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/mbg/ - Mount & Blade General
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You are currently reading a thread in /vg/ - Video Game Generals

Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 201
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The Welsh Demon.jpg
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Demonic Wiccans edition.

(Looted) thread: >>146773136


E3 Bannerlord siege videos:

E3 interview by Techraptor :

Last blog:


PASTEBIN: http://pastebin.com/2ZjZZZpc

M&B Wiki: http://mountandblade.wikia.com/wiki/Mount_and_Blade_Wiki

NOOB GUIDE: http://imgur.com/a/FMAqV


Anon's mods and upstab guide:

>/mbg/ Steamgroup

Module Recommendations:

>Anon's ACOCK minimod
>Swedish Mayonnaise

>"I made a mod recently or updated it. Wat do ?"
Link to the OP in your post so that it might be easier to find for the one making the next OP (also for regular people).
I'm posting Cao Cao in honour of the poster who was posting in honour of the original Cao Cao poster until we get a good Romance of the three kingdoms mod.
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Where the fuck do I find these welsh bowmen in 1257 AD? You can recruit welsh cymry and train them, but I feel like they're not the welsh bowmen the English lords use. Mine are called welsh veteran archer or something like that but they're not the same.

I never find welsh mercs in taverns, do I need to own the fucking city to recruit them?
I've found welsh mercs in York a couple of times.

Do you have the 3000 for them? I don't think they show up unless you have the cash.

Also how do I make my useless country go to war with someone already, its been like 200 days of peace, and the marshal and king are both dicking around.

I'm an unbeatable tournament champ, famous in all of Europe. I have the cash.
I guess just try York, Chester and Abberrrryyth on occasion, some should turn up eventually.
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On second thought, let's not join Wessex, tis a silly place.
So we got looted last time?

What's the mod? Is it a Viking Invasion-period one?
So uh, I told a merchant caravan I was supposed to be escorting to wait while I chased down some desert bandits.

The chase took like a day and now I can't find the merchant caravan. Are they just gone forever or do they path somewhere while waiting?
Last thread archived at 420 replies.
You can't make this shit up
>What's the mod?
Not him but that Viking conquest
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>not accepting to get a reason to do coastal attacks on all those those coastal towns.ยจ
Shameful Tbh
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Prettier females for VC when
Forget waifus, all the girls look like dirt. Play a girl you look like a mountain of shit, play a guy and you may as well be a greek because the girls are untouchably ugly

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>nd you may as well be a greek because the girls are untouchably ugly
Do people prefer Brytenwalda or Viking Conquest? I've been playing both and I'm really torn on the two.
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By the way, does anyone here play "A New Dawn", having the most fun I've had in years of Warband.

It has some nasty bugs but you can play around them (enterprise bugs and prisoner bugs).
It has some neat ideas but is still kind of fucked
Also I'm getting sort of tired of Native+ mods, one of the reasons Warwolf is a big hit for me these days
Might be buggy and obscure but once you understand it at least it's a completely different system
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>playing ad
>thinking that this mod is realistic
>buought best crossbow in the mod
>can't pierce through shield
What is point about crossbows if they are shit?
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>thread died before reaching bump limit
a sad day
What the fuck is this guy doing? Can't they hire actual martial artists for these films instead of choreographing shit that looks ridiculous?
>I'm still expecting things out of filmmakers after """""""""""""""Cannae""""""""""""""
You don't need power draw to kick shit in with a crossbow
Underages aren'r welcome here.
Gently fuck off.
Underage chucklefucks aren't welcome here
Please remove yourself from the premises.
And no, his blocks make no sense - just the first block could be circumvented if the guy bent his elbow or turned his body.
You really don't have any other line of attack than that "r", do you? :^)
Underages doesn't mean what you think it means, for one.
>plural of Underage (n)
>Underage (n): A deficit or shortfall in funds, inventory, or capacity.
My other line of attack is that I don't know why you'd call me underage.
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Can i rip face models from mods and add it to other mods?
stop with this meme module
Warwolf is the ultimate mod.
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this is solid b8
have some lewd
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> forming an army to battle giant mythological beings
She's not hot, she just has massive knockers.

