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Why do boys make the best girls?
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Why do boys make the best girls?

Because you're a faggot.
Better at everything women are supposed to be good at, maybe?
Including and not limited to making babies.
More traps please
nahh it's this >>141342069
but sometimes being a faggot is fine if you only nail 10/10 traps.
Ask yourself what is your limit, 10/10 trap or a 7/10 girl.
Some people it's lower, the more gayer they are, some none, but they'll never nail a 10/10 girl anyway.
Also this is real logic, in 2D anything goes really.
they don't you are just a raging homosexual
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There's nothing gay about wanting to dominate and fuck a trap. Wanting to get fucked by a man is gay.
They've got a higher sex drive in general
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Plump trap asses
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gibe sauce
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What if I am both demographics at once?
Kanojo ga Flag wo Oraretara
Is this the one off Topple The Flag?
Megu is the only trap I didn't absolutely despise getting screen time. Having the macho complex while wanting to fuck was hilarious in a spoof harem like that.
>actually saving this shit to justify your gayness

Because you're gay. And there's nothing wrong with that, but you should just be honest with yourself.

I mean, they just drew a girl and gave it a penis, therefore appealing more to you.
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I have talked to both bi and gay people about this, and they have told me that I am neither gay nor bi unless I want a dick in my ass. There is nothing wrong with finding femininity attractive.
Its still gay
Whatever you say. I love traps and women
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Only man knows how to please a man.
>expecting some kind of validation from head cases
This, dick > vagina
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Women are bad at everything so there's that
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To be honest i just wish i were cute, traps are escapism, just like some live their power fantasies through dragonball
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im not gay for real boys no matter how feminine they appear. im only gay for 2d "boys" who are voiced by girls, look like girls, and act like girls. i dont like looking up their porn though. i like non lewd anime with trap characters because they dont show dicks or bulges. therefore, the confusion that such character is actually male or female is never resolved. i call it schrodingers trap
name please? image search gives no results
They're not men, they're traps
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>tfw you tried anal masturbation for the first time

i've never met a trap irl that i would actually see myself falling for, but i fell hard for lukako in steins;gate
That's pretty gay anon.
>tfw you'll never experience a full body orgasm for the first time again
G-Spot's in your ass for a reason.
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It just feels so much better than fapping.
>Suck dick
>Put dick into something wet and tight
>Masturbate the dick

Males are fucking easy to please.
Doesn't make it any less gay though.
There is nothing wrong with being gay.
dog, you'd get called gay as an insult on a yuri forum.
Need sauce m8
Well this isn't a yuri forum
I'd rather become a trap than be a man.

I've actually tried it and felt nothing. Different strokes for different blokes, I guess.
Cause they are not boys, they are girls.

Drawing a girl and calling it a boy doesn't make it an actual boy.
I can feel it with more intensity. You need to hold back and ride it. Its all about being gentle and edging along the way.
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Because you're a closet homo. Clearly you're gay as shit, but you try to make up excuses by calling boys "girls".
you guys get me
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I have it, what are you offering?
Fuck you shlomo, I`ll shit on your mass grave.

To anyone interested, it`s a doujin of something something Laplace.
I tried it, but I prefer stuffing traps than being one

Y'all faggots gotta do your part

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Maybe you were doing it wrong? When I did it it felt great and my cock was leaking tons of precum, after a while I got very tired however due to the heat and had to stop.

No, I didn't do it wrong. I just didn't enjoy it.
I've never been able to cum from anal masturbation. In fact the whole extra movement breaks my focus and makes me lose my boner more often than not. Still feels pretty nice though.
Thanks anon, for looking out for us
I get a picture of a panda. How about giving the real sauce?
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Do you know why 2D is the best? Because it isn't real.
The logic applies here as well, because boys can never be girls so they are the best.
Its not real. It's just a troll link when you want to pretend to give sauce
>He's never been pandaroll'd
At least /v/ and reddit gives the source without being dicks.
I figured after seeing several anons saying the same in other threads for a while. This is even less funny than the decade old rick rolling.
>falling for this
Oh boy
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make traps great again.jpg
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Best I can give.
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>Our year of 2024 -8
>Pretending to still get pandas
Now go whine on /qa/ about it.
Why are his balls coming out his asshole?
I want a girl (male) to lock up my tiny thing and constantly tease me about it while I orally service her (him).
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They don't.

