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Pharah is best waifu

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Previous: >>147724310
Why is reaper so fun on Defense?
Mercy a qt
3rd for for Blizzard-endorsed aimbotting by EnvyUs.Taimou in Overwatch tournaments
>I've recently started seeing a lot of stacked DVa comps.

if it needs to be stacked its not good
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Pharah is cute
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I want to humiliate Pharah.
Mrs. and Mrs. Ziegler
xth for chill nigga beats
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>no tracer gf
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>Pharah is best waifu
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"Blizzard developers James Waugh (director of story & creative development), Michael Chu (senior designer, Overwatch), and Arnold Tsang (assistant art director, Overwatch) present a behind-the-scenes look into the creative process of developing the art, design, and story for Overwatch's newest hero. Q&A session moderated by Kim Phan (senior manager, esports). "

so I know a guy who tried to rewrite starlight express with overwatch characters
Has anyone had a game in the last few days in which someone in their team didn't lock in Genji or Hanzo within the first 10 seconds and proceed to be useless?

What was it like?
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Posting butt
DAILY REMINDER that Pharah is a lesbian quadruple amputee and an orphan. She's had a hard life...
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15th for Blizzard-endorsed aimbotting by EnvyUs.Taimou in Overwatch tournaments
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I want to cuddle with Pharah so hard and make her feel all warm and comfy. I want to take my hands and stick them in between hers
>Playing with Rank 60s.
>Somehow no healer and me as the only tank for the first 3 minutes.

Console ranked is really something else.
why we waifu faggin' here mates?
>Haha I totally don't want to have sex just cuddle I'm a nice innocent guy :)

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I want her to humiliate me
>Never pick instantly
>Always wait until a couple of people have picked
>One of those is always a Genji or Hanzo
>why we waifu faggin' here mates?
Where do you think we are?
Not an aimbot. Git gud and stop whining you worthless shitter.
Unplayable heroes that you need a skin for other than default
>Road, want Islander or Toa
>Lucio, want Ribbit
>Pharah, want raindancer
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Genji of course, lucio second
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>play winston
>we win

Why NOT play winston?
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What will it be?
If I'm going to get nothing but sprays and voice lines, can I at least get them for characters I like?
maybe attack wouldn't win every single time if defense characters were actually decent

except for widow they're all dogshit
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Who said I didn't want to have sex with her, faggot?

>implying this isn't post-sex
>Lucio and Genji
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>sombra fully unveiled in the next two weeks
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Apparently the battlenet forums found that "How to rank down" video

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D.va is only tolerable with her Junker getup
he's not reinhardt
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>why we waifu faggin' here mates?
Why not? Better than "muh team sucks I carry you shitters solo" posts.
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>other team stacks five Winstons and Mercy
>switch Bastion
>mow down all the dumb monkies
I g-guess Bastion is an okay hero
Reaper, here
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mfw in the female version Pharah has the smallest ass (and she's black ffs)
>Decide to be a team player and play Mercy or Reinhardt
>My team can't kill shit
well that means Sombra is coming out before or during Comic Con, which is in 2 weeks
some people have dignity

This >>147739689
>Genji has a fundoshi
>Hanzo doesn't doesn't
>76 not going commando
Dude, having utter shit taste is one thing, but you just took it to a whole never level.
and I'm not talking he did a song with redone names
he rewrote the whole damn thing
>Rusty was tracer
>electra was symmetra
> greaseball was junkrat
>pops was winston
> Pearl was widowmaker

the guy might be legitimately autistic, so I'll only post more if that is the will of the anons
if there is a genji on the other team and no reaper you bet your ass there will be monkey dick
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Beatnigger does strange things to my genital region
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>play comp
>win first game but someone leaves
>queue again
>someone leaves again just before we win
>lose next game
>get demoted to 59
>next game
>get matched with a two 2-man parties
>none of them join the team voice channel
>they lock Widow, Hanzo, Genji, and D.va
>we lose
>get demoted to 58
>queue again
>another Genji instalock
>check his stats
>he has a 35% winrate with Genji but it's his most played hero on QP and comp
>leave right away
>get demoted to 57
Are there any streamers that don't fucking suck? I kinda want to watch a good player stream while I chill/do something else. Any suggestions?
Does Overbuff only have statistics from people who have logged into it with their accounts, or is it for everyone who plays
>implying she doesn't squeeze her perfect butt into her suit
>implying she isn't saving it for that special person who marries her

