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is uniel a good game or is it like skullgirls?
If a game used anime art styles but had a Street Fighter style gameplay. would it still be called an anime game?
if you're a white bitch dont post in this general or play fighting games anymore
make me
you tell me
>he's basically unplayable as it is
Not really?
You shouldn't really be using HPB in defense anyway. It's combo material.
Finally decided to pick up SFV. Who's a good beginner char that isnt a shoto

Also this music is god tier what the fuck. Since when did Capcom have good sound direction again?
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Tfw no recent decent ifone for pkm go
Tfw ever new ios update lags my 4s but without them i cant use anime boxes to fap
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This is the hardest fucking combo I've ever done this game. I get it about 1 out 15. How do I make it consistent?
whats hard about it?
Its not that fun. People are entertained by the most simple shit.
You have any tips then?
Cause im trying but im shit and once i get pushed as him i have no idea what to do
I've done most of his combo tutorial things but that doesnt seem to help me in actually matches at all and watching players like FAB helps 0%

also playing on a pad if that matters
Yes, see Koihime Musou
I'm honestly not kidding.

Balrog's theme, Kanzuki beach theme and Brazil favela theme are legit 3 of the best pieces of VG music I've ever heard.

After the shitty wub and overly synthesized era of SFIV I didn't have much hope for it
that got patched out, though
its very good
im leaning towards vega rashid and juri (from the little i played of her in the story) r these ok
>not linking this
First, learn how to block well.
Then, learn when/how to backdash -> Pot buster. Pot's backdash is amazing because it's crazy invincible.
But generally, you need to learn to block well and eventually instant block a lot.
The second part of the last ex kunai always whiffs.
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>Beat someone
>He sends you a message complimenting your play
Whatever happened to that guy collecting fighting game soundtracks?
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What's wrong with being a good sport about it?
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>Beat someone
>He spends the next 10 minutes sperging out and spamming the fightcade lobby
>tfw you can't send messages on ps4
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How do we stop him?
>Balrog's theme, Kanzuki beach theme and Brazil favela theme are legit 3 of the best pieces of VG music I've ever heard.


We act like he would lose in SFV if he focused on the game. Reddit will believe us.
>complaining about sportsmanship
You're worse then those point fiends that don't grant run backs
Play a shoto.
Then uninstall and play a good game
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>get beat by someone
>He spends the next 10 minutes sperging out and spamming the fightcade lobby
What fighting game song should I listen to
You can. You have to go to their fighter profile and find their psn.
You can if you're playing any fighting game except SFV
>its a convenient rollback when they're losing episode
i'm here now/sparking from tekken 5 dr.
KOF XIII OST-Who is Queen, To tame a Bad Boy, Arashi No Sax, EX Flame Iori Theme
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i sniff tummy!
yang's theme from 2i
ggs flea
If you're going to Evo for Xrd, some Japanese players will change the delay setting when they play. Usually they'll change it back afterwards, but make sure to check when it's your turn to play in case they forgot.
Science Fiction and YOMOTSUHIRASAKA
Lion's VF2 theme
Balrog/dudley sfiv themes
I think they read your post wrong
Also, misleading gif might have been the cause
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To match the input delay the arcade version has since that's what they're used to play on
Newfag question: How would I go about practicing Hit confirming?
Kum's theme sounds like it was ripped straight out of Contra what the fuck
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there arent enuf gud sniffs in the thread desu\
>Lion VF2
You goof'd right there pal
guess that makes sense then
In training mode you can set the dummy to block randomly. Set it to that and do a string, practice finishing the combo when you hit and ending early when it's blocked.
it's the booby lady!!!!
I dunno why but this post reminded me that BB is 8 fucking years old. What the shit.
BlazBlue players are the anime 09ers

how man version are left?

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The first time I played Blazblue was in my high school anime club the year Calamity Trigger came out. With no context or understanding of any characters I picked Jin and proceeded to get 16 wins people were fucking infuriated
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>not playing the best blazblue character
you azureless sperglord fucks

CF is supposed to be the last one. Although the BB franchise is so big in Japan they'll continue it in some way shape or form for sure

Yeah well no shit. I think CT sold a million+ worldwide which is crazy for anime.

