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Pokémon Anime Discussion Thread
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Thread replies: 255
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Stop neglecting me!.png
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Welcome to the Pokémon Anime Discussion Thread. Talk about new episodes, old episodes, upcoming episodes, anime Pokégirls, sub releases, discuss, speculate, bitch and moan, etc., etc.


>Citronic Gear On's music rips:

>New trailer for upcoming events, now in HD:

>Movie 19: Volcanion and the Ingenious Magearna [Jul 16th]
NEW Trailer:


Next episode:
>XY&Z032: The Kalos League Begins! Mega Charizard Showdown: X VS Y!! [Jun 30th]

Upcoming episodes:
>XY&Z033: Mega Sceptile VS Raichu! I Received Some EXP!! [Jul 7th]
>Pokémon the movie XY&Z Premiere Commemorative "The Archdjinni of Rings: Hoopa"/"Pikachu and the Pokémon Musicians" Fierce! Startling!! 2 Hour Pokémon Movie Special [Jul 14th]
>XY&Z034: Semifinal Full Battle! Ash VS Shota!! [Jul 21st]
>XY&Z035: Fierce Rival Battle! Ash Greninja VS Mega Sceptile [Jul 28th]

Shit people will ask:
>Is this season good? I haven't watched the anime in [x] years and-
Yes, it's fucking good, just start watching it already.

>Will Serena win da Ash?
It sure looks that way.

>Muh subs when?
[PM] is subbing XY&Z. Their releases can happen any time of the week.

Old thread:





>The Kalos League finally begins! Even Satoshi is as excited as can be when faced with all these tough Trainers! And then the first match of the Kalos League begins! Those picked to go up against each other are Alan and Trova!!

>The Kalos League has finally arrived! Everyone participating in the league are strong Trainers that have gathered 8 badges! And among them are Trainers Satoshi has met before, like Shota, Tierno and Trova. Satoshi is as excited as can be right from the get-go. But then a Trainer challenges him to a battle immediately after spotting him!?

>Voice Cast:
>Rica Matsumoto: Satoshi
>Ikue Ohtani: Pikachu
>Mayuki Makiguchi: Serena
>Yuki Kaji: Citron
>Mariya Ise: Eureka
>Megumi Sato: Dedenne
>Megumi Hayashibara: Musashi
>Shinichiro Miki: Kojiro
>Inuko Inuyama: Nyarth
>Yuji Ueda: Sonansu
>Kensho Ono: Alan
>Anri Katsu: Tierno
>Minami Fujii: Trova
>Fumiko Orikasa: Carne
>Akeno Watanabe: Pachira
>Tasuku Hatanaka: Takeru
>Kiyotaka Furushima: Tomo
>Kensuke Sato: Announcer
>Tsuguo Mogami: Referee
>Kenta Miyake: Ptera
>Unsho Ishizuka: Narration


XY&Z033: Mega Sceptile VS Raichu! I Received Some EXP!! (Jul 7th)
>Fierce fights happen one after another in the Kalos League. Shota and Tierno go up against each other over a place in the semifinals. Shota has also made a personal analysis of Tierno, who specializes in a rhythm strategy that uses dancing to stay in sync with his Pokémon, and makes full use of it as he goes up against him. Both of them fight furiously with neither giving an inch, and the battle eventually comes down to the last Pokémon on each side. But then Ash and his friends spot something... but what?

Pokémon the movie XY&Z Premiere Commemorative "The Archdjinni of Rings: Hoopa"/"Pikachu and the Pokémon Musicians" Fierce! Startling!! 2 Hour Pokémon Movie Special (Jul 14th)
>The grand "Legend VS Legend" battle airs for the first time anywhere!
>The 2015 blockbuster The Archdjinni of Rings: Hoopa & Pikachu and the Pokémon Musicians
>Also features a SMASHING world premiere showcase of footage from this year's Pokémon movie, Volcanion and the Ingenious Magearna!
>The Fierce! Startling!! 2 Hour Pokémon Movie Special airs Thursday July 14th at 6pm

XY&Z034: Semifinal Full Battle! Ash VS Shota!! (Jul 21st)
>Having won his way through the Kalos League thus fur, Shota goes up against Ash, the person he admires!

XY&Z035: Fierce Rival Battle! Ash Greninja VS Mega Sceptile (Jul 28th)
>This high level battle between two Trainers that know each other like the back of their own hand finally approaches its conclusion!!



