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Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 234
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Welcome to Sonic the Hedgehog General. Let's talk about Sonic games, old and new, and the entire franchise including animation and comics. Share art, music, talk about new developments, discuss ROM hacks, speedrunning, etc.

/sthg/ - #498 - Ghost Edition

>Link Compilation<

>Drawfag/Writefag Idea Walls<

The Sonic 25th Anniversary Party is on July 22! It will be live-streamed via Twitch and is set to feature an "exclusive first look at the future of Sonic" (It'll probably just be memes).

SEGA Confirms New Sonic Project Coming 2017

Sonic Team working on a "completely new game"

Tons of Unseen Sonic Concept Art Revealed

Sonic: Mega Drive is out now - Sequel revealed

Sonic Boom Fire & Ice E3 Trailer

Runners is Dead - Servers to shut down July 27

Sonic is joining the cast of LEGO Dimensions!

>Recent Releases<
Mario & Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games is out for 3DS and Wii U.
Sonic Boom: Fire & Ice is out for the 3DS on September 27.

Sonic Boom's first season has ended! You can watch all of the first season's episodes in English here:
Season 2 will air later this year.

Previous thread >>148009298
Not "keep the lights on edition"

what was the point of having ghosts hidden in random crap in Knuckles' levels
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This thread is haunted
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King Boom Boo.jpg
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Robotnik builds his bases in a lot of haunted structures

>from Shadow the Hedgehog
"Stupid ghosts, thinking they can just haunt my cryptic castle"
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Haunted Milk.jpg
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I hope you like my pyramid
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One... just once, I'd like to stop this from happening.
Still haven't found a way...
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Why are ghosts literally the best enemy type? Why don't they appear in more games?
>only 99%

that's awful generous of you

I meant from a gameplay perspective.

>touch a random part of a wall
>ghost pops out
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Spaceman Sonic 1.png
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They slow you down if you're going for A rank.

Also they can catch you and you watch as Knux struggles to get loose and goes UGH HNNNGH LET ME GO RRRGH
In case you're one of the few people that has that fetish...
I think I shit my pants
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haunted platform.jpg
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the ghosts in Sonic & Knuckles have the same sound effect as the moving platforms in Sonic 3D Blast
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Gonna sue
is that a sports bra?
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>Any theme requests for next thread?
Oops, sorry man. I didn't see yang there.
My bad.
Then it shouldn't be so loose.
8 can't watch this gif without hearing https://youtu.be/28ZcsyOayLM
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Archie Amy is best Amy
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Holy shit slow down
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Time to speed up.
Filter and report here: >>148175537 to contain and ignore cancer.
Yeah slow down, artists got to get ready for #500.
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sthg after image limit.gif
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I'm Thunderbolt in that situation.

Just kidding, I'm Axel.
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yeah man I haven't even started yet

Not that people would really care for it anyway
It'll slow down during euro hours soon.
Should I just post my 500th celebration art and be done with it, or wait until 499?
why not wait till 500? only reason to post it in 499 is if you want it as the op image for 500
But we're going to pool the images all together, in one big old masterpost
Exactly, anon.
I think the 500 dollar edit should be OP.
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Seconded; or, if a collage, then it should be the largest part, in the middle tying everything together.
No, anon, that's not creative.
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Katella 4 - DarkeImp.jpg
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No way. Out of the ones we have now I think this one is the best one for the OP.
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It has begun.
I don't care what anyone says, I think the background art in Underground is fantastic
But All Stars Transformed still looks really nice? why remaster it?
Why would you remaster Lost World it's not even old
So, how do you guys think the special zone relates to the next game?
OP image has already been decided
Yeah, it's going to be the collage, right? Not the dollar bill?
It's going to be a shitpost probably. There's always been some fuckers that get hard from planning things like that, right from the early days.
Most of our anniversary threads have had good OP pics though, I think. But I also just might not be remembering.
Guy who was gonna emulate Black Knight from the last thread here, couple things I wanted to say.

First up, holy shit the game is so much better when you aren't wagglan to attack, it feels so much better to hit a button.

Secondly, I was worried that it would run poorly/have a lot of bugs with the emulation since the videos I found of people emulating it all had issues, but so far it has run flawlessly.

Eager to see if that holds up.
If that's the case just ignore that shit and make an actual thread.
I think it ran fine before aside from a few hiccups but Dolphin 5.0 has been working wonders on almost every game that had trouble before.
is generations worth
$20 at most.
It's an ok game. Nothing more.
Collage sounds good in theory, but some artists would have to rush to make it and that'd possibly result in less quality. Just go with something already made and give them more time.
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consider a load of this.jpg
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I get what you're saying, but slowing down this thread would give artists more time to contribute. We'll have enough for a collage by the end.
I find it really surprising, to be honest. But there's always a faggot that say's he's gonna fuck it up.
And we may get less art during the actual 500 thread itself, since everything would be posted before it.
>slowing down
You make Sonic sad.
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Here's what I think of that
... wut.
I think >>148183140 raises a good point. It'd suck if we get less art for #500 just to make an OP image. If anything, a collage should be the OP pic for #501 after we get all the new stuff from #500
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Do you think senpai will turn up again for 500?

