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/stg/ - Shmups Thread: Post Your Score
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For anything related to 2D scrolling shooter games.

Let's discuss:
>favorite shmups
>recent acquisitions
>latest accomplishments

Previous thread:

Current happenings:
>Raiden V is out now on Xbone
>Deathsmiles released on steam
>Blue Revolver gets to alpha stage
>Dariusburst CS has SEGA content

New to the genre of shmups? Check out this page:

Shmup Collection containing over 9000 MAME romsets:

Decide the greatest shmup developer of all time here:

For a realtime chatroom, head over to our #shmups channel:

List of the hardest clears, ranked in order of difficulty:

Play Twinkle Star Sprites online with fellow shmup fans:

Video resources that explain superplay recordings:

Highscore tables for several shmups (can track your own):
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I have R-type Delta. Its a great game. It has a long difficulty curve. Graphics are fantastic for a 2.5 shooter on PSX.
too much touhou, spam and memeposting in that thread

Kill yourself danmaku scum.
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That's not really a shmup...
Missed opportunity not using that ship for some shmup levels.
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Is this the most brilliant retro STG ever conceived?



It's the most brilliant game in general.
Don't run & gun games fall under shmups? Along with rail shooters, twin stick shooters, etc.
Here's that (You) you wanted
No, run n gun are run n gun. You shoot there too but that's not exactly everyting which makes a shmup. A shmup is more about dodging than shooting.
>A shoot em up is more about dodging than shooting.
What this world has come to?
I always liked parodius and fantasy zone but im probably in the minority
Well, they still were the first shooting games regardless, so that's why people still call them shooting games I guess.
Mr. Heli is the best cute em up and way too underrated.
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Would that mean Cannon Spike is a shmup? There's plenty of dodging and bullet hell moments in it.
I might try that one out, also i want to get into gradius and twinbee but do i just play the original or is there one i should start with?
I heard of this game for the first time now, but from what I've seen yes, it looks like a shmup to me, especially the boss fight I saw was totally shmup.
Just play whatever you like, but always play the Japanese arcade version if possible.
Well yeah i mean i have mame so that shouldnt be a problem.
Wait so does that make space harrier a shmup?
Goddamn it, we all know what you're trying to pull here, it's one of those semantic trolls
>rail shooters
Space harrier is a rail shooter
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Will Star Fox Zero revive the shmup genre?
WiiU games are as retro as can be, this is now a WiiU thread.
That's also a rail shooter, not shmup
No, i was just asking because his description is vague, i know its a rail shooter.
Thats both not retro and also a rail shooter you idiot.
Who are your favorite western or JP superplayers, /vr/?
Just beat it with Cerberus, easy, though, third and fifth contact are a pain in the ass at hard.
I don't know a single one. The black guy that narrated a mushihime run on stg weekly was pretty amusing.
My description is not vague at all. In rail shooters you also have to dodge of course, but not to the level how you must dodge in shmups, because in ral shooters the bullets or enemies always just come from the front and you just have to dodge them when they reach the screen, but in shmups the bullets come from everywhere and you must dodge them constantly.
Omg you nerds arguing over semantics again. I hope you all catch aids and die. PEACE
I don't have a favorite player because I'm not a dumb fanboy, but the run whch impressed me the most so far was the Ikaruga double play run from VTF-INO.
Ok, fair point, and i guess it is indeed semantics...
Aren't rail shooters just shmups but in 3D anyways?
I suppose, its semantics at this point.
Some of them, but the thing which really seperates shmups the most is the heavy focus on dodging. Rail shooters are more about aiming skills than dodging skills.
>Who are your favorite western or JP superplayers, /vr/?
Sps,archer,syo,Kamui,Clover-TAC and ZBL-NAI off the top for Jp. For the west? Gus,BOS,Third-strike,tviks,Aquas and a bunch of others.
>life bar
>focus on dodging.
Stop playing shitmaku
Star Fox Zero is supposedly going to have a one-hit-death mode.
>>life bar
Tell that to Guwange
Star fox zero is also irrelevant
Favorite developers?
Mine so far are Raizing, Taito and Konami.
Psikyo, Hudson, Irem and Toaplan.
In other games it's the same shithead.
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Taito, Psikyo, Cave. Siter Skain gets an honorable mention.
Taito, treasure, Konami, capcom, and sega.
G.rev, Konami, Psikyo, Taito
am i the only one who can't play toaplan games with autofire

if im not mashing the button im not concentrated and i die WAY more often
You aren't the only one.

