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ITT: A woman is the manliest and most badass character.
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Thread replies: 54
Thread images: 30
File: Blue Beast.png (609 KB, 976x720) Image search: [Google]
Blue Beast.png
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ITT: A woman is the manliest and most badass character.
Too bad no one knows about Giant Robo on /a/
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Powerful female archetype is shit
I dunno, man. Her husband was also really manly and badass.
Lurk more if you seriously believe that.
You're a shit
The legacy of Gainax
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She pretty bad ass
But she ain't the manliest motherfucker in that series
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Too bad she's from a canceled manga.
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I wish Balsa was my adopted mom.
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Giant Robo, a show which was so awesome that studio didn't let it to be finished or otherwise universe would explode.
Best man coming through.
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マサオ - 若ドーラ.jpg
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That's not Satsuki-sama, you pleb.
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星村空 - イサコ.jpg
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Shit, beat me to it.
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i wish we didnt have a timeskip and he just skimmed through those years in chapters.
>reverse google search
>it's all in Korean

No wonder I've never heard of it. Tbh Korean stuff just isn't 'as good as Jap stuff.
Came to post Oscar, so I'm happy to see this.
Underrated post
File: alberto.jpg (127 KB, 360x278) Image search: [Google]
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>the manliest and most badass character

That's not Shocking Alberto
I have never witnessed a more manly exit than this glorious golden god made.
And this in a series shared with manly men like Taiso and SILENT CHUJO
>play SRW Alpha
>Alberto fights fucking Angels bare handed

This man is just perfect no matter where he appears.
>not Alberto


Two shitty series praised by /v/ in one pic, how wonderful.

Allowing Naruto on /a/ was a mistake.
TTGL is legit ok, it's just that /v/ and newfags tend to absurdly overrate it and attribute all of mecha tropes to it, not the series it's parodying/referencing.
I would have gone with Balalaika but Revy works too.
>muh /v/ boogieman

Came into thread to post this
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inb4 gits
Balalaika is a leader of men. Revy is just bitchy because she can't be polished like Chinglish.
No sir, its Giant Robo and its amazing.
Holy shit you don't deserve the glory of Giant Robo. Never watch it you dolt.

Kill yourself
welll s/he's a man and a woman.
A crazy one.
File: Prince Feito.png (255 KB, 480x640) Image search: [Google]
Prince Feito.png
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Prince Fate is a miracle of the universe.
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implying her.png
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Birdy was written to be a hot-blooded shounen protagonist, except a girl.
File: Giant Robo alberto_the_impact.jpg (290 KB, 1456x1095) Image search: [Google]
Giant Robo alberto_the_impact.jpg
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Have a manlier picture
File: The Manliest.png (159 KB, 512x288) Image search: [Google]
The Manliest.png
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It counts even if men don't exist, right?
File: Mai_by_Licheus.jpg (283 KB, 600x600) Image search: [Google]
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Through the fire and flames

She has proven herself as a woman
Thread replies: 54
Thread images: 30

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