What about any others who are hidden anons.

Also no.
Maybe, never know.
Maybe the mememan will deliver us a fresh meme.

Who else has shown up?
We've had Senpai, Black Senpai, Drawfag Senpai, and Ginger Senpai so far. Am I missing anyone?
When is the Blue Blur himself showing up?
Never, anon, he's too fast for the naked eye.
Why would they want to come here?
I doubt it.

>yfw he actually knows about us
>yfw the facebook shoutout
>tfw we can't joke about him doing stuff because the fucking madman might actually go ahead and do it.
If that's the case then go with >>148179724
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Well, I won't sit on it any longer. Hope you consider it for OP.
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Damn son that's awesome.
At some point we're just going to need a poll to figure out the #500 OP image
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stupid and dead.png
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Another night of suffering completed.
Decided not to do Boom since it's fairly new, low quality on youtube, and the second season may start soon. Gonna do Ruby Spears Megaman instead to make up for it. Tomorrow we continue suffering.
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the only true contender for 500's op pic.
So after #500, we're finally going to get rid of Bump, right? We'll have grown past having a shitty OC, right?
Great work
You guys worry way too much about this 500 nonsense
It allows a venue for sexualizing a character without creating circle jerk about a canon character.
I'm not sure that's any better.
but bump isn't even that cute
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memed (2).png
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You shut your whore mouth
She's a cute early 20-something furry waifu.
Nobody is making you fap to her, but you'd have shit taste not to.
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Post knux
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WHat are you, gay?
That's Cleary sally
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you're just a jewel thief.jpg
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that looks... wrong.jpg
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>Official, published Sonic comic art.
>implying bump wouldn't get raped at an /sthg/ party
bump is a shit

and somehow it's still better than some/most of the Dark Age artwork
>your favorite sonic fanartist will never draw bump
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You're clearly slow

I want to see Skelly, Evan, Yardley, Hesse, and JenHen eventually draw Bump.
Folder of bump art accessible where?
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Great vow Sonic.png
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It hurts...

or check the Ride Archive for the OC collection in the OP.
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intense rage.gif
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Thank you
Bump is a filthy slut.
She just likes having fun, anon.
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Bump Smile.png
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You're welcome, anon.
R-RUd-- wait, I'm not totally convinced otherwise.
Why is the mouth fucked up?
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Bump Smile.png
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Because I am a hack who should never be allowed Paint or Paint-related programs. Try this one.
We're just gunna leave this up, huh? Nobody minds?
Would throwing a tantrum make the swatbots work faster?
/r/ing Bump with a dunce cap.
Too bad Yoto's not around today.
I could whip one up if you wanted me to.
That would be cool!
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Frum sonic Twitter
That's more like it. 500 on Friday here we come.
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>My birthday.
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Who is best girl and why is it Blaze?

I've been away for around 7 months. What did I miss? Is Penders dead?
I come from SSMB, I don't want to be there anymore because I'm sick of sharing a board with retarded sjw cucks.
>Is Penders dead?
No but he was at a Sonic convention or something like that, he even got to talk to Iizuka, but I don't have an image of it.
she's the best girl who's been playable in a game that's not shit
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This one?
That's the one
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rouge is so cutet.png
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I think you mean Rouge.
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He looks like my grandpa.
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I think you mean Amy.
Why is Manic fatter in this?
Goodnight Bump. Don't die, but don't fast either.
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>Is Penders dead?

No, but he went to a convention and ranted about how back in his day you needed to show a portfolio to get into comics whereas now it's all about who you know (despite that he only got into Sonic because his friend Scott Fulop gave him an in), and that webcomic work will never get you anywhere professionally (Evan Stanely and Tyson Hesse were both also present - two people who do fan comic work and are now professionals). So, you know, the usual bullshit from him.
Who is this adorable bird?
Canary Carey
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2 MB, 1983x3051
Thanks for the info, I've never read the comics, I'm only familiar with the games and Sonic X.
The comics were at one point a Dark Age laughing stock but in recent years have become basically the best part of the franchise. You should read 'em, shit's cash.
Now that I have a job I'd like to begin reading them. Where should I start?
252 if you want to get in from just the reboot.
160 if you want to get in from where it started getting good before the reboot.
1 if you're a bad enough dude.
Start with the reboot at Sonic 252 and Universe 55. Since Archie is shit at trades, your best bet is to read them online on SonicScanF. Also don't worry about there being two books, since Universe isn't mandatory. It's only there if you want to read about characters that aren't Sonic and the FFs, like Shadow, Knuckles, Silver, and Blaze. Universe does have some of the best stories though so I recommend reading it anyways. Anyone got the reading order?

Thanks for the info, I'm a casual so I think the reboot will be just fine for me. Next pay day will definitely be comic buying day, too.
Although if you got the money, do support them, the writers and artists actually care about the franchises they work on.
>1 if you're a bad enough dude.
You're forgetting 0.

