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Blade and Soul General - /bnsg/
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Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 220
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Why aren't you on Mushin edition?

>/bnsg/ servers
Mushin/Poharan is for NA
Jiwan is for NA RP
Windrest is for EU
Ebon Hall is for EU RP

>/bnsg/ Clans Info

>BnS Resources

>Soul Shield and Gear Cheat Sheet

>Automated Equipment Suggestions


Previous thread: >>144512184
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we are never again.jpg
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Crimson #1
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Xth for combat pose
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So, anyone on mushin for that nexus run?
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Here have a butt pic.
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Xth for reasonable gear requirements
Rilo pls downsize your images. They're fucking huge with just a standard 1920x1080 resolution.
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>Killing Tae
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4 summoners
2 BMs

This is going to be a fun Asura run!
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>just did nexus 6 with a bunch of 4xx ap guys with 2 minutes left
600+ BRAIN
>tfw I'm not in any of your screenshots
>The BM in the back
no. just a random person. he also left and we got a warlock now for sick burns.
>wanting to spend that long in there

fuck off, not everyone wants to spend that long killing a single boss
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How many of you are rerolling to Soul Fighter?

Also, what races can it be? I heard only Yun/Gon in other regions, but game files also suggest Jin, as well?
Yes, Jin/GonYun/ can be Chi Masters/Soul fighters
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Tempted but unsure.
if they had an instant 45 event like other regions i'd have made one, but i really don't feel like grinding through the story again
i'll try this game another time on na with soul fighter since im sick of eu dramawhores and playing bm
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i might reroll depending on if i like it

ive been avoiding upgrading to breeze because of SF
I made like 30 presets prepared for Chi fighter.

Got any for the Soul Master?
t. NA cuck

Soul Fighter is my last chance for this game. If it flops, I'm done.
might as well quit now

yo the other thread is only at 670~ replies, what the fuck is your guys problem?
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Isn't it a FM/KFM hybrid? The two classes you semi-mained (I think, sorry, don't know you well). It could be perfect for you!

I am bummed about the lack of instant 45. I get why the didn't do it, but to expect it all this time only for them to say no is really lame. Going through the story again is such a drag.

Thank you! Now which to pick...
image limit probably
I might, I watched some videos and it seems fun

I've already wanted to quit multiple times. It's not hard to push me over that edge right now.
fun if you have low ping
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I won't, one character is already too much.
>finally have the money for hongmoon skill
>suddenly goes missing from AH

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shes a big girl
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Wow you remembered. Yes you're very right. Soul fighter is a kfm fm hybrid. They can swap between a ranged and a melee stance. The utility they offer is a group heal which can be changed to + x amount of hp to all party members. And a revive.

So I'm sure they will be a nice addition although their utility won't be the best. Dps will be an issue for awhile mainly people getting used to it.

But overall they will dominate pvp and be useful in pve.
on EU I have decent ping, KFM is playable.

Not me. Sticking to scummoner.

Jack of all trades; master of none. Luckily, there aren't any dungeons that truly *require* a master.
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I'll roll one. If I don't like it, I'll return to being a warlock.
i really don't agree with their argument against istant 45. the only reason they had was that the game is still so new, but that makes it even worse to me. playerbase isn't increasing, and the ones who are here all played through the story not too long ago. and gearing up an alt is more painful than in any other game i played.
Not even vindictus was this bad at gearing alts.

We like pissing off mods.
not trying to make you quit, but if you're already thinking of it i assume you have more problems with the game than just the class you play, changing your class wont make the rest of the problems you have with the game go away

if anything, if you really want to see what SF is like and not wait , give the TW client a go, that way you dont have to wait two weeks or so
NA #1122412

Mandate and Cold Storage, who knows, maybe we'll be lucky and get the merchant without spamming!
>need to play the game like a full time job just to break even
>even harder with alts
>if you have a job you're expected to p2w or you have zero chance of even being at pug-level
you guys need to realize that in kr they had months between every patch so this upgrade shit was actually easy for casual players

theres no reason to rush to the end. once the content runs out we're not going to have anything to do.

