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Elder Thread >>147123287
remember to take off your shoes, amerifats
remember to pray to allah, yuropoors
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>it's a "Maxeen reveals his true shitposter colors" episode
literally fuck off nigger
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Go buy some shoes, Europoor.
Well people stopped bitching about his waifu size, so he needed something for his attentionwhore ways
>a nigger acting like hes american
go hang yourself negro
Only if you post more Elanil.
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Sports in general are trash my man.
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*tip fedora*
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waifus, lore and harmony!

Isn't this the handegg game?
>says the fatass staring at his monitor
Why is that cat so tall?
Post cute cat/lizard butts
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USA 4.jpg
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Well when your country stops sucking at them, you'll feel otherwise.

He ate his Frosted Flakes.
>not being the NEET elite, sipping on fine select beers, wines, small batch sodas, and liquors while watching eSports, living a life free from the corruption of society with a 20 hour/week job that permits you to live alone comfortably
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Friends pls.

Lets post character backstories and discuss the personal histories of our various characters! I bet that would be fun yes.
thanks to the germans
Nah son it's the weekend, time for
I want fake-NEET to leave.

see >>147155817
Do you see Germany in red? I didn't think so.
Stfu trap ass nigga
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Basketball is great, fun to watch AND fun to play.
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Ew. How can people stand just sitting at home like that forever and ever? I can only stand it for maybe 2 weeks until I'd want to go out and do something that requires money.
That's almost as retarded as "female with a dick" or "it's not gay if it's a feminine dick"
We all know the nigger has an unstoppable thirst to take things that require money

We all know Maxeen
Almost a bigger joke then women sports
Yeah, the football championship. AKA not flopturf.
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Well not being a consumerist pig helps.
Who's money tho? With you being a nigger i assume you talk about punching white kids and stealing the purses of old white woman, right?
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Well gosh ok
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So.. About them Elder Scrolls, pretty craycray right?
I'd rather read an Elder Scroll than look at your waifu твн
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Some eSports are fun to watch. Mainly just eVo and other fighting games stuff.

Yeah but then you only end up bumming off of friends for all eternity and that's just being a shit individual overall.
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Like a coffee filter on the tap of creation you can use as a snorkel to breathe secrets of the universe

Less blueprint, more napkin with little bits of lettuce and tomato and sourdough, except the crumbs are smarter than you are.
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Its like your trying to tell me something important but I just don't grasp it. Did little Billy fall down the well?
>that's just being a shit individual overall.
So then what's your excuse
What good skin for pale chick?
Fair skin is too animu for me.
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TESV 2016-05-13 13-11-14-20.jpg
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Cloneskin. You'll never suffer a brownskin again.
what is the best/funnest class for pve in eso
mega shitdrinker
Wrong thread.
there's a thread for questions like these you know
wrong general retard
consider using subsurfacescattering
Oh geeze, thank you, senpai. What would I do without you? I would have never thought about subsurface scattering. Wow.
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For what, being a great guy all around? Well the easiest example would probably come from not fishing for (you)s as hard as you have been for the past 20 minutes simply because I stated your fetish and place of residence sucks.

What's wrong with brownskin?
>not fishing for (you)s
I can actually feel the irony seething from you
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Not an argument
>hehe....someone said something against a pillar! my time to shine! hehehe.....
>literally defending NEETs
>calls others niggers
defend who?
>great guy all around
I bet you aren't even celebrating the 4th
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>tfw I 'celebrate' the 4th by watching Independence Day and playing XCOM

I'm not even american. I just like using as an excuse to watch a shitty-good movie and play a good game.
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I probably work on the 4th. So as a bartender, I'll be helping hundreds of others celebrate that day and in turn, I'll be getting time and a half PLUS overtime pay by the end of the week because of it, so now I'm closer to selling my current car and upgrading.
More cute pepe
>mentioning pay and not tips
Mixing Purple dank doesnt make you a bartender and stealing other peoples cars isn't "upgrading"...well it kinda is, but still
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Would a mod like rustic clothing be taxing to my graphics card? I'm starting to think it might be the reason I hit 80 c so frequently, as I have no other texture mods installed. Then again it just might be nvidia.

