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GuP - Girls und Panzer
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Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 251
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No bullying the Erika.
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Have you bowed down to Yukari yet, anon?
Erika is a good girl.

I liked that we got more Noona speaking in Russian, I bet her VA had a ton of fun with the role, considering she wrote a thesis on the history of the Red Army.
I marathoned the entire GuP series/OVAs/Movie a few days ago after I watched half the machine translated version of the Anzio OVA
Was dumb as fuck but I loved every second of it.
The girls were really cute too, it's hard to decide which schools I liked best, chosing a best girl is borderline impossible.
If I had to chose I'd say Yukari is the best of Anglerfish team, but /his/ is the best Oarai team overall.
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Post 'em
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Erika, pls
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Gup Rankings.png
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Fine taste anon. Have you listened to the Drama CDs yet? You may find them to your liking.

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Auf der Heide blüht ein kleines Blümelein...
To the Anon who asked a few threads ago why the Panzer IV hadn't been whiteflagged by the thread damage in episode 12 (I just rewatched the series again)

if you remember, it was mentioned that aded to thread damage there was roadwheel damage. Just counted it, the tank loses two roadwheels, addd to the track. Good thing it's shown carrying FOUR spares.

Here's the answer. Anything the tank carries spares for, you can safely asume that the rules allow them to try to repair (why bother carring spares otherwise?), because tank repair and maintenaince are also senshado (that's stated and shown a few times along the series).
I haven't listened to any of the drama CDs, I've gone through the main series, OVAs, tank corners, and the movie.

Also, link to the character choice website?
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Here. http://galax.moe/panzer/sort/
Have you prayed to our lord and savior Christie suspension today, /a/?
The instrumental version of Enter Enter Mission in the movie soundtrack just makes me so fucking happy when I listen to it.
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Best taste coming through
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erika crying.jpg
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Bully the Erika!
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Is this the right thread?
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That was me, anon. By the end of the thread other anons had explained to me that the tracks weren't as damaged as I had believed them to be. Nice observation about the roadwheels though.
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homu sweat.jpg
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>first question I get is katyusha or nonna
nah man fuck this
You can tie them.
Just don't do it too much.
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popular science march 1931.png
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>removable track will never be a thing in tank design again

Impractical, but cool as heck.
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Best Taste.png
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You can always tie them if you're a pleb that can't decide.
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Handheld Tank Destroyer.jpg
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I want to know what the hell Caesar is using here.
I'm always kind of dissatisfied with how these turn out. Probably because I get lazy halfway through.
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>40 images in GuP folder before watching movie
>420 images now
That movie was fucking magic.
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absolute madman.png
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Unrelated, but from the same magazine.
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ss (2016-06-14 at 09.02.16).jpg
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Thanks anon.

I think I did too many ties.
Personally I would have placed Erwin, Rosehip, and Klara a bit higher than they were.
This thing is pretty cool. Didn't know they made grenades like this.
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The things people do for science.

Fun non-garupan-related fact: Typically the larger the insect/arachnid, the less likely they're poisonous or have deadly bite. The smaller ones have to depend on poison to kill stuff/defend themselves while the bigger ones can just use their size and strength.
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Does she have a name now?
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Just Loader-chan.
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her name is loaderchan.png
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Ask Takashi, he cries her name out every night during sex.
Why does that earnest look on her face make me feel so sorry for her?
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Maho and Erika figma.jpg
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Welp, I know what I'll eventually be buying.
What do you guys think of Darjeeling's teabags?
I wonder when they plan for them to go on sale. Maybe they'll announce something at Wonfes
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Good night Guppies.
I hope I can dream of becoming the Nishizumi's sex slave.
Is Takashi just a high school James Bond?
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>that last one
Oh my...
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Now in uploadable format.
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Alice Uniforms.webm
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Disgusting, teabags should be small to medium size. Teabags that large will just make the tea taste like concentrated shit.
Their is either too much tea to drink, or the tea is too strong.
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>Teabags that large will just make the tea taste like concentrated shit.
Not if you add enough water.
as >>142870715 said.
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We truly live in a blessed age.