The game is all I have right now, as well as the only way to play with a person I care about. It's just hard to keep up the facade that I'm enjoying it, but even if I quit I have nothing else to play. I also wouldn't be playing with the person I enjoy playing with. It sucks, because I know I'm hurting them because of constant disapproval of NCWest's design choices.

The best time I had playing the game was leveling with friends, at least it wasn't the same content over and over. I was hoping a fresh start on a new class which plays completely differently to my current one would give me the motivation to continue.

It might just be a pipe dream, though.
>tfw work all day all week
>tfw can only play late at night
>tfw on eu where late night lobbies are rare
>theres no reason to rush to the end. once the content runs out we're not going to have anything to do.

Then why is NCwest pushing out huge updates every month.
because they're cashing in on the game before it dies.

they gotta keep spamming content or else no one is gonna use the currency exchange

>job pays like shit, but it's work experience so I have to do it, and any money is better than no money
>can't p2w even if I wanted to
>quitting the job and playing full time will probably result in me still being ridiculously behind because the pug AP requirements just keep raising and I'm barely increasing
Because they want to catch up to KR?
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trying to get us ready for worlds
trying to wring as much cash out of they game as they can before it dies
The dead e-sports scene. They wanted to get us caught up in content so we could "compete" with the east.
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>Autistic using his own screenshot in the OP
>only reason to catch up to KR is for PvP to make it balanced for eSports
>they're forced to release more PvE content because that's where the PvP HM skills drop, as well as needing the HM level
>PvP is ignored
>PvE is impossible unless you're hardcore and in a static
Literally why
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Select all images with juice.
Where do you trade in Black Feathers? There's nothing in the dragon express for it.
Unless you're working 80 hours a week, you have the time to gear up once you're off work (like I've been doing), don't give up, it won't be fast but won't be slow either.
>As the russian blade and soul brandmanager said in one of his interviews, he talked to the korean bns developers and they understand, that the eu and na launch was completly failed, and in the next launches they will fix those problems using that experience.

>they understand the NA and EU launch completely failed
they're not gonna bother fixing it
we're done
Not released yet.
You can do all the content with Pirate/Breeze

you don't need the be hardcore staticing for that
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Has anybody seen Luu now?

The launch was dogshit.

>start 4 years behind
>eternal queues
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>believing russian propaganda
>were the game is pay2win in every aspect
>where you can literally buy arena potions in the hm store
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What's going on?

I work 40 a week and I'm in a shitty timezone. When I get home from work is when everyone on my region is asleep (including bnsg). I basically have 7 - 8 hours of playing with Chinese pugs who kick me for being 2 points below the AP requirement, or using LFP and wiping for three hours on content I could do in 30 minutes normally

This is a shitty situation that I'm probably one of the few are in. It's just helpful to vent about it.
MDE pls go
Gonna need a source on that, brother.
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Here's some summer music.


Did Luu really turn into an old man? Has anyone seen her?
I guess you considered moving to a server with better timezones already, hang in there.
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+ Asura flames for 1500g?

Just kill me already

Fucking finally. Time to make some dosh
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looking for someone to teach me how to warlock
is it normal to only have 2800 HP at level 30?
i keep dying to trash mobs
what soulshield do you have?
At True Pirate atm, been saving up gold (barely) and upgrade materials for the inevitable Oathbreaker grind as I'm switching to CM. Only 498 AP (to pugs, anyway, I'm 503 with Asura but that's not shown on profile for some reason).
If I wanted to, I could get to Breeze at least, as I have the mats/gold, which would put my AP closer to levels to be able to join pugs (for when I'm not with BnSg).
Should I upgrade to be able to reliably do more dungeon and potentially get more money, or should I keep saving and hope I can still do lobbies consistently when I'm not with bnsg
spec wingstorm into healing (the middle tree), rmb into aoe and healing, get dragon helix (dragoncall rightmost tree) and you should destroy just about anything.
>Asura flames for 1500g
I hate this game
Asura4 Static Tryouts

NA #1128930

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i just got the complete golden deva set, which unlocked for me a level ago
that's what you're supposed to be using, right?

