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/csgog/ - Counter Strike: Global Offensive General
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>Ongoing/Upcoming Tournaments

>Competitive News


>PUG Services
[FREE] http://cevo.com/event/cs-globaloffensive/downloads
[FREE] http://www.faceit.com
[PAID BOTNET] http://play.esea.net

>Betting/Trading/Item Related
Always inspect in game, always assume the worst. Bet what you can afford to lose and most importantly always do the opposite of what /csgog/ says.

>Game Mechanic Info
Damage Chart: http://www.schuzak.jp/cs-go/dmgchart.html
Recoil Mechanics: http://twowordbird.com/articles/csgo-recoil-mechanics

>Ranks & Stats

>Game Enhancements

>Watching Streams
Livestreamer: http://docs.livestreamer.io/
Open Source Twitch Chat: http://sourceforge.net/projects/getchatty

>How to git gud
Do this EVERYDAY: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SlCRfTmBSGs [Embed]
Watch this EVERYDAY: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T0Y8PmrzHuI [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NUgKRtAJqwU [Embed]

>Useful websites and maps/How to practice
Read and watch everything here: http://pastebin.com/zTwcpC1q
lol doa thread
it should exist
anyone watching the world championship games live now?
noodle with soy sauce or butter & salt?
aha lol moses
you five (5) should make a team
no i'm watching the aussie cybergamer stuff
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>tfw lost every game today right as I get out of DMG hell

Any aussie DMGs/LEs wanna queue up? I just want to win one.
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semmler trying too hard https://www.instagram.com/p/BHwg3l9gb0t/
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>see nice souvenir skin i want
>try to sell some shit skin to get it
>iphone magically forgets login
>can't remember 6 character pw
>change it
>can't sell/buy shit for a week
Where can I watch it?
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>someone saved my oc
honored :>
>buy s1mple foil
>the price tanks
fucking viet shits cant even make it to fucking 11 rounds
On sale for too long
d e a d
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did two retarded things today
just like your social life
good job anon :3
Say that to my 10/10 girlfriend. Oh, you can't talk to women? that't too bad since I fuck over 300 women a year, I make 30 000 euros per month, I have numerous friends in every city I travel. You are nothing to me, kiddo

Leave my board
The flick was sick
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thanks fellas
just spotted the cs killer
Sticker sale went on too long.

Prices are ruined.

Who bankrupt investor here.
Just to confirm, yes, slavs do have huge dicks :)
are you slav?
gonna need som evidence
No, thirsty faggots, not that im any different
Maybe one day, if we get along and stuff you might see it
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>tfw winning 16-0 against 5 premade animefags
Why do blacks like anime so much?

so you got a small dick then?
quality post

No, i just know too many friends of rrr's
Sort of, but no
Sorry.. We wouldnt geet along anyway i feel
it's ok I guess :(
he's tk'ing me and I need help asap tbqh
kak dela pizdec

Thats polish or czech, retard
no it's not you fucking idiot
great shark hunt is a great book
literally everything else in the photo is trash thou
I will use it, thanks
we sometimes say pizdec here too

nvm, he got a 7day ban for tk'ing me
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>see a god-tier skin with 0.001 float and cheap at the same time
>try to sell my dota hats for money to get it
>dota items sell too slowly
>someone has already bought the skin by the time i came back with money
I hate that tfw
Not you again!
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>14.86 RWS on ESEA

am I gud yet?
dead game desu
is there any difference between esea client in the steam and from official web site?
your kind are not wanted here everyone report this kid
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Wow some people....
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>almost dead thread
>wants to kick out daily shitposter
i see why the csgogs are going down the drain
that shiposter is a big reason why no one comes here anymore. If he leaves it will be better for everyone.
thinken of becoming a new /magog/ tripfag