>Ash would've chosen Pikachu as his first mon and probably would've saved Greninja as a secret weapon or at least for something like a Mega
>it's Pikachu's time to shine as a league veteran
>fate however conspires against Pikachu and Ash in his rage is forced to show his Ash-Greninja early
>rekt Tomo ass
Poor Pikachu.
Does Tomo even have a Mega? If not, Ash could have easily defeated her with Noivern, Pikachu and regular Greninja.
Tierno did nothing wrong.
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It's no big deal. You were pretty good, and you reminded me of a friend of mine. Thanks for responding.

Also, he probably doesn't have one.
Post absolute fucking top-tier tunes

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Long hair Serena best Serena.

My favorite themes



Is Ash finally going to win a league?

God, I hope so. that would be the perfect way to end the X/Y series.
Does CGO has the instrumental version of Ikuze from the rematch against Wulfric?
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Phox friday is over, you don't mind if I take shelter here do you?

I'll post only the best Braixen bits from the anime.
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>Mizuki will marry her aniki!
we we fucking robbed!


Gonna make my own opening with this song and XY. it deserves it
Ash has never won a league before (not counting orange league which was pure filler anyway) so I don't see why he would now.

>a fucking earthquake deleted Team Plasma vs Team Rocket.

Sure, it might have been shit, but come the fuck on man. I wanted TR to be majorly relevant.
It's all in the hands of the writers. Personally, Ash winning a league is long overdue. If they don't, they're going to lose a lot of hopeful fans. Also, why shouldn't Ash win? It's not like he isn't able to travel to the Alola region afterwards. Same thing they did after he'd won the battle frontier. I just want him to use his old mons more often and most importantly, don't reset him and Pikachu at the start of a new season. Now that's getting old and annoying.
Has it ever been stated how many attempts it's taken the previous champions to win a league?

I was under the impression that it was Meowth guys first attempt but for all we know Ash's record of 5 entries and 4 top 8 finishes could range from pretty decent to absolutely abysmal.
>so I don't see why he would now.
That is the dumbest logic. That's like saying "Oh I have never passed a test I guess I shouldn't be able to pass them now"
Never has an OP lied so much.
Ash is a jobber who will lose at the league
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Flying late to the thread, hoping for new subs soon.

Maybe, after all we haven't seen his other two pokémon besides Altaria and there're a few megas that have yet to appear in the anime, and probably we'll just get a small clip of the battle so we'll be lucky to find out what pokémon they used besides Altaria and Greninja.
>XY&Z033: msceptile vs raichu
>XY&Z034: semifinal full battle! Ash vs Shota
I hate when they do this. They're spoiling the results of the battles.
Mega Sceptile beating Raichu was quite obvious. Once it was known that Alan was taking part in the league it was evident that Ash was battling both of them.
That Pikachu is getting fat. Ash needs to take it for a run, or beat Alan to death with it or something. Can you imagine what noise a beanbagmon like that would make when you smack someone in the head with it?
Anybody actually have the previews and trailers for this episode before it was pulled out because of the earthquake?
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It's at the end of PM's BW22 sub. The episode wasn't pulled until a few days before it was going to air
>They're spoiling the results of the battles.

Well, it's not hard to see it coming.
mace-achu would be hilarious, I'm surprised he hasn't been used as one in his run
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Colors will be gone?
Misty is the best girl forever
Which league episodes are PM subbed..Planning on watching them until Thursday
Posting best and greatest Girl!

Funny way to spell "worst"
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Fuck you serenafaggots ruin the memory of the real best girl
are we talking adamant soon or neo adamant soon
Eurekafaggot, okay? Best girl is cute, not a lusty slut.
Are you kidding me. I've never read so wrong in my entire japanese image board career.
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Strange typo for Serena.
You serenafags will be chucked to the side next to some trubbish. As that's where your cute waifu will end up at the end of the season.
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I don't care, if she wins Ash then mission accomplished. And nostalgiafags will never be able to get over that.
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That's short hair Serena, long hair Serena is better but not even she is the best girl. Best girl is Dawn, May is second place.
How can she win the ash. When ash is a beta fuck who willingly denies women access because just face the facts your ship will sink just like all the rest.
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I think both are fine.