>too much tea to drink
No such thing, plebs.
Pekoe is so goddamn cute.
I wanna pamper her and give her lots of forehead kisses.
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I want to introduce my friend Takashi to her
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"Tira fuori il cazzo, Anon."
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The most excellent taste of the highest caliber, nice list anon
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momo crying.jpg
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Under the desk.jpg
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I wonder how much space is under her desk?
Momo < Anchovy < Anzu < Bunnies <<<< Glasses <<<< Shit
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Those fucking amazing 13-year-old hips.
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momo mad.gif
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Anon, we're not Japanese.
Enough for me.
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gup anzu happy.gif
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Enough to suck her cock
You will try. hopefully you have better aim than your #1.
Why isn't Caesar the StuG's commander?
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dog rage.jpg
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>"Anon, do join us in the pool, won't you? The water is lovely."
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Because that would anger Brutus
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Hold on a sec, I'll be right there.
There is an English saying that ones bark can be worse than ones bite.
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She's not the Commander, but she is Hippo team leader.

Anybody got a better scanned version of this by the way?
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rosehip ass.jpg
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I see Rosehip is very popular
as it should be
Why would that dyke need a condom?
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I can't get enough tea!
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Why do I see pics of Erika wearing this outfit everywhere? What did I miss?
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>taking responsibility of a Jap slag child
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saemonza table angry.gif
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>hippos that low
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the Japanese in Burma, dangerously short of anti-tank guns, tried a similar concept, only instead of a grenade it was an artillery shell tied to a bamboo pole for use as a lance

the infantry using them truly had Chihatan Damashii
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Why are there two Hetzer?
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Why do you think?
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anzu needs to stopped
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darjeeling tea.jpg
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get off /a/ jingles
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That's a chair, anon.
Who is this old faggot and why does he get posted here
at least I tag my images
Why is a series about an arrogant bear getting the shit beaten out of him and losing every fight so entertaining to girls?

I almost find this weirder than a tank sport being considered the height of femininity.
Maus-chan a cute
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miho blush.gif
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Miho is a closet sadist.
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And at least I know how to use capital letters.
Pretty sure it's just one anon forcing it all the time and shitposting with it.
What if there were 2 hetzers all along
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1 (1).png
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Post THAT doujin.
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top GuPs.png
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Only the best.
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Arrest this man.
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[wheezy old man laughter in the distance]
Go to bed Erika, perhaps you'll dream about Maho finally noticing you.
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Would you let this cutie beat the living shit out of you?
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Also, I've been looking for that picture for a while now, thanks for uploading it
Yes because I'm quite masochistic anyway.
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CdwmYwSUYAIao77.jpg orig.jpg
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This fucking artist man.
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Don't you dare.png
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Sure thing anon. This is my favorite page.
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yukari fluff.jpg
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this one?
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it's time
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Nina is the one want to beat the shit out of me.
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katyusha 2.jpg
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Nina who?
maybe because that web Motto love-love strip.
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How do i read this without wanting to kill myself
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witness me
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He did it, the absoloute madman
That artist name doesn't fit with the contents of the doujin.
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yukari headpat.jpg
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you can't
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I haven't even read this doujin and it still hurts to look at it.
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yukari camo 2.jpg
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I need pictures of Klara, can you help me /a/?
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patrician taste.jpg
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Za Pravdu.jpg
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nice picture but that face bothers me
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Asanagi Arisu.jpg
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Well Anons, remember that if you are a twelve year old loli university, you get three onee-samas that will help you, but they are also latent lolicons and drunktards.

A shitposter with no taste. As someone who endorses movies with superior taste such as Monogatari it rustles my jimmys to see wargaming personnel on the /a/ board for animes with superb taste such as myself.
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university chapter, when?
wot e-celeb
the mods are letting people spam him for whatever reason, i've stopped reporting long ago
She's doing her best to contribute to her team but she gets bullied for her efforts.
Her and her cute butt deserves better.
reminder that one Chaffee deliberately shoot one last 'hahaha sucker' shot on Arisa's Sherman.
Was it the same Chaffee that gets fucked by Rosehip?

