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/wotg/ - World of Tanks General
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NA power edition

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where do i look up tank info:

How do I get platoons:
Ask in the /vg/ channel
How do I heavy tank?
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Nth for Fatton buff when? ;-;
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eat shit panzer 2 j.webm
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>statpadding tanks
feelthy stetpedder heat spem noob
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ap t92.webm
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Boy am I glad arty is still in this game :^)
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Out fucking skilled
Why not replace it with m60a1, if ruskies can have armor then American medium can have 193mm front hull and turret armor right?
Reposting question in new thread, because I only have enough silver for one tier 6 at the moment and I don't want to get the ""wrong"" tank.
>if ruskies can have armor

you know this isn't how it works. a load of hipster good players play it and make it look not shit, while the infinitely superior overpowered russian tanks are weighed down massively by hordes of plebs so their stats don't look as good as they should
>I was driving slowly I'm an open field, why did this artillery shoot me?
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>See that slow tank wading through the field?
>With all the enemies shooting at him?
>Yeah so imagine if we added a class that ONE SHOTS HIM for making such a mistake
>B-but he's already vulernable to fire, why would we punish further?
WG would never balance tier 10 mediums out. Also what >>135838439
what's the best gold tank?
They had the M60 as a reward tank for the PC version (consolefag here); they gave it virtually no armor for being of balance. )))))
The tank made of gold, goy. :^)
I'm a shitter who defends arty, why am I subhuman scum
that's m60/xm60 without the turret and upgraded hull armor of the iconic m60a1/a3

Type 59 is probably the best all around premium, but good luck getting one now
Fug, you're right. I think putting in the M60A1 would be great for the game. 193mm of frontal armor is nice and would bridge the gap of a very stagnant tier 10 medium meta right now. But that's just wishful thinking.
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Man, this mission sure sounds like fun!

>that guy who reposts my webms
>that guy who samefags
193mm is the front turret with a mantlet of 250mm, front glacis is 109mm which is better than m48 and much better than the 93mm of m60
Tournament starts in an hour guys
Tournament goes up in 15 minutes get in the ts
I want this meme to die
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So basically a workable tier 10. I like my Fatton, but it's just a good gun on a mediocre platform. At least I almost have the E5 unlocked.
It's arguably too armored and I'll agree, but it's still got fucking weak spots unlike e5
Why is this allowed
I used to not panic when I ran into an e5 and now I just go in the other direction when I see one. and they could balance it out by shaving the turret armor down to ~180mm and keep the mantlet as is.
To stop over matching I guess, same reason chieftain is 119mm gun. Another way to balance
T-34-85 line or A-43 line? Also, is comet and beyond worth a damn?
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>tfw no one else shows up to your tournament team

Guys come on we only have 3 minutes until the battle starts
I can't comment on the A-43 but the 34-85 is really solid and has an above average top gun for its tier. You can also hop into the IS line which is what I plan to do.
And yet the KV-2 gets its real caliber

is balance tovarish)))))

This also applies to the Type 4 & 5's 14cm guns, this shit bugs me to no end
WG are extremely biased to their main market, who would have thought
>daily reminder when u buy anything from WG

KV-2 or O-I for just some dumb fun in tier 6 when I don't want to play seriously? O-I seems to have a slightly better gun, but it's also fucking huge.
>almost 5k games
>havent spent a single cent
Don't worry about size. Arty is trash at that tier.
>but it's also fucking huge.
Its also near impenatrable by everything at T6, even with prem, and will bounce T7 & even some 8 tanks firing standard.
0-4 buy is-3a
5-9 save for hoi4
you fucked up
>not save for dark souls 3 or total warhammer
>paying full price for Dark Season Pass 3
when will they learn?
>hipster difficulty
>another shitty total war that will get an "expansion" of what it should be in a year
They learnt after the dark souls 2 blunder surely, rumours indicate it's going back to roots and an actual sequel to ds1
But maybe it's another cash cow
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I rather waste 50 euros for patrician priviliges in ToS
Already got burned with Dark Souls 2 soul memory mechanic
>devs learning from past mistake
If only.
happened to me only once, back in 2013. I still remember that warm and fuzzy feeling inside. E100 didn't even raged. good times
I'm talking about the people buying these games. DaS 1 PC was 40-something with the DLC included, DaS 2 was shit and you had to buy it twice to get the whole thing, DaS 3 is 85 euros with the season pass, what the fuck
I'm an enormous faggot
I enjoy having big things up my butt!
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Easiest 40k profit
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>being a pc cuck
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>95% Win chance
Where is the fun?
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are You slightly mad, friend?
Wow, what a boring meta to be a part of
>implying they didn't just suicide against your OI's so they could get into the next battle quicker with battle payments on
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Being purple doesn't mean being good ))))))))))
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no I'm just mischievous
I'm talking about the Type-64s and Cromwells
What the fuck am I looking at you fucking groundhog
Comwell B is meta
Poorfag Cromwell is not
but 6 Type 64 is the best
keep trying
>Comwell B is meta
it's not, it's only good to make dosh when you play for fun
>mutz is on sale again
>always regretted not getting it the first time, and it looks fun as fuck
>already have a few premiums that i never use
>they're not meds though

