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wtf nobody made a new thread edition
Last thread: >>145347203

/hbg/ Wiki: http://homebrew-general.wikia.com

3DS: 9.2 (10.7 downgrade • Entrypoints: Browser/Menuhax up to 10.5, otherwise OoT/PSMD/Freaky/Ninjhax)
Wii U: 5.5.1
Vita: 3.51 (Userland)
PS4: 1.76 (Kernel/Linux)

3DS: http://pastebin.com/TQwDsWh9
Free games: http://pastebin.com/cE8EmydS
3DS downgrade + a9lh: https://github.com/Plailect/Guide/wiki
Wii U: http://pastebin.com/8u0WAyJC
Other Consoles: http://pastebin.com/pHS5LaR5

-11.0 is still the latest version. If you already have CFW (emunand/a9lh), you can update. DON'T UPDATE IF YOU PLAN TO DOWNGRADE.
-11.0 userland homebrew is now available via Freakyhax and PSMD, but don't expect CFW or downgrading without a hardmod anytime soon.
-Luma 5.5 fixes issues with online play: https://github.com/AuroraWright/Luma3DS/releases
-Latest version of FBI supports downloading games via QR codes from https://3ds.titlekeys.com/
-Region changing with working eShop now available for O3DS only, see Plailect's guide for details
-freeshop 1.2 released https://github.com/Cruel/freeShop/releases

>Wii U
-Kernel exploit for 5.5.1 leaked, allowing Loadiine to run and more.
-Tubehax is experiencing turbulence. Use to block updates instead.
-5.6 doesn't seem to be happening this week. Make sure to block updates anyway.

-Coming soon: Cobra BlackFin to allow running ISO's from SD. Not compatible with 3.60
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How do I install the JK's Save Manager .cia? I try to install it with FBI but I get this error.

>Failed to install CIA file.
>Result code: 0xD8E0806A
>Level: Permanent (27)
>Summary: Invalid argument (7)
>Module: AM (32)
>Desc: Cert signature or hash check failed (106)

I'm so close, I can taste it. I just want to hack my Pokemon save data.
OP suggestion:
Vita userland is 3.50, not 3.51
eCFW is some later fw that I forgot.
>open FBI
>go to tickets
>find 0004000002C23200
>delete it
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Can I downgrade from 11 now?
I don't see that ticket at all. I'm positive it's not here.
alright, what version of FBI are you using? what cfw? what version of that cfw? what system version?
Also the Vita >guide is also horrible. Remove it and link to a real guide.
FBI 2.2.6
I think Luma is my cfw, that's what Luma is, right? It's been a long night.
Luma3DS v5.5
My system version says Emu 10.6.0-31U
alright sec let me find the edit button real quick
I just copypasted the old OP desu
Does the actual FBI overwrite the old FBI that used one of the system apps or is something completely appart?
In five hours.
Doesn't overwrite or isn't something appart?
doesnt overwrite
cool, thank you.
Please help anon, I should have went to sleep like five hours ago.
I honestly have no idea, I've never seen that error on systems with working cfw.
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Post yfw still waiting on ZTD leak
Can the original R4 work on a N3DS running Luma? If so, how?
There's gotta be something. How do people usually install JK's Save Manager with FBI? Just hit "Install CIA" and that's it?
Post yfw when waiting for the wiiu zelda demo leak
Original R4 needs that DS launcher app to run. Any other non-ancient cart should run automatically with Luma.
The funny thing is the Skyward Sword E3 demo leaked a few years back. And some cool people made cheat codes to get all the items and open all of Skyloft. So I have high hopes.
Does anyone know for certain if the hs.app being created means its a valid and working file?

Do they always create the file to the same size or does it always have the same checksum?