Why else do you think she can't stay in the air for long periods of time?
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>she's black

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i-i never knew i was this good at hanzo
>pick bastion on attack
>4 gold medals

>pick genji on offense because teammate complains
>16 deaths
>gold objective medal
>3 eliminations

never picking any hero other than bastion again
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>tfw even Asian Moot is taunting me
what kind of mouth-drooling idiot would actually defend this
left nigger looks derpy
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>McCree is now shit enough to never warrant playing certain other offence heroes but not shit enough to get Blizzard's attention and buff him

>24% weapon accuracy

typical hanzo
>16 kills
>9 headshots
>her suit
more pics required
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When people first were discussing McCree balance, I said they should rework flashbang to stop him from mowing down squishy characters while keeping him as an generalist/anti-tank.

I said that if Tracer/Genji is a problem they should buff Torb/Mei to control them (and make Roadhog's hook more consistent in its pull in).

Looks like I was right Overnerds.
>Mercy 58
How is Mercy ranked in competitive? Is it based on her heals and supports rather than k/d, wins, etc?
they need to bump up his left click. it takes skill to actually hit people in the head and it feels underpowered.
Can a GILF be waifu material? Tune into comic-con and find out.
that looks ugly as fuck
>she's black
Kill yourself, you tumblr-browsing nigger.
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He's beautiful
You're not
I like pretty things
>yfw it isn't sombra
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i-i got the potg too :3
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How bad are Pharah's mother issues?
>D.va is only tolerable with her Junker getup
or when hugging Pharah
not as bad as mine
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>All these Wannabe Seagull Genji's in my QP.
Honestly this hero is the equivalent of Techies.

attracts the biggest morons.

The average Overwatch player or dev. It was POTG for a tournament match. 40,000 people saw it, plenty of Blizzard staff watching the tournament saw it, Taimou is still not banned or punished in any way.
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This game really wants me to play Soldier 76

10 Boxes and 3 were Legendary dad skins
Ana molesting loli pharah when
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Why u mad though?

Supports get fucked in ranked.
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There's obviously some tension but she also got her tattoo to honor Ana.

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While we're talking worst girl, just how big is her hitbox?
I find it remarkable easy to kill her with Reaper at ranges I would barely even tickle a tank.
So why is D.va's Ult so special?

>Only ult in the game that has a UI warning for the targets.
>Changes color when you're a "safe" distance away
>Center of warning is a perfect representation of your line of sight to target so you can break LOS on signposts or other fluff
>All of this is on top of a character voiceline that supersedes all other sound effects, a charging noise, and a giant glowing ultra-visible ball of danger.
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>picking at accuracy
>in a game with infinite ammo thus no penalty for suppressive fire

>muh bodyshots
that's not an aimbot
i flick my aim before i shoot as well and it looks a lot like that

are these seriously snipers who can actually follow a guy's head without flicking the aim at the last second?
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Some of highest ranked are lucio mains. Git Gud.
You type no but you actually mean yes
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you don't just casually flick it back to an head you don't want to hit in a certain moment several times in a row
So at what rank I am no longer a shitter? 70? 60? 55?
And they work harder than their dps counterparks for the same ranks since ranks favor medels earned
whatever you say taimou
> mention playing on a console
> everyone here says le mustard race
> implying anyone her is good enough for it to make that much of a difference

Seriously with the amount of people here that say they can't play Genji/tracer and can't wall ride with Lucio you'd think you shitters would be playing console anyways.

Granted there's a higher skill cap, but I think you scrubs would benefit more from the lower skill floor on console
>" imagine how many people ranked down because of this.... guy... (really wanna use a swearword here)"

this is the blizzard community
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Because it will instantly kill you
>flicking between 4 different rezd characters heads
Yea theres flicking while sniping then theres the aimbot not knowing whoch head to lock on to.
You were completely wrong, though. McCree was designed to kill flankers and stop squishes. The flashbang was what did that, and was also the weakest part of his kit.
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Do any of you guys realize how much Overwatch beat the rest of the competition with merely waifus?
>pros 'hack' all the time play for hours on stream but people only have the same shitty clips as 'proof'
>the amount of people here that say they can't play Genji/tracer
Reporting from last thread.