damn i don't know what to do now ;_;
trying to do what
>your set ups
>getting 5% win chance ever
gg but honestly, i would bench from clan activities anyone losing agaist you :^)
ask yourself the following question:
do you want a prem med that has the gun handling of an STA-2, armor of a patton kanker and is faster than both, while having the pen of a CDC?
Tfw ignored
No regrets, trust me
a fastcap win while on credit bonus
>i would bench from clan activities anyone losing agaist you :^)
Smooth yout edge senpai
We are quite decent in t6 skirmish but we can't do t8 because we don't have enough people with tanks of that tier active
>it has been like 4 years seen an anon on /wotg/ first started using the )))))))))))) as an ironic WG employee expression
Go tell your facebook buddies about this, millenial.
Ok senpai ))))

Considering that the gun handling is far better on paper than that of the STA-2, doesnt sound that bad

never played any paper mediums aside from the patton which i absolutely love

212 pen at T8 is nice too
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>"I choose to play artillery in a game about tanks."
>E5 is OP
lel (loving every laugh)
stop this shitty meme please
E5 is balanced, it's my most played tanks so I know

E5 isn't much more "unbalanced" than the IS7 is, desu

it's just that the IS7 has been so dominant for so long that everybody is used to it now

both tanks are retarded in different ways.
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>call someone a cunt
>3 minutes later
>"woah language"
oh wow

I forgot this game existed
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How do I deal with the fact that my normie clan doesn't like it when I get salty in chat and teamkill shitters?
is nofun dead?
Is there any way to stop the camera jumping around like crazy when you go through a tunnel or sometimes even just into a valley? It's incredibly fucking annoying.
its been 49%-52% shitters for the past week now, i'm looking for another clan myself
commit sudoku

you'll do all of us a favor
exercise self control and try not to be a cunt

use them as damage shields instead
Come to NA and join BENIS
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I want sub 2k WN8 55% WR deadweight shitters to leave
You can be the first to go if you want
>start a battle
>get shot by a friendly 100 wn8 heavy in the first 15 seconds
>get to the front line
>2nd shot damages my ammorack
>3rd shot blows me up

fun game
by coming back to nofun
>T5 battle
>entire team instantly dies
>11 people with less than 100 exp

It happens at tier10 too

But I'm not Euro tho
they 'play for fun'
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>dying in less than 1 minute
>0 dmg
Playing for fun require playing the game first.
Why they bot?
My theory on that is they paid their way to tier 10 and think that's how the game is supposed to be.

for some the peak of their aspiration is getting one shot in before dying

it's all relative anon
No, they are terrible and either incapable to understand it or don't bother at all to improve and having real fun at the game.
These people just make me mad
It can't be both, anon?
No, because if they can't realize they are bad they can't improve
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>trying to repack the Duke Nukem voicemod to 9.14
>do all the steps correctly
>get to step 6
>"Now listen to all 5 million voice files and take notes on what they are"

How autistic do you have to be to go through all this shit? I thought this would just be a simple matter of taking all the voice files and repacking them in wwise.

Anyone who is patient enough to do all this want to repack this mod for wwise?
They could realize they're bad and not give a shit. That would actually make them worse.
This game is infested by this kind sadly.
>this game
More like every F2P out there, the same kind of fauna on AW
Nothing will ever change as long as people can still get 500+ XP with premium account on a win where they did nothing, while that guy on the losing team with 5k damage gets fuck all. Unfortunately these are the people who buy lots of premium time to keep the grinds progressing, so there's no incentive for WG to change the XP formula.
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>mfw banned 1 hour for shooting HE at a Comet that kept pushing me out of cover

fucking worth it
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best tier 7 lights coming through
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How the fuck do you play German heavies. I play mostly TDs like a shitter and im fucking baffled.
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anybody want to do a Tier 5 Stand-To with me if I make a team? map is ghost-town so a heavy roster is more preferred

It'll will start at 6:30pm Central time on the 22nd

post what you are listening to
you don't, they're awful
What tanks are preferred? 122mm KV-1?
yes sir, but the 85mm has been pretty reliable in the March Madness tourney so we can talk about it as a team about the line up
Depends which line did you choose. They're best used as support at least until tier 8-9. Pretty accurate guns with decent DPM, not that great armor (again, that changes when tier 9 comes). Against people who don't know to shoot angled plates Tiger (P) is pretty sturdy, but that's about it, I think. E75 and VK B are full frontline tanks, though, with great overall armor and pretty good guns, too.
to anyone that was interested