She's pretty hot by British standards.
>She's not just, she just [is hot]
what the fug
>having massive tits automatically makes you hot
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Did you guys really let the other thread die
Big whoop wanna fight about it?
I was sleeping, don't look at me Magina.
I was out with my oneechan don't blame me
Anyone have that Welsh.jpg?
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mfw migraine in public.gif
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>BAAAAW, why do the majority of 4chan's largest userbase sleep at what is night in their timezone?
y r u so aggressive anon
are you having a bad morning
I'm going to a funeral in a few hours.
Try not to trip into the coffin
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So can someone explain to me what features that mod that takes place on japan have?
It has Japan
>Takes place on japan
>has japanese guys with sticks
>20 billion factions
>Each faction declares war on another totally on a whim every 4 minutes
>cringey "i'm 12 and what is scripting lol lesbians" random events you will want to turn off immediately
>lots of stalemate
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Playing through it right now. It has auto buy for food / autosell for junk below a price threshold.
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>20 minutes into fresh game
>get bored
feels like I've played everything there is to play at 1400+ hours
Play a stone throwing farmer
i have over 800 hours in warband and yet i've never really properly formed my own kingdom
It's okay senpai, some people are leaders, others are soldiers

I did it once on my Floris playthrough. Totally standard approach though. Conquered Wercheg, crowned myself king, slowly decimated Vaegiers and Nord shits, then went on to grill the Khergits and Sarranids, stomped Swadia afterwards and finally took the last Rhodok bastions on my 2000th or so day. Used almost exclusively bowmen. Swadian Sheriffs are mad motherfuckers.
>tfw you hate nordies but you love the footslogging infantry gameplay
is there a mod with a spearchukka heavy infantry focus faction that isn't just Viking memes
what about rhodok shield wall with crossbows
Roma Invicta
>Implying I would ever play Rhocucks to begin with
besides, that's not what I'm going for. I want one type of mook to serve my footsoldier/limited range needs.
>He doesn't play with the best faction

Get a load of this plebeian
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Guys I need help figuring out what all these points do. What should I build first? Ect.
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>best faction
well yes I already ruled out Swadia, sometimes I just want a challenge.
To the guy wondering about the repeating crossbow in Perisno a thread or two ago:

It's just the Dwarven Crossbow, doesn't say repeater on it. Found a few varieties in shops. has three shots before reloading

It sucks
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Grunwalder Castle.jpg
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Good luck horse-user, i'm behind 2 hills, 7 walls, 20 pikemen
Does anyone else think that the lack of an inclusion of island in Bannerlord's map means that we won't get native boat support?

I know that there are plenty of reasons to avoid adding an island to an existing map, but it seems like something you would do just to show off boats. I'd hate to have to wait for mods to get coastal sieges like with Viking Conquest and Blood&Gold, so I hope boats are in even without an obligatory island faction
A group of looters killed his wife. He scoured the land in search of them.. Always using rocks so he can torture them afterwards to find the ones who took his loved on, his bastion of peace in this war torn land. As he continues he realizes that is useless. If they havent been picked off by an army then how could they remember killing a woman well past her prime in a land so full of blood shed. So he takes up a sword and decides that if he cant bring peace to himself, we would at least make sure that no others would feel his pain. And so yet another king rises in the land.
go to bed fyodor
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>mfw once bannerlord gets co-op this is actually possible
So thats what the old mans name is
>he thinks that outhouse named after a literal conman is a 'castle'
Classic Rhocuck
go to bed gsanders
Haha this bitch have fackable body

>t. Harlaus
ah ha ha ha ha
>he doesn't know about Grunwalder
you poor conned fool
>According to Bunduk, Grunwalder Castle was named for a war veteran that taught his people how to resist the Swadians that demanded submission from them. Grunwalder was killed, but the castle that was built where he died was named in his memory.

Literally William Wallace of Calradia.
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>the sturgians are not slavs
>they're generic "le ebin vikings xD"
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>this poster is not a slav
>he's a generic "le ebin american shitposter xD"
>he doesn't know Grunwalder was a prominent forum-goer who faked his death, leading to the castle being made before somebody spilled the beans he was a hoaxer.

I'm sorry you had to find out this way.
>Literally no proof to back that up
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>tfw I can master polearms, two handed, and sword/board
>Just cant wrap my head around crossbows/archery
>can't hit anything further than mid range from me
Am I a fucking casual?
That thing doesn't even look like aiming it will help for shit.
skyrim was a mistake
Go horse back riding. The change the arrow takes is completely random after mid range and so is very much on luck unless everyone is grouped up. Get close. Practice in villages and train on targets.
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Lurk more.
I don't know super secret /mbg/ memes, s-sorry senpai..
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>there are people in this thread who haven't been here for years
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muh pipes.jpg
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this is a terrible picture
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heard u talkin shit
>Shit that verified happened isn't proof
>Bunduk's drunken rambling is
back to your pighole
Why do sieges suck so much
Why isn't Bannerlord out
Why can't I play it now
Why don't we have more blogs
tfw gsanders gives us more blogs than taleworlds does

at least he also releases a "playable" product
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>gsanders gives us more blogs than taleworlds does
Game development takes time, anon.
Don't worry, they promised we'll have something by christmas.
>announced in 2012