He also loves GuP, so there's that.
who know.
except Bermuda Trio and Alice (and that glasses chick that guarding Karl) every uni member really indistinguishable
Plenty of autistic anons love GuP, some of them got banned and are now prevented from posting. Just saying, loving GuP and being high profile doesn't give you a free pass to get your face pushed on a 2D board.
BuF when?
For your convenience.


I could have sworn there was a higher quality version floating around somewhere though.
>the boys are manly
>it's literally 70's super robot manga protagonists that look nothing like the rest of the show's artstyle
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oh gosh 2.gif
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why is it about tank sounds that make me so happy?
I could listen to this every day for the rest of my life and I'd never get tired of it
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laughing pizzas.jpg
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Trips confirm
I need more Katyusha... ;_;]
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Wasn't there a fan CD with a bunch of tank sounds from the show? I'm pretty sure you can find it on nyaa.
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>Sunrise gets hired to do S2
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Usage of the Tornado Tongue Technique is a must, on every single body part.
It's not a fan CD - it's officially bizarrely. It's included as part of the GuP soundtrack batch on nyaa.
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sexiest man in the galaxy.jpg
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I could dig it
Do you think he's a commie? Because I think he is.
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Hope rides alone.jpg
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There is already one with girls and ships, our only remaining hope are WWII planes and Boys.
What makes this show so special that it has a general? Not criticizing, I'm just genuinely curious. I'm going to watch it, but want to know why you guys like it so much. It doesn't seem like a show where the universe is so huge that there's much to talk about.
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All hail our beloved Commander Katyusha!
That's a big nonna
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Guys, I've made a big mistake...
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If you aren't going into gup with a raging tank boner then you will never understand.
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School Regulations.png
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oh shit nigga if this was wallpaper size it would have been so great
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Pretty good memeing
If you don't like tanks you won't find it interesting
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1 MB, 3200x2150
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Guppie sorter.jpg
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This is so, so much tougher than I thought it was gonna be.
How can you guys so easily get no tied places?
But that's literally the only good part out of all of them.
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2 MB, 480x270
Because cute girls doing cute things
>How can you guys so easily get no tied places?
I assure you it was not easy
Subs for its movie came out less than a month ago and everyone loved it. Thus, people want to keep talking about the series in general.
Why are you trying to understand why something is popular?
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Hey, hey /a/non's...

Look what I found
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confused boat.png
129 KB, 314x278
>shiho and maho that high
>miho that low
I can't say I really care about tanks. So, I guess I'll skip it. Thanks.

Although, on the other hand....
That gif always gets my motor purring.
>Why are you trying to understand why something is popular?
I don't see what's wrong with asking why people enjoy an anime on a forum about discussing anime.

Are you bewildered by the number of left handed girls in this show?
Not true, I didn't know the name of a single tank before watching the show and it still became my favourite animu. If you like tanks you'll probably enjoy it even more though.
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Post 'em
Well, being a loader requires you to have a fuckton of gains to operate flawlessly and more gains is needed if you are in a KV-2
Just give it until episode 4. If it doesn't catch your interest by then drop it.
You're going to get answers ranging from "it's good" to somebody posting montages (which i guarantee will prompt you to watch it, but you'll get spoiled so get the fuck out of here)

In your typical anime of this genre you get betweet 5 and 10 characters, and some rabid waifuposting from people arguing over which one is best. More characters mean more posting.
At this point there are probably close to 100 waifuable characters in GuP, that more than anything else is what drives the chain reaction that fuels the non stop threads.
Add to this the ongoing content being released and the tank autism and you get the big picture.

