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Divegrass Bogaloo Edition

You can change vocations at level 10 at the Gran Soren inn or BBI.
Character appearance can be changed later on.
You don't need pawns, but they help.
Don’t miss your sidequests: http://dragonsdogma.wikia.com/wiki/Side_Quest_Progression
Further info on "Must Do" sidequests: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qS9A47duONEwozGu8A6_oX_HyCxgBwbquGmlZqEQqqg/edit?usp=sharing
Make sure you understand the romance system before you get too far: http://dragonsdogma.wikia.com/wiki/Beloved

>Wiki you lazy shit


>NEW /ddg/ Pawn Sheet

>Stat Growths

>RC Calculator

>In-depth Beginner/Advanced Player Guide and FAQ

> Old /ddg/ Pawn Sheet

>Character Creator Sliders

>Current mods available

>Collection of small mods (model/color swaps etc.)

>Hotkey Script for PC Players

>Modding on console and old pawns

>Guide to get DDO

>DDO Beginners Guide

>Screenshot Guide

>Make webms

>[un]official Steam group

Previous thread: >>145552873
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a more fitting goal webm would have been the one scored by I'll Miss This Dank Place
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Good thing I have faith in Nephy's aim.
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I'll be playing BBI as sorcerer and stream it for a friend, if anyone is interested in watching, I'll make the stream public and post the link here.
i'll watch, I need some entertainment with my lunch
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R8. I really should put some effort into my pics.
Last thread's wordcloud.
>Down a Harpy with Endecad Shot
>Shearing Wind to it
>Hundred Kisses it to death

Feels like I'm hunter and hunting dog neatly packed inside a loli Arisen.
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I'm already streaming.
>fuck pawn nice

I want Ashe to go.
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>missed the beginning because I was doing speedrun mode
>didn't even get a very good time
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I wanna fug all your pawns no homo

Online component basically amounting to whoring your waifu/husbando out for purple diamonds, amuses me. Any other games that have a similar system in place?
I'm still streaming, I was taking a break.
I'm going to fight the Dark Bishop now.
DDDA is such a good game.

Feels good playing this and seeing western shit getting more and more shitty.
>feels good seeing shit getting more and more shitty
kill yourself my man
It's not like he's entirely wrong though. Like there's bad jap games too but by and large they do more interesting stuff the western devs these days.
bretty on topic if you ask me
Not bad at all.
enjoy your cuckfield 1 and more "diverse and tolerant" games from EA and ubisoft, my man :^)

Now now, let's place our hate where it deserves to be placed. ;_; where's dd2?
Your reading comprehension is shit and you are kinda retarded.
That's EXACTLY the point, why would anyone feel good that games, Western or Japanese, are getting worse?
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How bad is it?
Not bad, I'd say.
Not a fan of the hairstyle or the tone of red you chose, but at the same time I think I get what you were going for and in that case it works.
Head looks a bit big, though that might be the hair. Would-do-obscene-things-with/10
she looks like a crackhead
I think she looks like a nice person, albeit not conventionally attractive? It definitely works though, definitely.
What kind of crack houses do you frequent Anon?
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this. she's clearly a methhead
would nail tho
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Delivering /ddg/'s favourite cutscene screenshots.
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>weebs having no reading comprehension whatsoever
why am I not surprised
These never get old.

I still can't get over the fact that fucking Rook made it into one of these tbqh
Rook, champion striker and occasional dabbler in Ashe punishment.
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Should my pawn be a hunk or a loli
A ripped midget
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I had no idea how tall, or disproportionate, she was until I started playing her. Good times all around.

kek, how did she get up so high?

I wonder if I spam my pawn enough for Neph to be in there.
If you try to lore it out, the main character is definitely the person that always protected Quina in their youth. Being so huge compared to her and everybody else can lend a bit of authenticity to your story.
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Kek, it is. So is Morrigan.
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tall is better than short
both, legends tell of the muscleloli
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Morrigan is objectively a top 3 pawn tbqh.
>the football ploy worked and you are actually going to hang around until december

plebians got no sense
Oh yeah no doubt, Morrigan is a top teir choice in every category. Her owner should be proud.

Even fighterArisen Morrigan loos great so it isn't even just the clothes.
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That smug.
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Is there a slider guide for newbies to making characters?
I'm really tempted to turn my pawn into salomet without the shitty hair for my hardmode run
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you can google specific npc sliders, there's a few out there. Or you can check out the Character Creator Sliders in the OP.
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That's a nice screenshot.

