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File: Cartoon Try1.png (144 KB, 960x540) Image search: [Google]
Cartoon Try1.png
144 KB, 960x540
I don't suppose anyone knows any good software to turn rendered images into comic strips/pages that you can add speech bubbles to.

I did this in MS paint but if I change the size of the image the txt is unreadable. Should I just stick with paint and make stupidly huge comics
File: 1425399186599.gif (2 MB, 450x258) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 450x258
add the text after you shrink the image. As for software, I dunno. You could probably search up some good ones, make your own -if you're into that-, or just use paint.
Professionals use Illustrator.
For a simple compositing job like that, inkscape will also do the job. Add panels & text in inkscape, save as svg, then render out as png to whatever resolutions you would like to have it at.
Thanks I will check them out.
And the winner is Gimp, mainly because it is free, and i'm not drawing just making panels
you can do animation in gimp as well, Id be cool to insert an animated panel now and then.
File: comic.webm (587 KB, 960x1250) Image search: [Google]
587 KB, 960x1250
why not use blender? it's super practical
File: Easy Sleep.png (763 KB, 956x1072) Image search: [Google]
Easy Sleep.png
763 KB, 956x1072
That's what I was doing to make the images, I just wanted to figure a way to set them up in a comic format and add speech bubbles.

Did not know that, i had planned to start making animations for stuff, like a fight scene, since thats basically what blender is for, but i need better skills and better equipment. right now i just got a laptop that freaks out over hair on a teddy bear.
well hair is intensive.
File: comc2.webm (601 KB, 960x1250) Image search: [Google]
601 KB, 960x1250
i did the whole thing in blender. more as a joke though
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