You can't replace a real woman with some shitty imitation.
Ïf the imitation becomes better than the real thing then it becomes the real thing
No, cause if you do that, you won't be what you seek. You simply fail to ever be either.

So Trump supporters are prancing lala homo men?
Girls are objectively inferior to males however.
Did we ever actually determine that Megu was a dude?
I mean he insists on it, but he's gay as a maypole, more attractive than some of the girls, and never once gets a chance to prove it.
At least Hideyoshi sounds and acts like a man, and we see Hatsur shirtless. Megu is forever unable to prove it.
Why do you want to invert the laws of nature? Why not just be a girl (male) instead?
In 2D/fiction: Probably because you like the idea/aesthetics of women generally but you think vaginas are icky.

IRL/regarding traps: Probably because as men/boys themselves, they know exactly how male minds work and what people want to see from a girl and they always play to that tune.
Because I'm a sph/ntr fetishist who also happens to like traps.
So am I, but all that leads to with me is fantasizing about traps getting cucked while they're humiliated about their tiny useless trap penises.
I want to fuck submissive little sissy boys while they wear girl clothes to please me.
Please share your technique. I want to train myself so I can cum anally so my bf can keep me in chastity forever.
I always come back to this one somehow, even though I don't save the name or anything because of the shame.
You're a faggot and you know it
You absolutely did do it wrong. There is nothing subjective about prostate stimulation.
>liking a feminine trait
You know what's a real faggot? Liking tomboys.
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The ass is all a gay man looks for.
t. Homosexual
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It's more like taking the good parts of something (a female) and implementing them on a much better base (a male).
You end up with something that is neither female or male, but better than both.
Also known as harem matrix.
I'm trying to cut off from asanagi stuff for a bit and you go and post this
fucking shit
It's not really a technique, you just gotta try until you know how to do it because it's different for everybody.
How long does it normally take you to cum?
Do you use just your hands or toys?
Is there a specific spot you aim for?
Well I said it was just my first time and I didn't finish because I got tired, but I believe you just have to find where your prostate is (you'll really feel it if you touch it).

I suppose it's personal preference if you want to use your hands or a toy, I just used a banana and that was good enough.
Source for this hasn't been posted yet only the parody title.
Nothing shows up on sadpanda but two galleries.
I'm sure something cock shaped would be more fun.
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It's always safer with a friend.
seriously, what is this
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A cold toy can't compete with a real and hot cock.
I saved that image too, fampai. What's wrong with keeping your justification for your fetishes close at hand?

It's convenient to btfo faggots like you.
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Left is obviously orders of magnitude cuter 2bh
I hate sadpanda and I hate /a/'s cock sucking the bastards.

It's a spinoff of g.e hetai where to be especial sperglords they lock most of their content behind a wall because 'muh seekrit club' and 'muh loli could get us in trouble' despite the fact that anyone with google can just type 'how to get in to sadpanda' and anyone with 1/10th of a brain knows you don't need to hide loli behind a wall.

Sites like Little Angels Hentai are as old as 4chan

While sites that were taken down for loli like not4chan and notfourchan were taken down for connections to real 3d cp

Meaning exhentai does it to be especial dicks about it and the kiddies on /a/ suck their cocks because 'muh seekrit club'
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Nothing can compare to the dick. blog shit below

I masturbate all the time with glass toys. Finally did it with a guy last week. Even though he's thicker than my toys, the initial penetration were much easier on me, probably due to how squishy a dick is compared to a silicon/glass sex toy. The thrusting was also easier to handle than my own thrusting with my toys for some reason. Sad part was that he came way too fast before I started to really enjoy things.
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>and anyone with 1/10th of a brain knows you don't need to hide loli behind a wall.

You know why moot removed /l/ right? Exact same reason why exhentai exists.
>literally "m-muh sekrit club" argument
Fuck off.
The best part is the warmth and you didn't even mention it. Are you even a faggot?
You say that as if sadpanda is difficult to get around. There are fucking plugins to get round it automatically for fuck's sake.
You'll have to find someone else to fuck you right then.

