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/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward General
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Black Mage Edition

>Summary from the latest Live Letter:
http://pastebin.com/x3petsBx (embed) (embed)

>Current Event - Summer DLC Campaign (June 14—July 4th)

>Patch Notes:

>Resources, Guides, Free Companies and Linkshells:
http://pastebin.com/raw/p88PqskL (embed) (embed)

>Previously on /xivg/
xth for lazy xivg shitters learn to make threads
nori bp
nori gb
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Yes? Is this a problem?
xth for dont forget to feed squiddy-chan today
So what the fuck is the Deep Dungeon for leveling they're adding?
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i'm not that bored

i got some stuff on Balmung that I enjoy

ya know?

maybe enjoy is a strong word.
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where 2 transfer

balmung is a good 0/10

no excal
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voidsent were a mistake
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nth for mid and highlanders
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Xth for comfy
does this squid have a dick
You keep lying to yourself, Mr. Giraffe.
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50 random floors to grind, first 40 floors would likely get you to from level 15 to level 60.
Last 10 floors are level 60 difficulty.
Other than that, you can use it to grind out those glowing weapons they'll accommodate you with when doing the dungeon.

Every 5 floors is a boss battle and serves as a checkpoint.
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don't forget to water your plants
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So say I have almost all jobs at 60 but no idea what to main. What would be the best dungeon/raid/trial to go in with each job to see which one i like doing content with the most? Or someone can just tell me what to main either way works
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i am a boy irl
but my character does not because thats for people with shit taste
Reminder that squidward is 5'4" and a skeleton
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by the way anyone wanna video game on balmung

send a tell to Rich Forever
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I do not agree.
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oh baby
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im 5'8 wtf

This is cute, please don't disappoint me and say this is bp.
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Your boots are a mistake


main BLM and stand in all AoEs

Fuck it
I just want to pet you irl!
>Tank pulls 3 packs with their face and doesnt aggro them at all
>Dies before getting them into position
>Uses no cooldowns either
>If I heal him at all during the pull they all go to me and I die

Are they retarded or am I missing it?
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lmao kinda cute i guess

but lmao

post yfw towering over bruce
>Every dungeon ever
WAR, WHM, [SMN or BLM], [BRD, another BLM or SMN]
Extreme trials and savage raid changes. Here are definite spots in a party:
naka bp
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yeah ok weirdo

you already knew how tall i was you fucking idiot
>not NIN
Stay bad
nori bp
To be clear, you don't get to run through the first couple dozen floors and leave the dungeon at level 60. You start at level 1 when you enter the dungeon, and level up really quickly while you're inside it. You earn experience on your actual permanent levels while you're in there, but it's a normal amount of experience, and not the accelerated leveling that happens while you're actually inside.
It's late. Post lewds!
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i want you take a moment and consider the state of my brain after damn near a decade of drug abuse

now i want you to consider what sort of effects that might have on my memory
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super comfy.png
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Sorry, too busy cuddling to make a new thread.
cutie :333 *feeds squiddy*
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>shorter than shyvana

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i am godspeed, wha?
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Bonsoir, monsieur nerd.
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>randomly queue for shit for eso
>get 2 geared smns and drk for antitower
>get my hopes up
>look at parse
same, i wanted to bully him
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>3 DRK DoTs on the boss
>1 WHM
>Zero SMN with two SMNs in the party

This is fucking appalling.
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>tfw you want to post your archeage c@ but can't
Post c@pits.
Well that's the focus target and it only shows 5 or so on that
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you are an ascended manlet desu
Your tank is retarded.
I'm not. I'm normal 6'0. I'll continue to bully him mercilessly and call him a MANLET.
Delirium is not a DOT.
just do it
Neither is Reprisal.
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Guys 5'8 isn't really that short . . .it's not really manlet status . .
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You know what I mean. I haven't finished levelling DRK and I only really tank as a WAR.
>focus target only ever shows 5
>delirium and reprisal aren't even dots
>can clearly see Malady on the bar so that means at least 1 SMN has at some point recently used Miasma

