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/sthg/ - Sonic The Hedgehog Edition
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Thread replies: 255
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Welcome to Sonic the Hedgehog general. Let's talk about Sonic games, old and new, and the entire franchise including animation and comics. Share art, music, talk about new developments, discuss ROM hacks, speedrunning, etc.

/sthg/ - #484 - Ow The Edge Edition

25 years of Sonic!

>Link Compilation<

>Drawfag/Writefag Idea Walls<

Sonic: Mega Drive First Look, Sequel Revealed

Sonic Boom Fire & Ice E3 Trailer

Sonic 25th Anniversary CD-DVD Set Revealed

Sonic 25th Anniversary Joypolis Party to be Livestreamed

Runners is Dead.

Sonic is joining the cast of LEGO Dimensions!

New Classic Sonic figurine revealed!

New Classic Sonic statue revealed as well!

>Recent Releases<
Mario & Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games is out for 3DS; WiiU on June 24. Sonic Boom: Fire & Ice is out for the 3DS on September 27.

Sonic Boom's first season has ended! You can watch all of the first season's episodes in English here:

Previous thread: >>146446931
That Japanese girl is cute.
Which one? Chao beanie?
I bet she stinks!
You could call those... SHADOWS of his past.
I want those Mario & Sonic mascots to wrestle on stage.
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Hey Mario.
>almost 1000 people on the stream
That's a lot for this kind of thing, isn't it?
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Nobody's sweeter than Honey
Gameplay-wise, does Chronicles ever get to the point where I would probably be able to tolerate playing it for more than 20 minutes at a time?
One cannot measure the boredom of the average Sonic fan right now. I'm literally watching nerds play a soccer game in a language I do not understand. The only amusing part is that Green Egg Pawn and Purple Birdo exist.
This would normally be a pathetic number but it is a Japanese stream and late at night so maybe.?
Sonic is just fucking people up
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>this savage beat down in soccer
no, we're watching sonic get caned by mario players at his own birthday party.
This is depressing
What about it do you find boring? It's got a sketchy concept of story progression, but I found the battles to kind of play themselves after awhile.

Get Cream. She makes the game more fun since you don't have to ration PP anymore. That's the only advice I can think of, having played the game last... a little over a year ago, I think?
>Mario Wins
Just like in real life
>they all get Sonic plushes
Aww. I want.
c'mon anon, just think how jazzed you would be to be a kid and get up on stage and play a game at a sonic show and win a hoodie and plushes and shit.
I can't do this. I feel so stupid.
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Mario wins again. Is there anyway we can stop him?
The two people on Team Mario are Sega staff members meaning they've probably played the game before while the two people on Team Sonic are fans likely playing for the first time.

That was a disaster waiting to happen.
Sabotage Nintendo from the inside.
How do you know? I don't think that was the case.
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Mario just beat Sonic at his own fucking birthday party
N-no fair
The two red members both had jackets that said Sega Staff on them. The blue members didn't.
Okay, fun is back.
I don't understand any of this
Sonic looks good in a tux
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Look a bit more carefully anon.
And the people on the blue team were given Sonic plushes while the team that actually won got nothing.
Both of them had jackets that said that and were people from the public.
If I could play guitar, I'd buy those Sonic and Shadow guitars.
Shit, I'd learn to play the guitar if I could get one.
>sonic and shadow
SA3 confirmed
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>Sonic shaped puzzle
Could be fun.
I need this and the figurine
The PC versions of the Adventure games in OP link work fine? Are they they the steam versions of the games? I need to use both isos/discs to install it?
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This anniversary is LOADED

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But what with?
It's loaded with everything but games. Oh well, guess we'll just have to wait until 2017
Don't worry, there'll be something on the 22nd.Promise
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OK, this is pretty cool.
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Looks cute as fuck.
I don't get it, what is that?
i want all of this merch.

is any of this shit available to buy outside of the event? ie in north america?
It'll just be a repeat of what was talked about tonight or a mobile game at best
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>Bring out a table
>It's not games
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The figurine!
>Celebrate 25th anniversary
>There's no games
>metal sonic plush
I want that Metal Sonic plushie.
Why ruin a good moment? Those games aren't exactly known to bring our spirits up.
Still more gameplay than Sony's E3 conference
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That's a pretty fucking cool towel

>they're doing that thing with the pictures
Holy shit I'll never have one ;_;

