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Chitoge won the character poll.
Did someone kill Y-san?
>Nips love Chitoge
>Inferior gaijin hate her
Nips have shit taste. Also, water is wet.
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I think he killed himself.
good, chitoge a best

pls die
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>Best girl winning
Finally. Japan does it right for once.
>22+ volumes

Holy shit.
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This pleases me.
Woah, you're telling me that japs love the obnoxious abusive cunt because they're masochists by heart with tiny dick who cannot handle the responsibility of being a dominant human who leads instead of follows?

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Just let Chitoge be the winning girl so we can move on. We don't need to delay this for another 200 chapters.
they'll usually vote for whoever's recently gotten the most focus / development
Or maybe it's because of her character development and actions in the story.

If not then how would you explain Kosaki winning literally every other character poll?
Says the one who can't deal with a strong woman. MC is able to deal with her just fine, cucks would prefer an idealized doormat, though.
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Fair enough. Although if Tsugumi is not second the list is shit.
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Tsunderes can be submissive.

And Tsunderes are the easiest to deal with romantically.

Just accept you like inferior sluts and learn to like superior women
>Tsunderes are the easiest to deal with romantically.

what is this bull shit
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Tsunderes are the most balanced archetype. Kuuderes are literal doormats and yanderes are all murderous pelvis crushers.

>but what about actual deep characterized girls

Even those are immune to snark or are called sluts.
You know exactly what's going to happen.
Zany antics will ensue while it's just the 3 of them at school, both Chitoge and Onodera will unintentionally cockblock each other the entire time and admit to each other that they're both in love with Raku.
Then we're going to get an entire arc of them both trying to get ahead while simultaneously attempting to avoid stepping on each others' toes. Manga's going to end in 6 months with an open ending of both of them confessing to him, a pan away and a short narration blurb.
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Only the best girl gets to be in mario maker
In your dreams.

never had a girlfriend but someone immature enough to not be honest with how they feel doesn't seem like it'd be easy to deal with
>be honest with how they feel
That only applies to Marika.
Better than doormats and homicidal cocklust.
She's the most fuckable, but I'd rather die than marry her.
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Good job Chitoge. Guess Y-San finally committed suicide.
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Surprised Yui came 7th.
You can have your shitty gorilla, literally every girl in the series is better than her.
Who the fuck is that at 10?
>China is worse than her sidekick

NVM, wrong character.
I have no idea.
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What do you mean? Yui came before the midget.
Oh crap the girl from Dual Arts?
I feel really bad for Y-san.
Y-san came in 19th.
That's amazing. She beat Raku too.

He placed higher than Komi.
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>Woah, you're telling me that japs love the obnoxious abusive cunt because they're masochists by heart with tiny dick who cannot handle the responsibility of being a dominant human who leads instead of follows?
too bad there isnt a character like Rei in nisekoi.
if there was one, she would surely blow Shitoge the fuck out.
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c'mon guys, we all know she's gonna win.
after all that character development and to still make her lose would be a kick to the balls to the readers.
Every other character is stagnant. besides Marika too
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you know what Nisekoi really needs?
a good trap.
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Where were you when the best girl won?
Sitting here, waiting for this circus show to end.
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I'm not fond of Onodera because she's a boring waifuwank but I still think Kosaki is gonna win this one, as terrible as it sounds.
How the fuck can anyone think anyone other than Chitoge is going to win?
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Remember this? The least likely and most boring girl won and no one saw it coming. Not including the shitposters who pretends to be Chihirofags.
From what we can see now, Chitoge is the one most likely to win and we can predict the author is gonna pull something out of his ass and make Onodera win instead just for shock value.
Except it was obvious Chihiro was going to win, anon.

What do you think that Wedding dress was for?
>no one saw it coming

Yeah, you are retarded.
Did you eat you shit yet?
TWGOK was filled with nothing but waifufags who can't read for shit.
wait what isnt that the girl from double art? why is she there? is it to tease us? possible continuation of double arts?
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>no one saw it coming
onodera is a shitty doll like rei thats why she was most of the polls 1th place
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Just make her win already god fucking damn.
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I bet her halfblood doesn't maker her squeal in bed.
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>Nips want dominant blond western women
>Gaijin want submissive brown haired eastern women
>No one involved gets laid
Considering she grew up in the US for the majority of her life in North Carolina if I recall, likely she doesn't. She more than likely is basically a random Gaijin coming to Japan who just so happens to speak fluent Japanese due to her family.
He didn't vote but he sent flowers and glass shoes instead on Mari's birthday.
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I know nothing about Nisekoi but my friend wants me to bring back from Tokyo something of Marika. Is she pretty much Nisekoi's version of Iroha?
Thinking about it, did Tsugumi somehow manage to fetch more panel time than Onodera. Onodera did nothing worthwhile in ages, can't even recall the last time she was in any way relevant. Maybe a bit during her sisters arc.

