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Love Live! School Idol Festival General - /llsifg/ #651: Final
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Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 193
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Zenkai no /llsifg/!: >>137134895

>Current Events
JP: UR Maki
EN: UR Eli

>Get the game in English!
Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=klb.android.lovelive_en
iOS: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/school-idol-festival/id834030294?mt=8

>Love Live! School Idol Festival Calculator

>EN Event Ranking Tracker

>Event Tracker


>Love Live! School Idol Festival Wiki


>Numazu Gamers (Aqours) Poster Girl Voting

>Day 2 2015 Live

Please Report shitposters, yurifags, avatarfags
Raibus I won't miss:
Can someone please hack a satellite, I want to watch this live ;_;
second for Loneliest Baby solo fucking when
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I bet you fags don't even honk
Nigo nigo nii~
sixth or something for teenage angst itt
Your taste is not very good
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She sure honks me.
Add Honk and I agree.
Oh yeah add this cunt to the list of raibus I won't miss
Prepare to hate Chika then since she's just a shittier version of Honoka
ded soon
Don't worry >>137214945
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hehe !
ruby soon, friends !

give me your heart and your soul !
I love you Ruby but let u's have today.
how bout i give her MY DICK instead
hey slut I can't see your panties
How long till the beginning of the end?
2 and a half hours
We were all having a great time until you posted this fat whore
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ruby ruby ruu~!
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Final reminder that Nozomi is NOT fat!
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Nozomi is fat. Anime says it's canon.
Why did it get deleted. There wasnt even any nipple showage
i built a dwarf fortress that was shaped as multiple u's things to commemorate the end.
It's called self deleted
No because i posted it
It's called "niconiggers being butthurt faggots. again"
>The truth is they are of the same width. It's just your eyes playing tricks on you. Scary!
Post pics
Yeah and all the posts in these thread are me
yeah but rin is way cuter than nozomi
not really
Too early to start with this Pana
it's also canon

no where does it say nozomi is cute
that's not pana. kill yourself.
Fuck you cunt
Since when do people listen to the clusterfuck that is LL canon?
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Guys which tweeters are you following since the live is soon.
what drugs do you think they take before they go on stage?
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I'll compile a list when it starts, I haven't seen anyone so far that's going to day 2.
Alright thanks anon.
why umi so sexual
How many more hours left?
actually 1
Nico a shit and anyone who likes her should be shot
uhhhh difference?
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stronk emitsun.jpg
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Are you ready for the Final Live?
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>tfw the raibus can beat you in a fist fight
One is candy and the other is actual food
is there any way for us to actually watch it?
Fuck off with your shitty polls you autistic spic
What are the alpacas saying?
>μ's greets viewers from the world
>"world" is actually limited to East and Southeast Asian countries while Straya is just only a bonus

Who Day 2 here?
>mr.wong's special chicken noodles are real food

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>he doesn't know about the restream
"Don't look at me"
"Don't touch me'
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Is it alright to post 3D today?
Thank goodness for Sydney. Watched it yesterday and am going to go again today.
haha, well can you tell me?
It's always alright to post VA's.
Sure give me $100 on paypal and i'll link you
well you didn't even leave your paypal details so...
Sent ;)
email me and we can sort this out somehow.
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Me in the skirt
Me next to the qt in the skirt
Me with the surgical mask
Me in the grey thigh highs and pink shoes
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ucchi dance.gif
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I don't even like burd but Ucchi is sexy.
live stream here:
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2016 Day 1.png
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Pile looks cute!
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I love Yohane-sama! I want to marry Yohane-sama!
>notice me senpai
Is this you guys or is it leddit?
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2016 Day 1 Ucchi.png
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Ucchi looking like my grandpa
God im almost throwing up
What happened anon?
>HQ screencaps
The restream.
3DPD posting happened
>can't access nicovideo
The fuck is even going on?
Where is the restream?
Honoka is shit and anyone who likes her should be shot
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I hope he doesn't get busted.
some dude live streaming outside Tokyo Dome
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Could somebody record the absolute mad man live stream?
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Not yet, Anon
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Why are you guys so retarded on nico chat?
After years, this is the first erection I've ever got from a Umi entirely by herself. My dick is already getting sentimental
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the deed is done.png
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Swallowed the red pill down in one gulp.
I'm ready, bring on the final live.
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but anon I can feel it
Honoka you're nowhere near first, now come back to bed.
ehh there's no good rippi solo in this
>singing in the opposite order they joining
Sorry faggot, if you had played this a few hours later you might have made me cry for real
yes it is
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okay second time round i'm crying
Is there a form to watch the Final Love Live? I don't mind if I need to pay.

