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/wowsg/ - World of Warships Admiral
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You are currently reading a thread in /vg/ - Video Game Generals

Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 251
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Arizona edition

Patch 5.7 (LIVE):

Patch 5.8 (Soon™):

Stat tracker/Stalk your favorite wowsg

>Useful Information:

>In-game chat channel
EU Channel: "Official /vg/ channel", password is "vidya"
NA Channel: Search for '/vg/' channel by Antibully ranger
SEA Channel: /vg/

NA: [KUMA]: http://na.wargaming.net/clans/1000021519
NA: [NTR]: http://na.wargaming.net/clans/1000007315/
EU: [NOFUN]: http://eu.wargaming.net/clans/500011239/

Previous thread:
>Arizona edition
More like fatty fatship edition.
I thought Scharn's stats were leaked already? I don't feel like looking thru previous generals but I coulda swore someone posted some pics
The cat is so cute :3
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It was only pictures unfortunately, I hope it gets leaked soon because I fear the HE will suck more than Myoko's.
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China leaked some stats.

AFAIK, her shells are shit. Think german cruiser levels of shit.
>20s reload
Should be 17, fucking subhuman slavs

This is the same company that had to over buff the ever loving fuck out of Kirov's main guns lmao.
Will there ever be a non shit German vessel

WG can't even balance the existing DDs.
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>Should be 17,
Balans)))) Though with 25sec traverse speed (second only to Atlanta) and 20km range, guns are okay as they are.
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Reminder to keep the thread civil. Shipfu posting is fine, but keep them in sensible numbers and don't let them get out of control.
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>Russia gets cool events
>Rest of the world, where the game makes the most money, gets nothing
I'm not surprised, but I'm still disappointed.
graf will be shit because the hangar is too small for tier 8 and WG already confirmed it'll be for that tier
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>500 free xp for being top five xp

did I read it correctly


What even is the krappy cream? Kamikaze tier or Marblehead tier?
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>500 xp for ending up in the top 5 experience earners (tier 4-10)(can be earned several times)
>small hangar size for protection against DBs >slow as fuck launches because lelelevators
>still vulnerable to hull/deck deformations anyway.
How are they going to make bong CVs worth it?
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believe it my anglo outcast
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8-22 July : Krasnyj Krym event

1st part : 1,000,000 credits for destroying 30 cruisers, 20 DD's and 10 BB's (tier 6-10) (can only be earned once)

2nd part : 10 November Foxtrot signal flags and 10 premium repair party consumables for inflicting 2,000,000 damage (tier 6-10) (can only be earned once)

3rd part : 10 camouflages type 6 for ending up in the first place score wise (tier 8-10) (can only be earned once)

Special reward : every player accomplishing all three task will be rewarded with the tier 5 premium ship Krasnyj Krym (+port slot and a 6 points commander).

Oh boy I am so excited for this event to be added to NA server!
<Kill stealing intensifies>
They really should flip around parts 1-3 so it goes from easiest -> hardest.
WG already said it's exclusive for RU only
Yes hello this is the brother of the player named abrach. I just wanted to let his friends know he died from his weight related illness this morning. it was peaceful.

I just wanted to let you guys know he loved all of you. Also to his best friend boogbot. He just wanted to let you know that it isn't your fault he became so obese so don't blame yourself. And that you need to keep forging on ahead and overcome your own problem.

thank you goodbye
And meanwhile RU whines that part 3 is only for T8-10.
Read you cannot sealclub.
thats gay svietlana is one of my favorites
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how can you be bad at the sviet?
even the bogatyr is better
I direct your attention to>>147065924
Hotelposter is clearly still alive
Ok Anumati, you can stay there or preferably at /sog/ where you actually belong and we will stay here.
>Real thread
>Filled with shitposters
Take appropriate action against Rapespammer/"DessStar" and Anu posts for a clean general, thank you anons.
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texas was meme aa and not having that one turret be as shitty.. so what will Arizona's meme be?
Same reason your two only pathetic friends refused to accept a gift from you, I don't want my account locked for association with fraudulent credit card activity.
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>thread got deleted mid-spam
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Could have been worse.
>I fell for the romanian cc meme
>fraudulent credit card activity.

