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/agdg/ - Amateur Game Dev General
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Elite Beat Edition ( last thread: >>146701850 )

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GameMaker: https://www.yoyogames.com/gamemaker
Godot: https://www.godotengine.org/
Haxe: http://haxeflixel.com/
LÖVE: https://love2d.org/
UE4: https://www.unrealengine.com/what-is-unreal-engine-4
Unity: https://unity3d.com/
Xenko: https://xenko.com

> Models/art/textures/sprites

> Free audio
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first for bloom
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Posted in wrong thread
Comfy fires now come with optional bodies
nothing like a corpse to keep you warm at night
>has been nodeving since months because noart
I need to get back to deving.

Tell me one small game I should make to get started again.
Do you have any art now? If not, why would the end results be different this time?
go here
random image till you find something you like
make game
all me
Small games can get away with noart but I have no idea what kind of small game I should make to get back into dewing.
I'm just giving up on my big projects since I'm not going down the artist road anyway. I just want to make game but feel like I need a little push.
Anyone have any million dollar ideas for me today?
I get it, it was bad art. All I wanted was some feedback on how to make it better.
And here we go. It kinda works within the constraints of my not very good knockback system.

2D puzzle platformer inspired by the games of yore

Enjoy your $1M friend
A suicide simulator.

You play a gamedev that have given up on life and have to kill yourself. The levels are increasing in poverty and decreasing in mental health so it becomes increasingly harder to kill yourself, the final boss is at suicide watch in a closed psychiatric ward.
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is this my life
Try to create a puzzle game with simple squares then. It worked for me at least, but now I have realized that sooner or later I will need some art anyway, so now I'm nodeving to learn the basics of drawing. I hope I can get back into business soon.
It's the future you chose.

Once you get over the desperation phase you'll feel at ease with death though. It'll be like a new and better form of sleep and you feel more tired every day.
>feel at ease with death
>like a new and better form of sleep and you feel more tired every day
It feels uncomfortable how familiar that feeling is.
I'm glad you posted it anon. It was beautiful to see.
Is game maker locked at 30 fps?
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There are people in this very thread that don't make the link between:

lack of exercise and poor diet
their current health/mood
Lack of exercise gets me in a good mood
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tfw some studio took your idea and made something way better than you could ever create
Wow dysfunctional meme plucked right out of high school.
I don't see how a good diet and some exercise would solve my problems in life, but I have to admit, when I have the chance to sleep more than 6-7 hours, I feel amazing and have a good outlook on life.
Should I follow my dream and create a 2d browser MMO or realize I'd never finish it or get any players
Good physical health makes for good mental health. Even in extreme cases it, at lest helps a little.

Naturally getting good sleep is part of that.
Yeah, when I get into an awful depression mood the amount of exercise I do and the quality of the food I eat both plummet.
Then as I feel better again I return to exercising and having a decent diet.
Should I get someone to forcefully help me exercise and eat healthy when I'm depressed?

First, if I were you I would:
1) Make a game
2) Then make a massive single player 2D RPG
3) Then make an online multiplayer game
After that you can probably see if you're "ready" for a MMO or not.

A survival game with crafting elements

Agree with >>146753402 , you'll need a following to get your game started
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>A game where you play as a wealthy and influential person in a fantasy Napoleonic setting where you can expand your influence by economic or military means in order to fugg princesses and become an emperor, or just be a pirate, or serve an existing state, with your success measured in your reputation throughout the world, your money, fame, or number of anime girl concubines
Would you play it?