>not having watched xy
Ash isn't the same he was on BW or OS...
my nigga
I know episode 28 got some speedsubs earlier on, but did episode 29 ever get any speedsubs? Considering putting a translation for it on Pastebin otherwise, since PM is clearly too busy destroying sakuga scenes with hardsubs to even attempt catching up.
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You just can't beat perfect girl that's why. She's the best. No contest. Just stop even trying.
Nope. Only the usual you can find on YouTube.
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You posted the wrong image.
>Short hair.
>Red hair.
>Boyish outfit.
She is not that bad but far from being the best.
And Worst Girl Misty will remain unseen and forgotten like the useless bitch she was.
Has anybody deciphered the letter yet? It can't be all gibberish, right?
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May has everything. Brunette hair, huge boobs, slender body and legs, and the best mix of a girly/adventerous/tomboyish personality.

May's the only girl who can pull off being both girly and tomboyish at the same time.
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Stop posting Bullshit.
You mean Iris? At least Misty got to appear again in another season
The DP and BW ones.
>>26881982(You) Posted the objectively worst one.
Adamant said "soon", so we'll probably get it today or tomorrow.
>tfw Ash likely won't use reserves this time around

Just fuck my shit up
What's tomboyish about her? She only seems to be girly/adventurous.
Pick a better team for Ash during AG:

Would have liked to see Ash with an Absol or Flygon in AG, if only because of the 6th movie. Ash riding on Flygon looked cool and Absol was all badass.
>removing Glaile

>Liking Glalie

A backstabber who lusts over orange island's cocks is never going to be perfect.

>Shits on Ash every time
>Decides to support 2 fuckin gym leaders instead of his travelling companion
>Has zero reasons to follow Ash other than "muh-bike"
>worst character development
>got stagnant after Johto. Heck, Johto!Misty and Dawn are certainly the most plain characters in the whole anime
>Tsun without dere
>Bad cooker
>ugly as fuck
>Dreses like a fuckin hillbilly
>speaks in a rude and unpolite way in japanese
The writers didn't seem to want dragon pokemon on the cast in the OS or AG.

May could have gotten that Swablu too, but they decided not to. I guess they felt dragons were too overpowered back then or something.
>stagnant after Johto
You mean after Kanto
Crawdaunt would've been fucking great. Fucking hell, why didn't they make that little shit evolve? Jokemon syndrome?
The theory back then was Crawdaunt was part dark type and they didn't want dark pokemon on the main cast.

Then again they didn't evolve Buizel either, which is strange because Buizel was a tough pokemon who wanted to get stronger.
And now the world is changed. Ash has two fucking dragons in a single season and a mon that practically shits on dragons' "OP"-ness. Well, I guess it's tit-for-that as in exchange Ash to confront Megas now.
I think it's because Floatzel looks horrendous.
It's probably something related to the lyrics of the song.

Walrein always appeared to be quite useless, Crawdaunt would've been fine had Corphish evolved.
A lot of the powerful Hoenn pokemon always go to rivals like Salamence, Metagross, Flygon, etc.

Shame some of the most OP Hoenn pokemon always go to people other than Ash.
Fuck off serenafag.
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what would you do with sixty Satoshis

Why that number in particular?
Meme from /a/, where an image macro of Uiharu Kazari from Raildex does the exact same pose and the words "sixty niggers" are written on it.
>Sixty Satoshis
>One Greninja
See if he can active the megalike shit with one of them, kill the Satoshi when he can, make the satoshis who can't active it fight and let the only survivor live

calm down, ash.
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60 is an excessive number
59, now that's fine, but 60
does it look like Serena can handle that much Satoshi
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>new bottom-screen gimmick in Sun/Moon allows petting and touching of Pokegirls
>Ash finds out about it
Fire Emblem did it first
>giving a shit
fuck it, we'll do it anyway
Everytime I watch the DP pokemon league it gets me hyped for the XY one.
fair enough
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Long hair is best hair.png
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>new bottom-screen gimmick in Sun/Moon allows petting and touching of Pokegirls
It's already possible in Miitomo so hopefully they add something like this in SM.
Got a picture of it?
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I drew that before My Castle was even revealed though.
Calm down Ash.
Is it worth watching them without subs?
We should be getting subs for it any day now.
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das it.png
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What 6 pokemon would give Ash the best chance to win?
Excellent taste
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You can figure most of it if you know about battle moves and whatnot.
Infernape, Charizard, Sceptile, etc.
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Weird typo for "shit taste".
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I'm happy that other people see the light
We gave up after that first day. We can agree on what's "to," but we can't even agree on the rest of the to names, let alone anything else.
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Soon, right?
where can I find who did the animation for the XY&Z opening?
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I need this translated
Animators hate overdesigned Pokemon.
It's listed in the ED credits
His team idea pretty good this time though if he did use reserves the only kilos mon he'd use would be greninja

What would be his final team?