Anyone want to play on PS4 in about 2 hours? I can't do ranked yet (got The game 2 days ago) . I'm not the best but I can play a balanced roster proficiently.

I'm in PST timezone

I checked the roster in OP but it doesn't list platform
Tracers is same on smaller scale. But dva would be better if they adjusted her ult more. Maybe let you pin someone with it if you charge and hit them while ulting for a guaranteed kill at least.
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>find it remarkable easy to kill her with Reaper at ranges
cool story mate
I get hitting her but killing? What noobs are you playing with?
>zenyattas ult can't out-heal a roadhog hook combo
can blizzard please kill themselves already
>someone on our team is disconnected
>more than a minute passes so we could have left but we stayed
>the guy rejoins after more than a minute
>we win the match
>we get practically zero rank despite the fact that it was our teammate who left

So someone on your team leaves and if you lose (which is likely) you'll lose an entire rank (the normal amount of rank), but if someone on your team leaves and you still win you'll get barely any rank. Even in normal matches you barely get any, but if anyone at all leaves you'll get the smallest amount of fuck you for winning faggot points.

Great job blizzard
Well, battleborn being terribad didn't help its case any.
i wish i could have daredevil with night ops's gun
it's instakill range is huge is maybe why

Because there was probably two design teams in charge of heroes.

One team gave us tracer time bomb, d.va ult, hanzo dragon, whole hog and other balanced abilities.

Then there was the team that gave us "press Q for potg" ultimates like death blossom and rez.
Genji is capable of working around any defense due to mobility
can burst down 150 health characters in under 1 sec with his combo
is the best cleanup in the game
and can operate under relative impunity due to the constant threat of reflect

the problem is pubbers always flank
making his job redundant
and can't aim projectiles
making him impotent

who would have known making a high skill ceiling character thematically appealing would attract shitters
>>we get practically zero rank despite the fact that it was our teammate who left
Funny, because this was fixed literally today, had a leave on the other team half way in and gained a full rank.
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Best wife
they all have their uses though
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that would be great if the face wasn't crap
that's why I prefer sfm to fan-art
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>friend keeps autistically signing us up to ranked games immediately after losing
>never speaks if he isn't saying "for fuck sake, x is a joke"
>literally plays Zarya 24/7 n complains about any class
>if I ever watch him he just expects everyone to be immediately behind him, blows his ult or walks into a point then dies 4v1
>just tanking ranked points all night
If it's a 1-hit that it makes no difference. For real though, Zen's ult should out heal Reapers ult.
Understand this.
We wuz kangz was never a funny meme but that image made me spit out my drink

t. Alberto Barbosa
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It's almost like the ult is for the purpose of clearing out an area either through retreat or death
You must not frequent this general then
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>play with three friends who are 55, 57, 58
>play zarya every game and shitstomp
>win 6 in a row and boost them all to ~60+
>7th game
>play against a 67,65,64
>we have other unranked people on our team who are retarded
>end up 7-3 after placements
>rank 62

apparently this is top 98%.... the matchmaking in this game is retarded.
I'll believe it when I see it
it's designed for threat
same way high noon is cancelable

you use it to scatter enemy team, not get kills
How to git gut at roadhog? Others always instagib me yet when i hook a scrub he gets away with 30hp
>widow and genji instant lock

it doesn't even bother me anymore, it's expected

>the problem is pubbers always flank

This. I've seen so many fucking Volskaya rounds stall to shit for attackers because we/they try to do completely idiotic flanks.
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le trophy hugging sad man.jpg
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>want to play Reinhardt
>lose everytime
>meanwhile on Genji I can carry even the most dysfunctional team

Reminder that Overwatch is not a competitive game and should be played for fun in Quick Match.

If you want competition play a different game.

Thank you.

>he's a duelist, he's supposed to shred 1v1

I know what you're doing, but I get fucking salty whenever some streetpig main uses the literal McCree argument unironically.
wrong pic
I meant to post this
that is actually one of the few good fan-arts though
>>meanwhile on Genji I can carry even the most dysfunctional team
rank and winrate
it should outheal nearly everything, otherwise it loses any sort of relevance in matches. Otherwise lucio and zen's ult overlaps and everyone goes lucio due to mobility and utility.
everything except like ult stacking
Something about slutty versions of pure characters makes my dick DIAMONDS
rightclick+hook > walk forward one inch as you drag the target in > leftclick+melee
True, but there's exceptions.
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You're welcome
he's the new mccree

>instagib combo with very limited counterplay
>extremely fast charging ult
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>You will never experience this sort of blissful happiness
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I really thought I had better ones.