>weeb shit
>gameplay description %: zero
Nice setting, where's your gameplay?
Nice Mount and Blade clone
>World map divided into regions or cities (some combination, whatever), either like GS like V2/EU4/CK2 or Mount n Blade respectively
>You are represented as a character who can travel by land via carriage convoy with a retinue or by sea via flotilla with a crew, like M&B

>Trading is performed by you or an NPC delegate in command of a convoy/flotilla buying and selling things at cities along trade routes
>Production is done by businesses you buy, i.e. you have 1 brewery in fantasy-Dublin that can make 3 tons of not-Guiness assuming it has the necessary inputs

>Combat is autoresolved when you aren't there based on dicerolls and NPC skills, maybe when you're present combat is actually played out RTS-like with your units

>performing economics or combat in the name of a nation makes you rise in rank
>as you ascend into the upper stratum of society you get the ability to fugg princesses

>system of region ownership would allow for player ownership/governership of regions
>i.e., you could be granted ownership of lands for your services to a state, or you could mutiny or capture lands yourself and set up a personal state

I suppose all this calls for:
>world map (self explanatory)
>battle mode (if implemented)
>town mode (where you can meet hot bitches, maybe like duel people, visit the inn who fucking knows m8)

I know all these elements work in games to some extent - obviously M&B but also Sid Meier's Pirates (childhood memory) and Port Royal/Patrician III, to a lesser extent GS games - but I wonder if it would be too much of a clusterfuck to be enjoyable

I know it sounds very cloney, but I enjoy big scope games with combat, economics, and societal elements
Not many exist, sadly, and the ones that do often are sub-satisfactory in one field or more.
Actually I had idly thought about making a princess fucking simulator with randomly generated princesses that would be much simpler
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How do people make webms nowadays? I'm still stuck to the gif age where webm was too much work
you use OBS to record and then convert the video with WEBM for retards
Open Broadcast Software for recording your screen and then convert with webm for retards.
A dubs simulator game.
I record as RAW then convert with FFMPEG
busy making greenlight trailer
i already have mount and blade. i would not buy this since mount and blade 2 is on the way.
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half animated woof.gif
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And here I was hoping those were already outdated. Oh well, thanks for the answers
shit nigguh. i think this time you are going to be rich. keep working.
Why would you hope that?
I-I guess I just kind of long for the simplicity of gifcam even though it's kinda shit.
OBS is pretty simple, just might take some setting up to get it to look nice. Webm for bakas is as simple as it gets.
> making a greenlight trailer for a game with barely any content
What game?
if you just want a quick webm, use webmcam

it works exactly the same as gifcam
face it anon, you're not even going to start working on it
shiet that purple thing got fucked up, that looked rather brutal
Vampire of the Sands
>i don't know greenlight - the post
Looks really cool senpai but I can see a lot of people failing to identify what is good and bad
well that doesn't look good at all
> >>146757102
Yeah it's fucking shit
black shell media are a bunch of fucking hacks, it looks like generic indieshit
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full 360 reflection.webm
2 MB, 459x560
I think I perfected reflections.
Also: laser-sensitive blocks
be honest, did you crash when you made an infinite reflection
It bothers me greatly that this webm doesn't loop perfectly.
Yes, I then limited the game to 16 reflections per laser. The game still crashes if you fire a laser and it doesn't get stopped by a wall
>Check LinkedIn on people you went to high school with
>Everyone has great jobs, a small few are already almost CEOs
>Stuck making shitty Unity prototypes and can't find a job

W-we're.. we're all g-gonna m-make it, lads..
Who am I kidding, I'll off myself eventually
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simple menu.webm
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>laser does not intersect with solid portion of emitter
immersion killer
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>tfw you have a game you want to build but you're retarded and learning how to code takes forever

learning to draw and paint has already taken me so long senpai ;-;
I bet they're all filthy nodevs though. Do you want to be a filthy nodev? No you don't.
what the fuck is the point of a window why would i want strangers to be able to see into my house and see me in my underwear jacking off

fuck windows
If there's any XNA guys here, there's one thing I'm confused about with shaders
I know how to do all the proper operations and everything, but does using a custom shader completely disregard all the parameters to the draw call? That's what it seems to be doing for me. Is this the case or have I screwed up somewhere?
>tfw try to flesh out gameplay for game
>tfw when you come up with too many mechanics to do in a week
Should have installed some linuxs instead
>Trying to figure out good mechanic for my RPG game thing
>Realise the dodging attacks during opponent's turn is literally Undertale
God fucking damnit, now how do I make my game have an interesting mechanic? That fucking dog stole my one decent idea.
>Tobyfox is an /agdg/ dogposter
it took you that long to figure it out?
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Well Battle Network lets you dodge attacks, and Mario RPG IIRC you can use timed button presses to minimize damage.
You are probably not setting the correct parameters when you call spritebatch.begin
go release another content patch for VotS you goy
your black shell media masters are waiting for you
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Maybe don't make it "turn based with a gimmick". Undertale's gameplay is 100% dodging the enemy attack, the rpg part is just "attack till you win, heal if low", with attacking being either the atk button or the do funny action XD button.