Cho Ren Sha 68K's designer punishes you if you use autofire and says you should play manually.
Is it better to use arcade stick, keyboard or pad?
Yes, it is.
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It's garbage that gets overrated by Cube kiddies.

Radiant Silvergun was the much more complete package. You got tons of bosses designed by the Alien Soldier and Mischief Makers guy, amazing orchestral soundtrack, a ship with seven different weapon types, a deeper scoring system that lets you choose to chain reds or blues or yellows (plus secret dogs and grazing) instead of just either 3x blacks or whites, superb level designs that feel inspired by R-Type, and some of the most technically impressive 2D graphics of all time. Oh, and the stupid bullet absorption gimmick is only limited to your melee sword and pink bullets, as opposed to... anything in Ikaruga.
Radiant Silvergun is times more overrated than Ikaruga at this point.
Silverguns scoring system is flawed because you constantly have to leave enemies out just to score better, which feels really dumb.
Also, just because the game has more content doesn't mean it's better.
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Finally able to get to level 4 consistently.
are there any good shmups other than fantasy zone or is it the only one
space harrier
Ever heard of Gradius or R-Type?

try Parodius and Detana TwinBee
Gradius or R-Type, /stg/?

Do you prefer your horis spacey and cybernetic or veiny and penis-y?
R-Type is also cybernetic though. More than Gradius in fact.

Gradius is more naturalistically-organic in comparison to R-Type.
Nice try fighter

Is there a difference? Should I play the JP version or something?
there's not
Gradius because infinite loops > 2 loops. Also rank system.
>Favorite developers?
Psikyo,cave,raizing,success,takumi and milestone.
Weren't they the ones who made those crappy Dreamcast shumps and then went bankrupt for money laundering?
They weren't crappy at all i mean fuck me they had the greatest osts ever and made extremely fun games in an original style (doing things differently isnt popular with the stubborn autistic cunts that is the shmups community see vasara,psyvariar etc for more examples of great original ideas not getting attention because not the traditional muh dodges style). You don't have to like them but calling them crappy is stupid and yeah they went bankrupt for some shadyness.
Their games weren't bad but at the same time they were somewhat generic.

Radirgy and Karous had great style and music though. Shame the handheld versions of those two games are atrocious.
Aren't they completely different games?

Too bad the 3DS doesn't have one complete screen, it'd work well for STG's.
Trying to 1cc R-Type.

What are the strategies for level 5 and final boss?
>level 5
learn where the crabs come from, don't get trapped by the shield looking things' lasers

>final boss
stay in the middle-left, fire your pod into the boss' core, dodge the spirals if necessary

Thanks, I meant level 5 boss though, I got the stage pretty much figured out.

I find that I'm much better if I don't take any speed powerups, but then Bydo fucks me up because I can't dodge his boulders. I saw playthroughs on youtube where he's damage rushed and stripped before he can move, but I can't reliably recreate that.

Also the final boss is exploited by staying in middle left, where the whirlpools can't get to you and not moving, but it sometimes happens that the troopers come at you from the wrong angle - is there a way to prevent that.

Trying to do the last boss in a legit manner is quite impossible for me I've tried. Hate to use that exploit and would sure prefer to do it in style, but all that madness is undodgeable. Same with junkyard, I use the horizontal safe spot, because it cannot be done otherwise.
>Also the final boss is exploited by staying in middle left, where the whirlpools can't get to you and not moving, but it sometimes happens that the troopers come at you from the wrong angle - is there a way to prevent that.