Well its the end of Ragna's story. I doubt its the last one. Hopefully though this leads to a roster reset. Cast is getting too big.
CF, CF2, CFE, etc.
give me some good laura tech
CT looked cool and fighting games were just coming back people were buying anything
Jab > Jab > V-Trigger into Character Select
A bit late on this but holy shit I'm laughing so hard, the best part is the name of the Linne player in the second clip is 時間切れ (Jikan gire = Time-Out) lmao
>Cast is getting too big

Hearing this now when by far the biggest complaint of CT back in the day was the small roster is music to my fucking ears.

There will probably be an extend version lets be honest. In this instance I'd be okay with it though since it's the series finale. Still think CSE and SPE shouldve been patches. The Arcsys' model is cancer I'm not gonna deny that.
why are japanese games so primitive compared to western games? like how the fuck is there not a japanese equivalent of blizzard, valve, or riot?
>Rashid's English voice
It's the BlazBlue model, not the ArcSys model
Everybody knows the best VF 2 soundtracks are Shun Di, Akira, Pai, and Wolf in that order
Because Japan gives 2 shits about pc gaming outside of VNs
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>imagine this guy screaming
>You can't escape
Looking awfully lean there Tatsunoko Alex
1d 20h until uniel pc
i decided against buying it. it's gonna end up like the ps3 version.
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is tifa a gud air footsies character??
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flea no!!
fuck you go buy it anon, ill play with u
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let's be honest here. it's gonna have way less players than xrd.
Nah, she's low tier. Play Squall instead.
Play lightning instead.
He doesn't look so lean when he is slamming the giants
maybe you and i can make a change!
There was a lot of cloud on that stream last night.
That's the new Dissidia which Tifa isn't in yet.
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play whipsies instead
Best ff.
even if you call him lean compared to his usual self he is way bigger than 99.9% of people looking like that
i liked how nonlinear it was but it was confusing as fuck to play for a 5 year old.

i was on disc 3 with 2k hp on each character and no junctions because i thought you were supposed to use gfs to kill everything. i couldn't beat that witch boss at the start of disc 3 so i just quit playing.
He also looks like he could collapse at any moment
Xrd east coast anyone?
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I know right, everybody knows 9 is best ff, post rat waifu
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dyke transvestite pirate cumming soon i hope
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why don't you join a lobby
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>he's still hating on sfv!
>the instant floe enters gold theres rqers left and right

so gold is just fraudulent as fuck huh
xrd or xrdr?
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Smug pulling a Nuckledu
Do't you have someone to grab?
and a gold ends his streak lmfao
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How can Capcom even compete?
Looking to main her, how's her playstyle?
Mash UNGA and hit them with the BUNGA
whooooooo gives a shit about RQ'ers really

you know theyre a bitch

they know theyre a bitch

all is right in the world, the points don't matter
Ohhhhh boy, are you in for a treat!

I am in a lobby

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Which KOF is Leona best in?
the one you dont play her in
meppz tried to come back to the discord under a different name and fucking SLIM 10-0'd him in his main game
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Ayyy nice, i'm a huge wrestlefag and i'm glad i can play a wrestler now since R.mika sucks
I'll play, can you set up a lobby while I hook up my ps4
who was the most op character across all street fighters and why is it Q
haha epic post /v/ro
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why do people post pc player numbers. NO ONE plays fighters on pc.
Well hopefully she's decent in XIV, otherwise you're going to be struggling to not to anything of worth. There's also Ramon, who will also be hard as fuck to play but looks to be pretty cool in XIV.
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meppz no how could you let this happen
only 30% of people on ps4 have even won a ranked match, eat a dick you dumb console warring retard
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now post her face, i dare you.
You guys are going to think I'm a waste but...

>Own a Neo-Geo MVS arcade cabinet
>Mainly bought it because of my love of Metal Slug, and Puzzle Bobble and how I thought I'd never find a sunset riders cabinet
>End up with a good variety of games, and a Sunset Riders Jamma Board.

>Have no fighting games.

How do I remedy this? Also whats the best ones to get into? Fatal Fury? King of Fighters?
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How does that even happen?
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Throw it away. Emulate.
Get Garou and Samsho 2 and call it a day
garou: mark of the wolves (but it's pretty rare)
real bout fatal fury 2
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>stating a fact is console warring
ID is wdly
im the only one that stated a fact tho?
Haven't won a game all night as Ibuki. Fuck this game.
search id doesnt work
How to take notes?
Fatal Fury, KoF, Samurai Shodown, Power Instinct, Breakers/Karnov, World Heroes, Waku Waku 7, The Last Blade 2.