>deal 100 damage in 2-4 seconds
>she dies because you have at least 1-2 other competent teammates
Badabing, badaboom, You killed her.
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>Play game with pharah
>Gold medals ,carry team, all around good fun
>Same with other heroes
>Winstreak for days
>Few days later
>Feel like I do no damage at all cant aim for shit, die the moment someone looks at me
>retarded teammates who die like wet tissue
>Unending lossstreak

What do? I cant even have fun anymore, and find myself raging a lot more than I did before. Pls help

it's actually a lot more complex to play him correctly.
Pharah looks heavenly in Source, surprisingly
I always felt that roadhog had thr most natural aggro just because he can kill. So people would want to kill him first. Luckily for me people dont pay attention to hog which is why he eats them up
walk forward after hook and aim at their center of mass and left click + melee
this gets fucked when you're dealing with genjis and tracers and they get pulled BEHIND you for some fucking reason
anyone above 200 hp survives regardless
Theres plenty of 9 year olds, anon
>I cant even have fun anymore
Play D.Va/Junkrat
>"It's dangerous to play ranked right now"
>"There's a new hack that was released. Please be aware if you're playing rank!!"

you sound like you played really well though

what doesn't make sense about your high rank?
Forced 50 caught up with you
Holy fucking hell this makes playing Roadhog look WAY more difficult than it actually is.
Jesus fucking christ.
Roadhog is only really vulnerable if he's the only tank on the team

put him behind a Reinhardt or with a Zarya and he because increasingly frustrating
Degenerates destroy everything they touch

Just kill all trans, pedos, fiurries and weebs desu
to that anon that suggested the mute chat toggle, you're a god send
now no more frustration
How much do your shoulders hurt today /owg/?

Well me, I just had to convince my team not to go 3 Lucio 3 D.Va in the sudden death round and walked away with a win and all the gold medals.

>play roadhog
>literally under fire 24/7
>if i'm on a point someone is direct hitting me with arrows/rockets/grenades/entire magazines with no burst fire

there's no point in this hero if he isn't an amazing killer.
>getting mad at chat
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Why does Lucio practically moan whenever oh, OHHH, turn it uuuup
>he doesn't like incest age-gap mother-daughter yuri
Maybe facebook would be more your speed anon
play bodyguard for healers/objective

these things are usually out of sightlines

make them come to you, like a good fisher
what makes you think mercy is pure? she's 37

i guarantee you she's had a fair share of cock
Doesn't have to be slutty, she could easily be
Ya know, alone with her lover
Who is your favorite hero?
no even then he's not vulnerable at all granted he has a mediocre (or better) mercy

literally defending hanamura all day by sucking daddy hog's dick
Seagull (aka Memegull), Surefour, Ster although not as skilled as the previous 2.
>Play Roadhog
>Be bad

That's how you play hog
Because his weapon is tied to his prostate simulator
There's no point in McCree now, either. And one of them didn't have a self heal.
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>link funny overwatch video to friend
>he says "I'm waiting for lawbreakers, overwatch is dying"
>wtf is lawbreakers?
>ANOTHER moba fps game tf2 clone

When will Team fortress 3 (along with Left 4 Dead 3 and Half Life 3) come out and put all these babies in their place??
I don't even understand how pedos could hold that image in their head. It's just so out of character for 76, I don't think he'd be capable of doing anything but hatefucking a hot age-appropriate villainess at this point. At best I could imagine the girl fantasizing about 76 herself, and even that's a stretch.

not mad at chat, but bewildered that people actually spam reddit memes and >memetext in chat
amp it up is linked to a vibrator in his boipussy, whenever he uses the skill it goes up a setting.
>win first point on kings row
>team forgets to wait for the fucking payload and pushes to far forward
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What do you think about my cosplay?
>Play DotA
>Nobody ever pushes