dumb au ra
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Yea thats focus target, its hard to tell how they're doing through that.
Post mode shirtless husbando
I can't because I'm not home and I don't take my aa shitpost folder with me but I wish because I remember one of you fags posted your c@ when /aag/ still existed also just to annoy retards
I feel you my brother, I feel you.
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Know any single ladies looking for a prince, Governor Romney? I'll even fantasia to male for them
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A solid choice anon
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k lo k dweeb
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>making your husbando tank shirtless
i approve. if i had an au ra husbando i would try to get him to tank in this
play whatever your friends need you to play

you do have friends, right anon?
>is a self-admitted annoyed retard

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Your house plot looks exactly like my house plot, that's weird. What plot in the Lavender Beds?
I like your eyes and tail.
Haha....of course anon....KILL ME
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Do any femroes on Balmung wanna gently fuck a lonely man roe?
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are you futa
>thirsting over godspeed
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presented in amazing dx9 quality powered by nvidia™

Uh, pretty much everyone I know (myself included) is single, but I don't think anyone wants to really do an online fling sorta thing. If it's any advice, I wouldn't chase anyone from this site.

Oh no no he tanks fully armored, as he should. Bikini tanks on females weird me out as I feel like it would be quite painful and awful to swing an axe in. Same for him! Keep the poor dragon boys clothed in combat, please!
It says man roe right there.
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or 2 i guess is the non sub ward version

I did a pretty good job with my au ra :^)
post pits
>saying you like someone's character is "thirsting"

I haven't quite reached your levels of desperation yet anon, don't project on me
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gotta leave some room for the imagination sometimes
Any other female cats use voice 7?
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It's by far my favorite astrologian weapon. I really like the planets on it. I'm a dumb idiot and am pursuing the 240 version of it. I have seen the dyed variations and it looks like the planet/ball in the middle changes its glow color as well with the dye. Kinda stoked but also beating myself up because I betrayed Astro for SCH
Oh then nope, I'm in plot 20.
And yes you did, pulls of the actual slightly void sent look without looking like an edgy teenage boy with scales
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late xth for cool drawfriend
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answer the damn question

Can I lick them?
I am not a futa.
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Anybody else having issues with the launcher not loading the login boxes?
it happens
Mado if you're around /r/ing butts
You wouldn't happen to know any Elezen mommies?

Please respond...
stop looking at butts and get back to work
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Your request has been forwarded.
Here is a complementary butt in my SS folder.
How do you fix it?
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I wasn't really going for anything other than "looks good"

striking eyes are just defining features of most of my characters i guess
I still have 20 minutes please

Based. Can I get a kaori shot too?
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A goodnight gift

Whoa unauthorized but approved

Excellent artist and person
There's one on your lawn
i want a elbst loss edit
We dont need an over saturation of ninjas. Our buffs are most useful with only one or two of us.
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I'll fix that now.
Playing Dark Knight and just got Salted Earth, do people macro this ability to just cast on <t>?
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As promised.
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This one?
Well they're definitely nice! Striking eyes are always a good thing, makes me want to change mine to a brighter color.
>kaori will never sit on your face before riding you so you can fill her to the brim
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Hooley dooley.
Thank you, what a lovely picture. :)

No but I appreciate it!
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>apply dot
>for some reason it's not at the start of the list of dots and is lost in the 100 dots applied by raid
You're not dumb for pursuing the weapon of a class you enjoy. Memes aside, so long as you're main healing as an AST there's really not a problem. That's why I got it as well; I like main healing more as an AST than as a WHM.

I'm also working on my SCH relic but once again AST gets the prettiest looking healer relic while SCH gets


again, so I don't feel nearly as bad.
It sucks, and you cant filter dots except turning them all off for other people iirc and I have to keep it up to know when certain stuff is applied.
I saw a black mage today with the new relic, rod of black khan or whatever it is.

It looks meh.
you look meh
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The WAR relic actually looks worse (to me) than the Hyperconductive Anima version.