Also get Neo Turf Masters, Twinklestar Sprites, Baseball Stars 2, Shock Troopers, Street Hoop, Aero Fighters, and Windjammers.
Why is it always the young players?

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Matrimelee too dawg!!
meppz vs slim in 3s on fightcade right now holy shit
How do I achieve Guile mode?
Matrimelee is Power Instinct.
oh my eyes must have moved over it. my bad.
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No matter who wins, everyone loses.
i wish i could play a 1p fighting game where i can do all my cool combos and pressure stuff
Floe is ducking this guile so hard. What an annoying fatass
no hes just dumb, there was money on the line so he sure as hell wasnt dodging
this isn't a stream chat
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boy do I have just the game for you
I'll just try 98 then I guess.
Where is fighting games most popular? West or East?

I imagine west but am I wrong?
Bayonetta? Punch-out? Dark souls?

east. specifically, japan. all fighting games have scenes there.
KoF in China alone shits on every fighting game scene in the west combined
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SkullGirls fucking sucks
uniel pc soon
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I think THIS will change your mind
t. keke zee
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Literally who
>one trial left
>it's a charge character
fuck me
It's a shame lagging shitters will never be fixed. Fuck those faggots that turn on the lag the second they lose a round. Teleporting cunts.
how can you not play charge and motion? is this your first fighting game?

yeah it's not like you could play games with new netcode

oh wait...
first one I've put any sort of time into
I don't want to play training mode simulator because literally no one is playing the game fag.
also it's guile trial 9, I'm having trouble with 2 consecutive charge moves
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We did it boys!
So Urien's clothes rip off when he does is CA

That pretty sweet
totally makes up for losing his corner combos and left-right unblockable setups
How do I get ready to play Akuma in Tekken at EVO?
play akuma in sf4
Then imagine you have no DP, no fadc and you can't jump
Who would win in a fight between Shin Akuma with the Orochi powers from Rugal vs. Sonic with all chaos emeralds?
> PC
Nice. I used the round 1 mod too.
The trick is to maintain your back charge while you flash kick. So down-back>upback+kick>forward>back>forward+punch.

Or 17kick646punch
but akuma can do all those things in T7
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>lose a money match live on stream due to a hustle
>doesn't matter because your viewers will donate the money
Which character in SFV embodies tiny tim the most? I want to make a montage to dancing in the tulips but I don't know who would be best for it.
Meant the person playing against him, obviously.
how important is the timing on the flash kick? I assume if I go too high the hurricane won't come out since I'm airborne
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It's fast. Can't say if it's tighter than SFIV's timing but I get it like once every 6 tries.
I know I'm supposed to hate Apologyman but his Skrull is too good.
or 37 K 64 P
You know, if you don't wanna spaz all over the stick like a pleb.
Dat skrull is godlike

But it's been a while since I've seen him actually do work with him, he usually kills them before he's down to Skrull or his Skrull gets fucked by incomings
Is Gilty the one that lost to a zangief and then tried to beat the shit out of him or is that a different tranny?
I've heard people talking about using v-reversal to avoid death by super chip

In order to launch a v-reversal, you first have you be in blockstun don't you? So if it's a raw super that's going to hit you, you can't v-reversal it? You can only reversal if they hit confirm it off a blockstring
It's that one
He's now trying to whore himself out for $1k
you know that "tranny" is a slur, right?
Huh. I will try that. I really want to play Guile but I'm ass with charge as well.

Also tried to smear him as a pedophile right after.
Where do you think we are?
sorry is that the man with an inside out penis that lost to a zangief
Should X-Factor be removed or could it be modified?
If you time it right you can v-reversal the initial hit. Right now the delay is too much for anything besides a gamble because you pretty much have to do it the frame after the super activation animation ends.
you mean like how "black" is a slur
thanks, I'll just need to work at it for a while
hopefully I'll be able to get it fairly soon
Just make it always level 1 damage.
FANG Stage reveal coming soon?
wtf is training mode simulator
> tranny
> slur

Soon trans will be a slur. Then woman. Then girl. Finally person and we'll never have to talk to them again.
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>exam in 45 minutes
>was only able to sleep 2 hours because of this disgusting heat
>uniel pc is still not here

send help
GG man, hope I didn't bore you too much with my mediocre May. I actually learned a lot about both match-ups so thanks for the matches.
is charge partitioning a thing in SFV? Is it even possible to forward dash and then do a flash kick?
If you didn't see
Try what he said as well. It looks more efficient.
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juri feet.webm
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Are you ready for online to become horrible when Juri is released? Do you have your anti Juri tech ready?
juri was shit in 4 and she'll be shit in 5 because gimmick characters in 5 are even shittier.
>Having trouble against Kim: No combo THICC edition
I dont mind playing people as long as they learn
Based of that photo alone, he looks more like Anderson Silva or Michael Phelps. It's not accurate to the character at all