You can add rpg mechanics with a certain degree of depth to literally anything.

If you want to make an interesting turn based rpg don't try to add a gimmick (ie. qtes) but work on the rpg mechanics. ie. Pokemon is a classic because there are hundreds of classes and the method to aquire a class is interesting.
You don't need minigames to make your turn based combat fun. Look at the way roguelikes do it: Brogue has excellent, simple combat around risk taking; FTL (which is almost turn based) involves redirecting energy to the abilities you think you'll need most.
Good combat is a mechanic in itself.
Please don't stop.
lovin ur dogpost

I just use WebMCam, set the size of the area to record and it grabs that area as video, converts it to weebums for you. Grab from github for free, senpai.
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How about a system where you use underhanded tricks to win? Like by attacking objects around the battle field will make them do something.

Pictue this: An opponent who keeps blocking your attacks. There's a water pipe to the side of you opponent that if you attack breaks the pipe and sprays him with water leaving him open to attack.

Then you just gotta get creative with stuff. Maybe the character has a way to set up things to do things at certain times or you have to do a bunch of things to trigger a chain of events.

I'm just trying to make a weeb porn game so it won't work for that plus I can't code for shit. I just wanna draw weeb porn and have it be interactive.

This is some of my stuff.
Making every battle a puzzle would mean hand-crafting them, and eventually the player would run out of unique battles. Presumably, in a RPG with random encounters, that won't do.
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Someone give me a simple game to make a space version of for Space Jam.

Yeah I figured that but he wants a Undertale like game and the battles in that felt the same way.

Plus this is another reason I'm throwing this idea away. I don't wanna be thinking up all those battles.
Get this: it's Space Invaders, but in space.
Wait, I mean... Asteroids.
A celebrated but retired NBA superstar takes up the shoes again to defend the world from alien invaders with the power of basketball.
it's not like you're forced to make something for space jam.

A curling-minigolf hybrid game, where you have to control the properties of the space (friction, length, height, etc..) to send a ball thrown very poorly into it's hole.
Ideas are worthless without execution.
I saw you shilling on Siliconera the other day. Nice.
What engine is that?
competing with AAA titles.gif
Fair enough. I was planning on more focusing on RPG battle, but with a kind of Kirby/Megaman movement for dodging during the enemy turn. I'll polish my idea a bit more. As a sidenote for another mechanic I might be working on, what would be a good way to do a sort of "combat but not killing" system, wherein you fight enemies in order to purge [insert fantasy virus here] from their system? I want to do something interesting, but the only real comparisons I can make fall towards Pokemon's "weaken then capture" system or something that would make being a "good" guy be another lame Undertale knockoff and remove the combat portion of the game.
Im in the same boat
Just got fired and now making some sort of unity game is my only chance at money
lmao I just graduated recently and I can't get a job lmao end my existence
Did you get any internships?
When I was still in uni, yes.
>is worried about being too similar to Undertale
>"by the way what about combat without killing?"

Be honest with yourself anon.
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Mate I don't know how this fucking dog did it, he jacked all my ideas before I could make game.
Stop referring to him as a dog you fucking memelord
spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Immediate, BlendState.NonPremultiplied, SamplerState.PointClamp,
DepthStencilState.Default, RasterizerState.CullNone, effect);
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LITERALLY a dogposter, Anon.
last one
>what would be a good way to do a sort of "combat but not killing" system, wherein you fight enemies in order to purge [insert fantasy virus here] from their system?
So you want a battle system that involves traditional fight, followed by a way to "cure" the enemies without weakening them ala Pokemon and without sparing them through a sequence of actions ala Undertale

Well, what if your characters have a way to cure the virus, but it just takes a while to charge? That way, battles are about surviving enemy attacks, not defeating them. Instead of dealing damage, skills would involve speeding up the charge process (risky) and defense/healing or paralyzing the enemy.
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what's the best way to learn gamemaker? I'm cloning some simple games (pong, breakout etc) with the drag n drop features but they feel clunkly and I think I need to learn GML if I want to get anywhere.