I appreciate that the dick is warm 24/7 and makes for a comfy and nice initial entry. However, it's about the same as using a toy that's been submerged in hot water for a few minutes though. Also, glass heats up really fast inside you, so the temperature was not really too surprising for someone who has experimented a lot with solo play. It was more the tactile sponginess that a hard dick has that was pleasurable.
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>there's nothing gay about sex between two men
jesus you people
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How is having sex with a man gay exactly?
anon pls, that ain't gay
now hand-holding between two men is gay
by definition a sexual act between two people of same gender is homosexual. HOMOsexuality; homo which means "same". You're gay
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I'm not gay but the lewd smell coming from my cock and the lewd noises fapping makes really make me want to suck a juicy dick.
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Everything about cocks is just so naughty. Go on anon, try one out.
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It's easy as hell to find someone with a dick who'll let you suck it. It's quite rewarding to receive a load in your mouth.
I need to find one first. Preferably a really lewd one, with a nice smell and leaking lots of precum to coat my tongue with
it's not THAT great, I don't think you two have ever actually sucked a dick
Sounds to me you've never sucked the dick of the one you love
>It's easy as hell to find someone with a dick who'll let you suck it.
I dunno, what's the protocol for that kind of thing?

Is it like, you slide up to somone on the street who looks like the type of person who would have a nice dick and say "Hey there, do you happen to have a sizable penis in need of non-hetero oral sex?"

And what if their cock is small or doesn't get hard enough?

Or worse, is uncut?
>I've never been in a relationship
next please tell me how you keep your ass clean at all times for spontaneous sex
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>Or worse, is uncut?
>He doesn't

What are you, a straight boy?
>uncut dicks are bad
I wonder who's behind this post
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But uncut is the best, anon. Seems much more fun being able to play with the skin as well.
It doesn't even take long to clean yourself.
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Nope, it's pretty good. Only complaint I have is the occasional hair in mouth but it feels great to work on someone with your mouth until they explode inside it.


There are safe online places (i.e. not craigslist) to find hookups. And no one's dick doesn't get hard after having a warm mouth smother it, unless they're really nervous. Uncut is not a problem provided they clean themselves every day.
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The irony
>"Hey there, do you happen to have a sizable penis in need of non-hetero oral sex?"
I now have a new pickup line.
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>Uncut is not a problem provided they clean themselves every day.
But I want a taste of all that smegma. Why else would I be sucking dick?
Are gay jews even a thing?

I thought they were stoned and then burned at the stake as a general rule.
These threads have become terrible there needs to be a reset with a week or so in between.
I think they're wonderful. I get to see sissy white sluts beg for cock.
>internetgays who think real sex is like in their chinese comics
lol this is pretty sad tbqhwyf
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>tfw these threads turned me into a slut
>Are gay jews even a thing?
Are you serious?
Don't blame the thread. You were born a slut to begin with
It would be better if we could drop the pretense and call it "gayposting general" or something so people who want to suck cocks can talk about it, people who like having mouths on their dicks can find it, and disgusting heterosexuals can filter the threads so we don't have them shitting up the threads with inane "Gay things are gay" posts.
All that hair.
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>that new null release
We've gone too far.
Shut it down.
So you want a second /gif/ where 80% of content is about sucking dicks or fantasizing about black men?
Because, you know, it started with stuff like 'gayposting general'.
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Jesus Christ those dick sucking lips
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The left might look better, but the right will do you right.
Get it?
>Looking better

Not outside that one hentai where Obama and Hillary go to Japan for an orgy.
Jesus we have gone so insane for flat chested girls that we would even abandon someone them for the fear of them getting bigger.
It's not because of that, it's because girls just don't have delicious dicks
Paul Ryan looks like he could fuck a dozen traps unconcious and still not be satisfied.

And he's more attractive than anyone on the left.