What else? What if his gabite decided to evolve mid battle?
Satoshi and Shitoron
When did gible evolve? did i miss something?
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He has a Gible not a Gabite, also Krookodile.
>im an amourfag look at my irrelevant picture
For the final against Alan I'd say this would be pretty good.


I'm assuming they don't use Sceptile and Charizard because of promotion/they're other trainers aces though it would be interesting if Shota or Trevor lent Ash their respective keystones for the final.
Grace wants grandkids effective immediately.
Why do people always put Heracross so high up?

Probably because it's often regarded as the best Ash got from Johto, and it's probably right.
What did Heracross even do to be considered one of his best
>only further proving my point.
translate this
>Serena solo pictures
>means amourfag
Quite the dumb ass, aren't you?
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Not much but on the beginning it was a Pokémon often relied until it was sent to Oak's and was brought back for the league where it did relatively well.

>serena solo pictures on a post that has nothing to do with serena at all
Want to keep talking because your making it worse for yourself?




Why do you idiots keep thinking Ash will win? His whole team can get decimated by three different types, four if the fat dragon returns. Ash isnt winning shit. Wake up /vp/
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Cute girls
Yeah, Alan's team is pretty fucked.
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I simply put it as personal preference since I couldn't think something else in that 6th slot.

Though as someone said, it's probably the closest he got to a powerhouse in Johto and probably didn't deserve to get bodied by Darkrai.
Because as it's being showcased in the battle against Alan the other Pokémon won't matter all that much, it'll be a matter of aces, in this case Mega Charizard X vs. Ash-Greninja.
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I'm not even that guy but obviously you're just gunning it for amourfags when all it was was Serena solo pictures.
What, Ice, Rock, and Electric? They aren't an issue. Wake up anon.
I think it was because Heracross was the muscle before Hawlucha came along.
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Ash's Kingler has a better win/loss ratio then Heracross but I understand the preference
If all of Ash's pokemon were evolved his best team would be:
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This group is pretty awesome, desu.

but it would've been to see Brock there, though.
The little girl with the dormouse is Brock.
>englel getting this BTFO

Based Iceland

Here anon:
>OP Animation

>Storyboard: Daiki Tomiyasu
>Director: Tomoya Takahashi
>Executive Animation Director: Toshihito Hirooka
>Animation Director: Yasushi Nishitani
>Animation: Hitomi Ochiai, Osamu Murata, Hiroyuki Horiuchi, Takuya Muramatsu, Aito Ohashi, Hayate Nakamura, Akira Hamaguchi, Ryuta Yanagi, Masaaki Iwane, Masahiro Sekino, Susumu Matsunaga, Keisuke Kobayashi
>little girl
So part of my new job that I started today, requires me to run an aftercare program and plan activities and such. During the kids snack I over heard some talking about Pokemon and one mentioned how in love Serena was with Ash. It caused me to get this dumb smile on my face. Am I a faggot padt?
But you're our faggot
A bigger faggot than the ones at the gay parades.
We'll probably get a Tobias at the league
Ash took the mantle as the Tobias of Kalos, don't you know?
That's most of the good animators, right?
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Ash hugs Serena.png
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Probably talking about the dub, poor fools. In any case, they haven't seen anything yet.
I still haven't gotten used to the idea that Pikachu isn't Ash's ace anymore. The little mouse that could has more battle experience than the rest of Ash's Kalos team combined, but has gotten cucked so fucking hard by ninja frog.
So then what happened?
Good, those cucks shouldn't win.

Pokegirl soccer episode when?
>I still haven't gotten used to the idea that Pikachu isn't Ash's ace anymore. The little mouse that could has more battle experience than the rest of Ash's Sinnoh team combined, but has gotten cucked so fucking hard by fire monkey.
This reminds me. Guys, what do your younger siblings/relatives think of the anime the last time they saw it?
That's not how you spell Iris
>implying they won't censor this
hand holding is just too much
>implying Super Saiyan Rape Ape is on the same league as Jinchuuriki Narutoad
Happenings just keep piling up for England, don't they?