How did you guys learn?Anybody here know a good resource / is willing to tutor help me out?
You could take an actual class on beginner programming. GML is extremely easy to use as far as programming languages go. If you have any real programming knowledge using GML is largely just a matter of learning the specific function names and such.
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Is this going to be a puzzle game? A shooter centered around a realistic low-wattage laser rifle would be incredible.

>Practically infinite energy, but can only fire for a few seconds before needing to cool down
>Can't kill enemies with it, but anybody who takes a direct hit from the front is instantly permablind, causing them to shoot randomly for a few seconds before giving up on existence
>Diffuse reflections off of "Wall" blocks causes "ocular health" damage that accumulates and doesn't heal
>Can wear CCD goggles that survive one direct hit before you have to take them off-- or you can crouch in total darkness and risk being shot with a real gun
>Can burn enemies in the back or flash a "pilot light" to force them to face you
>Underslung sidearm so you can euthanize blinded enemies
Sure, I'll go check out what my local CC has to offer.
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LinkedIn is the biggest network of inflated CVs, I do tech recruiting for additional bucks sometimes and it's hilarious to see all the 1 man company CEOs and Visionaries, Thought Leaders, and just plain old Entrepreneurs (a word that means absolutely nothing on it's own).

Keep your feet on the ground anon, and keep devving, I believe in you.
>implementing a combat system similar to parasite eve
>everyone is going to think i went off undertale instead
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>when you realize we're already past the half-year mark and you haven't made or done anything yet
Holy shit where did time go
Hey guy can someone shoutout a movie for me to watch?
I know that feel
Just forever waiting for that golden idea
Don'T wait for that golden idea. Just make something. Doesn't have to be original, doesn't have to even be good.

Just make shit, the experience you'll learn will be essential to get that golden idea off when you finally get it.
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>Want to steal ideas from Touhou
>Everyone will think you stole it off Undertale
Im unemployed and need money from this, so cant just be wasting effort on random crap

Has to be something people will buy, that's within my ability to make, and wont take to long to make
So repetitive mobile game. Should be easy enough.
>applied to several job offers one week ago
>still no answer
>only one new view without refer on my github today

I hope I won't go full neet
If its so easy give me an idea that hasnt been done to death
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If your future depends on this then don't, go find some stable income and then do this.
Unless you have previously released a couple of games this is an extremely new and risky venture for you and you have 99.9% chances of failing.

Sorry dude, but taking a stab at a market in which you have absolutely no experience and hoping to make money in your first attempt is just as safe as buying lottery tickets with your savings.
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Like, think Flappy Bird. That shit was the most basic god damn horse shit this side of the Universe, but it caught on.

Shit, look at Peggle. Really simple, single-action game that doesn't require much from the user except aim-and-tapping.

Or you can go with quick puzzles like Tetris, Bejeweled. A simple thing like placing a block, or lining up shapes, into a repetitive action with increasing difficulty.

Already there's a pattern for their success: Simple and Repetitive.

From that, you have to think of something completely retarded that people might want to do to get better at. Like what you do when you're bored: chuck shit at a trash basket, skip rocks, etc.

So an idea could be as simple as, say, using the phone as a flat surface, and the goal is to keep the ball from falling from the middle of the screen. Add in bullshit weather effects like wind, or different surface frictions.

And like this anon says, there's no easy cash way with this shit. You might get extremely lucky, but you're better off looking for a shitty McDonalds job to pay bills while you work on your game on your off-time.
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tell me how good my code is
you aint seen nothing yet lad
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actually that shilling was done entirely autonomously, I was shocked.


the mighty game maker studio


gimme dem hopoobux


thats my jam.


good call i'll keep it in mind
>actually that shilling was done entirely autonomously
Wh-what? Did you not send them an email? Was it not your programmer guy?
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rjl jewish.jpg
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That's some juicy ass style right there.
Couple of questions:
- How long have you been devving this for?
I remember some of your stuff from some time ago but I'd like to know how long and how much time you've put every work day.

