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Thread replies: 255
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File: CibG6SdUkAEy9S3.png (494 KB, 750x700) Image search: [Google]
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Hot turtle edition

Previous timeline:>>146028554

Spoilers ahead, proceed at your own Frisk.

-The Game

-The Demo





-Steam Group


>Channel: Undertale



-IRC Channel:
>#undertalegeneral on Rizon
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89 KB, 445x510
Nth for bot
Do you not have any other images of Gerson to use?
xth for flowey
I bet more than a few of you would do this with a certain gote. Own up to it, you know who you are.
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Goat husbando (5).jpg
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Goat husbando
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Yanking on gote tails!
This fandom will never produce enough turtle porn.
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It wouldn't feel like the real deal.
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There are very few good Gerson pictures out there and I happen to like that one.
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thats one of my favorites desu
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good taste
Yanking out their tail and ears!
body of tiny, but cummy so big...
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i see you are also an avid follower of the funny bones
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I ship sans and napstablook
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yes I can't get enough of the chill bone bro
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i havent seen another sansfan in quite some time, i have so much to show you
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please do, there's always more room in my sans folder
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Didn't we hang all the skeleposters?
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Xth for the day that my whitemage Toriel has come, and so have I
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>you are in a thread RIGHT NOW with canadians
Why does your country exist, honestly?
Can you shut up now?
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Chill man
It's a normal momfag, not the sorielfag
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please do not rattle the bones
mine is taking up too much space tbqh its embarrassing
No, I mean, can he now stop requesting it all the time.
what's with her hand
File: Goatfam (7).png (449 KB, 800x654) Image search: [Google]
Goatfam (7).png
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Did you find it or did you go through with commissioning it?
how much dude
mine's 133MB
Yea, seeing as I have it now.

Commissioned it last night
uhh 319MB
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Cool, it looks pretty nice
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whoops, forgot to add skele
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>quit lying to me like that

I don't lie about my feelings. Unlike some cuties here.
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>ywn do this
i try not to post too many, people go crazy over skell spam
do not
>that pic
got a source on that?
File: 57403690_p1.png (614 KB, 500x3880) Image search: [Google]
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It does feel a little weird for the skeletons to come out midday though.
No, sorry. It's from one of the twitter dumps that have been made recently.
File: OH FUCKING YES.jpg (37 KB, 310x310) Image search: [Google]
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Still feels like you're lying to me. Either that or I'm stupid.

>that pic
Got a source on THAT?
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2 MB, 640x360
I see skeletons.
Do what?
I hope collage anon sees last night's drawing prompt >>146038331
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3 MB, 400x227
So do I
is that cropped? if yes then source me up senpai
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Have goat lift his shirt up while he touches you.
I am afraid it's not
Source in corner
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I think it's fine, there were hardly any skellies yesterday aside from cringe pictures, a mini dump at the start of the thread shouldn't bother anyone.

Undyne is so cool.
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This goat is not for sexual.
It is for snails.
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Aw man.
Sorry but I found it several months ago and forgot the sauce.
You wouldn't happen to have an uncropped version?
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Snails are for goats.
File: WHAT ARE YOU DOING YOU MADMAN.jpg (159 KB, 737x735) Image search: [Google]
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>I found it several months ago and forgot the sauce.
That's a shame.
>You wouldn't happen to have an uncropped version?
Yeah, I do.
File: Alphys (4).png (470 KB, 602x813) Image search: [Google]
Alphys (4).png
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shh no bully the fish posters
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almost done!
Why is he crying tho?
Oh wow awesome, thank you!
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You really think people would do something like that? Just go on the internet and tell lies?

It's not like I'm asking you to marry me. I just like you. It shouldn't be that hard to believe. Cutie.
Thanks brate
He's embarrassed about how much Frisk likes him. He's also a bit of a crybaby.
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How about other way around?
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He's not used to it.
He'll learn to like it though.
>You really think people would do something like that?
I know, it seems impossible, right?
>It shouldn't be that hard to believe.
It's because I don't believe anything anyone says about me that's positive.
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Goatfam (6).jpg
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Its called comfy hours
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I wish I was, too.
File: hapsta busters.png (344 KB, 642x645) Image search: [Google]
hapsta busters.png
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Oh hey its you botfriend. Did you ever have another dream about being Mettaton surrounded by anons?
File: GET OUT OF MY HEAD.gif (394 KB, 400x320) Image search: [Google]
394 KB, 400x320
Yes, and I'm still pissed off at it.
I still laugh about it, as I was one of the original anons responsible for that.
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Why isn't there any good Undyne lewds? :(
File: not so comfy.jpg (38 KB, 423x500) Image search: [Google]
not so comfy.jpg
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I was the Papyrus anon, I'm still jelly.
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2 MB, 1280x1521
Have you not been to the Undyne thread on Trash?
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I think there's some that is okay, but most of the time it involves Alphys.
Numales, anon. That's why.
File: 2016-05-27-00-24-25-1.png (423 KB, 1079x1703) Image search: [Google]
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That was great.