Shuu deserves better. He deserves a better manga.
seems like we can do an exchange that everyone can benefit from.
Of course she did, most Onoderafags and fans of the other girls dropped the manga already. It's been like a year since the last Kosaki arc, everything has been about Raku realizing out of nowhere the he loves Chitoge for the last few months.
Who is this Y-San I keep hearing about?
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>Only the best girl gets to be in mario maker

I still find it so surreal

Fucking Komi.
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>Onodera is pretty much the definition of an egg
>Marika has autism
Chitoge only girl
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She's holding Raku's severed head. Finally Nisekoi did what has to be done.
What if Japanese truck kills the whole group?
Then god truly does exist and he is a merciful one.
>Chitoge wins
>a year later, extra chapter
>everything is backpedaled to the status quo
I can see it happening.
It would be karmic justice for their involvement in organized crime. Especially Yui and Tsugumi.
Can't really argue with that.
Yeah, let's not forget that as the leader of the Chinese Triads, Yui is in charge of human trafficking
>Chitoge just wants to spend as much timeas possible pretending to be Raku's boyfriend so she can continue to be tsundere
Is Yui even Chinese? This is the question that's been bothering me throughout the second half of the manga.
Human trafficking, forced prostitution, slavery, drug dealing, rampant murder...
The Yakuza may be horrible, but the Chinese Triads are the scum of the Earth.
Yes. Her heritage is the most important reason why she's even the leader of the char sui or whatever they're called.
Except the Yakuza does all that as well?
>MC placed 11
Why? I dropped this but i dont remember him being that bad>>139025447
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>MC of the series lower than an episodic shitty character and a girl form other manga
Not really. These days the Yakuza don't have anywhere near as much power as they once did and are mostly limited to Japan, while the Chinese Triads are all over the world pulling this shit.
I'm greatly please with this news.
I still don't get the shitposting about Tsugumi dropping out people were doing a few weeks ago
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She was the best girl in many of our hearts, even if we knew she had a pretty much non-existent chance of winning.
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She "won" only because a big part of the people that voted for Onodera dropped the manga, Chitoge's still getting the same quantity of votes that she always got, she didn't get more popular.
Chitoge can't make an omelette without breaking a few doormats.
Is everybody retarded but me? It just seemed like she got even more invested because she realized she had a chance.
Nisekoi is truly a groundbreaking series.
Tsugumifags stay pretty quiet until she actually gets to be shown in chapters, we went a long time before her rejection arc without even seeing her mentioned.
It's false.
This was when postcard voting was still allowed.

For this poll you needed to actually buy one issue of WSJ per vote.
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>double arts got canceled
>japs eat up this generic waifu shit
>rejection arc

I still don't understand how it was a rejection.
Onoderafags confirmed for poor NEETs.

>She "won" only because a big part of the people that voted for Onodera dropped the manga

It's almost like Onoderafags in Japan could see the writing on the walls...
Are you enough of a madman to go out and buy hundreds of WSJs should the manga go down the Ichigo 100% route and put the winning girl up for a vote?
Putting aside the fact that that never actually happened, and she decided that ending on her own, would anyone really care enough about nisekoi at this point to bother.
Raku was hated by Jap because of this line:
Y-san killed himself
That whole situation was shit.
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OK, Y-san jokes aside, why the fuck is Marika not even listed?
>Marika pissed because no Y-san
She is 4th, are you blind?
She's 4th you idiot
Fuck off Chitoge fag

> head injury

got his childhood memory back = confirmed
Really? It looks like she was confessing to the star for me.
Anything as long as that insufferable doormat not 1
I was thinking about reading this because they must be getting close to the end at this point right?
There is like 110 votes difference between them. There is still too many onoderafags
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Alright guys got the pages downloaded. Here comes the translations. It's going to be a hell of a chapter this week.