- Are you 1MAing?

- Do you have a full time job?

- Do you show your friends and relatives your progress or do you just post it online?

Thanks anon, I love your work.
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rjl evil.jpg
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Why do you keep posting all same gifs over and over again, but never post gameplay progress?

Why do you shill so hard when your game has basically no content?
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today I discovered that my 32bit python framework can't handle an array with 1,992,066,372 members

now I have to rethink my galaxy generation procedure :(
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nope, ive followed the dude on twitter for a while (he writes for indiegames.com) but neither of us contacted him for the article.


thanks, been working on it since march 2015, i try and do at least a little bit every day. some days i beast it and get lots done, sometimes i skip a few days. I try and keep what i work on fresh.

not 1MA, did 1MA the first demo after working on it for 6 months, but got frustrated cos i cant code for shit. Then i got a coder from right here on aggydag and we're rocking it.

yea i have a full time job, and 2 kids.

my friends and relatives wouldnt be interested so i dont force it on them.

thanks for the interest buddy.

That much is true... I can finance things, though...
i really like your style
I misread your post my bad anon

your code looks fine anyway,
>full time job, and 2 kids
So there are hope for wageslaves after all. That's quite motivating!
Some ideas from games:
A 'will' or something similar stat. You need to reduce it to 0 before capturing, but capture is still not 100% sure and skills that deal will damage don't deal much hp damage, the value is only visible due to the monster's visuals. (Demon Master Christ)

Overkill damage. You simply need to finish them off with at least X damage over their hp leftover. (Eternal Poison).

Literal capture. You try to subdue them, but due to paying attention not to kill them, your stats are lowered for the exchange. (Thracia 776)
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any good gayms for under $2.00?
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anon's, tell me how should I generate a bunch of star coordinates randomly weighed towards the brighter areas of pic related.

what I already tried:
>extract image as pixel array
>take 1st pixel
>take its brightness
>append pixel's coordinates to density_array and append it times brightness value
>do this for each pixel
>now pick any number random pixels from density_array and they should resemble the image

however the list is way too big(4GB of RAM). So now I need alternative solution.
Tiny & Big
Thomas was Alone
Super Meat Boy
Yes. Look at the red question mark icon at the bottom, and there should be an auto unstuck option. (It will work as a HS, but as I remember there will be no cool down.) Or call for a warlock to summon you out.
I realized that I posted in the wrong thread but thanks for the hint but anyway I don't mind the CD, I just don't want to TP that far away because I'm a long way from home.
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I've started to add object interaction with text display on UI.
If I make a coroutine loop in Unity that Updates every second like this:

IEnumerator Function()
Do something;
yield return new WaitForSeconds (1);
StartCoroutine(Function ());

is it less resource intense than updating with Update()?
update happens every frame.your code happens every one second.
coroutines are only run on an update, so it's not exact
if (benis <=0){
benis = 1;}
else if (benis>0)
bad rats
I just wanted to inform people that OBS does NVENC.

Whatever AMD uses to record (through raptr, god they're such slags) isn't supported though.

I'd say OBS makes more sense because you can set your resolution.
>tfw japamd stopped making radeonpro so he could get paid to make fucking raptr instead

am salt
>that green triangle gets all fuzzy along the edges when you hit it
I've seen enough hentai to know where your game is going
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3 MB, 1920x1080
Reposting spacepal from yesterday.
I was expecting him to be gone when you turned around
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I've seen enough reddit memes to know where your post belongs
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====Weekly Recap====
Hello everyone,

Reply to this post with the format filled out below and join the weekly recap. Do not stray from the format below or else the scraper will probably miss your response. Try not to use things like additional line breaks or quotes.

A 1.5x1 .png file works best. A .webm will probably look awful since I just use the thumbnail for those.