Did I miss something?
Curious as well on what was going on.
>mods deleting anime

get a hint weebs, you are not welcome here.
to be honest, with a 7-inch belt and 6x 10.5cm guns, it'd be a pretty decent Tier 1 or 2 if the guns fired fast enough.
cancervor. when are you going to comeback to the game m8. we miss your feminine voice.
So why is it fraudulent credit card activity?
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So some kind of meme rapid firing ship? Also, no aircraft in tier 1 or 2.
Italy was an unsinkable CV :^)
Fuck the aircraft, that thing has 8 inches of turret armor and 7 inches of belt armor. That's about as much as Mikasa on average. Sure, everyone will be shooting HE, but you're not playing Tier 1 for anything more than >fun anyway.
>rapespammer creates a new account "DessStar"
>gifts $500 worth of shit in one hour
>Anu and Mako didnt ask for anything because they know their best friend is using a stolen credit/debit card or two Paypal accounts to alternate charge backs

Crashing the general wasn't enough.
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Texas' midship turret is the default battle configuration. New York is cucked by boats which wouldn't have been carried into battle. Is there anything similar on NM?
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do you have a screenshot including IGN? Or did you get taken for a ruse cruise?
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Is this bread?

keep going
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German bros where are you, can't read Deustche
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and pic related is mako's one day stats.

But surely our resident aboriginal bought an Atlanta just to help Dess pull off the ultimate ruse!
Get rid of Anumati dumping his pictures because no one likes him and I will.translate it for you.

The rumours of my demise have been greatly exagerated.
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That picture has no ign.

Deutsche nehmen moslemische Schwanz :)
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Wait, disregard >Navada, wrong class

Mississippi is a New Mexico-class
German BBs WHEN
Do janitors even exist anymore or did they give up on Anumati
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Gawdamn nazis
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>Autist is mad because his early shitposting thread got deleted while based Arizona sails on.
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Pensa is a great ship. How does the NO fare compared to her?
No one has said it's you.
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>dat heavy sway

I hope they put her up for sale by mid July. And I hope she won't be shit.

It will be shit ;_;
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Also, it looks like Mississippi was one of the last few battleships to actually fight other battleships. So most likely going to be a premium.
That's mean, apologize right now Niff.
[Early January ARP flashbacks intensify]

I'm glad it's Russian only because I'll be out of town during that time.
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Business or pleasure?

OHIO /wowsg/

I just wish we could get something like project R again. With no new lines for another month, this is getting quite stale.

Project R was probably the best event WoWS has ever had. Easily attainable with clear rewards and an actually useful actually prem ship at the end for those of us who stuck with it from beginning until end.

Pleasure. Actually sitting in the plane right now. AX and then roadtrip up the west coast, hitting up all the botes I can find on the way. Iowa, Hornet, and Pampanito are a given. Don't know if Oregon or Washington saved any botes.
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>up to the west coast
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Neat. I'm only going on Saturday.
Why is Kaga so shit?
Because she's not the QTest.
Oh yeah, there's also the Midway and a couple Russian subs in California. And a couple more subs and a Fletcher in Oregon. I see many botes in my future.
and she is not in game.
Did the autist got banned again?
Grand Naval Battles was good too.

It was pretty shit really and we still have not had the 2.5captain XP weekend either.
MODS = ....
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but rsally just range ban Anumati already goddamn
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Well okay then.
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Find someone else to blame. Your shitposter is on another IP.
Jesus Christ. Shit sure does change in a month or two or my memory's failing me. Either one.
The inscription on the cart is 'military bakeries', plus probably a place and a name below.

So yeah, it's bread.
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Send help.
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>Deutsche nehmen moslemische Schwanz
Fun fact: That translates as 'Germans cut off muslim dick'

Which is really unfair.

We celebrate diversity, and respect everyone's religion.

kek. hopefully you hotelfags get keked too. Hopefully this post does as well.
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QT Hotel72.jpg
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Reminder to keep the thread civil and shipfus under control.

