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You are currently reading a thread in /a/ - Anime & Manga

Thread replies: 31
Thread images: 11
Haha time for vampires
I thought this show was a sausage fest.

Are those traps or cute girls?
What do you prefer?
Can't a trap be a loli?
Anyone have a webm of the ending?
How /fa/ is Greed?
I want to bully Kuro.
How gay is this?
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I want to fuck Kuro.
It's otomeshit. Less gay, more reverse-harem wish fulfillment for horny teenage girls obsessed with VK and boybands.
In cat form or vampire form?
But who's the self-insert?
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o shit
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This opening song I swear.
>random drums
>electric guitar strums
>neko vamp licks blood
Best boy
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At least the ending is funky.
>that ED

I could almost swear I've seen this somewhere before.
Wait, girls EXIST for story?
I'm waiting for her.
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Come on, it wasn't even that long ago.
that's the joke, it's exactly the fucking same
Thread replies: 31
Thread images: 11

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