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/agdg/ - Aspirant Game Development Generation
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Shortened OP Edition // Previous Thread: >>144229809

This is a thread for amateur and aspiring game developers and anyone interested in the field.
The OP you're used to is here:

• Waifu Jam finished, go play some games!

• Next Demo Day (Nine)

• Beta /AGDG/ Website

Older helpful links can be found at: http://alloyed.github.io/agdg-links/
Too slow, unfortunately.

Pedo thread won.
waifu jam was a mistake
>making a new thread five minutes to shill your agenda
What agenda?
Their shitposting anti-anime autism
>image that's always posted when he links to other boards gamedev topics
>epic alt /agdg/ acronym
>op neutering
>it's all a conspiracy!
Have been learning python for the past 2 years, and just found out about Ren'Py. I would like to start developing a game similar to katawa shoujo (or maybe even an unofficial expansion?)

Would anyone be interested in helping with art/writing?
I didn't think you'd actually do it.
I'm impressed.
Yup. Actually looking for people.
Excellent. Have fun.
If anything actually becomes of this feel free to come back to /ksg/ and give a us a progress report.
What are u doing for music?
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taco terrorist.png
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reposting my trump Wall building game now with taco throwing mexicans

Last night I removed the walls that would stick perpendicular to the wall since it was more annoying than the fun it provided to be able to connect multiple layers of walls. It also feels more like THE WALL instead of "shitton of brick clusterfuck".

You won't be able to kill mexicans but I was thinking of having an FBI truck that you can call every other minute and it would walk right through the wall, destroying a lane of panels, but it would grab a bunch of mexicans and effectively deport/remove them, buying you some time to rebuild and make your walls stronger.

I'll also have to make the bricks visually explode since when the mexicans throw tacos, the wall "loses a brick" but it's all smoke and mirrors since each wall panel becomes one brick that scales by a factor of X bricks to keep performance from shitting itself. I'll just add some fake brick rigidbody flying.
Looks like a decent goof game
Good point, could use some musicians as well! You interested? I think I'll set up a general outline of what kind of game I'd like it to be, what I'd need (artists, writers, musicians), and maybe set up a forum if people are interested.

This is definitely something I'd like to spend some time on during the summer, given i'll be able to find the right people.
I think I could help u out on the music possibly. I don't know much about VN music tho more accustomed to regular game music. I can send u something of mine later today when I get home but it sounds like a fun project. Will it have h scenes?
>Ren'Py is up
>LibGDX isnt
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If I am 80% complete should I prepare my kickstarter, or wait until I try and win an indie game competition first? At what point should I add a patreon?
>should I prepare my kickstarter
>At what point should I add a patreon?

Develop a following first. Your shit will fail if nobody has an emotional investment in you as a person.
>Develop a following first
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