>Uekawa Classic Sonic
Yeah, Sonic games tend to put people in a bad mood
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So we can all agree that the 10th anniversary was the best, right?
>that towel looks badass.
>Triptych of classic artwork
>crush 40 plec

okay there is some cool shit tonight
time for the beating of the mario mascot. PLACES EVERYONE!
I wonder what did they have to do to have Nintendo allow them to have a Mario mascot on stage.
That's a really cute Sonic on the cake.
3 more Nintendo-exclusive games.
It's time for the cake!
Mario is going to get decapitate in front of everyone like a message to Nintendo
that was the strangest version of the happy birthday song I've ever heard
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>I have no mouth and I must blow out candles
That keki remind me of some sad video of MegaMan.
Sonic needs to throw that cake in Mario's face.
They said they were done with those.
that Mario mascot was so much more excited than the Sonic one
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I like both Mario and Sonic
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>Is it Mario's time yet?
They also said that Sonic 4 would appeal to classic fans.
But anon, they're friends now.
Funny > Friends
If only I can understand them to hear them saying that the new Sonic game is still being worked on only to get disappointed again.
But that was before they decided to focus on quality and credibility.
Oh shit what's happening
they're telling everyone to go to the party in san diego
Is this a release date for the game?
new game in 2017 confirmed
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What does it mean?
>New game confirmed for 2017
What was that about there being an anniversary game?
It said 2017
what's happening in 2017
they'll release the game they announce at san diego
So it was fucking nothing?
>Spring 2017 Project Moonspeak
That's what it says.
Anybody collect up all the displayed concept art? That was the best part of the show.
Sonic 2017 Project
Are we going to get raided by /v/ shitposters again?
Sonic 2017 Project start up
>Project Moonspeak
I will say, I'm happy they are giving the game more time. But man, it better be good.
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>Fire and Ice really IS the anniversary game
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Okay, I'm going to remain PERFECTLY CALM and not assume the game is due for 2017.
NX launch title.

You ARE getting an NX aren't you?
The fucking meme magic
>/tv/ got irl Baneposting
>/mu/ kills people
>/sthg/ ruins the 25th Anniversary
Probably not much. With the Olympics game it's neat advertising for Nintendo after all.
We should make a Sonic game
With blackjack and hookers
Why not?
I like this guy's idea. Actually, let's just forget the Sonic game.
It'd be bad.
At least we'd have fun making it anon
What the fuck is going to go on at the July party now that's gonna live up to the "hype" they've been generating about it?
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>possibly no sonic until 2017
A game announcement.
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I'll take it now, Jesus. Thank you.
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because there wasn't a clean crop posted last thread
>It's extremely possible now that there won't be a Sonic game until 2017.

Nope. Fuck this. I'm waiting for that next announcement and if we don't at least get a release date i'm jumping ship. Fuck this stupid fucking franchise.

The sheer fact that we've been able to keep up this general for this long is amazing desu.
Man, all of them are ugly. Including the final design.
>The sheer fact that we've been able to keep up this general for this long is amazing desu.
Honestly, it's only because of the comics. And I don't even know how we survived the hiatus, but we did
We survived the haitus strictly because we had a few desperate anons namefag as Ian and a few famous artist for days on end at times.

Honestly I still think that was the lowest we ever were since it was basically like watching a bunch of people delude themselves into thinking everything was okay.

And this is someone who actually participated in the shit.
Those Shadow concepts. And I thought Eclipse was straight outta deviantart, but those designs take that cake.
>Noticed the upper two have arm muscles
Fuck the more I look, the worse they get.

It's a pretty easy game, so no.

Looks that way... wow.
So besides the whole recent stream, what are you guys doing at the moment or planning on doing?
Wept over the state of Europe, before realizing it's like fifty million degrees in here and I'm about to die, before realizing it's a national holiday and everything is closed, before realizing the unlock conditions for the final episode of Birth by Sleep is horseshit before realizing all I really want to do is read about egg bosses.
>before realizing the unlock conditions for the final episode of Birth by Sleep is horseshit
>he didn't simply play on Critical

What kind of thundering casual are you?
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looking for pic related, I found it.

Also, avoiding crazy relatives. thanks for existing /sthg/
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Why is Amy so STRONK? The most we get is in Sonic Battle where she says she works out with kickboxing.

The only thing I can figure is that she's actually fucking ripped, and the artstyle is hiding it.
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>several pieces of concept art for "Dark Sonic"
So was this supposed to be a thing before Sonic X?
She's that kind of yandere girl from the japanese cartoons.
>She's that kind of yandere girl from the japanese cartoons.
We had a yandere Mina, should we have a yandere Amy as well?
>not doing them anyway

Who's the casual?
I did play on Critical with Terra and Ventus, not Aqua because I didn't like Aqua.
I didn't think of it that way. What if Sonic was meant to turn into one of these guys>>146540085

Shit I think I have renewed appreciation for SA2...
Hey guys, what did I miss?
You never know m8

check the old thread really
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>mfw I had that t-shirt delivered yesterday
Eggxit when?
>cuffs on clothing set alight, as well as her hair
That's pretty rad. Shame that didn't make the cut. The top left and top middle designs I kinda dig.
He'd need a currency to screw over first.
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Still worth more than a Euro, just.
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I dreamt two things last night:
One was that the NX was actually a gaming super computer that you had to take a special train to get to.
I was dissapointed it wasn't a home console.