Bottom line: He doesn't look like a guy who could take on a Hugo, Ryu, or even a Balrog in a standalone fight

His core section is disproportionate to the rest of his body
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until porn stops using tranny it isn't and the porn industry is the most progressive one in the world
online is already horrible
I did it
thanks anons
>tfw i defeated Sabin in his steam with my Vega
Literally upper body all day everyday
Mainly arms and chest
>Did that proxy trick to unlock everything
>Go into training mode
>Do a full v trigger full gauge Ibuki combo
>Turn off SFV
>Go back to shitposting on 4chan
Hopefully the same thing doesn't happen with UNIEL tomorrow....
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Remember that SFIV and V treat any forward input as forward and any up input as up.
As long as you move to a new input that contains the direction you want the game will accept it.

It's why doing 3137 inputs in IV will give you 6464 input ultras/supers as well.

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What the evo announcement needs to be
Juri and Urien out now
Decapre is a bonus seventh character this season
Daily challenges are out
complete 10 daily challenges with a character to unlock one of the survival colors

What the announcement is going to be
Juri trailer with august 31st release date
you can now pay capcom for survival colors
They fixed the game
how about fixed netcode and lobbies you shitter
Yeah, but he's actually pretty built in those incarnations

Not saying he's super beefy huge or anything, but I'd assume he's got the same build as a John Cena or HHH realistically
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> TFW all colors, costumes, survival clears, and premium costumes on PS4 using the new exploit
What are some good demons to use in a fighting game? Do werewolves count? Is it bullshit if I make one up?
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Goth Lili?
Devil from Tekken
i just can't believe what capcom was thinking lmao.

why would you put that much faith in the client? like, blizzard learned their lesson when they went from diablo 1 to diablo 2 and that happened 20 years ago. my god their programmers are fucking dogshit.
>Anti-Juri tech
You mean blocking wakeup EX pinwheel?
tips in this matchup please I have no experience
The sad part is that Capcom, due to their shitty infrastructure with this game, can't even punish the people who would do it because it's simply too much man power to check every single instance.
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Everyone in Tatsunoko is pretty lean compared to their usual incarnations.

I mean these are fairly large thighs but compared to every other game?

Also Tatsunoko Chun a qt.
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WHAT EXPLOIT? Or are you just meming because it's not funny, I need help too I want fight money and colors I'm tired of capcom treating me like a second class citizen. I bought a season pass capcom should be blowing me
they really should outsource their server backend to riot or collaborate with valve to make a decent platform for their fighters. i've never seen a company give up on making a simple cash shop just because it was too hard.
i play on pc so id idn't paymuch attention but it seemed like a packet editing hack.
Check the post on r/Kappa. Don't spread it around to normies either you faggot.
you faggots know that you could do that with usfiv too right?
Why would they make the servers and shop fucking client side?
>USF4 had an ingame shop you could exploit on consoles
Go on...I'm interested. How did it work?
Long answer, but regardless of who you use:

Remember that sim will try to drill to extent his pressure. Try to space yourself far enough that your normal can contest the situation. Neutral jumps are not an answer for this situation since Sim's jab will put you back in a bad position.

If you see sim timing one normal after the other, you can contest this timing once blocked. In Vega's case, he can sweep Sim's mk after blocking the a first mk. Vega can also cr.hp Sim's mp (or hk) after blocking a mk. Test this out with your character, but remember that each player has his own timing and ways of adapting.

Watch out for slides once Sim has his V-trigger as he will start using it from max range. He will try to make it whiff, and on contact it will activate, placing you in a bad situation. Vega can deal with this but using mk, but at the expense of positioning himself in a more offensive place.

That's a few of the things i do, and could potentially write more, but i don't think that giving too much info would be of use, and honestly it is not as important as you being patient, walking forward, and learning your opponents tendencies/timing.
will our girl take down the japanese gods at evo?
how is peacock balanced?

>best zoner in the history of fighting games
>best meter building
>best combo damage

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who else /run away with the points/
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>guy wants a runback
>win again
Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 141

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