No I don't have patience I want it now
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>Why do sieges suck so much
they don't
>Why isn't Bannerlord out
isis is going to remove the kebabs & they have to fight for survival
>Why can't I play it now
you can't play an unfinished product, moron
>Why don't we have more blogs
cuz the captain is a faggot
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>they don't
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>they don't
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age of mythology mod when?
>using vintage memes

Sorry to ask this shit again, but do I really find these fucking sheepfucking welsh archers in taverns? I rotated between 3 or 4 english cities and nowhere do I find them.

I only get these fucking standard guisarme or crossbow mercs. Where are the welsh bowmen for fuck's sake?
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>i suck at running up a ladder/ramp while the archers cover me, so i think it's bad
>they don't
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>one ladder is fine
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trapped in the present.jpg
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Anybody else think all the settlements and castles in M&B look super comfy? They're all so packed and neat, it makes me want to be a poor serf or cannon fodder militia just so I could live there for a while, before dying due to constant pilaging and harsh conditions.
>completely missing the point

Do you honestly feel fighting on top of one, rarely two ladders, especially when the siege map features a door just beside them, without siege machinery, is fun?
>defensive siege in a mod with muh custom scenes
>defenders spawn in the center of town, farther away from the walls than the attackers spawn
>gate starts open
>all of a sudden your defensive advantage aka the only way to win against 5-to-1 numbers is gone

Why are mod creators such fucking morons
Good pirate versions of warband?

When Bannerlord is released and we can just import Skyrim and Oblivion models.
so after watching lloyd talk about sieges in the classical era and armies of tens and hundreds of thousands building massive ramps into walled cities, i want to play a siege like that.

Also why is dark ages europe so inept at war. Im starting to think europe is a joke and always has been. I dont see them doing anything cool today, and the only cool stuff they ever do is in books they themselves wrote.

Just a bunch of inept barbarians who try to make themselves look cool. If not for the muslim hoard destroying the classical world it would never have amounted to anything. Its like europe is the tiny mamals that survived after the meteor took out the dinosaurs.

Blood & Gold: Caribbean! Is probably the closest you'll get to decent.
Darks ages are the people who fled from the east coming west and settling. They were barbarians who tried to live like Romans and failed.Everyone blames chirtianity for our scientific hole, but it was the fall of the romans to the barbarians which caused it. You have a bunch of tribes man fighting it out trying to play at something greater then what they were. Like kids pretending to be adults. Took a while for them to fit into daddies shoes.
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>calling it 'europe' like it is or was some sort of monolith
fuck off
The roman empire was the most disgusting thing in existence. A center of racemixing, degeneracy, oppression and slavery. Barbarism is the natural state of man.
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You showed him, Cleetus
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t. capitalist sheep
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Alfa Junes.jpg
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go live in a treehouse nigger
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>a slave calling a barbaryan a nigger
very funneh but I can't afford a new game at the moment, and piratebay is dead, so help a person out if you can
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>forestniggers had access to computers and knew how to shitpost
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>racemixed mongrel still talking shit
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>The roman empire was the most disgusting thing in existence
>barbarism is the natural state of man
Then fuck off back into your woods you little faggot.
You'll still be exploring your friends' asses while we'll be exploring space.
>calling a multiracial multicultural anti-nationalist empire disgusting is being edgy
go to english/welsh towns and go to recruit volunteers and there should be two options, do the second one
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are you a new worlder?
muh blood is more inbred than yours my friend
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Defending an empire built on slavery and genocide is honestly pretty edgy
>You'll still be exploring your friends' asses while we'll be exploring space.
No, the only thing "muh high tech civ" people will be doing is dying of starvation in filth riddled cities when there's too many non-whites for the few remaining white men to support them
The 3 million killed in the fall of the temple in 72ad. Horrible time for the jews, the Romans were the old Germans.
are you retarded? you're talking to a guy who just said barbarism is the natural state of man and who clearly hates empires, and you're asking me if I'm a new worlder? are you literally retarded?
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the mysterious entity.png
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I wonder who could be behind that post ...
Looking for some good multiplayer focused mods. So far I have that Invasion one.
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new worlder as in from the New World, gonna take your spastic reply as a yes
>Civilization = non-whites
What the fuck, take your medicine, Jimmy
>new worlder as in from the New World
What part of my post made you think I didn't understand this?