Not envious at all.
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2 MB, 1190x1024
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There is some. Her face is kinda difficult to get right apparently.

I don't remember you and it's making me feel terrible.

Sure, you aren't.
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goopy smile.png
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>I don't even remember you
You do though, I'm the same botfag who calls you cute after all.
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>I'm the same botfag who calls you cute after all.
But there's like three of them. Or are you the one who had a thing for my thighs, which I'm still curious about, by the way. Or are you the one who I was talking to last thread?
Who the fuck is anyone anymore.
File: boxing fish.jpg (231 KB, 672x1191) Image search: [Google]
boxing fish.jpg
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I like to draw her face, It's easy because you don't have to worry about the symmetry of her eyes. Just draw one eye, one oval shape with two strings and a squiggly line with two or three teeth sticking out. Pronto!
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A lot of artists seem to have trouble.
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163 KB, 540x607
>Or are you the one who had a thing for my thighs, which I'm still curious about, by the way. Or are you the one who I was talking to last thread?
That's moi, well I started the thighs thing but didn't persist much.
Well, they just gotta git gud, amirite?
>are you the one who had a thing for my thighs
Not him but that's me. Hello.
Are we only an image dump now?
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453 KB, 1200x850
pretty much
nah, sometimes we jerk each other off through textposts too
You dropped your image
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502 KB, 500x1000
Dress fish.

I'm off to walk a bit and buy something.
You can say that again. It often surprises me how far some artists get with shading and coloring when they still have trouble with shapes.
She's got no nose, that complicates things.
File: CjEikBnVAAAPAH1.jpg (306 KB, 1536x2048) Image search: [Google]
306 KB, 1536x2048
did i miss the real rattle hours

damn it

i'm about to textpost furiously after this i just woke up give me a break
Well it is a image board, anon.
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2 MB, 1340x1340
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for your love
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Nah, I prefer the robot.
I see

Sorry, Sir
File: 57.gif (576 KB, 500x281) Image search: [Google]
576 KB, 500x281
weird tongue tho
I always thought it makes things a million times easier but then again I've barely drawn the fish at all.

Not that bot anon but which one is it now?
File: 1461123582086.jpg (125 KB, 526x789) Image search: [Google]
125 KB, 526x789
Only this one.
We don't do that as often anymore as we used to, now that after-bump hours are dead too.
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806 KB, 790x990
this one
no thanks im straight
Well, okay. Clarification is nice.

Well, hi there, darling.
Wait, isn't the one that had the thing for thighs-
You know what, I'm not gonna ask anymore.

But that's wrong, you fucking idiot.
The nose is an important landmark for the rest of the face, I find.
Floweys tongue makes me super uncomfortable.
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I love dress fishes, she looks lovely in them.
Well, her face isn't a problem for me, but I have some trouble with shading and body proportions. I kinda suck at drawing actually, but I do it for her.
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578 KB, 809x916
that flowe is ridiculously cute
>not wanting to fuck the goat
File: tumblr_nzmm0c6oiQ1qfwlkeo1_1280.png (393 KB, 906x1034) Image search: [Google]
393 KB, 906x1034
What I meant to say is while I briefly liked to mention your thighs I didn't persist like that other anon. But yeah I was the botfag from last bread.
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File: Goat husbando (4).jpg (284 KB, 1024x1227) Image search: [Google]
Goat husbando (4).jpg
284 KB, 1024x1227
wrong goat
We've lost our heritage.
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I think there's two thigh-loving botfags.
I'm not the one that was poking your thighs, I forget what I was doing but your reactions were cute and that's what I go for.
File: 58.gif (5 KB, 56x56) Image search: [Google]
5 KB, 56x56
he appreciates your compliment
Calm down Uncle Goatfucker
I still want to fuck edgegote
but I prefer dadgote
this dad looks like so sorry wtf
it's goat autism. you cant stop it.

>not being an autistic furry faggot
feels good.
I wonder who has posted their thing more, him or that sansfag.
The eyes remind me of CWC
Is he still a "tomgirl"?
>this dad looks like so sorry
Whats it like being blind?
This anon is my favorite of you guys.
I think so? At least he still says he's a lesbian.
Recently made another porn vid with a blow-up doll.