I'm not in asia
Yeah the restream
Travel back in time about 15 hours and catch a flight to Manila
sounds like shit
and what the hell is the point of making these farewell songs if there was another one after this
it's like they can't say bye once
It was posted last thread go look for it
VA´s are 2.5D, si it´s always right
>it's like they can't say bye once
Someone post that Rinne no Lagrange webm
How many times do we have to deal with the alpaca sounds?
is okay for me
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>all these niggas crying in this general
>tfw you're the only one who didn't shed a tear because you know u's will live forever in your heart
Your love is just shallow.
>current year
>having a heart
So are the raibus and this show.
Take that back cunt
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anon no
Now that I know Pile used Love Liner for the final live I can rest easy at night.
I liked Ucchi's on this.

is she actually showing midriff?

ugh please say no I don't want to lust after 3DPD
Yes, she is.
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RIP my penis when the rips / BDs come out
So what time does the Kotori event start? 5 am, right?
That is actually pretty rare though. They are always playing it safe with a lot of the costumes, like music start, and even Emi's didn't show midriff even though the original did.
Emi is a fatso. I'd fuck her but there is no change to that
>wanting to fuck 3DPD
At this point I'd fuck any D. Even yours, you sad fuck.
>wanting to fuck a drawing
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Which loli raibu you would adopt?
Showing midriff is never a problem if you have the body to back it up. Just look at Akky from those im@s lives all those years ago. Maybe Ucchy has been doing some situps.
Child umi. I'd give her a nice home, warm meals and some good molestation.
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Mermaid > Magician > Constellation > Baseball > Valentine > Circus > Initial > Thanksgiving > Animal
I will make child Nozomi happy if you know what I mean.
I only masturbate to 2D drawings of cute girls but now Ucchi is making me change that.
Doushio I'm not gay
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Please give a fucking sound warning next time you inconsiderate fuck.
I was going to say that to my reply but I got distracted by delicious Ucchi midriff
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Who got snacks and watching yesterdays restream?
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listening to the Aria's OST is making the things better
That isn't the restream, thats Animelo. Ucchi didn't even wear a outfit remotely like that at the 6th.
nice blog panafat
How about you use your brain retard?
Pretty sure he's not talking about the fact that it has sound but rather that the sound is really loud.
fuck uchida
fuck nanjo
marry rippi
kill nico
>fucking 3DPD
fuck off
Nico chan is the BEST
Final live in 10 minutes, and no stream
Yeah, her adult videos are the best.
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PKE Point.webm
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Kiss Nanjo
Introduce Nanjo to my parents
Marry Nanjo
Back off she is already my wife. Stop stealing my webm's and not even naming the real file name.
She's 2.5D, that means she can be shared
Elifags are cancer.
i heard screen Eli is back from 2nd live. fuck that. FINAL LIVE RUINNED

I won't think any less of you anon.
>can't share the same air with μ’s in the final
>biggest blunder in my life
Can't decide between child Umi and child Eli. Child Umi is adorable, but if I adopt child Eli I get to protect her smile.
No it doesn't.
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Post >yfw Nanjo's knees ruined µ's final live
>wanting to protect a little slut's smile
Sluts are best if they can smile easily.
That is my fetish.
Do you have any raibus as your girlfriends? How your relationship going?

I know somebody here dating the famous raibu
its starrrrrrrrrrrrteeeeeeeeeedddddd><><><><><><><
Final part of final live is starting any moment now ;_;
Yeah I'm dating all of the muse.