The Linux version of universal inject is broken atm
Smea's hidden kernel exploit when?
Just did the double format of rednand, and upon rebooting the second time, I was not given the setup options. Is it safe to tinyformat more than twice to be sure?
Format it as much as you like. In your case you really should run it again as it either didn't work or you're on a Linked Emunand which will cause problems during the downgrade.
How exactly can I get the firmkey.bin out of a firmware.bin?
I'm trying out dark-samus's fork of >cakes (want to test the firmware selection menu, how well it works) but I can't access the cakes menu. I've tried my NATIVE_FIRM that I have used before (10.4) and just tried the one that was linked in Plailect's guide (latest revision before it got deleted). Both didn't work.
So I'd have to get my hands on the firmkey.bin.
Can I do it without the cetk decryption?
This is probably one of the oldest memes. Next to soon.
Been trying to use Network.addCertificate but I am unsure of which certificate I have to add in what order. Got the LE intermediate authority and the Identrust Root CA
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Alright, I bought a Old 9.8.0 3DS, starting the hack, wish me luck guys.
I hope you brick
So I'm kinda new to all this, just finished the guide so I'm all up to date.

Can an EU 3DS run US games when it's got CFW? Or do I still need to download EU versions of games?
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That's just his way of saying "good luck".
I never saw anyone here post that bricked his or her 3DS, stop the brick meme.
try another CIA installer
like DevMenu
btw, if you just want to hack pokemans
FBI can copy the save itself, just navigate through titles and Browse Save Data, copy the "main" file and paste it on your SD
you weren't here when memchunkhax2 was released, right?
Maybe, I don't remember, I had a hiatus from this general for a while
>he didn't downgrade the very second memechunkhax2 got released
>his downgrader checks files
>his downgrader doesn't write firm first
>he didn't end up with a frankenfirmware
Lmao'ing at your life
when 10.3 exploits came out there were walls/houses made out of 3DSs
I did downgrade when 10.3 exploits came out, but I'm not that retarded
it's weird, I jumped on the 10.3 downgrade bandwagon like a madman right when it was released and even used >cakes, and I never had any issues with it. Same when I finally switched to a9lh last month.
Hey, I'm trying to inject the friendsave.bin from my old SysNAND but it's not working, what do?
even had rxTools on n3DS like the retard guides suggested
downgraded both n3DS and o3DS without any problems ever
even a9lh worked flawlessly
That's why I spend all my time in this general. To help all the unlucky ones that run into problems.
I bricked when doing sysupdater, had to buy cubic ninja
top 10 games i should play

all ive tried so far is hyrule, project x2 and res evil, the new 3ds is far more refined then old xl.

what else should i load in.
After downgrading to 9.2.0, I can't get browserhax to work, I get an error. Already tried clearing all save data. What are my options?
git gud and try again
I have a doubt, I'm at part 5 of Plailect's guide and just finished Section I.

Now at Section II it tells me to go here "http://dukesrg.github.io/2xrsa.html?arm11.bin".
Do I boot into my SysNAND or my RedNAND for this?
I think it should be SysNAND but I want to make sure I don't screw anything up.

Make sure you are completely zoomed in.
You can't even boot into your redNAND if it's 2.1.
turn off wifi
open the browser
clear cache and history
hit the first use setting something something button, is one of the last ones in the browser settings, you are a smart boy, you will figure it out
close the browser
open it again set all the first use shits
turn off the 3DS
coldboot it
turn of wifi
run sliderhax
off unit. on unit. change your theme from default to anything, then back to default. launch browser. clear browser cache. load web address. if fail. simply load again by retyping it. had some 404s.
oh and remember to keep setting date and time back to 00:00 jan 1 2000
Finally got it. Thanks.
Hey is the guy who dumps improved GBA .cia games on MEGA here? Or does anyone have the URL?
this one?
with some mad soldering skills, sure
Yes thanks a bunch m8
Better one mega:///#F!h4xQRLRa!Y65kQqjwdZcbx8D-vhXRbg
Do GBA games run natively i.e. is there some GBA hardware in there or is it some kind of emulator
It reboots into the console's GBA mode known as AGB_FIRM.
I don't know whether that counts as native or emulator though.
they run in a weird ds-like mode, which is why sleep mode doesn't work on the actual releases.
it underclocks the original NDS processor
>USA roms
Why not EUR which have bugfixes and more languages?
make your own, then
There is actual GBA hardware inside.
There's a mode for that. I assume ROM is loaded then mapped to like a real GBA. ARM11 process takes outputted video then use the GPU to render those frames.
GBA games run in AGB_FIRM.
DS(i) games run in TWL_FIRM.
I rathour nout reaoud extroua uous.
I don't think the 3DS has actual GBA hardware.
Link to a guide to switch from Luma w/ emu to sys?
Just want to skim.
It does.
delete the tmp webkithax file on the root of your sd, that worked for me
No Nintendo games until fairly recent 3DS/Wii U games have English (UK).
Do you have any source on that?
And by "actual" hardware I don't mean that it underclocks its processor to GBA speeds.
Guys would anyone be so kind to generate a Summon Night Swordcraft Story 2 CIA please? I'm too shit at these things
have some thicc in advance
They are larger in size because of the additional languages.
It has the ARM7 CPU.
Of course it's not 100% the GBA. Just what's enough to run GBA softwares.