>Play Overwatch
>Nobody ever pushes
Pedos don't care about things like that
Pedos care about being subhuman and sexualizing babies
>expecting pedos to be lore friendly
Surefour is a hacker though so don't watch that faggot
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>enemy team has two hogs
>no one is dealing enough burst to kill either one
>no one is focusing at all
>try reaper
>no results
>try rein
>no results
>try lucio
>no results
>try pharah
>no results
>meanwhile my team hasn't swapped once and continues to flank pointlessly
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Overwatch should have some sort of PVE mode
like fighting off waves of omnics, or talon agents
That would be fun
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>deal 100 damage in 2-4 seconds
Just how close are you
The only times a Reaper kiled me at medium range was when I had few health left. If you see you can't take him concusive hit or disengage.
>overwatch is dying
your friend is either retarded or confused overwatch with stillborn.
play the urban youth and move with the payload solo
most people are too shit to shoot you off it or jump on it with you
Where can I sign up to be the person you sit on for the action poses?

>6 bastions
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>on attack
>everybody is jerking off in the middle of the map
>maneuver my ass past the enemy team unseen and cap the point
>i was playing Mei
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>i WANT even more repetition in an already repetitive basic game!
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tfw Pharah would probably just laugh at me if I asked her out
>No hero stacking
>Enemies can reflect like Genji
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kinda like this?
why does he wear the glass
yeah, pressing that aimbot key sure takes a lot of skill...
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>pushing the payload
>die at end because enemy team was coordinated but still get gold for objective time
>"Why wasn't anybody pushing the payload?"
The very tip end of Reaper's effective range, like 5-10m
>hog does ult interrupts better
>reaper does flanker/tank executions better
>76/Widow does hitscan better
>76 does kill everything at range ult better
>everyone does mobility better
I never realized how much they cucked cowboy

how do you even fix this guy without invalidating reaper?
ok nice attempt there ster but you're trash you have always been trash go have another mental collapse
Why are you so mad at the prospect of a fun mode being introduced
do you not like fun?
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Don't worry. New heroes are cummin. Blizzard being the greedy jooooos, that they are, are probably going to release a new hero every 2-3 weeks, because it will give them more chest sales.

After 100+ heroes we should have lot of "fun" interactions.
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Imagine the amount of haters crying: "thats Mann vs. Machine" followed with "TF2 Clone!".
Too bad TF2 was absolute shit.

he doesn't, you're just weird.
at what point after the game ends can you leave without it giving you a penalty?
Overtime should add 5 seconds to respawn timer with each death and 30 seconds ifyou swap heroes.
where can i find the sound clip of genji doing the MMMMMMMNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN noise when he dashes forward
>how do you even fix this guy without invalidating reaper?
Give him 90 damage on left click and improve range falloff.
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O-okay Pharah maybe next time
This isn't some MOBA no way they're making those many heroes.
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After it says defeat/victory
This desu
>shooting basic AI is "a fun mode"
training mode is a thing :)
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because he is a BIG SCIENTIST
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Genji name comp when

Woooow total discrimination
Games can have complex and fun AI, anon
>holding right clic for 4 seconds let him release all shots in the center, damage reduced at a certain range.
There, an actual interesting gameplay change that would make him into a "burstier" version of widow, without the mobility.
that doesn't make any sense whatsoever
they're just going to add more cosmetic shit for all heroes and introduce a hero sporadically since it's less effort than releasing a hero every so often just to jew people
>i've got you in my sights
>die from a mile away
>45 fps on menu
everything low, render 150
the only way to play
Reaper will always be viable with his ult

Because you are invisibly ranked 60 at the moment.
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If I shoot that Zarya shield will I die?
I believe a post on the blizz forum basically amounted to after a while match making for competitive just throws people in instead of waiting for a longer queue
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well, they have to earn money somehow. Maybe they will sell ULTIMATE MEGA SKINS or gender swaps. Easiest way is with new heroes/chests though. (look at smite - every fucking new skin and stuff is in some kind RNG chest - and they sell like hotcakes)

btw. next hero coming in two weeks.
Fuck off amputee retard, it was proven it's just her Raptora suit.
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2016-07-07 Remove Mei.webm
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>he hasn't bullied Mei today
>"Why wasn't anybody pushing the payload?"

I bet that was some hanzo cunt who'd been sitting on a ledge waiting to fire his weeb space snakes and get his potm
Reminder that Tracer is a slut who fucks people behind the Overwatch headquarters just to score some Meth
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