While a lot of us like kancolle and shipfus, this is still a World of Warships thread. A few pics from time to time are fine, but this is no place to have rampant image dumps. Specially if it's for the sake of spiting other anons. Shipfus are for love, not an instrument to "send a message".
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>Spammer is now posting from a mobile IP and trying to smear the name of QT Hotel.

Dick move.
hotel a shit
t. Montana
no you
omg I hate hotel now she's a worst. I'm at #nelsonmissile now
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Thank you my fascist friends. Unfortunately, it looks like round 3 has begun.
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Wew lad
Ok Anumati/Alumininum, new IP already? That was quick!
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How is the /wowsg/ atlantapocalypse going?
>Being so butthurt over getting banned on your computer that now you're framing Hotelposter.
so beautiful. I swear if they don''t introduce rodney or vanguard prem soon to hold us until october i'm going to die
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Wew lad.
Only losers have an Atlanta!
Only losers win in atlanta!
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Man you really are butthurt little bitch aren't you?
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Fucking want.png
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where are you getting these colorized versions of old ships
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Do I see some blown out windows there?
you do now they fixed that problem m8.
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How good is your 日本語?

>triple gun turrets
Don't know why but that looks far better for some reason.
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nonexistent but its not hard to navigate an online album

or maybe it is hard. rock hard.
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I can't speak for anyone else but I'm havin a blast.

I'm pretty used to 5in shell arc on Gearing so Atlanta is EZ mode
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Game related content.jpg
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For once I'm not going to shitpost. Game related image incoming.
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>Select all images with boats
They never fixed the portholes being blown out.

And by fixed you mean "the ships structure is only slightly damaged by firing instead of severely damaged".
>British superstructure
Keep Pepsi. Trust me.
>They never fixed the portholes being blown out.
[citation needed] no source ever stated that windows on the sides got blown out only the tower which had metal sheets welded below blocking the blast. The claim the firing the guns damaged the plumbing is hear say and has never been backed up by anything other than rumor. For all we know some mechanic was just grumpy that a pipe sprung a leak on a water fountain and he got grumpy about it.
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Naval formations in wows when?
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I like the Yamato-class castle better. Very streamlined, but not completely straight and with lots of curves that make it interesting.
>cooperation in WG games
Formations existed as much for coordination and communication than for any combat benefit. In a game like WoWs where communication is nearly instant (instant if you use voice comms like in team battle) formations have only limited value.
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Make formations give a bonus to speed or accuracy?

I thought one of the reasons Taffy 3 got away was because the IJN admiral didn't specify a formation when they encountered Taffy 3?
Again, that's in real life where coordination and communication is a serious issue. They didn't have an active minimap to see the locations of their ship in relation to the fleet in real-time, and couldn't coordinate based on the map.
>realistic mode
>no minimap
>underwater pens
>no torp aim assist
>realistic gunnery zoom
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I guess too much realism is a bad thing too.
90% of stuff people think is stupid in ancient/early modern warfare (i.e. bright uniforms in european armies, timed volleys and tight formations, nicer uniforms for officers) is for coordination and communication.
+ you gotta look posh in the officer club
>realistic gunnery zoom
Thinking of selling her for a Colorado, should I keep the Pepsi and just grind the credits?
How about sailing for days from port to battle, having to wait orders, plagues & diseases, food stock, fuel meter, personnel count, etc.
If you're going to make it a simulator, don't make it a half-assed one.
>no torp aim assist
but reality had torp aim assist
Why don't you fuck off to your Chink Ocean general
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>Attempt to turn broadside to Dive Bombers
>They were torpedo bombers all along
>CV's face when
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so abrach is dead and now his ghost has decided to hotelpost from the grave?
No, it's just rapespammer getting mad that he got banned on his computer, so now he's spamming image.png's from his cellphone.
all cellphones should be range banned tbqh
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Awww yeah.

Now just fix T10 pls WG.
will someone please buy me a ship? i missed out last night and want to take part in the memery.