3dbrew is down, no source right now.
He got it to work already you retard.
Technically they're not since untrimmed roms are all the same size. But even trimmed it adds on about 1mb at most usually.
Good games huh? I enjoyed playing Shin Megami Tensei IV, but smtiv is a pretty good game too. Either would be good places to start, especially if you like simple, easy gameplay
Is it that easy to start hacking, /hbg/? N3DS XL is version 11.0.0-33U. I just want to know if there are any risks.
It's like break a leg.
hi i just bought a 3ds and its on 4.4.0, do i need to get it to 9.2 to do all the fancy stuff, if so how?
RIP, you can only downgrade with hardmod, you can't have kernel exploits on 11.0, only ARM11 userland.
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Unless you plan on soldering your 3DS, don't bother.
No risks. But 11.0 is limited to homebrew (pokemon romhacks is about as far as youre going to go). Piracy isnt possible atm.

But definitely no risks on homebrew.
Interesting, didn't know that
latefags will never learn

Fucking hell. I'm guessing it'll take a long time to get passed that version? I just wanted to play games completely uncensored. Oh well.
11.0 is the best
>stumble onto thread
>Didn't know 3DS hacking was this advanced
>Get out 3DS from drawer
>Ver 8.1.0-19E

I really lucked out here huh?
Sell that 3DS and get a new one. I think they go for like 80 freedom dollars now
You can play uncensored games with HANS through homebrew launcher, provided that you actually own the game.
Well, theoretically speaking i think if you find the right .romfs file, you can use HANS (a homebrew app) to uncensor games like bravely default / fe fates. Tho im not sure, someone will have to give you more info
get a9lh nig
Well, you could call urself lucky for having a hackable 3ds, or unlucky for only finding about hacking at the end of its system lifetime.

If you checked last thread, someone already posted the save i wanted. That said, the ending was aight, but it all feels like a precursor to smtiv:a. I hope i dont get dissapointed
Being on anything but 11.0 is lucky. Well, unless you were on 9.2, which saves a bit more work as well.
Or 9.0 or 9.1. Also 10.6 and 10.7 are unlucky because you need to buy extra stuff for at least like 45 USD.
>Also 10.6 and 10.7 are unlucky because you need to buy extra stuff for at least like 45 USD.
just ask around, I'm sure there's at least one person around you who'd borrow you a hacked cart for much less.
So I finished with part 5 of the guide. What do now to get games running? I'm downloading a game from 3dsiso but I don't know where should I put the file nor what extension should it have.

Do I follow the "Free games" pastebin from OP?

Thanks a lot for all the help.
Yes follow that. It needs to be .cia format for you to install it, install using FBI or Devmenu.
Games should be downloaded in the .cia format. And in the same way as you should've installed the homebrew launcher.cia, you can install games via FBI.

Just paste the game.cia file somewhere on your sd, and browse to it in FBI, and click on install (or "install and delete", since you dont need the .cia anymore once you've installed it)

A more streamlined method would be to use freeshop or ciangel, which are appd which download games straight to your 3ds via the nintendo official servers, thus removing the need for 3rd party sites like 3dsiso
Damn you.
CIAngel and freeShop only works with games that are purchasable through the eShop.
is it safe to follow the guide if youre on 4.4.0?
Follow the 9.2 Update sub-guide first.
so i need to buy a game to get it to that version?
When I had rxTools and my old emunand, I could install GBA .cias and play them

Then I made a new emunand and began using Luma, but now I can't play GBA games.