Then I dreamt I saw leaks for the new Sonic and it just looked like some generic classic Sonic thing, and the screen shots looked exactly like whenever you play a Classic Sonic stage in 3D in Generations.

My brain is setting myself up for disappointment.
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I don't believe that SEGA can ever go the route Mighty Number 9 did. Esp with 4 Million dollars.
Sure. Sonic had his worst times. But ultimately Mighty Number 9 was a slap to the face to those who enjoy platformers and a shit on face to those who backed it for over $1,000
>Sally out of nowhere

I wonder why the worst character is always the one elevated in status?
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If the twitter guys are all comfy when it comes to ripping on em, it's safe to say they feel like the next game will be worth it and won't go down that particular route.

Sonic's head is all legacy friendly characters.

Gloves are Eggman and Metal, still legacy, and Blaze (Alt) + Silver

Body is all recurring from adventure onward.

Shoes appear to be miscellaneous or one offs.

If I'm reading the pattern right, Sally isn't elevated, just referenced as being important in Sonic's 25th.
I'd rather have one of the bottom row than her final design
>that one with long feet and toes
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>L I T E R A L L Y
She represents the cartoon/comics, and has been around longer than many of the other characters in the pic.
Eh I think the anniversary was adequately celebrated. I'd rather they actually FINISH and polish whatever the next game is then rush it out just to have it be "the anniversary game."
I do remember "that person" just so we don't get em in trouble maybe saying that they had been working on the next title for a fucking long time when he came here. Along with it being... above his expectations in the ambitions department. Whether or not it'll work in the fans favor is another question though.

Whatever it is, if it has issues, I don't think it's time related. And seeing shit like the difference between Alien: CM and Isolation, along with IP's like DOOM taking the back to the routes idea and actually running with it without fucking it up, I think the entire gaming industry is on the path to greatness again. I think it would be good, by looking at how SEGA is improving along with everyone else. well, most people.

DOOM's parent company still made FO4.
what site did you order it from?
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Do you REALLY want another 06?

no i want a good game
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I don't want to hear anyone complain about Shadow's design ever again, he meets the criteria of being the 'bad' version of the main character without being edgy unlike that concept art.

His origin is still retarded though
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AmiAmi. Great site for importing merch from Japan. It's out of stock now unfortunately.

thanks, ill be keeping a tab open for it
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Speaking of dreams, did that one anon ever transcribe that Blaze dream he had?
Are any of the recent sonic games worth playing? Latest one I played was sonic unleashed, I just haven't been that into vidya in recent years.
Colors and generations
And All-Stars Racing Transformed
Thanks for reminding me that I do have transformed for the wii u, completely forgot about that game.

I have heard colors was good, I think I'll get a copy sometime for the wii.
What did /sthg/ think of lost world, was it good?
Decisively average. Nothing new or interesting, dull design, pretty much just an exercise in mediocrity.
I really hated the way Sonic controlled, a run button is dumb, Sonic's momentum felt very off when jumping. The parkour was a neat idea, but not executed well. The game just lacked good flow in general.

I disliked the art style and the music wasn't very great in my opinion. Really, the whole thing felt like a step backwards
if he had one of those desgins he wouldn't have been so popular.
which would've been better
It's trash, it doesn't bring anything new to the table, the Deadly Six are tired poorly done character cliches, etc

his running and jumping in 3d was the best part, I actually felt 100% comfortable doing platforming.
They got rid of momentum but I think it actually worked.

The other elements where either bland or didn't work. The parkour was a good idea but i had trouble chaining together movements.

I would say that I would actually want them to develop this style but they would have to change a lot.

>no wisps
>no tubular level design
>interesting level themes
>no 2D
i didn't like the game but i kinda want to see more food levels like in colors and lost world
Yes, there are flashes of good ideas hither and dither, which will hopefully be built upon. However as a package it's a weak game.
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Back to slowposting again until July 22
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Why does Blaze have a gun and on skis?
I don't understand this sport.
did we get any information during the party?

I had to sleep
she got a pink gun, qt

must be dream even tor something
A project talked about for 2017. Proper announcement likely coming in July. >>146542518
i mean the stream on the sonicmovies channel or something, a game coming in 2017 makes more sense, if something was being released in 2016 we would've heard about it by now. like F&I
>Sonic Riders got a loud cheer during the party
Awesome, I want to see that art style again.
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Sooo what should we do until then?

Sonic Megadrive is coming out in the next 2 - 3 weeks from now.