Rapespammer pls. find it in your heart....my nagato needs you.
>Fuso is viable in T7 meta because its 50% greater rate of fire outweighs its lighter shells when fighting cruisers and DDs
Prove me wrong.

how do you fucking do it abru, how do you not INSTANTLY GET DELETED BY EVERYBODY because you decided to open fire on something?
>Fighting cruisers
That would imply there are any cruisers left after rank 10. Nobody in their right mind plays a cruiser after that rank. At least not anyone worth worrying about, they'll get deleted fast anyway because they're shitters.
>and DDs
If you want to fight DD's, go play a DD yourself. Get a Blys, a Mahan or a Sims. All three are much more effective at dealing with DD's, with the plus side that they can take caps and generally don't get rekt by DD's. Again, assuming Rank 10+.

Which leaves you with a ship that is overall mediocre and can't even fulfill it's main role of fighting other BB's and being a massive HP bait.
>SEA still doesn't get any of these repair cost discounts that everyone else gets
just kill me now
Get AFT. Hold back and don't be the first spotted ship. Stay behind islands.

t. not abru
> tfw slaymad says you did good


>hide behind island
>still get citadel'd because a BB was sailing in 20km from my position so his shells were coming straight down on me
>happens on multiple instances

I know this is the way its supposed to fucking work because you have to hug terrain to get that close to actually hit things but this is cruel.
If slaymad is Akagi then who is Mutsuki?

this is bad and you should feel bad

DE is superior because ideal scenario - you want to light 3 fires on a babby in 10 seconds and then fuck off back to stealth. I usually go for IJN BBs since their damage control is so shitty.

Trying to hit shit at 12-13km is flat out retarded considering even a New Mex can maneuver well enough to dodge your shots
autismati's vagina
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based pagoda.png
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probably abrach or abrudolf.

definitely not that faggot raptor. or snoozing_dickhead
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Are they the ones torpedoing all the Hotel-posts?
hotel poster has made me want to get my own yamato.

can someone please help me bypass that disgusting pig slut izumo to get her?
Hotelposter is cool.
Hotelspammer is not cool.
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meanwhile on EU.png
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>40% for tier X, and 25% for tiers VII-IX
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how can you have two hangar II's?
Wait, the balance between the classes is so flawed that CAs are not competitive at higher level of skills?
If anything i was told that CAs have the highest skill ceiling, so why are they not usable past rank 10?
us navy was big on the copy paste tool durring the war.

except I've never consistently lit more than 1 fire on any given target even with DE...which would imply you'd have to be ripping on something for a sustained period.
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All men are created equal. Americans are just more equal
bbs delete them if they get close.

dds light them on fire and burn them down while kiting and smoking.

cvs can delete you with 1 attack basically.

high tier cruisers are only fun if you have a trained and seasoned captain and a good player who knows how to play them.
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>that gif
I guess it's pure RNG then. I usually get 2 fires within 3 salvos and then I drop spot and wait for them to use damage control. I get even more fires on cruisers lmao. Clearly you haven't praised Serb enough recently
what island is that Iowa bullying
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It is indeed a terrible crime to defame our beloved Hotel like that.

Next week will be filled with painful waiting.
Sweden yes.
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Are you picking a fight? I challenge you to a cuck-off.
I was talking specifically about Ranked battles, i know that cruisers can be useful in high tier random battles if the player is competent although i would like to see high tier cruisers balance slighty swifted in favour of DD hunting/harrassing.

What's the difference that makes them rather useless in ranked in comparison to random?

I would have imagined that between two equally competent players a BB should prevail on a CA, and that's fine, but the same situation is probably not true with a CA vs a DD because this game has retarded, though necessary, concealment mechanics.
So, the best counter for DDs are other DDs in spite of the supposed cruiser role, and given the limited number of ships per battle in ranked, it's always better to have a DD rather than a CA.
Is that so?
So how will carriers work for other nations?
>France- Bearn T6, Joffre T7
>Germany- Graf Zeppelin T8, follow up design T9
>USSR- ???