If you have the side pods, you can just ram into enemies that come from the walls.
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fuck this shit
my fucking nigga
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No, rail shooters and twin sticks are different genres. Shmups are their own thing. Ranger X is neither. It's not even really a run n gun, it's just an action game.
why did you even move, you're safe if you stay in that corner
No you're not.
that entire corner is a well known safe spot though

this looks no fun

no fun at all
There's nothing safe about it until enough cubes have built up to completely seal you off. Before then it's extremely likely that one of them will make it all the way across and nail you from behind
That level is the reason i will never clear Gradius III, i mean yeah the other levels are dan tough but still doable, this shit is just bullshit.
What do you mean by that? Couldnt they just use the top screen or am I missing something here.
Guys, the term 'shmup' sounds retarded. Let's use shoot 'em up. If you say shmup you sound like you are saying what you are, which is a schmuck
Fantasy zone II (the system 16 version), gokujyou parodius (snes version), twinbee, and 1943 are pretty fun. Im not sure if it counts but sonson is also pretty good. I reccomend those in particular because save for 1943, all of those can be technically called cute em ups. Im saying this as someone who also holds fantasy zone in high regard. Also while not a shmup technically, space harrier is pretty great.
super fantasy zone
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>no hex score
work on your milking, fampie
I thought Psyvariar was pretty well received? I mean I used to get it recommended all the time years ago (like 2007-8 when I was first realizing how big the genre was) but now it seems the opposite. Personally I like 1 a bit more but both games are definitely interesting and make a nice variation on the typical dodging style.
Grazing to score is a retarded gimmick.
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R-Type, because I'm a sucker for buddy pods.
Why do horizontal scrollers seem so much harder than vertical to me? I can usually get to the third or so level within a few tries of a vertical shmup, but I don't think I've ever even seen the third level of a horizontal one.
He means that the screen isn't continuous. This is something I got used to after a while, but the aspect ratio would be almost-correct for a vert shmup if done right. For a lot of people the gap in between screens can create problems. Again, if you play long enough you can adapt to it like many things.
It's hardly a gimmick, it's the main gameplay element. If you'd look past what shmups 'should be' you'd probably realize that. People like you are why the genre died in the popular vernacular; you people want the same kind of games forever and ever isntead of playing something new/innovative. Saying grazing to score is a gimmick is like saying jumping in mario is a gimmick. I bet you rip on Ikaruga for being gimmicky as well, right? And to calrify, I'm hardly Ikaruga's biggest fan (because you traditionalists just /so/ love to shit on Ikaruga) but it at least tried something different. I like Gradius and R-type as much as the next guy, but the games have to experiment in order to grow gameplay-wise.

Now get the fuck out of my genre.
It's a gimmick because it's a stupid idea that only promotes boring ass milking in order to gain better scores. Next you're going to tell me that Touhou games are well-designed, eh?
I agree with this guy, grazing is a horrible mechanic. I hate the Raiden Fighters series so much.
I literally hate touhou, lol. If I'm going to play danmaku (never) It would surely not be that.

For reference my favorite shmups are Batrider and Darius Gaiden.
Mahou Daisakusen looked so refreshingly easy when I first started it. Then I entered the second loop...

Fucking tv1cks man. Guy is so good I can imagine him being confused if you were to complain to him about exceedingly brutal games like Gradius III being so bloody hard.
Viper Phase One is the GOAT Raiden game.

Was Gradius III the first danmaku?
>they were somewhat generic.
In what reality were they generic? Did you even play them? As someone who played karous, radirgy and illvelo for high score I can tell you they are not generic at all although do capture the feel of compile (i think milestone had some ex compile staff).

Fairly i guess but hardly anyone actually learned to play it properly and it's a shame, i'd like to see them all on steam desu.

Oh look a pleb arises, grazing in psyvariar isnt anything like shiki,touhous or raiden fighters grazing at all as it's so closely connected to surviving and evey level up grants you like 2 seconds of invincibility to go nuts, fuck it why am i even trying to explain this to some spastic cunt who doesn't even play these games beyond beginner level...
Sorcer Striker is easier, so try that if you want a 2all.
You have to wonder if the devs knew how bullshit this part was. I can't imagine any of them actually clearing it.
Batrider has grazing.
I see what you mean. Although i saw a shmup running on both screens once and it didnt look all that bad.
It's insignificant though. The main scoring element is bombing and chaining medals.

Raiden V is up!
So it's casualized grazing. Big fucking whoop. That's even worse than regular bullet scratching lol
Because checkpoints, huge hitboxes and more emphasis on memorizing levels. They aren't harder once you get past those first few tries and start to learn the games though.
What's the best one on Genesis, and is Insector X good
Trouble Shooter Vintage
One of the Thunderforce games.
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Great Euroshmup, or greatest Euroshmup?

