of a start of project ceremony. As for why needing a producer, initial investment and encouraging a very unlikely collaboration between the writer and artist.
neato. i wish i had a producer.
also. my sides.
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Man, I am not doing this properly, but if I do, I can imagine the whole thing going to be extremely time consuming. More time than I have time off from work for... but its a lot of fun.
it looks more like she's applying the force in the leaving of the dick rather than on the downswing
but fuckit it's hot and it's well animated
Can't let the dream die.
Honeyboy's making a webcomic? holy fuck thats awesome
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Unless your art is good enough that you can sell paintings, then yes.

Why would it take you that long to draw nine pages?
bump for puffy vulva
waiting for my cintiq
i hope scribs posts in here
coooool man, cool. always wanted one of those. but I'd have to do like 100 commissions to make enough money.
I don't have a webcomic, but I do have this comic with original characters I never finished. It has a few pages to it.
that's a webcomic to the max. i like it. cute shit.
Thank you!! I'll post another page just because page 1 doesn't have The Lewds therefore needs more pages to work for this board.
>hey, pants-pull-downer.
>nice.. pulled-down pants
very good
Haha. Yes. Thanks!
Only one more page after this.
this is just getting better. how the shit did you never finish this? got distracted by some other project? because this is slipshineworthy and then some
How kind of you to say, dang!! Thank you very much, anon! I was doing these just for fun and lost inspiration after this page.
I do have other projects, animations, patreon stuff, school and work that got in the way. But i'd love to go back and continue this. It'd be nice to actually have Jackie get fucked in "Jackie Finds a Fuck Buddy."
well as somebody with a bunch of old projects nobody cares about anymore, i can imagine you enjoyed airing out this old chestnut for us and getting a little feedaback.
Definitely. There's a lot of things I'd do differently now, but for the most part it's still something I'm proud of. I really appreciate the feedback.
Comics are a lot of fun to make! I've done a couple, but I usually lose patience after the fifth page, haha. That's why I probably couldn't ever make a long-term webcomic.
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page 4 wip!

Oooohhh, I love this! Are you gonna finish this? I can give you some promotion if you do
Oh thank you! That'd be pretty cool.
I might stream and do another page today.
Looking forward to seeing where your comic goes! Your coloring style is very appealing.
Whoo, I just finished a comic commission! If he approves, I can start putting up the low-res stuff elsewhere. I did also get another comic commission but I'm pretty sure he wants it up on his own paysite. At least I'm getting money and credit.
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Guess I'd better post this one here because of slight troll boobies. Though lately I've heard /co/ mods are supposed to be adopting the saner attitude towards slight boobage

I post one barely seen nip slip in the background and mods instaban me.

The faggots..
like i said, 'i've heard'
and on /a/ it's official. a wee nip here or there is fine
/co/ in the past few years has been ridiculous about that, but things are changing. After all, around 2010-11 nobody gave a fuck.
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Page 4! With still no progress to the story! Do webcomics take this slow or is it just me?

Th-thanks family

Your style is appealing but desu your comic isn't really arousing because it's hardcore straight away. There's no teasing at all, just BAM PUSSY BAM TITS SHES MASTURBATING HOT. I would have to be already masturbating to enjoy this.
I have no idea how to story so I'm just winging it as I go along. Yeah, I should fix that hopefully

Vanilla Essance by Yamatogawa is a really good, extensive collection of short, sexy, slice of life comics you should check out as a model.


You can get it here.

The tl;dr is to have the sexiness be progressively intenser and grow naturally out of situations. Like instead of having her totally nude, lovingly draw her breasts and ass pressing against her little pajamas shirt and shorts. Give her actual motivations, even if they're sorta exaggerated.
most webcomics have more going on per page, this is more like a normalcomic, and those are slow
i fully disagree. this is the coziest and softest of cores, and i love it. very nice and wakeuppy. we havent gotten any deep closeup vag shots, and the masturbating is cute and casual and we mainly saw the end of it, not the during
but he DID give her a top, and a solid reason not to have bottoms on. To me that was fantastic, perfect.. just as it should be

I'm just expressing my taste. Things differ in this area, especially in porn.
It's kindof establishing moment. "Yep, we're dealing with somebody that uses a vibrator as a wake up alarm"
I'm sure we'll get to see her in more dressed circumstances eventually.
i suppose so, it's just that when i hear you describe what he should be avoiding, i'm so with you. except that i feel like he did already. you know how that is. when you agree with someone on paper but not in practice
So yeah, Like I said, I can't into story so this'll be what'll happen in the next 3 pages:

>A shot of her in the bathroom. She enters the shower. Twists on the knob
>Showering sexiness kinda like >>173080
>She steps out. Dries herself off and looks at the mirror and complains how she doesn't like mondays. A shot of her uniform

The next scenes will be her in her work.