There sure are a lot of gaps to fill
Never underestimate WG's napkin collecting skills
Okinawa? Isn't this just testing the guns?
>tfw it's been like a month and a half and I'm still waiting for mine
fucking international shipping
Post them while you're assembling them, i love miniature models.
t. Prinz Eugen builder
>prinz Eugen
why do you keep miss spelling hms prince eurgene?
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HMS Dreadnought1.png
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Lego Guy here. I finished the HMS Dreadnought, looking for feedback. I have to versions, the main difference being the size of the turrets (which determines the layout a little bit) First version is small turrets
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Not spelling it Prince Eugne
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HMS Dreadnought2.png
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is that movie any good?
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Big Turret Version
Looks as detailed as WG models. Nice job. )
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HMS Dreadnought6.png
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You missed photo 4? Or have you simply deleted it?
image dumping should be bannable tbqh
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HMS Dreadnought7.png
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jap rape cave
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HMS Dreadnought4.png
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Ehh it was kinda superfluous, just a shot from the rear with the tiny guns. I'll post it anyway since someones interested. Next up is the HMS Warspite, same treatment between big guns and little guns, not sure which I prefer.
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HMS Warspite1.png
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Those are all 1:20? 1:50? I stay in the 1:400 to 1:700 range. Have posted the North Carolina, Iowa, and Kongo here the other day, all in the ~1:400 scale. First pick of the warspite small guns
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HMS Warspite2.png
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Oh and I also build these once I get them visually the way I like (and minimized part count). I already have the Iowa and NC built. Want to buy the Warspite next. Building them is usually ~ $40-$50, go figure, cheaper than their Virtual counterparts sometimes.
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HMS Warspite4.png
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Warspite, big guns version. BTW 3 was just a duplicate image of 2
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HMS Warspite5.png
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So thats them, anyone have feedback on either versions of Warspite and/or Dreadnought? I like the look of the turrets when their bigger, but they end up forcing changes in the layout due to restrictions in deckspace.
Cool. Post progress photos.
SAL shipping? What country are you guys from?

I like the big turret version more. Personally, I'd try to do the ships at twice their current scale, but I guess that's not an option.

What are you gonna do with those floating rudders?
Agano class when?
Akizuki class when?
already modeled but WG knows the 100 or so wehraboos will play wows for like a week if they debut nazi bb's at gamescom. so enjoy waiting until november
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USS North Carolina1.png
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I tried upping to 1:300 but the price for parts jumps to ~$150 per model and which is more than double the price for the biggest 1:400 so I really prefer to stay in this scale. As for the rudders, if you see in >>147095956 there's clips on the underside of the fantail that the 1x1 plates fit into, but Lego Digital Designer won't let you place them like that. It works in reality, I have it on my North Carolina Model I built. Same thing for the props. You stick the same tubing that the guns are made out of inside the cones and slip the prop on top, but the program messes up if you try to do it in person. Oh and here's a pick of the NC.
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USS North Carolina2.png
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Another NC Pick. Any model requests? They take about a day and I'm stretched for ideas. I'm avoiding the common, dozen-already-modeled ships like the Yamato, Bismarck and the like) and I tried destroyers... they come out awful in this scale, I'll post a pick of my Fletcher abortion next. I'm thinking a carrier but Im afraid it will be very boring.
gb2 /toy/ cuck
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These are actually pretty cool.
Can you do an Essex or Midway CV?
I second Essex
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And... yeah my fletcher abortion... I wish I could get it to come out better, but to have the walls on each side it ends up coming to tall and yet squat looking...
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IJN Kongo1.png
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I was leaning towards an Essex, perhaps the Intrepid Specifically, That or a Yorktown, like the Enterpirse. How the Enterprise,and the yorktown class in general is not in game is beyond me. Its the most decorated Ship in the USS Navy's history and meanwhile they have a CVE that wasn't even used by the US but a total export model. Also, Kongo. I know the superstructure is wonky, still trying to improve it.
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Many people are confused as well. I mean for fucks sake our premium CV was a after war conversion instead of something like the Big E.

I think its cause WG genuinly doesn't care about CV's. They put them in cause yeah, they kinda have to, WWII was the ultimate CV war with most major naval battles centered on carrier action, but like they did this because of this ONLY, at total sufferance.
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>Yamato_with _reactive_armor.jpg
How are Brit BBs gonna go?