my /csgog/ CV:
quality posts (examples: >>148216662 >>148217393 >>148221727)
not anime person
jumbo good player
I can notice microhacks and I WILL post about them
fight me
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makes sense now that i think about it
irl you fat weeb
dont even think about brining your katana collection
sure, I'll meet you in Plaza Francesa, faggot, I'm going to break your neck
>play operation wildfire missions
>40 kills with aug/sg552
>tedious as fuck
>finally manage to grind it out
>tell the other non-bot players also doing mission "im finished with this, knock yourself out"
>they give me free commends
This is LITERALLY better than free (You)s.
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>tfw anime
>tfw get called daddy every game for deep voice
what the fuck is plaza francesca supposed 2b?
we need audience
lucerne main station 10pm CET Saturday you pussy
I'll be there
i goddamn hope so
Juliano is so fucking cute god damn.
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How did I do?
is that fn? personally wished they made an a4 version
you should consider suicide then
pls unblock me >_<
I can't believe you're asking me on /csgog/ to unblock you, I jsut blocked you on 2 accounts, but because of that, I'm going to block you on all my 9 accounts.
Yes it's FN, hence the "float"
unironically kill yourself honestly you underage 3/10 shitskin poorfag favelafaggot
ah okay. i dont really know much about float value desu
that's really mean
the low ammo sound is still not changed or removed from the game.
how can you justify this?
is there literally only 1 (one) guy working on CS:GO (Counter-Strike:Global Offensive)?
Or is it just a serve case of shit taste?
the only reason you have for not killing yourself is because it brings me pleasure that nothing good will ever happen in your life and you will never amount to anything
>is there literally only 1 (one) guy working on CS:GO (Counter-Strike:Global Offensive)?


>is it just a serve case of shit taste?

you're so fucking worthless you can't even end your own life hahaha holy shit
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>Movement deceleration from jumping increased to on par with 1.6
>Reduce Tec-9 and USP's moving accuracy
>CZ-75 gives $300 kill reward
>All upgraded pistols except DE deal 95-99 damage to helmet at closest range
>Increase M4A1-S fire rate to = M4A4, also increase A1's reloading time, the animation can have the operator pull the charging handle back for example
Will this make the game good?
This game has problems far larger than minor gun balance issues. That would be a good start though.
>Increase M4A1-S fire rate to = M4A4

everyone will use the A1 again then
Is there ever gonna be another CS team with a golliwog in it? Was Spawn the last one?
k what do you suggest to buff the A4 den
>bring back ladder strafes
>bring back old nuke
>-cbbl +season
>-overpass +inferno
>he uses the silenced m4
Kill yourself
Overpass is a good map though. Would rather see them expanding the map pool with two maps.
Agreed about cbble, the current iteration of it is pretty cancer to watch. Maybe CTs need more places to hide in B site.
>Would rather see them expanding the map pool with two maps.
yeah that would work too. im just tried of seeing cobble 24/7.
Wow I'm from reddit and I know that pros can't learn 9 maps. It's simply TOO many maps to learn. CANT YOU UNDERSTAND THAT?
is there even one motherfucker who plays this game on a pentium and a low end card/150~ fps and is lem+
does an athlon x2 from 2010 with a gt 770 count?
It would be too logical. They are propably going to remove Dust2 and add "improved" Inferno.

They should also outsource their maps more. There is dozens of savants in the community that would cream their pants if they got a contract to work on maps like Aztec.

How long have they been remaking Inferno now? Three months? Four months?
removing cobble isn't even necessary, just fully randomize the map picking and end with this ban/pick bullshit, this is what causes the artificial safespace picks
who else /drunk/ here
But anon, we can't remove Dust2. """""""muh iconic map""""""" aside, Dust2 is literally the containment map for Russians and Pinoys. Dust2 is the hero we need, but not the hero we deserve. Do you really want the shitskins to invade your precious Cache? Or your Overpass?
What mouse for big hands is best