Also this is usually the place where girls and guns in general would fit in, but there's so much meltdown after the GuP film we're in a "can't see the forest because of the trees" situation
I miss the polka...
>listening to Sakkijarven Polkka while I kick ass in a light tank in War Thunder
wew lad
I think that is because the gunner's position relative to the gun.

but it makes sense on the hetzer sience it barrel on the right side
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>a forum for discussing anime
This is a waifu shitposting board, anon.
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Girls und Panzer folder.jpg
101 KB, 352x448
Agree. Give me a waifu or give me death.
Don't worry anon I've already got this in a tab.
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lurk more 3.png
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>on a forum
stop posting, come back in a year
>I can't say I really care about tanks
And the people who got into Saki didn't care much about mahjong either

somebody post that image, you know which one
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1 MB, 3000x3000
>shitposting on muh Czech fish gutting corkboard
File: Zergface.png (1 MB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 1280x720
This one?
>I can't say I really care about tanks
Thanks. And some give a tank for "memelord" make the parody version.
not that saki, the other one
the one with lesbians and the tile matching game
I guess so.

Miho is nice but her onee-san and mom are so much nicer to me. Thus so it is oddly enough.
Nope, sorry, don't have one of those, didn't even know there was one to begin with, now I want it to add to my collection
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fucking finns
Thanks to your post
I just realized my life has changed so much because of both Saki and GuP
thank you anon ;_; yukari the bes
....i just realized what the significance of that butterfly is now....oh jesus im slow
>Maho and Shiho
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>the one with lesbians and the tile matching game
Did you catch the glass butterfly druing the Ferris wheel scene? It happens near the end.
>not nice
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I need to draw Saki as Big Boss now
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>fucking finns
Where do I sign up?
i did
>I can't say I really care about tanks
The enjoyment of GuP doesn't require you to be a mil Otaku that can recite armor thicknesses engine displacements or other tank trivia. It's just a story about an underdog sports team making up for skill and equipment with wit and guts.
Maho is good girl with unfortunate responsibility makes her looked cold.
Shiho is an inept mother, but at least she still has some standard compared to certain eyeglasses dickface.
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please stop you're going to make miho dizzy
are you sure?
your dick won't last 30s
Do tell?
Along with his other organs.
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It's way more enjoyable if you know even the basics of WW2 tanks though.
more or less this.
In my case, while i am fairly interested with militaria stuff before, GuP is one reason why i become more interested with WWII armors (and ultimately convince me to play WoT).
And look at me now, a Shermanholic with occasional affairs with German tanks.
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Shiho must love her daughters. She is inept at showing love.

Maho takes the bullet for Miho. Every single time. And has a big sister complex.

Miho loves her sister and is afraid of her mother. And ran away rather than face her.

The Nishizumi is really a dysfunctional family.
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disgusting saber.jpg
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>and ultimately convince me to play WoT
what a waste
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Can we see a team field this?
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Holy shit.

We final evil boss now.
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Maybe GuP got you into tanks
back then WT still not exist.
And i am a sucker on RTS.

Reminder that Shizuka -hime and Miho is just as crazy, driving down the stairs in tanks likes its nothing.

At this moment the Father seems to be the only functional in all that disorder
>back then WT still not exist.
I didn't mention WT either, they're both dogshit tank games.
>Playing World of Tanks
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Maho shh.gif
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Well anon explained it out already of those two well but on top of that I like strictness they have. Something I wish my life had more which Miho could not provide well.
Shiho also has the looks.. damn those looks.. and Maho is strict like her mom but still a lot more caring and loving as shown in the movie and for her willing to bend the rules.
How can he be functional if he's never around?

Or more to the point, how can he be functional when Shiho is clearly undersexed?
The faster I finish the less she can take out of my pockets.
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Let's be honest Shiho probably broke him.
>Shiho also has the looks.. damn those looks

Can't argue with that
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He's never there. He is away doing whatever it is that he does and barely sees his daughters. Or his wife.

In fact, makes you wonder how Ice Queen Shiho got married in the first place
>doing whatever
Fix the Shiho tanks.
>Implying that Miho's father didn't marry into the Nishizumi family.
Did I ask for this.
Because now I want it.
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don't make me choose
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No no,
the sooner you are over, she has more time to loot
Nice angling miho
It used to be a crackship when Chovy was a joke character with no VA
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I prefer MihoAnzu
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this is your date tonight
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