Also his mother seems to be dying.
The one anon who just posts sans, he's here almost every thread.
File: Toriel Rad Gal.jpg (1 MB, 2129x2346) Image search: [Google]
Toriel Rad Gal.jpg
1 MB, 2129x2346
Hey, doods
What's up, cool Mom?
File: tumblr_o4o8uotU2h1ton9ouo2_1280.jpg (157 KB, 1280x808) Image search: [Google]
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First Bob now Barb. Wonder what he'll do when she croaks.
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tori beanie.png
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> *The goat's mother
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fk u.jpg
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it's fine, i get to wear dank sunglasses
Dissolve into sludge.
Holy shit someone animated that comic!

I've always started with the eyes or the hair and determined most of the head and face from that but it's true. It can be hard to get it right. Maybe that's why I like drawing characters like Muffet who are just all hair and eyes.
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389 KB, 770x422
Which anons do you ship and which one of them survives when the Supreme Gentleman rolls around the corner to take revenge on the world
I want her to be my mommy in the most non sexual way possible.

And also in the most sexual way possible
File: Tori138.png (73 KB, 540x540) Image search: [Google]
73 KB, 540x540
Slept for like 12 hours, it was intense. Now I'm listening to some loud music to get back into the groove

That guys already dead dumbass
Turn it up to 11
File: mettafell and mettaton.jpg (137 KB, 764x904) Image search: [Google]
mettafell and mettaton.jpg
137 KB, 764x904
The cute botanon with himself, mettacest style.
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He`ll come back.
I`ll save him!
I know who but I won't say because it involves myself.
Sacrifice your soul to asgore
Muffet does have an exceptional eye-hair ratio
File: american hero.jpg (38 KB, 800x500) Image search: [Google]
american hero.jpg
38 KB, 800x500
Your dad is right. Do the world a favor and end yourself before you perpetuate the spread of AIDS.
Shoot up a school.
Get send to prison for free sex

Seriously, why do you ask us and not /lgbt/?
There's like 3 different boards that would be better suited for this like /adv/ or /lgbt/ or something. I guess you don't have much of a choice other than to survive and search out a place where you can spend the night in and eat some food.
File: image.jpg (97 KB, 720x1280) Image search: [Google]
97 KB, 720x1280
Ask him if he wants to call you his daughter
Try to get your mum to talk sense into your dad or go to a homeless shelter. Alternatively, ask your friends if you could hang with them for a while.
Time flies when you're a faggot.
still love this pic
File: Tori137.jpg (39 KB, 500x556) Image search: [Google]
39 KB, 500x556
Love it, but when it falls back into Fallen Down. It just hits me so hard. The chills are immense, the tingling sensation I start to feel all over. It's not a lot of things that can elicit that from me.
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290 KB, 950x508
So the botfag flirtation orgy is when I'm usually at work? All I get now when I come home from work and feel like going on /utg/ is guro-posting and goats. Feels bad.
File: tumblr_nzq35o94tW1qg12lmo1_1280.png (454 KB, 800x800) Image search: [Google]
454 KB, 800x800
We can still flirt anon.
I can't decide which bot I'd smooch more. Mettafell is such a cutie in that pic while Mettaton is just pure sex.
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73 KB, 689x863
The botfag orgy is all day, darlin
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Don't cry, you're radder than that!
We need more Edgetton and Mettaton mettacest.
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We sure can, love, but I'm only home at this time today because of a minor injury.
I wish it were so.
File: Top Mom.jpg (41 KB, 678x810) Image search: [Google]
Top Mom.jpg
41 KB, 678x810
Cry? What are you even talking about? I just had something in my eye, that's all. I'm cool
I feel sorry for you anon. It's not everyday when the botfags are on the move at the same time.

I don't think I'd enjoy being dominated by the robot unless it was something cute like he's often depicted with burgerpants.
This game brought fourth emotion from me like no other game has. And i know i speak for many people when i say that. I cried when "he" begged for me to stop, when he said that all he wanted was to make me lose so that i would have to keep playing, so that i would stay. This game destroyed me emotionally and i couldn't be more happy about it, the only regret i have with this game is that i put off playing it for a couple weeks after it was released.

Re-posting this cuz i typoed and fucked up the spoiler tags
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So who's your favorite and why do you think Frisk climbed the mountain?
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111 KB, 1000x900
thinkin about writin that
Because they are a dumb determined child. Maybe just made them do a bet.
Either to escape an abusive home(which is why you can either go back or live with Toriel at the end) or to kill themselves
File: 1460382563618.gif (78 KB, 588x420) Image search: [Google]
78 KB, 588x420

To hug the mountain.

To make love, to the mountain.
File: 63.jpg (95 KB, 800x554) Image search: [Google]
95 KB, 800x554
that image is great
anyway, favourite is papyrus + my guess is she was unwanted by her family and drawn to the mountain like the other humans who fell down
File: GXqDhAs.png (610 KB, 1191x1182) Image search: [Google]
610 KB, 1191x1182
They felt compelled by fate to make the greatest friendships ever experienced by humans.