What do you guys think?
not well
>What do you guys think?
I think from page 8 on it's gonna be disappointing
haha nah i'm just messin with you. It's okay if you dont know how to story, i'm sure this will be nice regardless. but maybe we can help you brainstorm
I think it's working out fine. Opening with an action scene is not a wrong way to start off a work. Regardless of a specific nature of "action scene", it's clearly shows the goods you have.
Keep going, your art is awesome.
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Sometimes I wonder how much story people needs or if its okay to just jump into sex.
i like the sex to be part of the story, and i hate it when the story stops suddenly because of sex
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New discord chat is live- go to the website/download the app- add this link when joining new chatroom


expires in 12 hours. If after that someone wants an invite just post in the thread here and we can put up a new link
I'm all for story as part of the action.
Sometimes you just gotta take a step back and appraise the situation.
What do YOU want out of the comic?
>What do YOU want out of the comic?
Flash and cash, motherfucker
Th-thanks senpai. This comic is basically me doing a test run to familiarize myself in comic-making before setting out to do that epic story we all have in our heads. Still, I don't want to mess this up just because it's a prototype.
just have fun and experiment and play with different things. The only failure in the prototype is if you need to do another to address all your questions for your epic story
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Well, a lot of times, sex is the conclusion of the arc. I am guessing you are also interested in how the story or relationship progresses after the sex happens.

What I wanted out of the comics... is escapism. I wanted vicariously experience the type of relationship man like me never could. I wanted to entertain others like me who needed something like this, and have fun discussing with them about relationships that we can only fantasize about.
But every time I came up with a story, I always cringe and wish to dig a hole when I gave it a second read.
after.. during.. it's all good.
I know the feeling of not liking dialogue, my own makes me cringe. I think if you want your escapism to work, there has to be something to escape to. A world, characters, etc.
It can be a fine porn comic going straight to sex, but building the world the characters inhabits makes the escape more complete.
This to be truthful relative of mine. Look at the Monster Girl Encyclopedia if you want a whole bunch of escapism tailored for lonely dudes like us. It's basically world building + hugbox with a hint of grimdark to avoid being overly hugboxy. And it also helps when you're a damn good artist
I had a dream that I need to make into a comic.

2 sisters both have had their careers come to a screeching halt and decide to open a Bar with the hopes of making enough money to start new careers or pick up where they left off.

As the bar finds it's stride, the older sister wants to sell and resume her old career. But the younger sister wants to keep the bar going, as it was an easy source of revenue and men to fuck.
bleh. i find it to just be lame pandering to the sort of fetishes lonely dudes like us usually DON'T like, bringing it closer to mainstream vulgar porn instead
and it sucks because i've always loved monster girls but i hate that this is the face of them. it's like theyre too scared to give a harpy actual bird wings and legs instead of just hand and foot accessories. what, you afraid of a little cloaca? that is the risk you take.
could work as a backdrop. in my mind, the remaining sister just gets a new partner to run it with her, and that is the story. but i assume you had something else in mind or you wouldnt have brought up the other sister to begin with
Watch that perspective, bruh. That sidewalk is slanting way too hard.
redline it please.
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Ehhhh yeah alright.
You already got the perspective of the figures down, just go off that. It's clearly a 2 point perspective, and your characters are already aligned to it - it was easy to base it off that to figure out your vanishing points.
Also, look how upright your characters are - why would your buildings be slanted like that? Everything should apply to the same rules, don't ignore the state of your characters when drawing a background.