What do
get with the times grandpa
Ok so Metroid Fusion keeps freezing during the intro after the "Metroid cure" part
Am I the only one?
Luma+alh9 here
Each of the e series has clocked around somewhere between 9 and 25 hours for me. Depending on puzzle diffiuclty each puzzle takes between a few seconds and half an hour (or longer if you take your time)
I wouldn't say they have good replay value. I wouldn't go back and redo puzzles I've already solved. The pokemon one is f2p shit but you can edit your save to get you almost infinite of the thing you pay for and essentially remove the f2p elements.
Is there any chance at all that the vita will get a cfw capable of playing vita roms in the foreseeable future? I haven't touched it at all lately, but I'm unsure if I should just sell it for the little money they still go or hang on to it in the hope for a decent cfw.
I'm holding out too, I think a hack is ine*vita*ble
Guys, is it possible to run GBA games natively on a hacked 3DS?
Yes, it is.
Are psp's still the cheapest and best way to emulate old games on the go?
Oh, I'm talking about roms btw, not games which have been ported to the VC.
Sega Genesis games?
Any chance that we can somehow sneak this Pokemon Sun/Moon demo from Nintendo servers?
it's not on their servers unless they've gone completely bonkers
I installed JK's Save Manager, how the hell do I use this thing? I found Pokemon X in the Save Manager, but the save data just says "New." Shouldn't there be something else titled with my character's name? Or is "New" my save file?
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Hi guys. I have 3ds with gateway but browser thing doesn't work. Can I do something about it? The 3ds itself is on 4.50 or something.
Is is possible to play Wii U backups on an external hard drive instead of SD card?
I just bought a 3DS XL (the Pokemon X&Y edition, if it matters) running rx-e 11.0 for $100 and change. So a) did I do good and b) as a newb to the scene, what kind of stuff can/should I be running? I have an Acekard IIi for my old DS, can I use that to run DS games on it? Also are there any emulator packs around? Wanna get to work on stuff like the GBA Super Robot Wars games.
I just got an N3DS that had firmware 9.1 on it. Do I need to upgrade to 9.2, or can I continue with the guide while on 9.1?

Even though I have 9.1, when I open PlaiSysUpdater, it says "Downgrade to 9.2.0".
what region?

update to 9.2
Japan. It's a regular N3DS. I was gonna put Luma3DS on and play American region CIAs.

Would I do that via PlaiSysUpdater, even though it says "downgrade to 9.2"?
9.1 is the fw version used on japanese 3DS, you don't have to downgrade.
You can continue on 9.1, 9.0-9.2 is the perfect range. Like it says on the getting started page.
Is there a download of that sonic racing transformed game that doesn't glitch out and freeze all the time? Maybe a titlekey download?
I want something to do during my upcoming break. What would be easier to put cfw on, ps3 or 360? I've still got my fat 360, but it's over 3.5whatever it's supposed to be on so I'd have to break it open and get myself one of those flashers. I don't know how the 360 cfw works exactly, as I don't own one. Can't be hard to find one for cheap, though. thoughts?
Both involve significant and permanent hardware mods with lots of soldering required, either a permanent RGH device (360) or a one-time hardware flasher (PS3). The difficulty and price/amount of needed tools is very similar.
I'm using PKHex, where do I save the "main" file on my SD card? Where is the save file location for Pokemon X?
damn, I had hoped the 360 would have been easier, somehow. Where can I get that hardware flasher for the ps3 when I'm in the eu? I'll see how much it costs and then look up a guide to see how much work it is. It might not be worth it after all, I don't have that much stuff I really want to play on ps3 right now.
This new Zelda looks nice.
Can't wait to pirate.
It actually does download from 3ds.titlekeys.com directly now
>Network.downloadFile("http://enctitlekeys.wolvan.at/", "/freeShop/encTitleKeys.bin")
why would you lie about this
it is forwarding, a https->http proxy
Literally just "echo file_get_contents(3dstitlekeys);"
I remember the countless posts of peoples screens with those error codes that meant they'd bricked and yet still posting "I can recover from this, right guys?" and getting angry when we told them they were a moron.
There's a handful of options for PS3 flashing, NOR/NAND will depend on your PS3 model and the flasher you use is all up to you. The guide explains everything better than I possibly could.