My nigga.

Nobody ever gives this game the attention it deserves.
What games do you play then, o oasis of taste in this sea of plebs? Please descend form the heavens and give me your answer so we can all have the same fucking opinion.

Kill yourself.
"Euroshmup" is a genre, not a reference to country of origin. There are Japanese euroshmups just like there are American JRPGs.
So any shooter that you don't die with one bullet is an euroshmup now? then i guess Darius and Gradius II are euroshmups too
I don't recall Darius and Gradius having mandatory health gauges...

Or do you think a shield that you have to earn is the same thing as health?
Exactly, at least darius and gradius made your hitbox twice as big with the shields on though.
I have heard people unironically call Darius an euroshmuck before.
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Insector x on genesis is a remake, not a port. so essentially YES.

Go look up some arcade screens and compare it to the Genesis and you'll see what I mean.
It's a similar concept, especially in Darius where you get the shield in about 30 seconds.
Steel Empire doesn't feel like an euro shooter at all, the main draw in those games in buying stuff for your ship.
That's the main draw in Tyrian style games.
Shouldn't laser give you a slight advantage at bosses.
I don't know, I always play exy in doj (laser + shot powerups minus 2 bombs).
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No and It's not even Treasure's best game.
Come to think of it that should give you a hint which is the unbalanced mode since the laser power up takes away one bomb in doj.
So to define a Euroshmup:

>health bars
>poor level design
>poor enemy design
>usually shit music
>usually generic visuals
>ship physics/inertia
>wonky collision detection

Am I forgetting anything?
I cheesed a 1-ALL with C-S, but I hear the "proper" way to play is with laser.
Takes approximately 5 hours to clear.
That doesn't mean Euros are bad though.
>unavoidable hits
>poor level design
>poor enemy design
>usually shit music
>usually generic visuals
>ship physics/inertia
>wonky collision detection
These aren't exclusive to euroshmups.
but you see them most often in euroshmups
>>poor level design

So basically every vert ever?
You need to play more korean shmups then.
I'm tired of dying on the fourth and fifth stages of DDP, what should I play to break up the tedium
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Someone hasn't gotten to playing Image Fight yet.

This hurts to look at, any fun?
Bee Storm, you get 8 bombs every time you die and the game randomly spawns a million more bombs just in case you didn't spam enough.
You'll need a recent mame though, it won't work on shmup mame.

It's like R-Type except you fling your bits like yo-yos instead of your shield, which can't be removed and is good for 1-hit only. It's hard as hell, but totally radical.
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Or Radiant Silvergun.
that looks awful pham
List of people who asked your opinion:
Honestly some of the bullet density in this game's normal arcade version is bullshit. Hell even the SNES's butchered port does it at some points...maybe CAVE saw it and thought the slowdown on that version was intentional, hahah
Not CAVE but Yagawa was definitely influenced by Gradius 3.
Pretty much every major shmup dev was either influenced by or respects Gradius. It was essentially the grandfather of shmups, not necessarily the first but the first to incorporate several ideas that later shmups would follow.
Just because a game has environmental hazards doesnt mean it has better design. Good level design needs much more than just walls.
Not this bullshit again.
True, if I recall right yagawa's first game was a gradius 2 clone. Then there was the rank manipulation by avoiding items in Garegga.
This was his first game.
R-Type's lead programmer was also a huge Gradius fan and played it a bunch.

Most Toaplan shmups feel Gradius-inspired, like Slap Fight.
That's true. The power up system in slap fight is right out of Gradius.
Ironically the devs stated in interviews that they sucked at making vertis and that the reason the home ports got good (and in fact better than the arcade versions) was because other people would help making them.
re: Toaplan
>that they sucked at making vertis
You mean horis? toaplan's strenght was vertical
Yeah horis, my bad.
I thought the proper terms were tate and yoko?
Those are the Japanese terms. Are we speaking Japanese right now?
Wanna see sources on that. Buy yeah they only made Hellfire and Zero Wing which are better on home consoles.
Do you prefer diagonal movement vectors being normalized or not, /vr/?