They look like they're standing in the middle of the street, too. You'll have to figure that one out.
I'm attempting porn comics again

How is it
I might not be in the majority, but there are two things that will make me read an erotic comic: insanely good art, or a good story. and, I mean insanely good art. anything else needs to make me care about the characters. even if what they are doing is dumb, if they are interesting and engaging, I will stick around to see what happens.
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I mean.. they're not really discernible as... whatever they are.. can't even tell where the arms and hands are.. the handwriting is illegible.. and I don't really get the gag. not sure how this is porn.. Do you need some help studying your art skills man? because I would be eager to help. Anyone with the name tentaclebot who is trying to do porn comics deserves support
It took me some effort to recognize them as http://splatoon.wikia.com/wiki/Squid_Sisters
And as far as I can tell it's a setup in which they're stunned by a giftbox bomb before the porn starts happening.
Still I agree with the other anon, nearly incomprehensible. Getting even more cartoony than splatoons already is is kinda overboard.
This is porn? Idk man, I don't think I can masturbate to this. I mean yeah, I'll read something of this art style, yknow, as a comic but I won't get turned on from it.
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im just gonna restart it
you're brave for trying. Just keep it up, do your practice n' such
Has anyone done DrawQuests?

How would I go about writing one, which board is good for running them and what sort of input should I give the reader?

I'm planning for it to be /d/ tier with multiple drawn sketches.
>How would I go about writing one
How fast can you draw? Because you need to be pretty bloody fast.

>which board is good for running them
tgchan. It doesn't prune threads so you can go at it with a couple posts/day

>I'm planning for it to be /d/ tier with multiple drawn sketches.
Well you gotta hope /d/ doesn't REEEEE at you for being baka gaijin and daring to put pen to the paper in their presence.

>what sort of input should I give the reader?
Succint detail about the world and plot premise.
Ah. Thank you!

I was thinking it would be more like a choose your own adventure type of thing. I suppose it's not the same as a drawquest? That way you wouldn't have to think to write so much on the fly, right?
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yeah I did a fun one one time.. but it's been so long that for all i know /co/ doesn't allow those now or summat.
just draw it very simply so you can do it on the fastquick
...Okay how would you imagine stuff going in the actual thread you would make?

Do you have a prearranged menu of drawn choices? (CYOA)
Or planning to have something ongoing and draw every step? (drawquest)
Or a couple illustrations that you are ready to throw in but mostly doing with text? (textquest with art extras)
Something between all of those?
Oh and also, you can always just go ahead and try. If it doesn't work out, analyse what went wrong and try in a different manner or a different venue.

I.e. if you tried "draw every step" but was too slow on the art then you can either move to tgchan and draw at your own pace, switch to simpler illustrations so you can keep up with the posting or do a partially illustrated quest.
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Thanks for responding. This is more than I expected. I've been thinking about it and came up with some guidelines for myself that would probably help.

I was thinking of doing the sketches in this letterbox format with a filter and a vignette. Each pic would be the same size.

It would be either in an old adventure game format or with premade options as in a visual novel. I was thinking of doing prewritten routes so that the story wont get sidetracked. That would be leaning more towards CYOA.

There'd be chibi figures for the duller moments and proper sketches for the more graphic stuff. Chibis and speechbubbles could be premade too.

Probably a set amount of time per sketch would be good too to keep the train going smoothly.

Not sure what it should be about though.
>but it's been so long that for all i know /co/ doesn't allow those now or summat.
quests officially go on /tg/.
Pornquests wherever you can fit them.
Okay, so illustration on every step. How fast can you knock those things out?

>There'd be chibi figures for the duller moments and proper sketches for the more graphic stuff. Chibis and speechbubbles could be premade too.
Going visual novel sounds good - prepare locations and people portraits to just slap over them as needed.
man i think that isnt fair, they should go on /co/ if you feel like it. blah.
>How fast can you knock those things out?

I'm hoping that once I have the characters designed and I can draw them quickly, I could do one drawing in 5-15 minutes depending on complexity.
Yes, hedging anime and cartoon quests to tg doesn't make much sense, but since when 4chan mods cared about making sense?
Well that speed sounds very good so you should be fine on d or aco activity wise. Try whichever you prefer, if you get shouted at go to another.
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That's an interesting way to align characters, and the redline is really illuminating, thank you for taking the time. Although they are not in the middle of the asphalt road but in the middle of a pedestrian walk way of an open air school campus... the drawing I have so far isn't really make it obvious tho. The sidewalk looking thingy is actually suppose to be storm drain / gutters covers.