You could always consult us and we could offer feedback and criticism as you make it.
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Soaked to the bone!
>I-I've been drenched!
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thats bretty cool
why does the tier 3 red set have to be so ugly? I want the stats without my pawn looking terrible.
I refuse to believe the same people who designed the main game gear (including weapons) are the same people who designed all the BBI gear.
If they are, then I'm guessing they wanted the DLC gear to really stand out but goddamn, they took it too far and it looks like shit.
I actually think that most BBI gear is fairly ugly. The witches hat, the heraldic gambeson, the MK mace, Bitter End (the recolored Lancers Sword?) and the Trophy set are the only decent items.

I'm sure that there are a few more items I like but by and large I'm not a fan of most of it. The stuff that I think looks good though looks pretty great.

What specifically is ugly about it?
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>Bitter End
yet another reason I love mods
I actually like Bitter End
The BBI 3 Sword and Shield are fucking horrendous though, don't even remember their names.
The helmet is arguably the ugliest max tier helmet in any game i've ever played. To the point that I've never used it unironically. The torso armor is way too bulky and makes any character look like they're wearing armor more than a few sizes too large. The leg armor is similar in that they instantly turn even the most petite of pawns into a pear. And pear pawns into walking cranberries. I don't mind the arm armor, it can stay.
>it makes my waifu look fat

Actual reason please.
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All tier 3 sets are ugly, but if you swap out the helm (and chest for reds) then they look alright
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Finally! It took awhile since I'm still using "Dragon's Dogma" for a weapon, but I defeated Daimon 2.0 at laaaast.
I dislike it's aesthetics and stated why. I'm not sure what point you're trying to make other than that you disagree, but more power to you. It's not changing anytime soon anyway.
Grigori weapons on bbi 2.0? wew lad good job

It really is just personal opinion but in my case I enjoy the more realistic and grounded items and gear. I mean I don't mind over the top FF style stuff if it fits in the setting but I think that for the most part, items like the grave set and what have you just look out of place in DD.

But yeah, Bitter End in pretty fucking neat and the Witches hat, can't think of it's name, is fancy as fuck.

The Archers cap, is also pretty spiffy.

But yeah just to recap, most of the gear is too edgy fantasy for my taste. When compared to the rest of the base game anyway.
>occasionally want to play again
>lost all interest after a few minutes
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What are you talking about?
Yellow 3rd tier set is great.
>I'm not sure what point you're trying to make

You're childish is my point.
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It's overdesigned and edgy as fuck.
It clashes with the rest of the game's aesthetics.
Do you seriously need an in-depth explanation as to why someone would think THIS looks like shit?
Aren't there model swap mods? You should be able to just edit the shitty level 3 armors into looking like better pieces.
Yellows are in a weird situation: their early-mid game gear is kinda eh, but they actually get cool looking BBI gear.

Reds and Blues get really cool fashion all throughout the main game, but their BBI gear is pretty fucking ugly.
I stated an opinion and, instead of refuting it, you dismissed it. Then, you resort to name calling. But ok, i'm the childish one here, anon. You win this round, >>146020848 is some god tier design.
>That headpiece
Yes I did, because you are.

Can someone explain what edgy is supposed to mean?
Try switch around your pawn and arisen. Might only work if you were attatched to your pawn and arisen though.
Anon please, we know the thread is slow but resorting to shitposting is not really the best way to get it moving.

Let's try something different, tell us why you think BBI gear looks good.

Explain edgy what is means to you. I only hear this on 4chan.
I've done that often
fug, got crummy items from the purification. I will never get past having this dang Dragon's Dogma for a sword.
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Blue 3rd tier is okay

I don't really like the helm
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Lady Edge.jpg
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Once again mods are the answer.
>except the helmet. There's just no saving that thing.
Edgy is often used as an adjective for games, characters and in this case weapons and armor, that have an emphasis on a dark, evil type of aesthetic or atmosphere. It's pretty hard to pull it off without it looking retarded, and often that only happens when it's not meant to be taken seriously.

Can you stop dodging the question now?
People have explained why BBI armor looks bad, you apparently think it looks good.
I've given you the benefit of the doubt but at this point I think you are just being contrarian and pretending to be retarded.
>it is saved because it is lewd now
I want to punch her in the tummy
>hat have an emphasis on a dark, evil type of aesthetic or atmosphere. It's pretty hard to pull it off without it looking retarded, and often that only happens when it's not meant to be taken seriously.