That's my reason for not playing WAR at least, that's what I tell myself.

what's everyone doing?
>I haven't finished levelling DRK and I only really tank as a WAR.
I'm in the same situation. Man you have push buttons a lot more often with DRK than you do with WAR
>cuck who did the shitty relic grind
kek how many hours did you waste for an ugly weapon?
You'll never know til you ask anon
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ss (2016-06-29 at 01.00.29).png
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Leveling Lancer, after a horrid first run of Mhach.
Just become a friend of theirs
>Leveling Lancer
Try not to fall asleep pressing 2 buttons up to level 30
Poor soul.
I'm holding off on leveling until Castle of the Unliving. I have everything but MCH / AST 50+ but I don't even know what I want to play other than DRK.
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you should

eyes are one of the most important features of a character

imo at least. they make the character more memorable if they're fitting
Whens the last time you made a levekit for your loved ones?
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144th for visiting friends on other servers.
A few days ago.
why do you ALL use worst face?
>loving someone who isn't omnicrafter
just to spite you in particular, anon.
I'm 35 already, it was painful. Might just go work on Relic fate grinding for now instead, but that's a pain of its own.

DRG is fun, I was gonna level them as my first class because I have loved Lancer since Tactics, but decided to step outside my comfort zone and do a caster as BLM. I abandoned BLM for PLD shortly after hitting 50 though.

Visit me! Strangers are just friends you haven't met yet.
148th for doing your best to not be a burden.
gimme some deets like initials and server and i'll hunt you down compadre.
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FFT/A were great games, but I didn't really want to be a Dragoon or Lancer without being able to be a Bangaa.

I figured manly elf tanking was better.
Eyyy, L.P. Diabolos. I dunno if you need me to be in early folk friendly zones but I'm out in Coerthas farming relic fates.
Few weeks ago. We've all been blowing our leves on large scale leves for amber
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I'll be with you the whole time, anon

It'll take time, that's fact

Even if you can't see it now, I'm proud of what's to come, and you!
I've been making levekits for a few friends so they could start the moogle beast tribe quests.
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Earlier today actually. I like seeing people slowly rise up in crafting, learning and being able to fund their own endeavors
So....how is all the land, Zenith,etc floating in Churning Mists anyway?
Fuck off, gospeed. It would be bearable without you replying.
i've been getting the same sometimes
it just doesn't load for some reason and either does after some time or gives me some sort of error
retrying usually makes it work after a while, dunno what the cause is, I guess login server issues or something
I'm off to Sea of Clouds now,
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Square-Enix, please lower the number of level 50 MSQs required to reach Heavensward.

Just Xenogears Disc 2 this shit and give me an unskippable cutscene. I don't care. Anything but this. You ask too much
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Dreamed I was functioning
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you talkin shit.jpg
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Your bangs are cute
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Help, I wasn't prepared for this.
can you stop complaining about the game and just play it once in a while you know just saying
i believe i found you and sent you a tell. then i got two tells from a gilspammer thinking it was you responding.
Lubaba Luba
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you should have listened.png
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10 runs later I have 2 more shafts and 1 more spring because I can't get a good roll on the item I actually want

this system is so fucking stupid without the lockout

But I am playing. Complaining is just more user friendly than these endless fetch quests and boring exposition
short bother'machine
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Honestly, it's dumb as fuck that they did it, and how the MSQ in this game is like. What's even more funny is that it actually drives new players away with shitty quests like pic related.
Dirt face does have a point, if you don't care about the story and skip every cutscene and dialogue like I did, the level 50 quests to get into HW is actually fucking bullshit grindy.
what's even more funny is when people try to force these memes

maybe if people weren't autistically doing nothing but MSQ they wouldn't be so inclined to whine

haha jk
real nuisance
Crystals, I think mostly lightning aspected given the color. Moogle tribe quests go into it a bit. All the structures in Zenith have them too.
There's really nothing better to do if somebody hasn't finished the MSQ yet, aside from leveling up other jobs. So might as well focus on doing the MSQ.
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>watching ffxiv lore videos
>physiology and body types of the main races
>45 minute discourse weighing the merits of tight, petite cat butts vs. healthy, round midlander butts
>wake up

I wish I could remember all the details, but that dream is the worst thing this game has ever done to me.
Futata Futa
>sub ran out
>can't resub because mogstation maint

what? only person i've watched that did lore vids of xiv is some ethys guy. don't think he'd make something like that
>autistically doing nothing but MSQ