Also post character bios pls.
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It's at a country club. I get $15/hr. and "no tips" (Some members do regardless and since I do mainly banquets, I deal more with guests who naturally tip bartenders as well) so if anything, tips are just gas, food, and haircut money, no more.
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>even with shitty unmodded oblivion faces, dark elves still look more attractive than they do in skyrim
>dark elves still look more attractive than they do in skyrim
I actually laughed
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Texture size isn't your problem.
Laptops will always get hot as hell. It's a fact of life.
No they don't.
Maybe its the fans? Or it might just be like >>147159949 said. Or its the ENB. Here's my mod list anyway, maybe something there is doing it. I mean I know I have a few resource-intensive mods but it might be one I don't expect.

anyone else be playing enderal or just me?
>tesgw today
>Berserk today
Who gives a fuck about Enderal?
I heard enderal devs added over 200 hair styles
probably ripped from other mods just like nehrim
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I cannot wait till the 4th.. There has been a nest of mocking birds outside my window for months, the little shithawks sqawk day and night. Those fireworks are gonna scare them away for good.
Fireworks won't do jack shit. Just put a wooden owl up there.
Go out there and shoot the fuckers then eat them.
i was lying anyway
cheer up anon!
I thought about doing that if the fireworks didn't work. I also thought about buying an orchard rocket, they are like these rockets that explode in the air, but don't think I can use them in the city.

Ew.. Mocking bird would taste discussing. City birds in general would. Also I can't kill them, its against my superhero code.
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>Mocking bird would taste discussing
I don't think you understand how much I enjoyed reading that
Auto correct.. why you h8 me m8?
>contemplating on installign Oblivion again
>remember how magical the game looked like
>dat soundtrack
>dem scenery
>future incarnation of Sheogorath but who gives a poop
>literally animal cruelty

can you get any worse you fucking cancer?
>Also I can't kill them, its against my superhero code.
Then just steal the eggs and destroy their nest. It's a win win for you.
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mfw i see a turquoise scaly monster calling itself maormer
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All fish are equal, even fish-elves
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Fish feel no pain, they're really more like big bugs

Do fish elves feel pain or is it okay to eat them
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how can you even call yourself maormer
I bet you don't even sail around the hood invading fuckboys
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Fish do the eating.
Nope, just hang out in lakes, rivers, ponds, and tidepools waiting for people to walk by so we can eat them.
I don't think anyone is calling the fishfus Maormer, bruh.
fish don't experience pain in terms of physical unpleasantness
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Bitter Coast, Yasamsi.jpg
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what a savage.
That's a big cat.
for meow
I can't into krautspeak.
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Betta and Fry are not very cultured nor civilized.
I'd like to civilize them.
With my dick!
And a rigorous course of language studies, history, and the arts.
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i think we are much alike, you and I
How to make a qt waifu like this
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i have a life, you know
Make a meh face, apply special snowflake textures, instant 10/10 classic.
But I don't, I'm a NEET that hasn't left the house in months and I need MOAR SMUG GOAT!
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If you had a life you wouldn't have come here
>He doesnt have a waifu

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Please educate my poor dumb fish.
I don't recommend putting protruding bodyparts of any kind near them though.
Yeah kinda huh
ECE and middling slider skills along with those Asari textures that were dropped in the last thread, I think?
but I have four
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How horrifying, I couldn't imagine not having a waifu.
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I want to fuck that cat while she stares into my soul with those incredibly creepy eyes.
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>mfw getting cold feet uploading my first mod