Even ZUN does correct diagonal movement, there's really no excuse.
In other words, normalized means all input moves the same, whereas diagonals are slower than up/down/left/right.
I think it's just because Ikeda is a hack that thinks more bullets makes your shmup better by default.

Cave 2nd loops are pretty much impossible to not die/bomb in because of artificial difficulty.
Dariusburst CS is $25 on gmg right now.
People like to blame CAVE for bullet hell but I think it was a market preference thing.
Who developed Dangun Feveron? Was that also Ikeda?
>but Yagawa was definitely influenced by Gradius 3.
Not as much as he was inspired by Gun frontier.
>Producer - Takano Kenichi

>Graphics Designers - Ogiwara Naoki, Tanaka Hiroyuki

>Programmers - CRUSTY, Ichimura Takashi, Uchida Hiroyuki

>Sound - Yabuki Ryuichi, Quark Company, T's Music

No Ikeda in sight, which probably explains why it was one of the few good Cave shooters.
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Is this the definitive version to play Gradius III?
What's the best ship in DBCS? I'm using Gaiden right now.
Next, Second and Gaiden.
Night Striker, nothing else even compares.
Pretty much and it has iv which is awesome.
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What are some other games like Defender or Fantasy Zone? Where it's like a shmup, but you move freely back and forth in a continual level like this? Are they just called shmups or is there another name for them?
Free-roaming shmups?
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Favorite Gradius V weapon layout?

Mine is 2-way/double/ripple/freeze/shields.
Anyone here like the 194X games? (1942, 1943/1943 kai, 1941)
19xx is my jam
What are the best shumps to play 2 players with? me and a friend want to 1cc a game together
twinkle star sprites and change air blade
Oh, i always prefered 1942 or 1943 myself...
How's 1943 Kai

was thinking of buying it to add to my pc engine collection
>We started this game because we wanted to see if Toaplan could make a great horizontal STG, too. But it was a series of one hardship after the other, and we experienced firsthand that the "exhiliration" Toaplan always seeked in its games couldn't be achieved in a horizontal format.

>I think horizontal STG requires a different kind of appeal. You need the technical know-how for dealing with terrain, and various other different game design ideas to make it interesting. We were inexperienced with everything and it was a real struggle, but we did our best and finished it. (Uemura)

Horizontal shmups confirmed technically superior.
I'm going to get Psyvariar Complete on PS2 since somebody in this thread said it's a good STG.

Should I play Medium Unit or Revision first?
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That sounds like a good name for them, but what are other examples of games like that? I can barely think of any besides those.

Bangai-O is a little similar, but not really.
Why was Dreamcast Bangai-O so much better than N64's?
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What makes you think it's "so much better" on the DC? The graphics?
The controls are infinitely better on the N64, as the game was build to be played with that, and the game system is a lot more complex and challenging. Maybe if you like a simplified version of it, then yeah the DC one is better, but I prefer Bangai-O with combo-meter and progressive upgrades.
And still I think the 16-bitish graphics on the N64 are charming, can't say I like the graphics on the DC better.

I still like both versions though, have a lot of nostalgia for the DC one since it was the first one I played.
In the N64 you hold Z to charge your special attack.
In the DC your special attack strength is defined by how many bullets you are grazing at the time when you pressed the trigger.
Less slowdown when shit gets real, extra unique content, and better music quality.

Also, "infinitely"? Stop exaggerating. There is nothing wrong with Dreamcast's controls, when you set it to A/B/X/Y for shooting it plays as good as N64's. If you want a game with really awful controls, check out Mischief Makers.

>progressive upgrades.
>unironically liking shops in shmups
Get out.
Everything was improved on the DC version except for the controls, but the DC version controls well enough anyways.
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>Get out.
Woah, hit some nerve there I think. To each their own, I said I still like the DC version as it was the first one I played, but I ended up liking the original better, I think the game system makes for a more satisfying game than the DC one.
And no, I don't think the face buttons on the DC are as good as the small C buttons on the N64 which are like having a secondary d-pad. I think the best way to play Bangai-O is with the d-pad and 3D stick though.

The extra content is nice but when it comes to the overall package I still prefer the original.