I like it because of it's retarded and evil. I wasn't sure if that's what you meant.
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theres a waiting list
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I keep leaving and inevitably returning. I wish i knew another game with as much replay value desu.
It's nice to see this general is still going. What level is Ur Dragon at these days?
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Always playing as a mage, I never realized how difficult this battle could be as a fighter on hardmode. Even the goblins one hit me. I always used to just stand on the sidelines and shoot fireballs.
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Neph low level.jpg
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So going for the scrappy young adventurer look. Hat or no hat?
I just checked for the first time in months and it's at 135
Oh my. Last I played he was only 44
>Ur gets mental defence but no offence stats
>Takes over two weeks to kill
>Next one has even more defence
The 40s were some tough shit
gotta PRAY hard man
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Also, what inclinations work decently for a sorc pawn?
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I guess we know which the Duke picked.
>no option for massive cock or become a T-Rex
shit game
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I always pick the perfect spouse choice. Speaking of the duke, can you really kill him before post-game?
Yeah, with a Maker's Finger arrow.
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Honestly I go with the potion. Prolonged youth is just to tempting to pass up.
I want to kiss her on the tummy.
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enb 2016_06_20 10_42_16_95.png
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Someone actually uses Maker's Finger?

I thought that means immortality? Being Immortal is shit though
>Someone actually uses Maker's Finger?
It's only used for the lulz. It's good to know that it actually exists.
I know it doesn't work on Grigori but does Makers Finger work on a Gorecyclops or Matt Daimon? Because that would make BBI easy as fuck
Technically he had youth that he lost, Arisen as "successor", and a spouse whom he fed to Grigs.

If he had a white pony it obviously ran far, far away.
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Welp, BBI 2.0 was my ultimate goal of that particular play through. Starting a NG+ now! Edited my Arisen's face a tiny bit, do you guys like it or should I go back to the drawing board?

I guess to ask another question, my Arisen went through life as a Mystic Knight. I played it out by leveling as a Fighter until I had maxed the vocation, and then leveling as a Warrior until I maxed the vocation. Since this is NG+, and I'll probably do Hard Mode, should I level in any other vocations before going back to Mystic Knight?
it absolutely works on Grigori. It also works on Gorecyclops and Daimon.
If you're past level 100 then stats growths don't matter, otherwise you might want a few levels of sorc/assassin for damage depending on your playstyle

I thought it only took one life bar from Grigs unless you used it before the fight started?
I'm not sure if there are particular conditions with using it on Grigori, but hitting him in the heart when he forces you to make your choice will kill him instantly. It's key to getting a good speedrun time.
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>Makers Arrow
It takes just a lifebar from Daimon if I recall, but another use for the Maker's Finger is to shoot out one of the hearts on the Ur-Dragon. It'll do millions of damage right away, instantly slaying one of the hearts.

I guess we could force grace period if we just... mauled it viciously.
>I guess we could force grace period if we just... mauled it viciously.

damage cap
Between multiple people, I mean.
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>Maker's Arrow
>tentacles all over the place

W-what exactly IS the Maker?
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I should have explained further. It wouldn't work because there's a cap on the amount of damage one person can do per round. If you go over then no damage that you inflict is counted against the total. Maker's Finger would certainly be too much damage as the caps are very low on PC.
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I never knew the makers finger had that weird effect on it, then again, I really never bothered spending cash on one, so I guess it runs around killing stuff after you shoot it like the second webm? Cool
Don't you recognize your old friend The Brine?
it seems like it clears the whole room. I cut it out since it ran too long, but it chased a flying harpy for a couple minutes on the ground before the harpy got low enough for it. fucking brutal.
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oh lawd
weaponized brine tentacles are horrifying
That's pretty rad.
Did it also kill ALL the other shit in that area?
It's like something out of SOMA
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Oh shit, I never considered using it to get through the city, I'm an idiot
Eh, guess all it's good for is grabbing items then. The Maker's Fingers do outright destroy whichever heart they pierce.
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it actually did not. There's definitely a range since some things weren't killed in the city, but if it's densely populated enough then it can probably travel a wide range.
I like Utilitarian/Challenger, myself!
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so yeah... not particularly effective against Daimon.
Ah hamburgers.
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It also didn't work at all on this guy at all.
Interesting. I wonder if it will also not work wights and lichs.
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it worked fine against them
Amusingly enough though the mini evil eyes are able to evade it entirely.
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>tfw no Reaper mod
die die die
Some people from this general play this, right?
How is it? I trust your taste in games.
It looks pretty fun.
It's one of the few games where I'll wake up in the morning and really want to play it.
A good pick up and play shooter with abilities and stuff. Kind of like TF2 in a few ways. You don't have to have super good aim to do well with some of the classes, pretty fast paced too.
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Holy fucking shit

Thanks, I'll give it a whirl.