Ara.... Dejavu?
What's wrong Marika? That color... Was the mangaka sloppy?
Does it have to do something with this week's popularity poll?
WHAT ARE YOU DOING? Wait what is that paper?
Who is 10th?
Yeah, around 200 or more chapters to the end.
Bullshit, there is no way in hell he can drag it on that long.
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best girl: Wa..Wow..Wa... OJOU SAMA'S FIRST!
onodera: Congrats Chitogechan!
haru: thanks for cutting my hair
fuu (9th haru's friend): no problem!
yui: thank you for the vote!
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What if Chitoge pushes Onodera off the roof and made it look like an accident?
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chapter 211: The Starfalling Night
The wind... It's stronger
It's a direct hit. We'll be stuck in here for a while.
Poor Mari.
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You underestimate his power.
Does anyone happen to have context for this? Just how serious are storms in that part of Japan? Are they really something that everyone has to stay indoors for? I don't see why they didn't just walk home.
Thanks, anon.
I guess a lot of readers dropped it.
>We'll be stuck in here for a while.
I'll say.
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They're typhoons yo
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Aww... I was looking forward to the stargazing
If we're in the eye of the storm we just might be able to see the stars.
What are the chances of that?
More importantly, are you fine with the thunder?
Yea... I'm fine for now. Except the big ones.
Uuuuuu... Why a storm now! How will I confess? I don't think it'll be affective if we can't see the love constellation.
Well I did decided it. Do I confess today? No... hmm. But....
Seems like they're more down than I thought. Were they really looking forward to the stargazing...

Korea's close enough so I guess it's similar. In summers, usually there are storms that come from the pacific, so the south east and they hit real hard if they are a big one. Considering how most of the times Japan gets hit first, it is a smart choice to stay indoors. Even in Korea a strong storm uproots trees and signs.
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Come on what's with the long faces. Since we're in this situation anyways, let's enjoy it!
If you think about it, it's a pretty fun situation. It's not common for us to rent the whole school for ourselves!
Well anyways, let's fill our stomachs first. Here's my bento.
Wow sugoiiiii.
We decided to eat this together right? Since there's no point to leave it alone, let's eat it.
I've got tea and some sweets too.
You made this all by yourself?
You're still incredible aren't you.
>Wow sugoiiiii
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Here's yours onodera.
AHHH candied sweet potatoes!
Chitoge your's has meat and a lot of food
Kyaaaa you know your stuff!
Huuhuu, well it will be a waste if we don't enjoy it.
Yea we're stuck anyways. Let's have fun!
I brought some of our store's sweets to eat together.
Uhhh... Tsugumi has most of my stuff...
Well don't mind about the details.
Rub a dub dub thanks for the grub!
i'm sorry
>Raku and Chitoge looking at each other

It's ogre
Smiling ojou is a miracle of the universe.
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Hahahahaha... So at that time, you...
Was that our first year or second year?
Yea yea it was around october
We went through a lot of stuff didn't we.
Since we were in the same class 3 years in a row.
Well since we're studying for entrance exams now, we can't act like complete idiots.
Oh right. This might be sudden, but do both of you have any career plans?
Huh? Ah.
Well I kinda do..
Me too
Oh really?
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This has so much potential for being true. Fuck.
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Remember how we entered that competition with haru and you? I thought a bit after that.. It's a challenge in the end but..
I guess it's a challenge for me too.
heee~ What are your plans?
Hmmm... I want to say it after I got the details down. It's a secret for now.
Ah.. Then me too!
What? Why~
Hey... Both of you... Thanks. Really.
Huh? What are you saying suddenly?
Chitoge chan?
No... uh... I mean... I'm glad I came to Japan!
I might as well ask here, where should i start reading to be up to season 2?
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Since... I didn't have such a great time in middle school.
I don't think I would have had this school life if I haven't met both of you in Japan.
It was really, really fun.
It was like a dream.
Everyday was shining... promising... happy...
If you weren't there kosaki chan, I would have fit in the class a lot later and I couldn't have met all these friends I love.
If raku wasn't there... Well.. It would have been really different and you did kinda play a role in me being happy now!
There's a docs spreadsheet with all the relevant info regarding this, but I'm on my phone. Be warned, though, chapters 100 to 170 are filler.