====Recap Format====
Game Name:
Dev Name:
Tools Used:
(+ For positive progress)
(- For negative progress)
this >>146773345

please make it hella spooky, or make him get all up in yo faace when you turn back around
>bright colors
>lots of min maxing

This plan can NOT fail
Is there a way to set the BP defaults via the BP constructor in UE4? E.g. I have a gun that has a rate of fire (rounds per minute), which the player sets in the BP defaults. This rate of fire is used to set the seconds per round which is the delay between the bullets being fired.

Thing is, I set the seconds per round to visible and readonly in BP (it's a C++ variable), and I'm setting it to 1-(RoF/60) in a C++ function called from the BP constructor, however in the defaults tab, while it is correctly greyed out (read-only), it stays at 0.0.

It works in game and the value is correct, but I'd like to be able to see it in the BP defaults when I set the RoF variable.


and sort by price
Something something make your simplest and most common game cycle fun and you've got a good game
File: itemsplit3.jpg (538 KB, 1218x1364) Image search: [Google]
538 KB, 1218x1364
Added item splitting GUI & mechanism to the game today, boring but had to be done! I coded my own GUI editor into my engine which makes things very easy
Looks good. By the way the game is fun, I've been playing it a bit when I can.

well you sold me
aw thanks mang, hoping to get it out of Early Access as soon as possible
Why aren't you making games with HSP?
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38 KB, 732x488
Game Name: Knightly Terrors (WIP name)
Dev Name: Razmig, Theonian
Tools Used: GM:S
Website(s): http://theonian.tumblr.com/
+new background assets
+new furniture and objects
+explored some new lighting effects
+made an animated background effect
-considering making a whole new main character (again)
-slow progress due to finals
-programmer wants to have more plans and assets ready before continuing

There's why
Any programmer worth their salt could crack the runes!
File: darkelf.png (1 KB, 480x320) Image search: [Google]
1 KB, 480x320
Game Name: Dark Elf
Dev Name: Anonymous
Tools Used: GraphicsGale + Aseprite
Website(s): None
+Drew portrait face
+Cleaned portrait face
+Sketched torso
-Spent more than I should on portrait
-Still doesn't look the way I wanted
-Turd polishing
-Lots of turd polishing
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35 KB, 924x626
Game Name: Untitled Action/Rpg
Dev Name:
Tools Used: GM:S,Aesprite, Pyxel
Website(s): n/a
+ Crosshair
+ hp bar
+ item drops
+ useless currency
+ weapon selection
+ new weapon (spring bolt)
+ various animation work on aesprite

- nothing so far
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12 KB, 367x202
I haven't done anything gamedev related in 370 days, or at least that's the amount of time that passed since the last progress post on my bumblr devblag

I have a hard final in 2 days and not even that manages to drive me to do productive stuff completely unrelated to studying for the final. It always worked before

I'm quite obviously not suited to have a demanding, creative hobby, yet I constantly feel bad about not commiting to anything of the sort now that I got a taste of it, even though it was months ago and I never achieved anything

How do I escape this hell
File: spacepal2.webm (3 MB, 960x540) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 960x540

I tried.
that's kinda freaky, but it'll be even fucking creepier with sound+atmosphere+immersion
File: spacey.png (32 KB, 1357x694) Image search: [Google]
32 KB, 1357x694
>Game Name:
unnamed space survival/rpg/base building game
>Dev Name:
>Tools Used:
Java and MS Paint (going all out here)
+ basic saving
+ modular ship parts
- no editor yet
- time to dev
yeah and then make their engine with HSP so they can finally make gaem
just turn on the program fag and do shit
I'll try to do the same
best space jam game
FUCKING SHIT bro, demo when?
really good and thanks for trying
you my favorite agd dev now =]
how do i particles efficiently?
Game Name: Unnamed pixel platformer
Dev Name: Anonymous
Tools Used: C++, Code::Blocks, SDL2, Aseprite, Tiled
Website(s): N/A
+Improved, pixel perfect terrain collisions
+Support for rebindable keys
+Switching between fullscreen and windowed modes with alt+enter
+Added image based backgrounds in addition to tile based ones
-Scrapped some bad animations I made
-Not enough time to dev this week
I really don't know what's up with your game, but your work is very inspiring for me for some reason. Keep it up! Although it would be good to see you post more.
Your sprite isn't very readable, anon. What is it?