i've had RMB specced into the instant cast thing with the balls (spectral volley?) for the past 10 levels because it lets me whack 'em with rupture twice if i get lucky with a crit on the red attack
has that been a bad move?
fuck off eristic
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senpai merchant finally came through
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I mainly play with guildies now, sorry.
mats will only get more expensive with time so saving gold doesn't really have any advantage.
probably best to upgrade asap, just make sure you keep enough gold for merchant of wonders
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A majority of your damage is gonna come from your wingstorm and dragon helix, while you'll be using bombardment as filler (You'll be applying Target, which causes it to be instant cast, with both rupture and dragon helix). Rupture is also filler, and meant as focus regeneration (You go down the leftmost tree)

What server are you on? If on Mushin, feel free to drop your name.
ears work better on hairstyles that cover the band, like eris
i believe the cinderlands hero soul shield that you buy with cinderland valor stones from yehera's mirage gives more health and crit

if i remember correctly, its been a while
>MF Doom

cinderlands unsung hero*
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This is only from bnstree users.

You guys think this would translate well or similar to the overall player base?
>gunma #1

fuck no
>NA /bnsg/ BTFO
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Anyone bored who wants to do a quick Poh run? We might get lucky with outfit drops! please help

NA #1131081
#1 in bots

>fotmaster most played
>followed by sum
big surprise
>third range class in third place
Why do these people even play the game?
wtf is gunma? ive literally never seen anyone from gunma
how can fm be fotm when it's been the best class for 5 years
fuck off netopi
Warlock race? Please help.
Everybody jumped on sins and bms for style and sums for pubstomp when the game came out here
some people would rather play ranged than be shit on as melee when the game is poorly optimized at the moment, some people dont feel like gittin' gud

for example : me
I'm surprised it isn't higher.
Typical Eristic, we doin content, he is taking screenshots. worst FM NA folks.
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>translate well or similar to the overall player base
If it did, it would mean that 50% of the player base is ranged.

In a game that there are only 3/8 ranged classes.
Actually, I think that it does represents the playerbase
>Gunma #1

>the Kung Fu class in a Kung Fu game is only 8% of the playerbase

Fuck off
>kung fu game
>50% magical shit flingers in a martial arts game
>cm soon
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4/6 please join!

we have super cute lyns in the party
fuck off netopi
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More numbers.

What about now
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Is there even anyone here, right now, from Gunma or play elusively in Gunma?
Doing some quick 3v3s to get the daily out of the way. Come die horribly.

NA #418776
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>rupture is filler
oof, that's probably been my biggest damage dealer so far
i'll mess around with it though, thanks for the advice!

>What server are you on?
mushin, doesn't it have the highest pop?

i don't think i've got enough valor stones for that, actually
I'm joining in a second!

Feels good to be slightly above average.
Message me, Yu Zhixiang if you want any advice! Can also try joining No Sekuhara, people like helping here I think.
Left it set to 1v1. Fixed!
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Well hey, what do ya know? Small world.

I hope you get your hair, Mamuo!

I ran into a Gunma bnsger once a while ago, but I forgot their name.

I remember this because I wanted to make a quip on their server name but couldn't figure out a good one that wouldn't have sounded gay.
>tfw Gul never stops to take a screenshot with you or tries to make small talk

feels bad man
tfw made three lobbies today and only one of them filled

>why no lobbies guys
waiting for one right now
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Nice outfit, luu.

Still wished Bisk's teeth mask outfit won

Make it yourself.
eristic said i have to wait for one to be posted in the thread

why is this general so shit?
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shiposting is key to any general
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I'd certainly be up for hanging out, friend!

I'm currently wasting time in Zaiwei Ruins hitting things with guns that spew fire and ice and waiting for Visasa to maybe spawn, but I'm up for doing whatever other than CS and JSY. Or heck, if you just want to shoot the shit I'm cool with that too.
It's not the general, it's just a handful of pusillanimous people.
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NA 1136963 Heaven's Mandate multiple runs

Clanmate has too many scales to keep track of, so we're going to do five runs to help fix that. Stay for one, stay for all, either and in between is fine with us.
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Do whatever you want.
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>never got a clan outfit

hope you're not too attached to those clothes cause i'm gonna steal 'em
>going to rip his clothes right off
logging in
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>Taking the clothes straight off Kilo
Sasuga Spunk Skunk
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Whoa, if you want me taking off my clothes you could just ask

I'm sorry, we just filled up. I'll post another lobby after this run when we get a free slot. Thank you though
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This Lyn is CUTE
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fuck off netopi
You've posted this 3 times. You weren't funny or clever the other times either. Just piss off.
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this kills the skunk.jpg
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why do you all have to have such dirty minds?
>implying all three were me

fuck off netopi
how do i shimakaze outfit
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It's okay, I can wait.
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Heaven's Mandate
NA #1140141

there was a link to it modanon posted a while back, i dunno if it got archived
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Splinter Cell.jpg
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if you didn't get an outfit we can queue up a single
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We're having fun here in the ruins!