You're the person who finally removed the last shred of meaning from the word "autistic"
It was a dream. the video doesn't exist yet
But anon that was yesterday

>trying to unlock the jobs I want
>have to grind through a bunch of MSQs

lel jk
lol, was so disturbed about the 45 mins of catboi butts that totally missed the dream part
is the mog dance bought with kupo nuts or gil? how much is it? same goes for mount
What job did you want to pick up again, AST right?
Doopdee Doo
quest reward, mount costs 200k, minion costs 30k

All three. MCH was the one I had been most hyped for but I hear it's kind of... stale? AST looks weird and I like that. DRK is supposedly fun
Why did they even thought locking the expansion from the 2.1-2.55 MSQ was a good idea? The story isn't even good at those points.
sweet, thanks friend
you're legitimately retarded if you don't know the answer to your own question
Are there any bows that aren't stupidly large? Puts me off the class.
That statement is legitimately retarded. People ask questions for other people to answer. That wasn't a rhetorical question.
I've always been a fan of the "naming Lalas after food" trend.
Strawberry Shortcake, Vanilla Bean, etc.
What is a good graphic card to play this on 1080p smoothly?
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>he hasn't done a weeping city run in first person mode
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>stretch out content
>get people to dedicate more time to the game
>more money

It would've been so much easier if they had just given people the ability to skip content and provide a 'catch-up' primer on the plot. Or something. Makes no sense to release an expansion and force people through a long series of mandatory quests to see the content, even more so when the classes are locked behind high-level stuff.

And if the story is so important, which I can understand it might be provided it's a FF game, then there should've been no problem removing a bulk of the fetch quests and focusing on the meaty ones for new/returning players to go through.
who are you quoting?
Because the longer they can keep people slogging through MSQ= More sub money.
What server are you joining, I might give you a hand if you're a newbie and not just an alt.
>gettting from 2.55 to 3.0 takes more than a month worth of sub
Why the fuck are you playing games if you can only play 5 mins a day?
>not living in the past
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The vast majority of this games players actually seem to play very little.

Why are you offended that some people work 45-55 hour weeks and still want to fuck around with video games.

And doing that is possible.

But when quests in a game are so mind-mindbogglingly boring, stale, and hardly interactive, it makes doing something that should be fun wholly boring and unfulfilling.
But I live in the future on prison island!
have you tried having friends to do them with
wait for the 480
oh fuck it releases today

>go to Grinadia
>drop off something
>teleport to ul'dah
>drop off something
>repeat x80

Yes, I have.
>implying i'm offended

No anon, getting from 2.55 completion to 3.3 is like 60 ish hours worth of game time. You can casually finish it in a single month of sub time and thus there is no fluff for sub bait like that anon mentioned.
are you skipping cutscenes

But my argument is that that's retarded. I don't expect S-E to respond to my bitching, but I just don't get why they thought this was a good design choice.
At least it's not like some gook mmos that put all the text in a window and expect you to read that shit. Either way considering this is a ff game, you need to pace yourself with the story, if you want to rush through ofc you'll feel overwhelmed with the stupid amount of quests that there is.
FFXI didn't even lock their expansion's content from the MSQ except for one expansion which I think it was the Zilart one. What FFXIV is doing is pretty much just bad design.
Why did Megu leave DRAKN? Post logs
You keep saying bad design but I'm not sure if you know what that means besides "something that upsets me at this very moment rhat I think should be different".

How is locking attractive new content like new classes behind months of busy work good design
You'll have to excuse him, he's clearly a blatant cuck who defends relic grinds aswell. Probably also in denial about HW causing the game to lose thousands of subs
Because having a continuous story is good design?
>Locking expansion content from a mediocre story shoved between 100+ fetch quests is good design
Are you sure it will let me play this at 1080p with good fps? I don't want to join you guys without being able to appreciate your clothing in proper definition and without framerate being dicks.
>months of busy work
People can do 1-60 in like 4-5 days of playtime
ERPing in public, got kicked.
Maybe if you skipped the dialogue and cutscenes because you're not interested in the story and have a lot of time in your hands probably because you're some pathetic NEET then sure.
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The people doing 1-60 in a few days are really not representative of the playbase.
>4-5 days
>80 hours
>give it benefit of the doubt and assume you meant 4-5 days of playing, let's say 12 hours a day (undoable with a job)
>it's still 50-60 hours when most people only have 2-4 hours to play at most

month sounds about right
You mean like a week or two of extremely casual play, much less if you're skipping cutscenes and still whining about the writing quality?