Just fucking kill me.
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Her eyes are NOT creepy
then you must always make me a doodle in return
i have a life, just not a social life
If it's on the Nexus there's literally no reason to be nervous.
You're like a mini god on your mod page. With free reign to delete, block, or get people banned at your whim.
I'm German and even I don't want to play it with German localization.
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You're right anon, but still nervous as hell.
God dammit, I'm such a faggot
post link
Holy shit OBGE V4 is a clusterfuck the ingame menu doesn't work well at all and it's full of unwanted features like the "Immersive camera" which breaks the vanilla zoom anyway
Is there any alternative or can i just go back and use V3?
Spent like 3 days googling and searching guides and old forum posts to see why my skyrim would ctd after about 2 minutes of play. I've run LOOT, used TES5edit, wryebash, skse, adjusted .ini files, etc.

Only have about 100 mods installed. I'm at the point where I'm thinking it might just be my pc? I use a gtx750, I could always just upgrade that, but the game (when it is running) runs ultra settings +enb and HD textures just fine, no stutters or fps drops.

What else can I try? Or just resign to the fact that skyrim is going to ctd as a fact of life?

I normally wouldn't ask here but I've been doing my own research and keep coming up short
Why, is the voice acting that bad?
Have you started that dangerous job yet?
post load order
Do other games crash?

Post loadorder.
At first glance I thought that sword hilt was something else.
i have a diving license but i need a "professional diving license" for that dangerous job. ill have more time to acquire it once the summer is ower.
Has it already been released? I've been looking for a new mod to play with.
a lever?
Was it oil rig diving repair? I don't recall exactly what you said, I just remembered that it was dangerous.
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Goaty scuba.png
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forgot image
yes, im working towards oil rig diving. but that will take many more years of experience. the profession might even be dead by then. because robots took er jerbs
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FNV will sometimes crash, maybe once in 4 hours
Thats a good thing though. No more high risk of dead Goaty.
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What made you decide that you wanted to go and dive under these monsters for a living?
turn on ghosting in wrye bash and install enboost. you'll be fine.
we all have to die someday even Goaty
i like diving, i like excitement, camaraderie and also money
Currently Downloading Skyrim and looking at waifu mods

Should i use ECE or Racemenu`?? Which is better?

Follower when? it's well past due.
Reminder that the moon landings were faked
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For Fry? Likely never and if ever, shes getting NO PARKING ANYTIME slapped on
Prove it.
Is skyrim worth playing yet?

t. person who installs morrowind every few years and tries the new mods to see how it's coming along

t. person who used to do this for oblivion but oblivion mods are fucking terrible tbqh

t. person who downloaded skyrim entirely last year and downloaded a fuckton of mods then got bored about 3 hours in because there's no actual progression outside of memefeats
>and also money

You'll make a shed-load of it once you get into it, then. Just a normal welding job for those companies will get you good money, but for that they'll throw it at you if you're not shit at it. Where are the rigs you'll be working on located?
What are you looking to get out of the game?

>Likely never

Ok you have till skyrim remastered comes out out to release her.
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TESV 2016-06-30 23-12-07-31.jpg
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no its shit kkthxbye
Anyone got a good shadow ini tweaks they use that Just Worksâ„¢ for low-mid(maybe?) spec? The blocks and stripes repel me from finishing Dragonborn.
probably at the north sea. but this job is probably around 10 years away from now, so it's hard to anticipate
>muh waifu

so, nothing worth playing for still? the game is still as vapid and hollow as your taste in 2d women?

An RPG experience with character development and additional survival elements.
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Check TB senpai.

No .ini tweaks fixes shadow striping without devastating shadows globally.
>An RPG experience with character development and additional survival elements.
That's extremely vague. Vanilla Skyrim already does that.
Is it an apprenticeship that you'll be working through to get to that point?
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TESV 2016-06-18 21-12-31-80.jpg
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>so, nothing worth playing for still? the game is still as vapid and hollow as your taste in 2d women?
Yes exactly.

Oh and please close the door when you go, i can hear the /v/ermins again.

Hm status update on what? anna+synn folderchange?
>Vanilla Skyrim already does that.