I made a new friend, and Park's giving horsey rides!
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Client 2016-06-05 15-27-38-45.png
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Looks familiar.
Didn't save the profile I forgot.
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>she seems desperate

only if it's not too much money!
i don't wanna be a bother if it is
Thats ok, I like your lyn surprisingly
>pregnant belly
that's my fetish
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I already said goodbye to my good friend.
it shouldn't be.
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I went and did it.

How hard am I going to regret this with the next new events/content?
is this the 4th bnsg to get legendary
wow that sword looks great
Are there any available Mushin girls?
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i hate this game

Say my name
netopi's still looking for a jin male
Why would you regret it? What else could you possibly have spent the mats on?
you should regret being such a fat fuck
hepetica is single
in korea there are multiple legendary lines. there is even a dungeon that drops a legendary weapon thats on par with our current baleful

evil roanispe

really? maybe ill play one after all
>In Korea

who care.....
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Remember to stay hydrated during the hot summer!
Good night /bnsg/!

Assuming that's stage 1, there's 2 more stages to go for now. After that in the fall, stage 4-6 will release.

If you dug around with the codes/weapon IDs, we already have legendary tiers up to stage 9 in it. I just hope the grind is bearable for them, just getting to awakened scorpio was draining enough.
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if you dont regret playing as a whale, i doubt you can regret about anything else.
This is the most degenerate thing I've seen from you.
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How are you supposed to get this if its untrade able? am I just fucked?
You buy the sealed ones.
thats only because they took years from one legendary to another to be released, most of them are catchup mechanics.

since NA/EU has a few months since release, there's no need for a "catch up" mechanic yet so dont expect another legendary for at least a few months or until 2017
oh there are sealed ones? thanks I was a bit worried!
you relevel a new craft
Same thing as with the primers.
its so you actually rotate and use the crafting systems.

this also helps the economy since a lot of crafters will have to drop their professions to pursue their favorite outfits, which means less people making high demand shit
I can't
stop laughing
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well...that kinda sucks because i'd have to drop radiant ring
which i'd like to keep
If you have decent ss, I'd go with the fragment pouch, honestly.
stinger is the only choice there
you can use radiant ring to make forgekeepers and soulwardens, two of the best looking ones
do you know if the ancient adornment are drop or do you seal them yourself?
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Sunday Confessional.jpg
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What's on your mind bnsg? How do you really feel about your progression? What happened to your waifu? Do you miss someone? Server transfers are coming up, what will you do once everyone leaves your server? Is there someone you wish you knew better?

Let it all out
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I love her. Even if she hates me sometimes, we always seem to find a way to stay around each other. I won't stop loving her and it hurts.
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Be still my beating heart
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I upset that someone left the clan to join a normie clan they had a static with, I was pretty good friends with them but then they just sort of stopped talking to me for awhile and now they are gone, it feels like a betrayal. I understand why the left but it still sucks alot, they DIDNT have to leave, you could be in the clan while running stuff with a different clan.
they said they're planning more catch up events though
I'm too paranoid. Someone will know it's me and that will be extremely unpleasant.
Do you need a hug?
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Mind: The realization that Krielle is fat and the the rest of EU are thin is because Krielle absorbed their life essence
Progression: Doing alright, I'm up to 2625 cheevo score!
Waifu: It's a secret
Miss: I miss Cadbury and Usakoi, along with a lot of others
Transfer: I hope people won't leave here, I guess
Friends: Everybody!
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its okay, keeps me busy but i wont torment myself over "keeping up" that way its fun.
never had one
yes, some clannies and a few players
i doubt people will leave our server, we'll probably have a few ones coming instead but if people leave, we're gonna we do it together.
most of the bnsg community, specially those who ive played the most at lobbies, Reri, luu, vam, ghoul, dezzy and whatnot, not going to namedrop 20 people
plus those who pvp so i can stop being shit, specially againts destros.
He was always a normie
Everything will be okay, little blade dancer.