I'll never understand why shitters find having to unlock content in a video game so mind blowing. Play the game and enjoy it, if you think you can't enjoy fhe game unless you're playing one of the expac jobs uou probably won't enjoy the game when yoi finally are.

Epic strawman my dude
Again, if you play 5 mins a day, the fuck are you playing games for?

Seriously, unlike all MMOs out there, xiv is the only that bothers to make the story relevant. Ok yes, considering of what i did (AST storyline) they could've put those in some other place so people with HW could access but, does it add some magic to the game lore and to the new city you just unlocked? Sure fucking does.

Imagine finishing 2.55, unlocking ishgard and when you get in, theres fucking nothing in there. Wow, so much for a capital city that was locked up for 2 fucking years and a half.

tfw lonely
They didn't have to lock content from the MSQ at all. FFXI did that, and the story was good, much better than FFXIV even.

That's still pretty poor design. If your expansion is so fucking sparse that its new content has to be inaccessible to new or returning players for, say, a month or more, that's fucking retarded.

It'd be one thing if the story were compelling or decently paced. Or if the MSQ's quests weren't mostly normal quests with some neat cutscenes strewn about. MSQ should feel a hell of a lot more grand than 'can you send this letter, brave warrior of light, to ul'dah because I'm too lazy to send it myself'. And then you get to fucking Ul'dah and have to go back to where you came for two boxes of dialogue and ANOTHER fucking fetch/deliver quest?

This couldn't have been conveyed differently? If i'm going to be doing menial tasks, and let's face it, in MMOs you typically fucking are, then mask that shit with good flavor text. With a palpable reward or intriguing lore.

Instead literally nothing has fucking happened in the last three hours I've played. Nothing. Fucking jack and shit and Jack's left town.


>I'll never understand why shitters find having to unlock content in a video game so mind blowing

It is mindblowing. When I'm forced to unlock shit I want through the most boring fucking shit I've ever seen in a Final Fantasy game, it's pretty mindblowing.

And to add to that, I'm not saying shit like raids and endgame content should be accessible right off the bat when an expansion is released. But when one of the big selling points is new fucking classes, why the fuck set up all these roadblocks in the way?
Did you really play xi?

I'm not the anon posting about XI.
And yet FFXI without a doubt valued its players' time far less than FFXIV.

Maybe just play the game instead of being so entitled. If you're this laughably mad about the pretty reasonable interim story you're just going to bitch about Heavenward too.
It's not unlocking it is the problem. The fact that the way to unlock it takes hours, or even days of doing boring, repetitive and uninspired quests just to play the new job for example, which they've made a selling point for the expansion even, is stupid.
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Funnily enough I have my journey through Heavensward documented with screenshots and I can say for sure that it took me almost a week of playing 8-14 hours a day to get from 50 to 60.
moogle wiggle butt dance is best dance

>just play these boring, sleep-inducing quests anon, you entitled piece of shit
What's that have to do with FFXI having good design with expansions and FFXIV being bad?
maybe don't buy the expansion before you can play it next time retard

go cry about it to reddit, this shit was tiring back in july, and it still is now.
>you have to play the main game before you play the expansion
>this is a problem
what would you have done years ago before the dlc pack instant gratification era of games

>I can't believe I have to play through acts 1-4 to access the new act and fight Baal, fighting Baal was a selling point of the expansion!
A Shantotto Ascension
Imo you should require to have for example pld/war at 50 to unlock drk

And I think it's kinda motivational to get to 50 and unlock your 'cool' new job
Kiki a cute
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elk I wanna be your bf
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