>mfw I now have enough screenshots of Neph to keep this general bumped for days.
To Mylo's owner: I just picked him up in my game, and I'll give him a whirl. Are there any items you're looking for? He's the first /ddg/ pawn I've found just walking around my world and I figure it's a thing to commemorate.
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what are some other great screenshot locations?
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This has always been one of my personal favorites.
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A little overwhelmed at all the attention I think.

Valmiro too though right, as far as the dev's are concerned? Being a giant, pale, redheaded elf also probably made her an outcast in her own right. Never forget the whole mysterious orphan business.
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>getting freaked out by strange little cripples
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The mage pawn starting fashion is pretty shit tier.
If you're playing on PC, stick 'em in the DLC robe right away and they're tolerable!
Yeah, Mage fashion doesn't pick up until like, stage 3 of the game.
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snake is awake.jpg
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Arisen spots big black snek.jpg
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Why didn't he zig-zag /ddg/?
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It's the first time I start out as a Ranger and I have to say, it really makes the game a breeze.
Ranger is really strong man, almost trivializes the game.
The only stronger source of physical damage are Striders I think, and that's just because Helm Splitter is fucking ridiculous.
Should I get Rooted Gloom or Ardent Will?
It's not that strong early game though, since you have to get up close and personal with fighter bandits.
Ardent Will, fire covers more weaknesses as does slash dmg
Did you really need to delete for capitalization?
Not that guy but capitalization is one of the things that separates us from the common beasts, Anon.
Check the spelling
I suppose

Ah, makes sense now
will print that on a t-shirt
will look cool
I just want a cloak that has high resistance against poison and possession, is that too much to ask?
Ah yes, Valmiro. Neph and Val must've been a dynamic duo, pushing Elvar and Merrin around a lot while they casually taunted Quina all the time.
Got a bit curious whether to switch over to magick archer now that I'm level 110 and get some more defenses out of the last 90 level-ups - or stay sorcerer for more magic damage. Anyone here got some advice, possibly?

If it helps, I spent the first 10 levels as Strider, then hopped over to Ranger up to about 40 before making the switch to Sorcerer.
I want to have a threesome with Mirabelle and Selene.
So long as you got the augments from Sorcerer, you're good. Swap over to Magick Archer and get a pluggin!
That was my original plan but an Inez is fine too.

I fucked myself out of getting Mirrabelle because I was afraid of being stuck with the dutchess.
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I was thinking about going Valmiro for Neph but I think I might save Valmiro for my next playthrough, with my original Arisen, because pic related.

Maybe Mirabelle for Neph? Who knows.
Well what's the next step of your master plan?
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If I want rift crystal should I just post my pawn here or do we add each other on steam or how does this work?
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Post pawn name, level, vocation.
If they're too high level, you might want to post your steam ID so the one hiring doesn't have to pay a lot of RC to hire them.
Post your pawn here and you might get some hires.
Do eggs/food rot between the time someone gift it and you retrieve it ?
If you post your pawn's name, level and vocation, we should be able to find it. A pic will be useful too in case your pawn has a common name.
Searching for level 200 in the pawn is bugged, you have to search for level 199 instead and still sometimes you can't find the pawns you're looking for. In that case, it's easier to add the owner in steam so you can find its pawn in your friend list. It will also cost 0RC hiring it, regardless of level.
We have to go even more lowkey, get Gwine.
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People actually do that and bully your pawn? Glad that my pawn isn't online
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smug saurian.png
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Not really. Just people shitposting here, and if you gave someone a big-enough rageboner they might do that.
Normally otherwise I've never seen anyone rate my pawn below 3 stars, which is what it defaults to if they died during combat or fell off a cliff.
Ok, I'll report back later with the information. She is under level 10 though, I just want a reserve of rc because none of my friends play the game anymore.
I've had it happen once or twice, sometimes with a comment about there being too many sorcerers in the rift.

It's p much like >>146060732 says though, hardly anybody who bothers to hire your pawn will rate you lowly.
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You must've made someone buttmad.
Only other explanation is that your pawn was wearing the DLC armour.
I never used DLC armor, maybe my pawn just did something stupid, I don't know really since it's the only bad review I ever got.
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you did aught.png
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Now I'm curious what they looked like.
Who's your pawn?
A boyish warrior in armor.

She's not on the list and I have changed her a lot since that review. I could post level+class once I'm back from work though if you are interested to see if there is something wrong.
I actually really like Gwine but I didn't think that she suited my first Arisen. I can see her with Neph though. Although with Neph being a former pawn, maybe Selene would make the most sense?