T5-Renown/Iron Duke
T6-Queen Elizabeth
T8-KGV (1939)

T5 is kinda tough to figure out but 10x 13.5in (Iron Duke) or 6x 15in (Renown) seems pretty fair basing off the Kongo's 8 x14in

Also Vanguard, Lion, and KGV to an extent seem weak compared to their competition, like they actually all belong down one more tier but the British to my knowledge don't have anything better to offer since their only 16in ships were the Nelsons. Lion essentially being an Iowa copy, Vanguard having Tirpitz main armament (4x2 15in), and 14in guns at T8 all seem under powered for their respective potential tier.
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retro bote.png
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I messed around a bit with photoshop to illustrate my point. Cont. of >>147097084

Moved the smokestack one peg back. The crane has to go, or be replaced by something smaller than that curved piece.
Moved the castle further back, I think it's the equivalent of two pegs. You don't really need all that space between the smokestack and the castle. This further makes room to move the turrets also two pegs back.

Also, decreased (or more like, eliminated for the most part) the curvature on the front bottom hull. The Queen Elizabeth hull doesn't curve all that much from the bottom, it mostly follows the shape of the upper hull. This way she looks fatter, like she was.

Yeah, that doesn't really work

Also, you might want to edit all those pictures into a single one in the future (at least one per ship). People will start to get angry if you make too many posts, so you better keep it concise.
good thing to the ghetoprise was garbage in every incarnation
I fear that the dates they wrote are just best case scenario.
Will do.
Yeah, it's SAL so it may take two weeks or more for a package from Japan to Sweden, if it's quick.

Taking youre advice to not post excessive pictures, as far as the the curvature of the hull is concerned, it looks like your edit in reality, I think it was just the angle of the pic I took that makes it look like that. As far as the super structure is concerned, the other day when I posted it they had the same comment and I did move it back (it was actually much farther foward before. I cant actually move it back any further without exposing pegs in front of the 2nd turret (which I kinda aim for as as smooth as possible) as thats a junction point for the hull walls. I'm an engineer by trade (doing this is board desk time) so the combination of going for appearance, smooth, and small space appeals to me, but those limits do cause some problems...
Australia, I bought a 1/350 kit at the end of may and I'm still just waiting around.
It's what I get for going for economy international shipping I guess.
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I stared at my Fletcher a bit and tried this out (also combined images to avoid a dump). What do you guys think of this? Its still more or less 1:400 and it doesnt have that overly fat look the other had.
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QT Hotel231.jpg
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Cheers to all the fellow anons building scale models. You're all pretty cool.
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why are people who play german cruisers such greedy jews? I have litteraly never not seen them trying to be kike-ish and steal killing blows
That's cruiser in general
They just sail around being useless or pinata for BBs
is this a serious post

stop pretending man abrach is dead and you killed him with your fatty ways
So does "Le Terrible" mean something different in French or was the fastest destroyer to ever exist literally just called "terrible"?
I'm sure it share the same meaning as "Brutal" in english
there was a pope called the terrible because he was a satanist ot some shit like it
More like

>causing or likely to cause terror; sinister.
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>Meanwhile at Anumati's house
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russian bias.jpg
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Alright that makes sense.

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Friendly reminder Terrible's top speed after refit is 37kt and this is what WG will use when they dont add it because the game will be dead long before that.
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WG must make the izumo pretty(and buffs) I'm tired of iowa shit iowa garbage getting more atention
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More scale models would be a nice addition to the threads.
It would be an awesome ship if it had Mogami like turret layout
how would a Bongo fair in an ocean of Aluminum?
Wrap her in oven for burning lovu
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I'd eat a Bongo
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Good job with the breech covers.
>My NJ
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Bongos Cafe.jpg
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I'd eat at Bongo
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wowsg meetup when?
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Only the right girl is right
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Being teitoku is suffering
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The Nagato is not that bad either, It's just the angle not doing her a favor.
https://www.facebook com/Nyftee

But I'd rather this qt
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