Something I can put my entire hand on and lets it fit
deathadder lad
my dick mouse
sorry wasnt on my phone just now
As far as I know, Valve is not even aware of the whole Russian problem.
but its only 9 am
all comp pool maps are containment maps for ruskis anon
too late, I already blocked, please don't reply to my posts
i dont understand
My deathadder black is even, but just a little, too small
you literally just replied to it, you dumb, brainless retard
Yes but dd2 contains the most and the lowest
you did it again, how can you be so fucking stupid?
lol what can i do it's a bug
another thread ruined by gay rrrrr -.-
some me some all me
it's ThommyS fault, not mine

this post (>>148237770)
wasnt me btw
both me
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Please go stand on a molotov.
one of these is made by me

not this
why am i still playing this shitty trash game
i actually felt bad about bullying rrrr last night but now i dont because he deserves it
just wanted to tell you that the other post wasnt mine
it was me btw

sorry about not giving (You)'s to you
what is going on? I'm confused

Sometimes you can't help but laugh.
>It's another the enemy is super obviously hacking in prime mm episode
on my KNEES for (You) from a cute poster
succ my peepee
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get your lol on at 4chan.org/vg/csgog
yo just got here from csgog
hows it going?
I need to pray to Kek that Optic Gaming never makes it to a major again and the org pulls out of CSGO so that my OG stickers will pay off
suh dude
>mfw watching someone on my team play with obvious super fuckign high sens

it hurts
im not loling...
does it hurt more than being silver?
>tfw you are that dude but you're still SMFC
>tfw you will never git gud and get global because you don't have enough space for a fuckhueg mousepad to go low sense
It hurts me even worse than it does you, fampai
Wow that's a nice skin
It's for aim reliant players. You wouldn't understand.
use the Matchmaking Server Picker program on csbanana

And get fucking terrorist turks?
youll still get russians. ive gotten russians in every server except NA and NA is fucking terrible

feels good after all the shitposting desu
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I don't support trump tho.png
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>tfw anime
>tfw called cyka kurwa fuck you every game because I flame my tm's hard when tilted
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>europeans having to play with russians
>when you JUST know that the next gameplay patch will buff Bizon to a level of abomination
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>overwatch dying
>overwatch gets competitive update
>overwatch lose even more players
>americans having to play with other americans

sounds horrible
>every e'sport' dying

well at least the opposition is easy
it's time for quake live to shine

good riddance
considering starting smoking so people can see im human trash

it's already quite clear, thank you
O boy i would love to see that really
I miss quake live dreamhack tournaments..
>I once contemplated buying Overwatch

>buy a P2k Amber Fade skin
>wtf it looks nothing like in those youtube videos
>realize it's because of my shader settings
>everything is very low bc don't want to lose fps
silly me... heh... ;_;
don't think so, one person talked to me in public without being forced to do so
you do now that quakecon has tournaments every year right?

oh hey that's pretty soon now too
blue lam or emerald pinstripe
Yes but they arent as big and i never seem to catch them, sadly
But anyway, to say something more about >quake to shine, it wont shine, the 'pros' and other people are too casual to master a game like quake and will never bothe to do so when csgo and memewatch exist now
first class ya plebeian
i only have 5 bucks in my account
perhaps don't buy skins if you're too poor
emerald desu
Okay /csgog/ let's settle this once and for all

Player 1 kills the last three in the site and about to defuse the bomb.

Player 2 was late but is now closer to the bomb and starts defusing it.

Should Player 2 give the defuse up for Player 1 or stick with it?
I live in Lapland, so I have two options:

>play in EU West and East and get 100 ping
>play exclusively with Russians
>tfw wet ass when I in an intense game during mm

I always stick it and tell Player 1 to fuck off

you should be happy you get electricity, never mind internet access
uhhh what?
just defuse the fucking bomb. CSGO is about winning rounds, anything else is fucking worthless and you should strike it from your mind. You see SK fighting over defuses during the major? Fuck no, they only care about winning the fucking round and hence the fucking game.

Same applies to pugs, i don't care about your ELO, i want to win the fucking match.

However, if someone aces and there's still 30 seconds on the bomb and he asks to defuse it, give it to him.

the objective of a CT is to deny the explosion of a bomb. That's it.
>esl overwatch only has 7k viewers
nice "game" you got there
if there's two of us I kill the other guy so I definitely get the mvp
im honestly surprised its dying this fast. the game has only been out of beta for like what....a month?
Why does the defuser get MVP anyway? Anyone can defuse, you just have to look at the bomb and hold e. How does that make him the most valuable player?
reddits guy get_right is streaming lads
>nobody talking about this http://www.hltv.org/news/18258-splyce-complete-new-roster
what the fuck is this shit
does machinegun speak english even?
Nope. He has the English understanding of a 3 year old.
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They propably intended to sign allu, but made a mistake.