When I was in high school, they used to have buildings where the side are slanted for some reason, they looks like some sort of bunkers made out of painted steel slaps. The door on those buildings looks like it "sinks" into it and I found it interesting. A few years back they knock them down and built more conventional boxy building blocks, I thought it was a shame.
I don't wanna post the full comic here. Too many pages.

there is such a weird lack of shantae fanworks. you'd think theyd be everywhere, but it's just not that kind of climate anymore
I got my tablet
Draw something. Post here. Do it faggot
Don't let this shit die, bitches.
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Sounds good to me. Hopefully it'll give people more to latch on to.

I'll try working on that in a moment. .

Cousin, I don't even need to be as exotic as that. Hack, I'll take plain Jane vanilla if the relationship is interesting enough. Personally I'd favor tomboy in spats and glasses.

I don't know man, sometimes we are just pissing in the void.
Thanks again anons for helping with the draw quest. I think I will just wing it and start one on /i/. I don't remember how they feel about /d/ tier things over there, but hopefully it'll be okay. The board is so slow that maybe I can take it easier with the updating. That sound okay?
i like how the characters' forms are breaking the panel.
i don't know if you plan on keeping that or taking it out, but I think that is a neat way to emphasize the main characters, if you made that a thing, that would be cool
someone needs to make a comic about a guy taking care of a sickly girl going through chemo, and she's got varying appetite, and the only thing she ends up liking consistently is his semen
>vivian lends me
Should be "lent", since it happened in the past.

The "they" in the last box shouldn't be there.

Also "porkyman" is a weird insult, but if that's supposed to be how her character is, that's fine.
they're pretty fun. i did a lot over on /d/ for a while before /aco/ was made. they were pretty positively accepted.

as for reader inputs, it depends on how much you want them to impact the story. if you let them free response it can lead to some pretty creative scenes. if you give them choices, you give your story a more organized, structured pace.
i've been thinking of drawing a short comic where the mc is a futa and she falls in love with her roommate, who is straight. hijinks ensue, etc.

would this be an interesting matchup?
bump I suppose
Reply I suppose
File: [OC] Betaman H 001_056.jpg (93 KB, 644x910) Image search: [Google]
[OC] Betaman H 001_056.jpg
93 KB, 644x910
Thanks, man, that's something I can use. She call him Porkyman because his actually name is "betaman" if that makes sense.

Is this thread still bumping.
This is so fucking good, fuck.
Awwww shit senpai! I can't wait
>Porkyman because his actually name is "betaman" if that makes sense.
It... doesn't, really.
well it sort of does as a nickname
Well, she basically replaced "Beta" in his name, with "porky" because he is fat.
>dem last 2 panels
ohhhh hell yes
Huh, what do you like about it?

Even though I started working on porny stuff, the lead-up I have brainstorm, at least on the part of the pigtail girl, is quite long, Despite his frequent fantasy about all the girls around him, they would only started out as reconciled friends, and after being there for each other through some difficulties before they become involved in that way.

How much is too much courtship in these type of things? The most I have seen is having 70 pages of "well they or won't they" before concluding 40 pages of fucking like rabbits.
i just love those cute quim shots man. and wet thighs holy shit
umm i dunno about courtship exactly, the only time i can remember thinking it was done well was in My Balls
with maybe yomeiro choice as a second
File: peributt page 6 wip.jpg (343 KB, 900x1165) Image search: [Google]
peributt page 6 wip.jpg
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Hey guys - I know this isn't original but the Work on your art thread archived.
I'd appreciate any critiques!
I've been having such a tough time with the kissing. I'll have to find better references.
kissing is hard as fuck to draw. most cartoons do it like you've done, just turn the faces sideways a bit.
File: SD_doodle_2015NOV.jpg (36 KB, 620x877) Image search: [Google]
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There are different way to kiss. There are full on frontal kiss, which is kind of goofy looking, but in some instance is cute, but most of common ones I see is a "lock lip" type of kiss, which I have it here. I hope its helpful. It can proceed to french as well.
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