I-I'm jealous.
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Who cares?
It's not like everyone here can watch it
>3minutes in
>tweeter anon hasn't posted any tweeters
p-please stop...
Apparently you just need to restart the app if you want to hear those alpaca during live.
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>Emitsun's thighs in their first 2013 anniversary outfits
>thinking i'm at the venue
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zzzzz friday.png
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farewell μ's
What happened to the nicovideo link?
All the people at live viewings giving updates.
sleep tight mackers

It's still ded?

I want my Kancolle MMD fix
the only one's who actually matter are the last two the first two and just typical tumblrshits
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This time, let's sleep forever
They're still doing the livetweets which is all I give a shit about.
No such thing yet
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It's hard to get a good screenshot with how much they're moving, I'd make a webm but I'm too retarded
>being this salty
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>correcting someone
They aren't gone yet
still got the sets in SIF, events, bd for final live, best box, solo collection 3, and all the other shit in dengeki magazine.
God nanjo is so hot
>2 songs in pile is sweating
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Can't wait for aqours so nicomakishits can fuck off for good
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Glad the hagfags are gone. Sunshine is the new hotness.
I wish they'd bottle her sweat so I could drink it
They will remain in our hearts and hopefully our minds

Also, the reason why they will disband is because I will marry Eli after this. She's pregnant.
Fetusfags can't even give it a rest for 6 more hours.
I'm dying not being able to see this

Why are Sunshinefags so salty all the time?
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Post your favorite Aqours!
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It's just one guy.
>having that boring slut as your favorite
Glad she isn't winning the Gamers poll.
Hanamaru is going to win so it doesn't matter.


Aqours are going to fail.

We are going to get a second movie exclusively about the muses.

It will sell like hotcakes.

Then we get S3

So fucking newhags and their retarded fans can go fuck off
Because sea covers more than half their background.
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It's just sad, really. That nico stream gave me so much hope and now we are back to being stuck with just tweets again.
I guess, I don't know why he keeps falseflagging though and making himself look retarded.
>being this delusional
Hagfags are you fucking serious? Lmao out of here with your delusions.
You know that twitter retard is at a cinema and not at the actual show right?
because he's a nicofag
these cockroaches are always trying to ruin this general
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Underrated post
Gay post
>Shikaco and Emitsun already fucking up
This is going to be a mess, can't wait til the blurays come out
>Ucchi crying already
Found 3 more.
>Ucchi already crying

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>Ucchi in tears
>Nanjo tearing up
>Kussun almost crying
>only 30 minutes in
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>not even an hour in and it's already reaching critical
does anyone have a picture of the crowd at the dome?
haha losers
Who cares about the hags? Sunshine lives will be 1000x better.
Last half hour will just be them crying their eyes out
Damn I should be sleeping now but these updates are keeping me up.
Here's your (You)
Now fuck off.
With surprise guest aqours!

>can't even quote right
Sup newfag
>Not staying up to read 6 different twitter feeds so you can pretend you're watching it
You guys are pathetic
i can't bear this anymore><><><
i'll try clairvoyance
You are an idiot for responding
Is this fag that desperate to get people to talk about Aqours?
>staying up 6hour for useless hags that will perish after this
Nah rather save my time and do some productive
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After Aqours doomed final orpossible success will appear a new group of girls. Their familiar faces and hairstyle looks like and old glorious idol group.

Next LoveLive project is muse's daughters
He is falseflagging. Probably hates Aqours
Leave him, he'll just be talking to himself after this is done.
>Nah rather save my time and do some productive
Like shitposting on an anonymous imageboard lmao
Probably isn't even a regular here, just trolling and people taking the bait.
>being this delusional

>Like shitposting on an anonymous imageboard lmao
I know what you are doing no need to tell me.
I just want Aqours to be over with so we can get a new group with actual cute designs and not
>here's 5 girls with some dumb side tail or dumb hair loop
Don't mind him. He's just having a severe case of Diarrhea
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>You will never experience being in the last live of μ´s
Good it's shit anyways.
Nanjo cutest face
Emitsun cutest body
Rippi cutest voice
Soramaru cutest personality
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>Next LoveLive project is muse's daughters
Yeah sure if Sunrise wants their whole studio burnt down by angry otaku.
>You will never see Mimorin shooting Pile with her Love Arrow Shoot

H-how is that possible when the raibus are gay?
Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 193

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