There's very cute girls doing cute things, though.
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Chapter 150 is when the series returned to plot development though.
ill try starting by chapter 86 then
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That came out of nowhere...
Whatever it's not something I can say if it isn't now.
I had a lot of fun after meeting you too chitoge chan.
So... Bit by bit. I want to make more of these memories.
If we graduate we'll all go our own ways and you might return to the States...
Yea that's right. Storm you idiot. I was really looking forward to today.
Well you don't have to be so sad. There'll be another chance. It's summer vacations soon.
I wanted to use that telescope.
Ah it's a really expensive one right.
I want to see too.
Huh? Wait a sec. Where is that telescope?
Where? Obviously on the roof......

TL:All these flags. Flags everywhere.
Is something gonna really happen? Do jot get my hopes up like that, anon.
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UAAAAHHH!! It was out here after all!!! Why did no one put it back in!
Well according to the predictions there was no storm!!
You hold there. What the heck it's so heavy!
Becareful! It's slippery!
Uh guys what do I do?
Waaa.. Since it's dangerous stay away Kosaki chan!
Onodera becaref...
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Kyaaa~~ Ichijou kun?
Wait are you fine? There was a loud sound!
He's completely knocked out!
Waaaaa!!! Oh nooooo!
How is he?
He's not waking up. He doesn't seem to be bleeding.
Please no Nisekoi Darknessâ„¢
Get the fuck out.
>It's literally happening how everyone predicted
>Chitoge overhears confession
>starts being a bitch again
>Raku realizes he actually likes her
>Onodera is the nisekoi
wew lad at least it's ending
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Kosaki chan can you keep an eye on raku? I'll get some stuff form the infirmary.
Ok. Sorry and thanks.
'Sigh... Why am I so clumsy. Because he looked out for someone like me'
'Well it's no time to confess. I should apologize when he wakes up'
If I confess, what face would Ichijou kun make?
Probably he'll be really surprised and it'll put him in a hard spot.
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But since it's Ichijou kun... He'll be really kind no matter what reply he has.
'uuuuu it is really scary in school at night.'
Sigh... I couldn't confess in the end. Someday a chance will come. I don't know if it's wrong to wait for chances like this but...
'Alright I'm going to confess after all'
'I'm going to confess today!'
'After I return, I get alone with him somehow then...'
>Chitoge being the dependable, proactive one
>Onodera being a doormat
How could I not recognise Ellie
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*cue thunder
'Wow, a blackout? Will Chitoge chan be fine?'
'Huh? I don't hear any rain nor wind'
'We should be in the middle of a storm...'
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Amazing... How... Is this the eye of the storm?
The town's light is off from the blackout. I feel like I'll get sucked in...
'uuuu I can't take it. I'm returning'
Hey Ichijou kun... Did you know?
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Did you know I... I liked you since a very long time ago?
Shut it down
Oooh boy
What's blue girl saying?
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Since a very very long time ago
Huh... What did you say now Kosaki chan?
Onodera was first
She has to be the winner
Of course she only managed to get the words out after Raku got knocked out.
It's another inconclusive chapter.
>he doesn't know that whoever goes first loses in manga
We always blame Raku for being dense as fuck, but the haremettes are hardly any better.
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'Like' raku?.... 'Like'... like 'Like'?
Huh.... Eh.... Ara?

whoops forgot her: Ara why am I here?

Well the author finally managed to get someone to confess and someone else heard it. Even though raku is knocked out. Enjoy!
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>Onodera was first
>She has to be the winner
I'm having a flashback to that beach chapter
What's Ellie saying?
Thanks for the translation, anon.
Its ogre
Chitoge going to go mad
>least likely
You are retard
Just paving the way for her victory.
Hurricanes don't move that fast Japan
So Chitoge is going to revert into a full tsun now, since she probably wants her friend to be happy. Guess this is the final arc
I'm screencapping this post.
Everything is pointing to Chitoge, it's completely spelled out that she's going to win.

Imagine if by chance it's not her in the end.
>Even the sister from Double Arts places higher than Raku.
So did Marika fags vote for Chitoge or Onodera?
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Of course Raku is sleeping
So basically we have a set up for about 8-10 weeks of Chitoge intentionally trying to push Raku away before Raku finally figures his own shit out

>Who is Marika
It's inevitable, Chitoge is going to win.
It's Toradora and OreImo all over again.
Chitoge and Taiga are the respective best girls in their series. I'm sorry anon
Oh, I agree. But it;s similar in that the main girl is standing aside while the side girl takes MC for a little.
Then main girl will come in and win at the end.
Marikafags voted for Chitoge
Rurifags voted for Onodera
Ami was pretty good, anon.
I agree on Chitoge, though.
Nisekoi has a 100% cliche ratio, what did you expect?
Crazy huh, even the readers know how much of a faggot MC is, but the girls were too good for this.
Whelp, considering I haven't read a chapter for 2 months, at least it's a cliche reset of emotions, still up to Raku though.