webmcam is shit though, it's all kinds of jittery even set to 60 fps
A bare dark elf
needs ragdoll
File: trailer thingie.webm (1 MB, 748x748) Image search: [Google]
trailer thingie.webm
1 MB, 748x748
Guys, im not releasing a game, but im not abandoning it either. Im stopping devving in the prototype stage.
I mean, it has a failure state, and a victory state, so it's a game right?
If you care, link above.
Wouldn't it be, like, frozen stiff?
File: SuperJohnSpellways.png (54 KB, 1117x628) Image search: [Google]
54 KB, 1117x628
Game Name: Super John Spellways Actual Fantasy Football 93' Turbo Edition G-X+
Dev Name: literal whodev
Tools Used: GML, Graphics Gale, Aseprite
Website(s): none
+ Finished all knight and thief attack and ability animations and all pallette swaps
+ Got movement to work the way I wanted it to
- Still have 12 classes to go and implimentation, losing motivation
I can make out the head and legs (kinda), but otherwise I'm really struggling. Her silhouette doesn't read at all, and I think that's part of where I'm having problems.
I want to make an online game, but I don't know much about how the internet works. Can someone point me in the direction of a good netcoding tutorial?
violent snake
googum did you like my posts

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111 KB, 376x265
What kind of hit detection do most hack and slash games use? I tried to implement my own but it's kind of weird and sometimes not fully working as intended.
Are you supposed to spawn a hitbox when you attack and then check if the enemy's inside? Cause I didn't do that.
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80 KB, 320x640
I'll try to make it more readable later. It looks better when you blur it a bit though.

Don't put StartCoroutine in the Coroutine itself, that's not how you use Coroutines

Call StartCoroutine in Start(), pegged to an input (in Update), or make a new function outside of Update calling StartCoroutine via the Unity inspector (like a button, animation event, etc.).

Use StopCoroutine to cease it. It'll keep going until you stop it.
I don't see any gameplay.
turn on the AC 3rd worlder.
It's fun, nevertheless.
nah, space is a vacuum.
Is it? Looking at it for 6 months made me really biased so is it really 'fun'?
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38 KB, 720x540
Yea dude. It sure looks better
File: game.png (12 KB, 640x480) Image search: [Google]
12 KB, 640x480
Game Name: Untitled ARPG
Dev Name: Anonymous
Tools Used: C++, Code::blocks, SDL2, MS Paint and GIMP
Website(s): None
+Got started on adding enemies and projectiles
+Fixed a lot of bugs
+Added in an inventory
+implemented a moving camera
+Got started on adding items
+Sprites (almost) render properly when rotated

-Wasted time making an annoying camera lock system
use an engine and grab some engine-specific tutorials for the API they use

building netcode from the ground up is really fucking difficult even if you're only making Pong
File: girlsketches.jpg (169 KB, 1000x856) Image search: [Google]
169 KB, 1000x856
I drew some character sketches for a game I'm making. What do you guys think?

what is rigor mortis
>tfw can program in Unity, have some good stuff from asset store, but cannot even make the simplest of placeholder art and animations for my cyberpunk 2d platforming puzzle game
nice got a tumblr?
Wait, its dead?
Let's say it in another way: it has the potential of fun. With the timer for the alarms, the cameras, the soldiers walking up and down. I think it could have been a pretty interesting stealth game. May I ask what made you lose interest? Also, I'm that kind of guy who just loves amateur games almost with a passion, and I enjoy walking around in other's imaginary world.
does lamia have to be sandnigger
I want to fuck that cat, make more lewds
Game Name: God is a Cube
Dev Name: King Kadelfek
Tools Used: Unity 3D
Website(s): www.godisacube.com
+ animated title screen with moving cubes to make letters
+ offline mode, with a copy of online data inside the database
File: test2.webm (2 MB, 640x360) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 640x360
Thanks anon. It's supposed to be a run of the mill action platformer, but I don't have any enemies or other hazards yet so there's not much to do right now.