I'm also happy we BTFO Spain.
>caring about the dub
They've kept all the hand-holding and they kept the puffy vulva.
>all those animators
>for particle effects
>kept the puffy vulva
They not only kept it, but they removed the things that actually hid them.
A big one.

Then again so am I for getting second hand embarrassment over those two drawings of Ash eating out Serena and then the after part of Serena putting it in.
>particle effects
While we all agree Kingler is unbelievably based I don't think we're ever going to see it again considering it's last appearance (not the photo) was essentially a glorified cameo way back in AG.

I never understood why it's always been so neglected. Pretty sure it was the only one of Ashs Pokemon at the time that didn't appear at all during the Sinnoh League.
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Embrace your humanity.
Brock was based. He was the best side character.

Welcome to the state of Haram. >>26883307
That's perfectly fine. It's in a children's TV show.
But you CAN'T put face pats in Fire Emblem, what if people think it's creepy or weird or gross?
That faggola again

What did I miss?
Don't know, i always thought their interactions were pretty boring. Clemont with the science joke and Serena with her thirst.
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Oh Boy.gif
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But they already did. It's like Love Plus.
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Ash Serena Luna.jpg
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This is the first time i've seen so much delusions and people going crazy over a ship in Pokemon
The butthurt will be delicious only comparable to Narusaku. Can't wait
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Were finally about to see the last of these faggots. Especially Serena
Can't wait for Misty to come back and claim what is rightfully hers.
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Yeah i want to see the SM cast already.
Pokeshippers are pretty butthurt as it is. Why do you think >>26883802, >>26883835, and >>26883844 exist?
Yeah but the butthurt of Serena leaving will be even greater
That's assuming she leaves. Right now it's butthurt Pokeshippers.
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Where the fuck do you think you are? Pokeshippers, amourshippers in general are fucking retarded enough as it is to even think Ash finds any love interest in Serena and the only excuse they give are "b-but he scratched his nose when she talked to him!!!" or "he went shopping with her and got her a gift!!" Serena is just another travel partner for Ash and nothing more. And I know lots of serena fags and amourshippers are going to hide this because I hurt their fragile feelings. The day Ash goes back to pallet and just gives Serena a hug will be beautiful from all the amourshippers rage. count on it
were pokeshippers this annoying while misty was still around? Or did they turn sour when she left?

trying to envision this thread's future, kek
>butt hurt of Serena leaving will be greater than the butt hurt of Pokeshippers and the years they've gone
England got brexited
I know right? Ash scratched his nose at Shota and no one will aknowledge my ship. Fucking double standards.
are those her panties?
So what Megas are we still missing appearnce wise in the anime?


What else and when do you expect them to appear if they do?
totally not a samefag
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There's no reason to not support amour since its the only good shipping
>the only excuse they give are "b-but he scratched his nose when she talked to him!!!" or "he went shopping with her and got her a gift!!"
Funny you mention that when they point other shit out.
>Serena is just another travel partner for Ash and nothing more.
m8, they've made it a point where they've had her be more than just what Iris and Dawn were.
>The day Ash goes back to pallet and just gives Serena a hug will be beautiful from all the amourshippers rage.
Considering who Ash is and him doing that, they wouldn't be raging. You sound like the angry one right now.

You should probably return to kym and pretend you're not a pokeshipper there.
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Against all odds Iceland won 2-1 to England eliminating them from euros. Making it the second time England leaves the EU. :^)
This actually makes me wonder how many young kids will be disappointed if Serena leaves. The writers are basically leading them on and they probably have no idea Serena might leave when the gen ends.
Nah they know sure. Probably their brothers of parents already told them how will it go
You mad serenafag? well i don't care anyway
Boy are you still mad about Snowbelle.
>That's assuming she leaves.
Is this your first Pokemon Anime?
Nice implications sudaca.
Just don't reply.
First anime that's been fucking with everything known about Pokemon, yes.
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I like this meme, it's fun.
XY its no different to the others. Goodbye
Will we ever see ash's snorlax again
>XY is no different because I say so!
Sure m80.
>this meme
I like this meme, it's fun.
Name 5 reasons why I should keep watching XY.
>I like this meme, it's fun
This is my favorite meme
How far are you in?
>implying you've even watched it in the first place
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Taste like fish.jpg
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I can't wait for Serena to win the Ashbowl and see the reactions of all the non believers. You will eat your own words
You should go back to facebook and stay there.
Episode 13. I have seen the same Old Haunted House plot in Pokemon like more than 10 times
30 episodes
>This is my favorite meme
This one is one of my top memes. Exquisite.
I just want all the bitter Pokeshippers to suffer. Especially the more obnoxious ones who are still to this day making online petitions to get Misty back in the anime and ranting about how the show sucks after Misty left.