>unironically liking shops in shmups

>unironically liking shops in shmups

You unironically don't like grandma's shop? You'll make her weep, you evil anon!
Also, you don't like the Fantasy Zone games?
And I don't know what Mischief Makers has to do with this thread, it's not a shmup.

To be clear (again) I never said the DC version is bad, but besides the controls being better, I like the original's game system more, it feels more rewarding to upgrade your shots with combo-meters, and it's also a lot more intense since HP refills are limited instead of dropping out randomly when you shoot.

Anyway I think a fan of the game will want to play both versions, as both have good stuff to offer.
Nice blog, but the DC version is objectively superior in everything except controls, but even then they're more than serviceable. Doesn't matter if you think the old gameplay system is better, because Treasure wouldn't have changed the gameplay if they didn't think it could be refined and more balanced.
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>Nice blog

I didn't write anything about my personal life... are you OK anon? Long posts don't make it automatically a blog post. And my post wasn't even that long, don't be lazy.

It's OK, I think it's good that we can play both versions. I don't think the DC one is more balanced, I think it's just easier and less complex, but it's still nice and it has extra content, so it's worth playing.
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Giga Wing 4 when?
It's called Mars Matrix?
tiresome euro breaky brokey english mister please help me monkey type poster. go away
wat How about YOU go away, pal?
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No, that's Giga Wing Gaiden: Deep Space Edition

What I'm talking about is a sequel to Yokushin Giga Wing.
Im not sure actually, but from what i can recall its pretty good...
Great blog, would read again.
Are the Bangai-O sequels on DS and Xbox 360 any good?
DS one is watered down and is more puzzle oriented than action oriented.



If you like Bangai-O yes, the 360 one especially, the DS one is a bit weird, more centred on puzzle, might be disappointing to some but still worth checking out.
At what point do I accept that I'll never 1cc these games and go back to credit feeding?
About a year or so.
>credit feeding shmups
No. Just no. You should give up and reset the game when you run out of lives no matter what.

That's what I've been doing, but it's starting to get pretty frustrating. I feel like I'm not making any progress or getting much better at the game.
read up on some routes in the game you're playing, no need to reinvent wheels

if you're using an emulator, practice hard points with savestates

what are you playing btw?
Game Tengoku? Is it actually good, or is it just meme-worthy?
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Exceptions don't make the rule.
>I feel like I'm not making any progress or getting much better at the game.
So start thinking about wtf you are doing more you fucking idiot.
>Should I play Medium Unit or Revision first?
Medium unit is a bit more limited as every bullet can only be grazed once whilst revision lifts the lid on limits and gos all out. You'l have to try both and see which sticks more, i enjoyed and played both alot fyi.
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Enjoy your kidney stones
What if I like Pepsi and Gradius?
this is accurate on so many levels considering like soda there are people out there who enjoy all 3.
Raptor: Call of the Shadows for DOS is one of the best top down shooters I've ever played. It's often overlooked because it's on PC though. That and all of the Windows ports have been bad.
You will overdose from high pitched uguu voices and every wacky arcade refrence possible. It also looks like a blast to play.
You chain items like in psykyo games except you don't have to wait for them to blink bullshit.
Later on one of the background layers bugs out on mame, it's nothing unplayable but you'll have to emulate on ssf if you're super serious about accuracy.
Is it related to Tyrian in any way?

when's yabause gonna get better compatibility?
You don't make the rules, either.

I think I've been at Space Harrier for about a year, on and off. I think I'm somehow getting worse.
You do realise the only reason he had to credit-feed was so he could practise certain patterns that he would die a lot to, right?

With MAME there is no reason to credit-feed since you can practise with savestates.
>space harrier
you do know that game has continues right?
that's not the point, his point here is that each of the sodas kind of correspond with the franchise in question. at least that's what I took from it, I could be wrong.
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>I think I'm somehow getting worse.
I know that feel.
Haven't tried yabause but it should work with frameskip.
I think his point is that it's all the same shit?
Gradius is the original, R-Type is more sugar-coated for casuals, and Darius is a generic knock-off of the one true king of soda?

Sounds about right 2bh.
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You forgot one, familia.
that's also true...
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Also this one
fantasy zone sucks ass
Your mom sucks ass
you were born sucking ass
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that would be because you might as well fucking drink clorox if you play 2hu.
good 1
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