We just need to convince him to take over as president when Trump gets assassinated.
searching on ex can't find it, link?
Is there anyone on this board that ISN'T a sub? Even the people who say they want to fuck traps end up begging to be fucked themselves after a while.
Wouldn't some kind of futanari make up for that?
But then again the fear is still there for something soft getting softer.
I want to fuck a trap, and I wouldn't enjoy getting fucked myself. I would still enjoy sucking a dick though.
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I'm vers desu
Jesus. Source?
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What if I both want to fuck traps AND be fucked as a trap?
>omg i'm such a cute anime gril uguu onichan can i suck yyy-y-y-your b-boy benis XDD

most of you faggots wouldn't fuck a man irl
The ones who do that are just pretending to lure in subby traps by pretending to be the same as them, then pushing them down and filling the unsuspecting trap's ass at the first opprotunity.

After all, most of the subs on here will chicken out if directly asked for real sex, but they can't deny that they want it when they're pinned to the ground with a cock nestled into the curve of their ass.
>confusing subbing with bottoming
senpai pls
Of course not. Real life people are disgusting.
They aren't real gays, they're internet gay. They've gone for too long in their lives without any kind of sexual attention which has made them submissive because they don't know how to take charge, and are afraid of it. Women terrify them and men are easier to relate to. I can guarantee you 90% of the subfags you see on 4chan would be completely normal straight men if they ever had the chance to have sex. But this will never happen because these neet fucks see only one person per week and that's their local supermarket cashier

They're also extremely vocal and obnoxious about it because they're addicted to the attention of anonymous people because that's all attention they ever get. It's sad really
Of course not. I'm not gay.
erection in progress
This describes me pretty much perfectly.
No need to call them internet gay, the term prison gay already exists
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>projecting this hard
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No person with fulfilling sex-life, hell no person with ANY kind of sex-life, would feel the need to attention whore on an anonymous website with the lowest of the low quality men. They can get attention in a real life, they can actually legitimately experience things. The stuff that's happening here disgusts them, because they know what kind of creeps there are behind the keyboard. Keep living in your fantasy land
>you will never get your dick sucked by someone who actually wants it this badly
fuck my life
I would if they looked like a girl
Thanks for admitting that you're the lowest quality man, but we already knew that from your autistic rant earlier.
Almost every woman when they're horny want it that badly. It's in human nature. Women literally love cocks, a great majority of them are really submissive because it's an instinct that's deeply rooted in them

No they won't get turned on if you send them a picture of your dick, that's disgusting or funny depending on person, but not hot. But once you get one actually horny she fucking NEEDS the dick
>that's the full pic
I'm completely fine with fucking a needy virgin as long as they're actually cute and are willing to please me.
>not just wanting to stick your dick in something
Literally why I don't have pets, plants or my car anymore
Both of you have to accept that traps is just a way of saying.
"I am thinking realistic enough that I will take anything as long as it looks like a girl."
And it is not like people will get a vision out of nowhere to change what they like.
Just let it be.
Futanari is trash because they're almost always huge-dicked and dominant.

That's good for subs or guys who are pegging-loving cucks, but not good for anyone with actual taste
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>be in love with a guy
>but he doesn't love me
>tfw just friends with him now
Who says those futanari people always have to have a big dick.
Traps could easily have big ones too.
>le having standards
Literally retarded
Get him drunk enough, drink water at the same time while pretending it's vodka, and "drunkenly" offer to suck his dick.

If he still refuses even when shitfaced, it means there's no hope, but if he does, it means that he still finds you sexually appealing, but has some moral, religious, or social compuntions about it that are getting in the way.
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Then what about futa on female?
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>huge-dicked and dominant
>implying that's a negative

sorry for late reply fampai
Only half of that is true.
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>futa on male
>with huge boobs
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Thanks anon. Gonna fap to this right before work
why are his feet so fat?
He has congenital talipes equinovarus
I always find that there are a number of fags on this board that fap to the idea of fucking traps, and talk about fucking traps, but at the same time are really really submissive. So even the ones who think they want to be on the giving end, will usually find themselves really turned on when they get treated like a girl and teased.

Why not enjoy both sides of the spectrum? Unlike girls, guys have the biological parts necessary to be either submissive or dominant.
But what's the point of girls then except for making children?
Because getting fucked in the ass is gay.

Fucking someone else in the ass isn't.
Literally no point at all of of curse. What a silly question.
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>dat ending

Fucking how
Is your pic related? Google isn't turning anything up
See, I told all of you that you can get a boypussy pregnant if you came deep enough inside it
I've tried, but the sheer thought of being dominant or putting my dick in something is the easiest way to kill my boner.
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I am a switch. Both sides are fun.
No, that's really it.