Attain qtbuttboi. It's like you didn't even see >>146059794
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I don't like the trophy jacket but the shadow set and the other trophy items are both pretty nice.
These threads are actually going along a lot faster than they had been in the past. Curious, to say the least.
What is that brineshit arrow? Is that something I've been missing out on because I don't play ranger or is it a mod/cut content or something?
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I wouldn't use the words "a lot" myself, but yeah, it is going faster.
That my friend is the Maker's Finger, available to you for the low low price of putting up with Fournival.
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Blue's get some great early game fashion though
Oh shit. I've never used it, I was gonna kill the dragon with it when I did speedrun mode yesterday but I ended up forgetting it and leaving it in my box and had to brainsplitter him to death instead. Guess I still have it bought and sitting there for when I fight the dragon at the end of my current real run.
Your dude looks like a professional hobo with golden vocal cords.

It's a fun little toy to experiment with, but I believe it nullifies a lot of the experience gain you get from certain monsters.
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Two questions, lads:
1)How do I make my game prettier?
2)How do I make .wembs that won't look like shit?
1) Downloading any ENB series mod can make your game look prettier, you can find them on the nexus, and if I'm not mistaken the screenshot guide on the opening post has a fairly decent one.

2) We actually have a guide on the first post for making webms too!
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Put your brightness at 5, you can't see much but what you can see is beautiful
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T-thanks for the information and not ridiculing me directly, m8.
Why didn't anyone tell me warrior was a fun class? W-what do you mean they did?
Remember that all-caps copypasta about Warrior being unfun as fuck before PC release?
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>Everyone complaining about skills being slow as fuck instead of animation canceling to turn into Guts
My solo warrior run was probably the funnest one I've done
>playing warrior so I can't use my usual double jump crutches to deal with flying shit
>run into snow harpies
>try getting them by grabbing a low-flying one to ride up so I can drop down and attack the others
>dropping down from it goes straight into the long fall flail animation (which I don't remember but usually if I use harpies it's to get to a difficult to reach vantage point, like the top of the wall in bluemoon tower, not to mount an aerial assault)
>pawn actually catches me for once
whoa holy shit did throwing pigs back and forth finally pay off

No because I only started playing with PC release

I don't really like the aesthetics of giant swords, nor do I usually like playing slower classes, and Berserk didn't particularly appeal to me (though I like a lot of games that draw inspiration from it), so I didn't expect to like it. It's really fun though, definitely deceptively fast apart from the massive hitstop.
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Warrior is extremely satisfying to play as.
But BBI is not designed with red vocations in mind and Hard Mode BBI removes one of the main perks of being Warrior: easily staggering and knocking down enemies.
Which one of you is the real monster?
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That's a family pic with grandpa.
Old Lion is 1/4 ogre.
Why's Mason so shiny, bros?
W-Why would he oil himself up?
Some Goblin threw a flask at him, right?
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Reminder: Oxbro best bro.
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Well fuck you too
post pawn
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Yellow fashion sucks early game
She's a 4/5 at worst. At least it's a cohesive kit.
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How's my pawn? What would you change? What incliniation should I give him?
Lvl 11
unoriginal and not likely to get many (You)s, I r8 your b8 1/8
I have the impression I've seen that same face and hairstile everywhere. Is it a preset?

Huh? I'm a new player and just wanted advice on my pawn.
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>tfw no roadhog mod
>ywn hook a charging eliminator and blast his head apart while laughing like a deranged lunatic
It's the loli pre-set modified with different hair and face stuff etc.
Well you're a lot more likely to get hires if your pawn's a woman, unfortunately. Also, while I'm not a huge fan of mages in general, I think Utilitarian and whatever else should work well. Anything but Guardian basically. Other than that his spells are alright. Personally I'd switch him to sorcerer, as Anodyne's healing drops off like a rock around like level 70ish
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Nice stamina remaining

>that name
>that everything
Damn, guess I am generic
Jeanne is just the name I give all my vidya girls. I don't really know why I chose that name though. Also I think that my pawn looks a bit boyish while yours looks like young woman so even if the hair is the same, the effect is different.
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Ser Berne needs to git gud.
Can AI Warriors cancel Lunge early?
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>Gathering greenwarish at a cliffs edge
>This happens
What to heck
Just jump anon there must be alot of potent greenwarish at the bottom, literally NOTHING could go wrong
>tfw you'll never go adventuring with a suicidal pawnfu
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Well here goes everything
>knows you just killed A FUCKING DRAGON
>challenges you to a duel anyway

Ser Berne is hardcore to the max.
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I feel betrayed
Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 251

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