Fuck you're retarded
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>it's a Mount & /pol/ episode
most MP mods are dead, NW, native, and FI2 are the populated ones
Oh, you didn't know? The people whose boots you're licking are hell bent on flooding civilization with non-whites, in case you haven't noticed yet.
then what the fuck does your post mean?
you can't be a "barbaryan" in the new world?

>you're talking to a guy who just said barbarism is the natural state of man and who clearly hates empires
makes no sense
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>le ebin merchant caring about Gauls being killed
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>Civilization means licking jewish boots
I don't think there's a place big enough to contain your retardation
The Deluge is a great mod but for all I know it might be dead
>I don't think there's a place big enough to contain your retardation
You sound like one of those tumblrites who just go "ugh" when they don't have anything to say. I think you're too retarded to come up with anything intelligent to say, little triggered faggot.

And yes, being a supporter of "civilization" (i.e what we have today in 2016) is licking jewish boots. If you're not against what is today, then you're a jewish bootlicker.
How and when did the conversation devolve from the Roman Empire to modern civilization?
Do you have ADHD or something?
I answered to the wrong post.

Dammit. Hate when I'm late to the party. At least the singleplayer stuff that's out is good.
The conversation has been about centralized highly populous societies i.e civilization/empires all along. The roman empire of its time is the same as the globalist capitalist societies we have today, an all-encompassing disgusting system that is against human nature.

My genetic deficiencies are none of your concern.
[Citation needed]
Mate, you should cut down on the red pill, you've overdosed
>play warwolf
>cant beat the arena
>whatever Ill just cheat it up to see how hard it is
>str and agi to 20
>max skills
>350 weapons skill
>still cant beat the fucking king
I do like 4 damage to him and he hits me for 30 through my 60 armor. Like what the fuck am I supposed to do against that, hes got atleast 200 hp too. Its the only way to get money that I know of becuase there are no guides, sure I can do the farms the bandits the forts but that costs soldiers.
>[Citation needed]
For what? I didn't make any claims.
>Mate, you should cut down on the red pill, you've overdosed
I didn't make any claims, I stated what the roman empire was, and compared it to the dominant western system under which most parts of the world lives today.
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check out this faggot, hanz.gif
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explain how civilization isn't a product of human nature
>The roman empire of its time is the same as the globalist capitalist societies we have today, an all-encompassing disgusting system that is against human nature.
That is not a claim?
>an all-encompassing disgusting system that is against human nature.
No, this is not a claim. This is a statement of fact. Our bodies and minds weren't made for more than a couple hundred individuals living together.
can everyone shut up and post mount and blade campaigns

Why would I do that? That's like asking someone why plastic bottles exist if said person stated that plastic bottles don't naturally come into existence.
Prove this so-called "fact" of yours
"made" Im sure that pigeons werent made for living in big cities either but they took to it fine. Get over it, the world isnt large enough to go back to tribes.

This, literally none of this matters.
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work hard.png
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>Mount and Blade General
too bad he didn't spend 1 of those days making blogs
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>Why would I do that?
because you're making silly assumptions and statements that need to be fleshed out or risk being disregarded by everyone but yourself

>That's like asking someone why plastic bottles exist if said person stated that plastic bottles don't naturally come into existence.
false equivalency, do you have any actual arguments bitch nigga
At least they're bumping the thread
Would you like me to prove to you that humans also actually really do exist aswell?

>but they took to it fine
That depends on how you define "fine". Humans are much unhealthier today than they ever were at any point in history. The fact that we live longer than ever before because we're pumped with tons and tons of medicine to artificially keep us alive doesn't make said person any "healthier", the only reason this is done is for the current system under which we live to be able to extract more tax from the individuals it rules over.