I'll try to post more progress while implementing things in the future.
I like them. What kidn of game are you making?
that lens flare is so 2002
I'm sorry, but it's actually even more unreadable now. You need to define her arms away from the body at that small of a size. Right now I honestly can't tell what's supposed to be going on with her body from the neck down. Her leg shapes are cluttered and thick in the wrong spots. Do you have a 100% size version, or maybe a large size character design as well? I'd like to take a crack at improving its readability, if I could.
They look good, but I'm no expert. Can you tell us a bit about the game itself?
Excuse me, but I have to ask this: are you monster girl dev, who posted the naga sprite with a vagina?
I'm making my own engine in SDL. SDL's networking features don't support IPv6, so it's pretty much worthless. I also looked at SFML but it doesn't support IPv6 either.
I mean in terms of readabilty

I made a theme music for the game i'm making. What do you guys think?
I'm working on an animated title screen, so people can see moving cubes on the first seconds of the game (and the trailer).

>inb4 make them spell AGDG
Yeah, I will make an animation 4u. I already programmed the letters (A, G and D) and it was the hardest part.
not yet, when I make one this week i'll post it here
sand niggers can be kawaii too
a brothel management sim! so far i just have gameplay docs but i'm working on developing the artwork now.
fuggg. now I want to make a playformer
File: torpedoai-2016-06-27.webm (2 MB, 800x600) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 800x600
Started working on world 4.
Still need to fix some bugs with the homing torpedoes, but they are pretty much functional.
Looks cute. I love it! Will you add alternate skins for the little cube dude?
Left is a qt but her legs are huge.
Slime is as common as it gets.
Can't care about the other two.
>They look good, but I'm no expert. Can you tell us a bit about the game itself?
it's going to be a brothel management sim. think recettear or tycoon games with monster girls.
just remove the cube face, he looks out of place there
File: 2016_06_15-letter_C.png (773 KB, 3000x3000) Image search: [Google]
773 KB, 3000x3000
Pic related is the code to generate one letter (the letter "C"). The vertical towers are just the "run forward" first part of the animation. Below each tower is the generation of each small cube (9 nanomachines for the letter "C").

The lower right disconnected part is just a previous part I forget to delete.
Not bad, anon. Could use some work near the end, though. Too many instruments tend to feel crowded.
anyone got a collection HUDs from other games for reference?
Stagnation. It's been 9 months since i started it, 3 months of nodevving. You come back. see the spaghetti code, see all the complicated things you still would need to do and you would barely see any progress.

So today i just sat down back to devving and decided that trying to figure out how the game would remember dead guys, and implementing all the things i wanted to have would be really hard.

Tl;dr: I blowed shit out of scope, and got tired. Then when trying to come back i got lost.
maybe so but i still think it needs some ragdolling for visual effect
if authenticity is important it's still covered by the fact that we dont have observational evidence that rigor mortis in outer space would prevent all joint mobility. the effects of weightlessness seem to me would at the very least allow some potential freedom on the ball joints which require constriction on every axis.
File: Vagabondia.webm (977 KB, 1280x768) Image search: [Google]
977 KB, 1280x768
Game Name: Vagabondia
Dev Name: Anon
Tools Used: Monogame/C#
Website(s): rainfrogs.tumblr.com
+added scenery and multi-tile props
+added time-step slowdown for quick select
+added particles
+added animation system
+added item drops
googum please responde i put a lot of effort into these

I know that feel anon. Never take a break from deving a game. NEVER.
File: letter_c2s-grey_background.png (57 KB, 480x2240) Image search: [Google]
57 KB, 480x2240
And pic related is the pure code. Each group of runes means "create a cube in the specified direction and give it the following DNA".

The sequences are longer and longer because the nanomachines need to go up to reach the top of the letter.

Taking a break actually killed my desire to finish ANY of games i ever made that are playable. 4 of them.
What is your game idea? Is it fast paced? Networking differs a ton depending on what you plan to do
Thread replies: 255
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