>Anyone got the reading order?
Reading order list isn't needed if you're starting from the reboot. Just alternate between the two series with every arc and skip Worlds Unite whenever you get to that.
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big brother.jpg
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Just in case I don't get to finish the thing I want to draw for the 500th, have one of the things I decided not to go with for the 500th.
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Why are there no good places to talk about Sonic?
I got the Sonic Comic complete encyclopedia recently

It's pretty freakin great.
It's just a shame that everything in it doesn't matter anymore.
nothing really matters if you think about it
As long as you never give up the fight.
I still hold it as canon, just that it's the past of an alternate yet simultaneous timeline as stuff like Mega Drive.

I also hold out that someday Penders will have a heart attack or something and we can get everyone back, or at the very least are able to acknowledge them as past events that still impact the current stories in some way.

>He's selling Sonic books at his table
>He's selling what is clearly other people's art at his table

How the fuck is he able to get away with that?

>He met Iizuka

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How is Izuka not laughing.
He hates for anyone else to interpret his Sonic world differently and is not boiling with rage with seeing Knuckles and co with Space Blackman.


Who do you think he paid for it?


Also, I'm waiting for him to just have sonic in the next issue, if there is one. It's the only way people at Archie and Sega will continue to pay attention to him
>JUST recorded
Oh deary fucking me, Penders isn't going to be sued by Sega for decades if he keeps this up.
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>that Lara-Su design

I thought she was topless for a minute due to her pose and the fact that her suit and her skin are nearly the same damn color.
Hope you get to finish what you want in time. Always like seeing Bump/Sage interact with Sonic.

Sonic is lucky.
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>Always like seeing Bump/Sage interact with Sonic.
I like their interactions with Sonic too, especially when they're cute.
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>two of the shittiest and boring ships in one picture
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What are you listening to right now?
>Pokémon Go is now more popular than Porn

Can Sonic even compete?
well sonic is a video game so it has that
sage is way cuter than bump
There was a lot of images the last few threads who is going to upload them to the booru
not me im the laziest man in the world
Did he ever finish this
Morning /sthg/
Welcome aboard. I did the same some time ago for the same reasons.
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Playing Lost World for the first time. Upto the last Zone.

Why do all the stages in this game have no rhyme or reason, there's a act in Sky Road that clearly belongs in Desert Ruins, a fucking random candy and honeycomb level in the before mentioned Zone. It feels like they made these zones before they even knew what sort of game they were making. Sorry if I'm beating a dead horse but this game confuses me for something that's supposed to be another simple adventure.
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Honestly, I'm not sure I'm going to be able to finish this in time for the 500th

If I can't, at least I tried.
I really have to wonder what you did go with! Good luck finishing it, anon.
That's looks really good so far dude
Pls finish
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Do we got more of these
not any with good characters
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SSSSSS fusion.png
1 MB, 1800x1800
Excuse you

What software do you use?
/r/ing one with Sonic, Shadow and Silver
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>He's selling copies of the books that he made Archie stop printing
>A Sonic fan convention invited this guy as a guest in the first place
chocolate bump is tasty
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1 MB, 1728x1835
I think Lost World confuses everyone.
Fug, I can't think of anything to draw for 500.
SAI painter, though I was using Photoshop for until relatively recently.

I should have switched a LOT sooner.
Sounds like me and Clip Studio, still using Sai for lines and PS for painting.

Fug it, I'll reuse the old birthday cake surprise thing.
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Super Amy.jpg
376 KB, 1162x1381
I have clip paint but the interface is a little too intimidating to leap into.

And sadly my computer can't actually run it all that well.
What's your art name? You have a blog?
The final design should've been more cyborg then just robot
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Yeah I do

But not much interesting there, unless this interests you.
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49 KB, 310x236

>Lost Hex
>none of the stages have a hexagon motif other than Honeycomb Highway
>they didn't even do the bare minimum and replace the GHZ checkerboard dirt with hexagons
Shard/Ant looks the best.
kek it was just Super Mario Galaxy planets the hex motif would made the game look more original if they played it up more
Sonic Lost World has to be the most "just because" game I've ever played.
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In a game about floating tubes and sphere the level design is flat
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Nah fuck you
Well, you draw good. I hope I can be as you some day.
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Trigger warning

I'm pretty sure the conceptualization phase of LW consisted of Iizuka pulling random words from a hat.

How else would you explain Zommom's fight on a pixelated robot head at the end of a honeycomb level in the Desert Ruins Zone.
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Thank you

Practice a lot and I'm sure you'll be better than me in no time.
>"Let's see here...Ah! 'EVIL'...'MONSTERS'...MAGNETISM', Interesting!"
>"'EGGMAN'...'CONCH'...'HORN', ooh, that sounds good!"
>"'TAILS'...'CYBORG', Yes! Brilliant! I make mirrion dorrah!"
like I said not ones with good characters
Name one good Sonic character.
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Tommy Turtle
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Boom Knuckles.
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Post more Madonna
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Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 234

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