If "fine" is being artificially kept alive so you can be exploited as a tax producer for a decade or two longer then sure.
>Humans are much unhealthier today than they ever were at any point in history.
I do enjoy my meat diet on not-death of the black plague thank you very much
I've been trying to play through perisno because it has some really cool features, but I think I'm going to give up on it purely because every mother fucker past tier 3 has so much armor that bows and all but the best crossbows do fuck all. Tired of seeing "0 damage!" pop up all the time just because I don't have power draw 9 and the best bow in the game

PooP does this too. Why do fantasy mods suck
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identifying arguments.jpg
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>Would you like me to prove to you that humans also actually really do exist aswell?
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last thread died before bump limit, in the absence of any actual discussion you can fuck off pal
It's of 0 value
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>the only thing that matters is we take up space on the board, no matter the topic

rather dead than shitposting, faggot
take your dumb irrelevant shit and fuck off
The existence of plagues which killed humans isn't an argument against the fact that humans were much healthier before than they are now. There are diseases that kill people today aswell.
RIP /vtg/
because i'd rather discuss the topic of the general you retard
you've got boards for this dumb shit
It's a very good argument actually. The human body and mind not being made for living together in a loud crowded space with millions of other people is a fact. Asking someone to "prove that to be the case", is like asking someon to prove that humans exist. It's just a childish counter-"argument" to scream: "PROVE IT SHITLORD!"
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why didn't you do that last thread
oh that's right
there's nothing to discuss

>i want discussions about this topic i enjoy but i don't want to start a new one or take part in an already existing one
soldiers cost like fucking nothing, anon. I don't even think they cost money to upgrade. Non-army bands have basically no upkeep nor food cost.

Warwolf is the easiest mod ever to make money in, literally do anything else that anybody offers you. Quests get you 2500+ easily (ruins suck, don't do them), and all those little fight things like the fort can offer up to 4x that.
because i was asleep you dumb shitposter
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>it dies once in a long time because DEAD posters were sleeping on duty
>let's shitpost

The general would be better off dead than filled with shit anyway
>he doesn't like it when people ask him for facts, no matter how mundane they might be
It sounds like you're the shitlord, my friend
I agree, but it's better than being archived.
if you want to talk shit then commit fuckboy

>The general would be better off dead than filled with shit anyway
what if I told you every response you and others made to my shitposts has been also unrelated to the general's topic and a shitpost in itself
It isn't. We'll always make another thread, no need to accept shitposting into our ranks. We've still got an animeposter invasion to deal with
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Fuck off
I know
But part of me wants to believe that at least some of you have half a brain and are not just dedicated shitposters and might eventually stop when told to. Thus this off-topic posting would reduce future off-topic posting.
I cant figure VC out.

Im making ok money through traiding to and from dorestad and finding my companions but it seems like the game doesnt want me to do the small scale 3-4 guys vs 'sea raider' stuff that i always do in native.

Am i supposed to jump in with hiring mid level troops from inns and do army-stuff right away?
Bring the hotpocketman then, what do you want us to do, shoo them away?
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a lack of off-topic posting would kill this general indefinitely friendo, how many shitposts have you made so far out of anger that some autists began discussing unrelated issues momentarily on your niche sub-forum on an anime imageboard?
all unrelated, kill yourself
there's only one shitposter
Except this general has survived in higher quality with much lower post frequency before

But whatever, it's time to stop feeding you (you)s
/mbg/ is 50% shitposting, 25% people asking for and receiving actual advice and 25% discussing autism and modding.
If there were no shitposters and /mbg/ was dead, there would be no place for new players to ask for advice, or people to share anon's mods and such freely
>Except this general has survived in higher quality with much lower post frequency before
no general has had an absence of a large degree of shitposts, ever
you're talking bollocks
No, what we should do is ignore the anime. or reply to their discussion of mount and blade with out own discussion of mount and blade, not ignore the ontopic post they might have made and reply to the anime avatar with "why is *some waifu* such a slut" which leads to more anime posting

Just like we should be ignoring the retards arguing about civilization and degeneracy instead of joining in and making it one big cesspool of shittiness.
how new are you
we did for ages, happenings like E3 brought garbage here
>a lack of off-topic posting would kill this general

Off-topic posting kills generals, you fucking degenerate. Just like how /hmg/ was killed by Pardoposting. Here, have some (You).
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Typical that it would be newfags that support shitposting
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my anecdotal evidence surpasses your anecdotal evidence
>happenings like E3 brought garbage here
happenings like E3 brought discussion that you so crave here, /v/posters quickly left anyway
why don't you post your hours IG if you want to virtually measure cocks you faggot

it's like a river's load, the bed load are veteran /mbg/ posters who will loyally revive the thread whenever it reaches page 10, but these people will be inevitably eroded by time as the rivers water erodes its rocks, the rest of the load also abrading it

the dissolved load are people who float through, the majority normally, looking for advice, they drift on and dissolve into the river