I think the Teensy is the most readily available of the tools. It's not a PS3-specific tool, it's just a generic cheap development PCB/"Arduino clone".
fair enough
Whats the current Mario Kart 8 version id so I can download it off NUD Downloader?
Is it 48 or is there a more up to date one?
Just for clarification, do you go into EmuNAND options and go into Miscellaneous for Pt.4 on step 10?
8, it's right there in the name
Thanks, this works perfectly
Do I select yes or o when FBI asks "Install ticket titles from CDN?"
Doesn't matter, there's no ticket for homebrew apps so there's nothing to download.
I'm dumping my SysNAND for the first time, and it's taking what seems like forever. My SD card is alright, and I'm on an N3DS, but it's been almost an hour and it's at 40%.

is the QR code you're scanning a ticket?
does the thing you want to install exist on Nintendo's servers?
do you want to use whatever you're scanning to download the thing you want to install from nintendo's servers?
Where is the save file location for Pokemon X? I'm using the digital version, not the physical cartridge version. How am I supposed to use PXHeX if I don't know where to overwrite my save?
Use https://gbatemp.net/threads/release-jks-savemanager-homebrew-cia-save-manager.413143/ to export your saves, then use the same tool to import the modded ones later.
anyone knows were i can get japanese cias? im learning japanese so i think that would be a good way to practice

already have animal crossing and SPMD
>13GB of dolphin porn

Unless he's found it on the download network?
I tried that to begin with, I couldn't find my Pokemon X save in the Save Manager. I went to Pokemon X -> Export Save, but it just has one option that says "New." That can't be my save file, can it? It asks me to put in a name when I click on it.
Thanks for the link. That's a lot of fiddling for the few games I still want to play on the ps3 though. I'll think it over, but I might just get myself a different project to keep myself busy.
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I have the same issue and it's disappointing since I love the game (have it on PC)

>mfw sonic & sega all-stars racing transformed not on freeshop
>CIAngel will probably just give me the broken CIA for the game
"New" as in "make a new save slot to export to". You can put in any name you want (or go with the default and it'll put in a datetime).

You'll end up with a file called \JKSV\Saves\Pokemon X\nameyouputin\main and that's what you want to feed to your save editor. Make sure to make a backup before editing though.
It's asking for you to give a name to that save so you know which one you're choosing to restore afterward.
Holy fuck, are you kidding me? It was that easy the whole time? Just tried it on my own and goddamn I'm retarded. Thanks, senpaitachi. Let the Pokemon hacking commence.
>the dlc is on titlekeys
>but the game isn't
Why this injustice?
Can you pirate DLC with Loadiine GX2 yet?
Godspeed, anon.
Some anon who owns the cartridge needs to dump the game and make it a CIA for us.
3dsiso.com, CIAngel.
Is this legit?
Would hbg be willing to suck my tranny cock?
Cias for the game exist, but despite trying a few, they all crash in the same places. I'd far rather have the ability to just get it off ninty's servers.
Sure familia
I got a very cute puppy on my side and a nice lava cake; the modding essentials
Maybe the game is just a shitty port like binding of isaac rebirth 3DS.
Yeah, but you gotta find a hax better than arm9l
Can you pirate DLC on Loadiine GX2 or what?