Who else thinking it's Ichigo100% ending, even though Onodera got nothing out of it due to her indecisiveness.
Reminder: Girl who verbally confesses first, even if it's to nobody in the presence of MC always loses.
>Well it's no time to confess.
Boom, you blew up the 0.0001% of chance that you had.
>Double Arts
>in Nisekoi
>obvious troll votes

Holy shit does this mean nips actually are fed up with nisekoi like us?
Seems like there's still hope for them
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Reminder that the main girl always wins.
>when Onodera won 2 times: Nips have shitty taste.
>when Chitoge win: based Nips
Nishitkoifags in a nutshell
because Nips want this shitty series ends quickly..so vote for Chitoge
How does it feel to have shite taste?
>most character development goes to Chitoge..expect not to win

Finish this wanker quickly so the new one can go in
Nope..im not shipping anybody..but Nishitkoifags apparently have autism
didn't chitoge already know that onodera liked raku? wtf
very close vote between Onodera and Chitoge after abandonment of Onodera..it would be easy for Onodera if both got same development
No, she didn't.
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I'm not sure that popularity polls have much sway on decision making for Jump. What sells is what matters and it seems like Chitoge takes the lead in that regard.
Will Raku always be asleep whenever Onodera confesses?

Because that's just sad.
I would actually be fine with an open ending at this point. Probably better than what we will get.
Komi want to Chitoge to win..but Nips chose Onodera in 2 polls before so he dragged the manga hell out it to make Chitoge more likable.. i hope this not like Ichigo 100% where winners were based on polls
the plot shield is very strong for Onodera
What the fuck, Raku? Even a character from another series received more votes than you.
>when Chitoge win: based Nips

Did you read the thread? She won because Y-san killed himself.
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Now I'm mad.
My nig
So we're never seeing Marika again? Aside from the last chapter cameo of course.
Definitely sad then.
She will come back to shit talk Raku and make him break up with Kosaki to go get back his true love.
the readers obviously troll the poll..tired of dragging 200+ chapters
girl from Double Arts

>cancelled manga protag beats out MC of running manga

top kek
i think Y-san vote for Chitoge..lol
Just. Perfect.
>then Chitoge tries to distance herself from Raku..Raku feels something lost in himself. He confess to Chitoge

Trust me. im professional harem analyst

Yep, once you get rid of the y-san autist Kosaki and Chitoge are pretty much neck to neck in popularity. This should have stayed a love triangle from the beginning.
Will Kosaki overheard that too?
See >>139027892
no..because it is Komi..what u expect?
Dont know what to say when a character who doesnt belong in the series is in the top 10
Just repeat with me: "Please bring back Double Arts".
so they are head-to-head competitors..damn
Misunderstandings and convenient plot devices.
dont know if voters are serious or just trolling
This one was a bit monochromatic, but man, I love Komi's color pages.

There is some truth to this. Kosaki has always been a tad bit more popular than Chitoge, but Komi is an idiot who hasn't appeased Kosakifags in what seems like forever. The last Kosaki arc was 40+ chapters ago. She's been a background character ever since.
Agree..a bit more Kosaki's developmnet without getting cockblocked would make her more popular
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she's always ranked a bit low, but it's not surprising since she's a secondary character that doesn't appear often (but more than the other named characters that are friends with a main character). she's also completely foreign and prouder / more arrogant than chitoge with a soft (feminine) characteristic appearing most rarely. also the type of character that would appeal more to a niche reading the comic than the ordinary reader


Cool, Komi even drew them onto Marika for the poll>>139025243
>Nuke you fanbase
>expect your poll to matter shit
More like he got ride of the part of his fanbase that didn't agree with him.
It was a self-rejection. Tsugumi decided to bury her feelings forever.
I'm kinda glad this series' fans don't take those too seriously. "Serious" waifu wars are awful.

it's interesting to see what other people honestly think
>got rid of the part of his fanbase that didn't agree with him
And yet, Tsugumibros are holding the fort.
I know Chitoge is going to win Raku, but is it really winning if he just as badly wants to fuck another girl? I sort of feel like, "Well, guess I picked you in the end, but it could just as easily had been this other girl."
at least you didn't say that Kirino is the best girl.
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