Nice RPG experience you have there. Really shows that ponyfags and cucks like you are the only brain dead morons stupid enough to pay shit like skyrim.
They do essentially the same things but nowadays you should get Racemenu since it has much more support and some better features.

I use ECE but that's just cause it's the one I started with 3.5 years ago and I'm used to it, I can't be bothered to make the switch.
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Post "parenting"
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>Nice RPG experience you have there. Really shows that ponyfags and cucks like you are the only brain dead morons stupid enough to pay shit like skyrim.
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The "new file structure soon" thing that you said.
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Post a game with a shitty colour pallette modded to look even shittier

Sorry about your safespace, I was just curious if someone like you who jerks off to your waifu for 5 years now would actually know how to mod skyrim to make it a worthwhile video game as opposed to a fantasy you live vicariously through.

I guess I'm asking a bit much of someone with your faculties, though.
it's a question about experience and various licenses. experience in other unrelated diving jobs are needed as well. then you can become an assistant to the divers in the decompression chamer. do that for a few years and then you can get a chance at becoming one the guys who do the actual repairs
Look, shit-for-brains, I'm trying to help you out here. I'm trying to figure out exactly what you're looking to get out of the game so I can recommend you some mods. You're being vague.

But, if you're gonna be an shithead, you can fuck right off back to whatever sewer you crawled out of.

What kind of "character progression" are you actually looking for? Do you want a linear plotline with a pre-determined character and a specific story arc that never changes?
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>ask for mods to make skyrim wan actual RPG experience
>has no mods in his mind to make skyrim an actual gameplay heavy experience
>instead gets butthurt someone doesn't suck his favorite game off even though it has absolutely nothing going for it

bethcucks, never once. You wonder why your modding community is dead.
Are you, like, genuinely retarded? Serious question.
Stop giving the shitposter replies and attention.
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>Sorry about your safespace, I was just curious if someone like you who jerks off to your waifu for 5 years now would actually know how to mod skyrim to make it a worthwhile video game as opposed to a fantasy you live vicariously through.
>I guess I'm asking a bit much of someone with your faculties, though.
well that got dark
Stop feeding him you dumb shit.
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Fields of Kummu.jpg
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This, stop replying to me
Oh wait that's already what happens
Is it just because pictriev said she looked like a child or did you intend for her to?
Stop feeding him you dumb shit.
I don't usually reply to you, but I enjoy your morrowindposting.
Not an argument. Thanks for proving that you have no actual knowledge of skyrim outside of modding it to be an equally empty and gameplay-less experience. Do you feel like you're wasting your time doing that, though?

You know what you should do? Get a mod that makes it so the lighting isn't grimdark 13 year old edgelord pallette swap style.
>it's a "shitter comes asking for help and then starts insulting everyone" episode
boy we haven't had one of these in a while
>literally looks better than


What the fuck happened?
What are they even arguing about?
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Hall of Death.jpg
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Well that makes one of us :P
Stop shitposting dude. This is /tesg/, we have seen all kind of shitposting already, literally filled with veterans. All you do is give them a reason to post something.
>this one corridor has more complexity to it than the entirety of Oblivion's, Skyrim's, Fallout 3's, and Fallout 4's dungeons

>Things I don't like are shitposting
Proper fov that isn't "cinematic experience â„¢" and actual colors
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Maybe later we can have a "Someone says that 100% of CTDs are the users fault and they argue about it for hours" episode.
It doesn't matter because they probably don't even know what they are arguing about anyways.
Yeah, when does arururururun get on?
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Maybe one day we can get a mod that makes skyrim's joke of snow have 3d footprints
One of my favorite ep's tbqh.
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So I'm trying to start the Vigilant mod again and I remember having to talk with some guy wearing blue robes in the Dawnstar inn. Looking for Altano but all I see is Alto wine and some cheese wheels.
Ultimate Combat
Morrowloot Ultimate
Revenge of the Enemies