Women are inferior both physically and mentally, refuse to learn practical or profitable skills in favor of "doing what i like" yet complain incessantly about not being paid the same as men who learn how to contribute to society, cannot properly cooperate in a group environment but likewise will slack off on individual work until a man helps her, and attempts to ruin the friendships and social connections of her boyfriend so that she can ensure a monopoly of affection.

Women are scheming, trecherous piles of trash who have no place in modern society, and their only purpose is to produce the next generation.
Because some people are just meant to be dominated, and they need it more than anything even if they try to convince themselves they don't.
It isn't, but it is still good.

Oh well, thanks.
r9k plz go
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>I'm so happy. It's the first time someone's treated me like a boy when they first meet me.

Wearing thigh highs, this fucking piece of shit.
aaand the ERPing started.
I've got a high enough sex drive to need one, so yes.
Where have you been the past two hours?
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Too much short haired blowjobs and male impregnation and not enough long haired doggy style and meat pumping
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I'm not even into the whole pegging cbt shit but this was super hot.
Get some better taste, anon.

I want all of the sluts in this thread. Every last one of them.

I want to live a life where I can see a lewd image, and before I even feel a twinge of arousal, there's already 5 anons in various degrees of lewd outfits with open mouths in front of me in anticipation of getting to taste my cum.

I want to be woken up in the morning by a warm anon's mouth, while each hand rests on another anon's ass, and my head rests on a lap pillow.

I want to brush my teeth in the morning while an anon scrubs their throat with my dick.

I want to shower while

I want breakfast served to me by a trap in a naked apron, and I want to be fed it with an "Ahhn~" while said trap rides me.

I want to leave for work with the group of anons waving me off, trusting the switch anons to keep the horny sluts in check until I can get back.

I want to come back home and open the door, only to be nearly knocked over by the lewd smell of sex and cum, to the pile of mid-congress traps who anxiously wiggle their cute butts at me in anticipation of what's to come.

I want to drown myself in cute anons until I can't cum any more, and then cuddle with them until I recover.

I want to pass out from exhaustion for the night, covered in equally tired anons, thinking that it's not possible for life to get any better.

Then I want the exact same thing to happen again the next day.
>I want to shower while
Well anon? Tell us
because reading the rest of your post and thinking about having a few cute trap friends to serve a guy with turned me on so much
Presumably it was things so lewd that they couldn't be put in text form on a blue board.

My mouth is watering just thinking about it.
Fukkin' faaags.
The south will rise again.
But we're all from LONDON.

Why would the southern half of the colonies matter at all to us?
>we're all from LONDON
Fag country.
But i'm dutch.
>muh poppies and wooden shoes
Gay as fuck lol
Makes sense for a lower-lander like you to love submitting to the cocks of your betters.
Me too anon, want to hook up and do gay things?
What if you're a trap OP? Can we hold-hand?
This anon knows what's up.
> 2k16
> liking traps
Traps are so yesterday anons
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Sorry anon, but i'm too shy to just do that.
what's on the agenda for today?
Brown-skinned tomboy genki christmas cake blood-related childhood friends who aren't the first girl on screen.

It's like the ultimate in being unlikely to win the MCbowl.
>tfw top sub into traps
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>top sub
again please?
so powersub...?
Submissive Pitcher?

He wants a dom trap to be the bottom.
This was pretty confusing to me at first but I can actually get into the idea of having a trap take the lead.
>Girls are objectively inferior to males however.

/.y/, plz
It's fact.
Where did traps even come from? When did they get so popular?
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How to make a trap pregnant?
>Where did traps even come from?
From males who liked looking like cute girls and being fucked by hot men.

>When did they get so popular?
Greece and Rome.
You cum inside them daily untill it works.
Put enough cum in his ass and he'll get pregnant
Men decided that girls are stupid so they became better girls themselves.
Just keep drilling until they get pregnant of course! It may be impossible, but who the hell do you think we are to let something like that stop us!?!

We're gonna do what we wanna do! We'll do the the impossible, impregnate the impregnible!

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kirito x hime doujins when
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