Tell me anons.
Could be, but even the Isaac port, despite how unupdated and unoptimized it is, hasn't yet crashed with a fucked-up screen and required holding the power button until the 3ds turns off.
So is the Wi U ever going to get better piracy?
If you're on N3DS, turn the clock speed stuff off. The game doesn't like running at full speed for some reason.
The only thing better than a9lh is bootrom dumping.
We don't even know whether it's console-specific or not, that's how far we've gotten for retrieving it.
There were some guys who made like a $20000 fundraiser, which was successful, but they just stole the money and were never heard from again.
>a sonic game doesn't like running at full speed
That's ironic. I'll give it a shot, though.
we'll see.
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What's the default clock speed? I'll just launch the game with that speed using Hans.
I'm so fucking happy. The past twelve hours have finally born fruit. I feel like a fucking NASA scientist. This is what happiness feels like.
The lower one of the two. 268mhz I think? It's O3DS speeds anyway. I'm not sure how the clock speed override in Luma works, it might override HANS.
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So maybe this
Is legit?
well he has to leave e3 and upload it so i doubt it.
It would be the biggest vidya shitstorm ever if Zelda leaked holy shit.
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bullshit, there is no way in hell these things are connected to the internet. there's also no way he can access the consoles physically without anyone noticing and there's even less a chance of nobody from Nintendo noticing that one of the screens is showing a giant dumping screen.
Why would he need to leave? He can upload with his phone.
t. someone who has no idea how big 16GB are
there's no way this is real
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I know, I know

I just want to dream.
The guy said it would take 5 hours to upload, which seems reasonable for a good mobile connection.
Thanks, that worked. Is there a list somewhere of games that don't like the increased clock speed?
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Who the hell is going to get a stable upload for 5 hours on their phone?
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>This guy
Shut up
>new zelda games leaks before ZTD

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We don't have to wait till 2017 now!

Game is unfinished tho
>Yfw it's legit and we are all playing Zelda tonight
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He uploaded proof see?
i haven't been active recently wonder what is freeshop thing? is it way to dl old ds games and shit, does it support game updates? cba manually updating all the time
>I can't take a picture because it's really dark where I'm hiding and my phone doesn't have a flash
this is art
It's CIAngel with a nice GUI. It can download eShop titles free of charge.
When backing up my EmuNAND and SysNAND, my emuNAND came out at 1.21gb and my sysNAND came out at 1.84gb. The sizes are correct however are backups supposed to be the same size?
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His account is gone.
read the OP fuckhead
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>posting about it online before it's done

way to make sure it doesn't happen
Some NAND chips cover more size than they actually use.
RedNAND only copies the parts where actual information is written to.
Thus your bigger sysNAND.
this is legit 100% am justinbug
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Prove it faggot
come on man. anyone could use DDD.
There is no way nobody from Nintendo is noticing that.
I don't know if any of you have ever been at an event like e3, but the people who are in charge of the systems there are gonna tell you to knock it off if you do as much as stay in the settings menu too long.
Can I still use emunand with a9lh if I skip the fifth segment in the guide, write my old emunand back onto my sd card and make luma boot into emunand?
I see. very informative. I know this is a silly question, but what is a NAND in the first place? All of my research kinda leads to nothing I understand ;w;
Are you fucking retarded? Why would you do that?
why the fuck would you do that
Why would you use Emunand with A9LH?
If he skips part 5, he doesn't even have a9lh.
dude post a fucking screen of the app.xml
Can ANYONE explain what the actual fuck is going on?
some kid lied on an xXh4cK3rXx forum, retards believe him for some reaon
update us anon, don't let us hanging if you are legit
>Press home to exit FBI, then launch TinyFormat using the home menu icon

What does it mean launch TinyFormat using home menu icon? Do I just tap the app or press the home menu button? This is a really silly question, but pls help
Jesus Christ how fucking dense can you be
this general gets more retarded every day
I want /v/ to leave
File: ze.png (17 KB, 1525x304) Image search: [Google]
17 KB, 1525x304
>Can someone tell etika

>can someone tell etika?
File: 1414204406080.jpg (39 KB, 283x323) Image search: [Google]
39 KB, 283x323
>17 year old loser wants attention and people fall for it
who is etika
and why are you people still falling for this shit
this desu
>not knowing Etika
We are laughing at him you fag.

Of course we know its not real
Where the fuck is ZTD? I need it.
etika is some faggot nigger on youtube who plays pokemon and thinks he's funny
5 hours
>of course we know it's not real
>got it running on wii u taking a pic now
Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 66

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