Those people deserve to be butt-mad forever.
Drink bleach, Scott.
You're approaching the end of the beginning filler and are about to get into plot with meeting new recurring characters, old ones making more appearances, gym battles and much more.

You haven't scratched the surface of what is to come.

If you're 30 episodes in you're about to get into the real meat of the series. 30+ is when things start happening one after another and the ride really begins.
Real mad.
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Nah, Amourshippers are hilarious m8:

>Serena is retconned into Ash's past in a 5 minutes encounter
They were childhood bffs!!
>she had a crush on him at like 6 and decides to stalk him like a madwoman
True love!!
>Ash gives her a ribbon he just got for free and fucks off to find pokemon food
Oh man that was so romantic
>Ash agrees to take a detour for her masterclass
He would totally give up on his dream for her
>Ash deliriously grabs her and orders a pokemon attack
He probably was going to confess let's be real
>Serena helps him get over his depression
Ash would have jumped off a cliff weren't it for Serena guys

By the time Alola starts, you know they'll be talking about how Serena must be carrying triplets by now. I fucking love them.
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Does the Pokemon Unbelievable bgm at the end of episode 28 have a name?
Fuck off Pokeshipper
>This is one of my top memes. Exquisite.
Dude epic meme bro mind if I save it?
m8, you sound pretty butthurt along with the guy you replied to.

Or am I just being rused here?
It's the usual shitposter, just ignore.
Really, fuck off back to facebook.
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The Protective Pillars Activate (Reshiram Version)
Calm the Dragon Pulse (Reshiram Version)
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And i keep saying stop you dumb pokeshipper. misty will never return deal with it
ah and also, The Sword Castle Rises! (Reshiram Version)

Son, this 'Anyone disagreeing with me must be butthurt or a shitposter' meme is so 2015. Try for something a bit more mature maybe?
Thanks anon. I watched the movie, dunno why I didn't remember it.
I don't give a fuck about Misty, you however should go back to facebook.
I said sound like it because of some exaggerations you made, not that you were.

So which is it? Are you actually butthurt or are you actually shitposting?
So, at the end of July we will have the first teaser of SM anime right?

Iris actually looks and acts like a girl, unlike Misty.
Most likely
The only exaggeration in my post is the one about Ash jumping off a cliff, and not by much. I have seen every other line in this thread.

>So which is it? Are you actually butthurt or are you actually shitposting?
Neither. Which are you, though?
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Can't wait!
>yfw Cilan returns
Post porn mods ded
Half your post are exaggerations.

The other half is the sound of someone who missed out on details.
>Half your post are exaggerations

They are, but they are not mine.

That's the point.
Most likely replying to bait but fuck it:

>They were childhood bffs!!
No one's ever said childhood bffs.
>she had a crush on him at like 6 and decides to stalk him like a madwoman
>True love!!
Iris and Misty did the stalking even after Ash told them to fuck off.
>Ash gives her a ribbon he just got for free and fucks off to find pokemon food
>Oh man that was so romantic
It's when he decided to give it and how that made it as such. This is coming from a guy who couldn't even get something for his own Pokemon
>Ash agrees to take a detour for her masterclass
>He would totally give up on his dream for her
People pointed out how he decided to detour when he doesn't willingly do that when a gym battle is looming close by.
>Ash deliriously grabs her and orders a pokemon attack
>He probably was going to confess let's be real
Everyone knew he was sick and it wouldn't even be a confession, people talk about how and why he did the whole hand grabbing.
>Serena helps him get over his depression
>Ash would have jumped off a cliff weren't it for Serena guys
No one's ever said that but one guy, but Serena's been the one getting him out of his ruts.
No, I mean half of your post is you making exaggerations about supposed exaggerations.
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