You can leave now.
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end my life.png
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>that lighting
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dayum I came in at a great time

use the wait command for a good few hours, if that doesn't work restart the game and try again
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>he hasn't even started the mod and there's already missing NPCs
>/v/ is leaking again
This is gonna be a long summer
>spoonfeeding someone from /v/
thats why they keep respawning
>not /v/ personified

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please r8, what can I improve with her?
OBGE V4 is shit jesus so many crap features
You can get an ENB that isn't trash.
You could download a mod that makes the skin texture not look like she's made out of fucking plastic and covered in dry cum like your hands are

Or alternatively make her not fucking ugly
>implying we're bethdrones
we know they're awful trust me

get an ENB, do something more than smile, avoid taking pictures in obviously unflattering lighting
That first point is more enb than texture
hey I remember that face, this isn't the first time you post that is it?
>posted 'that'
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>modding community is dead.

Good joke.
Fuck off back to /v/
Nude mods and reposes are not mods kiddo
Outside of slut outfits and bimbo followers, skyrim mods haven't seen anything for a few years
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Friendly Reminder
Don't feed the trolls.
Stop responding, fuckhead.
>Nude mods are not mods
t. faggot who doesn't know shit about skyrim modding
It's fun. They always entertain me with what they say next.
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Did I stutter you brain dead faggot? That's not modding. That's literally the simplest lowest hanging fruit, texture repainting. Now tell me about the real mods like the morrowind conversion, is it being worked on still? Or are you such a stupid faggot that you think your nude mods actually compare to something like that?
Enderal's literally knocking on our doors homie.
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Oh nice, where can I download it
That's really neat and all, but I'd rather the general not be filled with even more shit than it normally is.
Enderal's literally knocking on our doors homie.

Like literally coming out either tomorrow or the day after, with Englist translation in a couple weeks. Google it, newfriend.
thanks senpai, any recommendation on ENB that is decent? preferably something that doesn't take too many resources

I made her a few months ago and didn't have much time to play afterward. So now I want to get back to it.
>thanks senpai, any recommendation on ENB that is decent? preferably something that doesn't take too many resources
Read OP.
>morrowind and oblivion have nude mods
>Skyrim has nude mods
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>An RPG experience with character development and additional survival elements.
Requiem, Frostfall + Campfire, iNeed, Wet&Cold, Cloaks and Winter is Coming.
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>A few years
Released: Jun 20, 2015
Last updated: Jun 26, 2016
Is there a program that can monitor what mods are the most resource-intensive?

Will the first release have english subtitles? If the german voice-acting is better I might stick with that.
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>All this /v/ shit-posting
english release is coming out a couple weeks later.
This must be a bait response, so why did you list all those other good mods?
Don't worry, TESGW is happening in a couple hours and everyone will be too busy watching the stream to entertain the shitposting babbys.
Not sure, I'm just patiently awaiting for the full translation regardless since SureAI always delivers.

Check out Skyrim Performance Monitor.
frostfall is still shit anon, moron STILL hasn't fucking fixed it yet.
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buff stuff.png
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who's fucking ready to smash
i sure am
>a bunch of shitty mods and requiem

Lol, so, skyrim literally has nothing new to offer that wasn't already modded in 3 years ago. The community really is dead now.
No, I'm serious.
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Damn right anon
Serious people don't recommend Requiem.
OH SHIT! My bad, he FINALLY released 3.1!!!
I had NO IDEA, I've been waiting for months, thought the fucker gave up on it.

Speaking of which what happened to Watercolortard?
skip requiem
SPERG or SPERG+Ordinator (need the patch),

Id personally add to that list: Hunterborn, and maybe the cooking and alchemy overhaul. The cooking bit gives you more recipes to cook and a skill level, and it will change the alchemy so it's not as OP and requires more work to get good results.
He fucked off like any other short time shitposter
Thank the Eight.
That's not even what's being said
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>that gif
That's your fetish, right?
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