I'm not progressing at all, waifu is in a static and I'm too undergeared to keep up, makes me feel like shit. Feel like a burden on everything and everyone in every run I'm in, just want to quit. Holding out until SF before quitting, hopefully it'll be a fresh start because I always enjoyed leveling with the waifu.

I think my dislike of the game's direction, mainly NCWest's decisions and not the game's fault, is causing me to be unhappy constantly, and I know it's showing even when I'm trying to be outwardly happy. Don't want to make others upset as a result, but I also can't stop playing that which makes me upset or I'll fall even further behind.
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Are you a girl or boy? I am confused.
I don't know. I'm sitting with my waifu right now and doing nothing.
twitch / sdfrilo

streaming asura runs if anyone cares
I'm never going to break out of True Pirate at this rate since SSP is hell for melee classes, plus I only play PVE so getting jumped is shit
I feel like I'll always be behind in progression. I can do all the current content with my current gear but I'll always be last pick and my class is overplayed to boot.
I don't deserve a waifu or any close friend for that matter.
I lack the courage to ever get to know someone *truly* and *honestly* ever again. But in the meanwhile I'll just ride this game out till I stop caring to log on completely. Hopefully make a couple of people smile in the meanwhile.
ask your discord and fuck off
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I want to quit but I still play because I've hopelessly fallen for someone and at the same time I don't want to ruin the friendship we have so I feel like I'm constantly intentionally making myself depressed.
>gul has a waifu

just kill me already
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Fuck you get out of my general.
Wow. Are you me?
You want a (You)?
I don't care to talk about it because certain people will realize who I am.
Progression: OK
Waifu: I'll die alone.
Transfer: I'll switch too
Someone: Yes, but not happening.
then why make this post? fuck off already
Are you a meme like me
it wont be okay, everyone who i try to get close to ends up quitting or leaving.
That's just literally my exact same reason.
>waifu is in a static
Is it eating up all your time with her (or him I guess)? If so you should set boundaries on what is and isn't acceptable. Even asking them what matters more, the game or their time they spend with you. If it's the former you should probably drop them because once you quit the relationship will probably turn stale and die. Better to get it done with earlier than later.
Are you unhappy with your waifu or just the game which is directly affecting them (since you said it's easy to tell that you're unhappy)?
Are you able to find common ground outside of the game? Given that you're behind in gear I assume it means you're either playing casually or there's some other reason for it, but the fact they're apparently as far ahead as they are might mean you have to make compromises of some kind. Have you tried doing solo grinding when they're with their static?

1v1 me irl
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My accessories are still true oath for the most part.


I thought the white one would look better but at least this black one wasn't too edgy.

Yes. The subsequent stages aren't THAT expensive compared to the initial upgrade, however. The second one is "just" 1 premium stone, 4 normal ones, 70 darts and 30 moonstones. That's a steep price to pay for 2 ap and some minor stat increases, though, so I'll just be looking at my accessories next.

What's there to regret? Tanking like this is so much easier.
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I love my waifu.

Overwatch is more fun that I thought it would be.

I sometimes wonder if crabs think fish can fly.

Did my constant denial of Luu turn her into an old man?

What ever happened to mom lyn? I miss her

I don't really like gearing up based on gold. Its just a long climb with less to do with skill and more to do with time spent. While I realize this is the basis of korean games its still a little frustrating. I however still have fun but that said I'd probably stop logging in if not for a couple special reasons.

I don't actually love Lyn boys, I'm about the yuns

I often wonder if its possible to ship a live duck to Eristic

I have no idea why this board isn't meaner to me and all my shitposting over waifus and laps and crap.

I really think more people would like circus peanuts if they just tried them
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Symphogear (60).gif
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are you doing more mandate today?
I can get about 15 resets
Do I know you? Do you know who I am?
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As long as I can get my HM skills I'm okay, fuck PvE.
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