I can't come up with a solid reason for myself, but I'd say they made it to a point where they just felt like they had nothing to lose.
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>be balls deep in alphys
>phone rings
>say you'll get it
>"yo what up"
>"Undyne here! Hey, who the hell is this?"
Frisk accepted a dare to climb the spooky mountain nobody ever returned from. They fell down because they tripped.
File: tori 178.jpg (84 KB, 741x1078) Image search: [Google]
tori 178.jpg
84 KB, 741x1078
This cutie right fuken here.

Also Frisk did it because kids are fucking stupid.
>balls deep in alphys
Your first mistake
>"Hey Frisk, bet you won't dare jump down that wicked hole in the mountain!"

>Frisk doesn't even say anything.
>Just gets up and walks up the mountain.

I can see it.
Either to escape a broken home or pure curiosity or suicide
File: tumblr_ny2rlp5dBD1ulm8rfo1_1280.png (228 KB, 951x800) Image search: [Google]
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All enjoyable domination comes with good communication. It's not too fun if all parties aren't equally into it.
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4 MB, 347x244
>afraid of a retarded fish that got brutally murdered by a toddler even with godmode on
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Mettaton and I think they lost their parents batman style.
Do it
They wanted to prove themselves
File: 1445805044117.gif (839 KB, 450x402) Image search: [Google]
839 KB, 450x402
>Alphys decides to call Undyne back later
>"H-hey Undyne. What's up, I wanted to talk about what h-happened..."
>Male voice on the other line in the background: "It's for you"
Okay, that makes more sense.

>your reactions were cute
They weren't, shut up.

That's disgusting.

Say it.
File: tumblr_ny6a6hY0lX1rodm6ao2_500.jpg (104 KB, 500x710) Image search: [Google]
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Do it! I'd read that.
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162 KB, 599x638
I don't know how I feel about big sexy robot...
>batman style.

Kek. The mountain killed Frisks parents so he climbed it to fight.
>210 posts
>120 images
>37 IPs
File: chara326.jpg (497 KB, 800x1000) Image search: [Google]
497 KB, 800x1000
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I know how I feel
Why are you surprised? People move on.
I'm not surprised.
These robots are out of control!
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nice chara
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ok. i can only promise i'll try.
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And I know how I feel as well. What's there to be unsure of?
Then why are you greentexting it like a retard?
File: chara329.jpg (124 KB, 800x600) Image search: [Google]
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Thanks. I like this artist's Chara. Thanks for the new Frisk+Chara pic.
I want to put my hands under Chara's skirt and pull down their panties.
Good night /utg/. Don't let the botfags convert you~
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How do you think they end up being in the same universe? Or are these things we shouldn't question; it just happens?
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Even the look in his eyes!
He knows he's making me uncomfortable by being so lewd!
Hey, I'm open to any options.
Giving Monster Kid the time of his life!
By taking him to Disneyland!

And then giving him a blowjob!
He says while posting second worst girl
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another good chara
+ np my dude
File: Tori152.png (604 KB, 1280x1575) Image search: [Google]
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I don't know why, but Tori in surface clothing.. She is just so damn cute, my heart
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It's just his backside, surely there's nothing too lewd about that.
So close

And then you blew it
No, I blew him
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Hugging Asgore!

no, just worst social link
So are Chara, mom, bot, and Sansfags the only ones left?
no I'm herr
That's what I'm saying
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Death Report is finished.
I'll start working on the other requests soon.
Is there something I should've done better?

previous sounds http://pastebin.com/9MBD8sam
I'm a dumbass
File: Goat husbando (1).png (1 MB, 1280x1651) Image search: [Google]
Goat husbando (1).png
1 MB, 1280x1651
Hugging Asgore sexually!
>worst SL
Funny that isn't Yukari
File: 87.gif (2 MB, 1920x1080) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 1920x1080
papyrusfag here too
since the focus is gonna be on smut, i'm just gonna bullshit it.

yes, you fucked up by not doing bonetrousle.
bery gud
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Nah. Every so often there's a spiderfag. Voidfags tend to keep to themselves and rarely post. Papyrusfags are almost extinct, though.
Sans pls
I like it like that. It's peaceful.
There are various surges throughout the day of different posters. But yeah, there are some posters that have just become more rare.
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298 KB, 1000x1000
Do it mang, world needs more of that.
Everything sounds alright to me. It doesn't linger too long and is not too short.
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sad fishlady.png
358 KB, 970x540
>tfw when i find expired condoms in my drawers
File: TemClassPhoto.png (1 MB, 1555x1485) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 1555x1485
Ain't no party like a tem shop party.
Sorry for not making mine transparent.
Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 251

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