Oh, and Comic-Con
Winter biathlon.
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Talk about what Sonic 4 could've been
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>mfw I only buy the olimpics game just to see the female characters in letohards
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maybe not the best example we have sonic before the sequel, same gameplay different zones - sonic 4 got it in backwards.

although I would say that I would prefer HD sprites for graphics, stuff like rayman legends look GOAT
My main gripe with it was that the camera was far too zoomed in, and the controls were fucking abysmal.
Sonic 4 episode 2 was good, but Tails saving you from almost every fall and the homing attack still kinda soured a lot of it.

It doesn't have to be sprite based, keep your 3D models, but zoom it out and actually have it pinball based. And not heavily scripted.

But oh well, Sonic 4 had some good music and stuff, can't complain overall.
I think it's pretty enjoyable, it's become one of my favorites, but as others say it has weak parts. Controls are great, parkour is great, tubular level design, meh...
For Sonic 4, it should've been better gameplay and different zones
I'd go for a CD/Chaotix look, I wouldn't do the Rayman Legends look because then I'd have to give him a backpack and make him vulnerable
rayman was just an example of how sprites can look good. I like the 3&K style, CD always looked to 'busy'
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>tfw no Badnik Bigtop Zone
Sonic 4 should've had a full on circus level
Man, I've haven't been here for awhile. What has happened here in the past month?
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Or Badnik Bigtop could be like this

archie comic talk and waifu faggin´
That's literally the main gimmick of the carnival level in S4E2.
So I'm not the only one? My nigga
Are there clown badniks? Tight-rope gimmicks? Is it like a circus?
Outside of the birthday threads, nothing good I assure you.
I'm referring to the image.
Are the olympic games even any good?
Decent party games but nothing really to write home about. The remixed tracks are amazing though.
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If you were a Freedom Fighter/Egg Boss what kind of Sonic animal would you be and what would be your theme song? [/autism]
I wonder if the Archie team would be allowed to use the unused designs as new characters/
Too many fat tats in one image I suppose.
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Jesus christ... No wonder Sonic Team was disturbed.
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all but the final/and bottom right was pretty.
well maybe the top middle could've worked, with a few tweaks.

I think we can all agree he needs a backback and vulnerability/
*pretty bad
I'm convinced that most of the "concept" art for Boom wasn't actually serious, but were intentionally out there so that Japan would reject it and then be more receptive of the finalized designs.
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So there is no new game?
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Shut up Muttski.
that could be true.

if you image search sonic redesign you can find some really interesting take by the fans. like this one, knuckles looks cool here
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What's the problem with Muttski? I think he is cute.
There is in 2017. Enjoy Fire and Ice this year
>commissioned toes
Did I miss the Japanese Stream?
But they didn't show anything? is kinda weird because everyone now talks about their games like 3 years before the actual release date. Hope is something big and not just some gem collection deluxe hd remix.
See >>146562401
those concept look like frigging coldsteel, scars, black eyes, one eyed damaged
Well you're not getting that either
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Would you be friends with Sally?
I was expecting some game footage at least.

Your ideal staff for a new Sonic game GO

Ian Flynn
>Engine programming
Taxman and Stealth
>Art direction
Woofle and Virt
Of June or July?
Thanks anon, appreciate it
22nd of July is when they'll announce the 2017 game
Anyone else getting Totoro vibes from this?
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If she wore spats regularly
And I didn't have to follow her stupid orders
Then yes
That's when they finally start work on the next mainline game. They'll start work in october, the game will come out that december.
Didn't his concept sheet have them?
>that image
What the hell am I looking at?
>no Rouge concept art
Whoever wrote for S3&K
>Engine and Programming
Sonic Team and Taxman/Stealth
Jun Senoue, Michael Jackson, Howard Drossin, and Brad Buxer
>implying the next sonic game would get a budget as high as 4 million dollars.
I can imagine it was nothing but doodles of tits.
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If we ever have a summer edition of the thread, I vouch for this to be the O.P image.
I'm guessing the next Sonic game either has not even begun work yet, like not even into the concept art/idea stage, so it'll end up rushed out the door unfinished and kinda buggy because they waited for the last possible second to start. Probably because Sammy/Sega is cheap and don't want to pay people for working.

Or they've already been working on it for a while now but they're taking so long it'll end up in a too many cooks situation and just kind of fall flat at best.

Either way I don't really have any hope for the next game at this point, I'll stick to reading the comics when they're storytimed I guess. I would buy 'em, support 'em, etc but I am that fucking broke.
Do you think we'll get a compilation of Sonic games for the Anniversary?
>I'm guessing the next Sonic game either has not even begun work yet, like not even into the concept art/idea stage, so it'll end up rushed out the door unfinished and kinda buggy because they waited for the last possible second to start. Probably because Sammy/Sega is cheap and don't want to pay people for working.
It won't start work until next year at the earliest and they haven't had anything for years
I hope that's the case. It's literally the only Anniversary "game" that could turn out well
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