not the perfect analogy but fitting enough
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They've come a long way
Everything is so fuckin' white.
SJW please go
>happenings like E3 brought discussion
they bring both, it's a double edged sword but inevitable
that's how any general works, what's your point
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I was just thinking the other day that this general had the perfect balance of lewd, memes, anime, and on topic conversations.
Personally, I blame gsanders for this autism that has grasped the current thread
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>perfect balance
>includes lewds and anime(outside of on topic use)
But this general has amounts exceeding zero of those first three things.
Amounts exceeding zero of those first three things are unacceptable.
>tolerating memes
meme yourself fuccboi
horse pussy and pure maidens my friend
my point is the thread can't survive on the bed load alone, the bed load will either be eroded by the river itself or the suspended load abrading it
Khergit women ARE pure, okay?
well it has done for years
the bannerlord information we got prior to the last few years was raindrops but we're still here
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>tfw was hyped for Khuzaits and now the hype has been completely killed by not wanting to be associated with this week of horse pussy posting
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i get the impression the stuff he's doing he thinks is difficult or something but it's really mundane simple shit
I wonder if the Khuzaits and Aserai will still be trash.

What are the odds they get balance right?
I-It's still alive
why do you argue in circles?
every thread I've been in on this general has had plenty of off-topic and on-topic shitposting
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horse pussy.png
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>the last 11 players would rather split their lobbies than agree on a gamemode
I find it so hard to remember these new Bannerlord factions, am I the only one?
thats just because we dont have memes associated with them yet
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i actually went on VC to say it's more dead but it isn't, must be the sale
if they're as boring as the native factions it won't matter
Bonjourno my peninsular friend
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khuzait, asaria (aserai? I see various reports), battania, sturgia, vlandia, north/west/south empire.

I just noticed that in this map there's that little thing north of Sturgia, which is slightly different colored blue. Is this an official picture?
Sieging my first castle, why when I get to less than 40 enemy units they transform in monsters and kill all my army effortless? They get a buff?
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map BL.png
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Its just some land

Does it only work with lance recruitment? I chose native recruitment. Or is it my relation to the town?

I don't see a second option. Can only choose commoner footmen.
Could be the Nord homeland.
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all downhill from here.jpg
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>playing native-style multiplayer again after a 1 year hiatus
>Does it only work with lance recruitment?
>I chose native recruitment.
use lance recruitment
Ah, that's a pity.
I got a tad excited that maybe it's something special, and the pic was a little tease.

Looking at this map, I wonder if Battania is going to be the whole "gets beat up by everybody" faction. They're central with 4 surrounding nations, but so are much of the Empire nations.
I dont know who is who, but red and pink are going to be the beat up countres, can tell just by looking. Red is snaking so 4 people can go to war and grab things without over reaching, and pink is just center in a bad spot.
He's pretty based
Keep in mind that those are probably not the starting borders
I was wondering, are there any mods (or is it going to be a feature in bannerlord) that allow you to split your warparty?

Like if you wanted to chase some routed enemies, you could split off a separate cavalry party to pursue them.
I think Brytenwalda (and VC I guess?) is supposed to have something to that effect
Yeah, Charas in particular for red can function vaguely as a Dhirim.
Which is funny because Red is Vlandia/vaguely-swadia

But if they lose that overextended part, their front is more or less solid, and against foes that have several enemies everywhere else.
The red village-icons have near green's Ath Cafal aren't named, which make me think they're just raidable villages? Not siegeworthy, but still sucks for them. Especially those really far eastern 2.

Oh wait, there's "Sargot" but I'm not sure what that is going. Probably manages those. If it's right underneath "Ath" it's not too far east, so might be ok.

Spring 1 1060 seems pretty start-datey.
>Spring 1 1060 seems pretty start-datey.
I think it might be 3 years into the game
Isn't the map from the game where the developer is running around with an army?
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>they don't
God's older sister will suck my dick before this is true of vanilla Warband

>Capitalism working at all relies on me trying to become richer and eat better
>this is somehow not the natural state of man, to attempt to better his lot

>nationalism is a thing before Westphalia
>Romans were accepting of foreign cultures at all

>against human nature
Anything made by human hands must by definition be in line with human nature, since we were the ones who created and maintained it.
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El Guapo.png
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>as soon as I go to sleep
>the general dies
How fucking new are you, we were one of the best generals on the entire board before E3

Go to /twg/, /gsg/ whatever
It's usually agreed that we were one of the most shitpost-free generals on the board
I fucking hate you Sven Bullneck
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