(also when are we playing)
i really dont like this. machinegun should stick to his mongolian comrades like vp sticks together.
im sure its just temporary and a way for him to travel more
who /realniggahours/ here
you betta smash dat muthafuckin (You) button if u up
SK is cheating though so can't really take them into the equation.
it's 7:30
>the guy shitposting on hltv about this was right
Now i need to find his post because there were a lot of other retarded predictions there.

I can't believe this is happening.
haha what the fuck
Hello I was told I would be able to get my lol on here
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JasonR told us about machinegun and cruc1al he diddnt know he would get dropped tho.
TIL you can one tap 100 HP full armored opponent with SG 553. Is there any reason to use AK?

>stupid spray pattern
>$300 more expensive
you can 1 tap 100 hp armored opponent with Desert Eagle. Is there any reason for any gun?
movement speed and high unscoped recoil + innacuracy makes it awful for aggressive playstyles
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How do we make EU CS great again lads? Monkeys and shitters are running rampant meanwhile OUR guys are in a slump
>How do we make EU CS great again lads?

Well, banning the monkeys is a good start. Then maybe ask Flusha to sit down a bit and don't reveal his cheat too hard.

I'm just glad JW never cheated.
nothing the 2 guns are just perfectly balanced
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>aim reliant
>spray pattern of the p90
I'm 2hrs late to tell you to kys


reddit streamer literally BTFO
where is meme groups?
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some avatar that first guy has
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Here's his response.

all those fucking knives

like tears in the rain
Who? LMao
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I'm seriously losing my fucking mind right now.
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>anomaly can still trade
it's not a cs:go vac ban...
how do we save cs go?

ban cheaters for cheating
>make pistols even more powerful
>increase movement speed while scoped
>more skinez
Ban favelas
Ban flushar
Drop the scripts
Never again hire scoots pansy blu
Always hire Borg
remove skins to drive away the shitties
that's definitely a solid start
Post cp and ima do it
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>he don't want that cheese pizza
Lmaoing @ your lyf
>played for 300 hours
>still cant aim for shit
>gold 2

How do I get good?
>fix VAC
>fix Overwatch bypass
>make it possible to Overwatch report from demos
>add 5v5 rankless matchmaking
>fix the server browser and find a way to include private servers into the experience and drop system
>make small gun balance adjustments
>nerf jumping accuracy
>tell the community what you are planning to do with the game and make announcements about problems like the recent lagfest in EU servers
>set IP filters for certain regions like Russia
>outsource mapmaking more and actually try to put effort in the map pool and revamp decisions
>investigate the hacking problem in the pro scene and set uniform anti-cheating regulations for big events (keylogging etc.)

Propably missed a lot of stuff.
Community server had skin drops before, but they broke it with an Operation update and """"forgot"""" to fix it.
cheat like anyone else who is "good"
Download a map called "aimbotz" from the workshop. Click hundred heads in that map and play two full rounds of deathmatch before any comp session.
our jew steel is streaming cs
fuck that kike
>>make it possible to Overwatch report from demos

so much this
How the fuck did Anomaly get VAC'ed?

Fa_|_|en> _/DM
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So what's your excuse for not owning $6,000 skin?

Why don't you ever OP and put that gif there?
>So what's your excuse for not owning $6,000 skin?

I'm not a vapid shallow materialistic cunt.
Is there a service where I can buy/rent/whatever a 128tick server and set up whatever maps and voting style I want?
i dont like the way the fire serpent looks. i still have no idea what they were thinking with that design.
not even yours
>dont want to play this shitty game
>have to rank up for drop tomorrow
>The Splyce Overwatch team has released Joshua “Steel” Nissan and Matthew “flame” Rodriguez from the current roster. We appreciate their dedication and hard work in the team’s first steps. They were a pleasure to work with and we wish them the best in their future endeavors.

I'd honestly kms if I ever bought a virtual item worth the price of a decent used vehicle
>he won it in a pot with an entry fee of 1.5k
>Shoulder peek
>150ms later
>Teleport back to where I was and get headshot

Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 126

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