>Allowed Total Tier: 18

so it'll probably 3 Tier 5 Heavies and a Tier 3 scout
I'm going down the E-100 line, at the D.W. 2 now. I guess i'll stay back behind KVs and shit then,
I'll join, there's only 18 tier points though so you'll only be able to bring 3 tier 5 heavies and 1 tier 3
tfw i am starting to get better at this game

> tfw im still an orange shitter

pls no bully im 200 games in at a 48% wr.
They're shit up to tier seven. I just moved from vanilla Tiger to Tiger II and it is amazing to see how many people don't know how to shoot angled armor.
Yea I'll make the team tomorrow or right after the final round of today's tournament
Can someone please halp a WoWS player get into Tonks?

I know im doing this backwards but I just want to grind tonks but this game is way more grindy than WoWS ever was.
Pick the medium or heavy Russian lines
>have to wait without moving for gun to become accurate meme

why aren't you playing War Thunder Ground Forces yet?
Even I have skids but I'm usually nowhere near the bottom XP earners in a match. Dealing with shit teammates though has been a serious drag.
i bought a Rudy while it was on sale.

I love my t34-85.

I also have the Skoda T40. That is good tonk as well.

I went up german line but i have t28 right now. Should I push to the KV-1? Even tho t28 is aids and i hate playing that thing,
>I only play guns with shit aim time

stop playing russian tonks you sperg
No one will respect you in game until you're atleast 3-4k games in. By then you should have an understanding of map tactics and general weakness of tanks in every tier you play at
I don't even play this game, but the whole aim circle being able to expand to the size of your moms anus from a slight movement is just bs desu.
KV-1 will be a different play style. It's something you'll have to experience yourself to figure out if you like it or not.
I'm starting to like playing the M6 more than the KV85. Am I having a stroke?
>implying you can aim instantly with the state of the physics in WT
No, the M6 is a solid tank. You should be worried if you enjoy playing the douchewagon II.
Yes, you can, because your gun spread isn't magically increased by 400% from moving an inch.
there isn't any dispersion in WT though
the tanks bump and slide around faster than turret traverse and gun elevation mechanism can compensate, even if the does shoot where the cursor is, it doesn't mean you can aim instantly unless you're already stationary
>unless you're already stationary
that's the point though, you can't do that in WoT because you still have to wait for your gun to "become accurate"
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>it's a nine TDs on the opposing team episode

B-but only arty causes people to camp!
>arty apologist
fuck off
that's a very small point since turret traverse dispersion is quite low unless you're throwing your mouse around
in wot, 66% of shots go straight regardless of how big your aiming circle is

think of it as applied physics, the uncertainty principle.

russian engineers can never be measure both: where the gun is pointing and how long it's been there

only if you wait for long enough, the probability waves line up and you can be sure where it is
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I haven't played WoT in four months, the buff to the Matilda's maneuverability is a real joy :D
saved this post
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>still getting connection interrupted while loading a match
>my win8 or what ever is dropping
>want to quit this shit after 2 days
>get given good games in KV2

Fuck, I swear they know my weakness.
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>defending indirect fire in a direct fire game
>>135860310 (you)
Lmao fuck the D.W. 2 this thing is garbage, Maus here I come
Tournament starts in an hour guys!
yeah it's pretty bad. try sidescraping and aiming for module damage instead of penetration, if you have a good team mate with you that'll get you a bit further

>Saying there are other things that cause camping
>Defending arty


it's actually the secret best tank in the tier 4
tanks also use indirect fire a lot
Thank you, based anon. :'^)
This is not how the uncertainty principal works
>pretending to be someone you are not
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Fug, why'd you have to get trips? Now I have to commit sudoku
I almost think the maps are too small in this game now that all tanks are sanik fast
no shit sherlock
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Getting ammo racked is the best :^)
>Get KV-2 & free xp the derp
>Can't hit shit
>Shots eaten by tracks & guns for nearly no damage
>Hardly ever crit enemies
>Everyone else enjoys 1 shots and massive damage
I just wanted to have fun....
On my 1st match I did 1 shot a T-28 with splash. Mde me chuckle.
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Except that literally was me.

That's what you get for playing meme tanks
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fucking hell, you still have to carry
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To one shot you need to be top tier and rape lower tiers or just be lucky.

My best was a long range shot on T25/2. I felt sorry for him.

I find the problem everyone aims for KV2/derp gun machines. even if your in a t7/8 match they want to kill you more then others around you.
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who miss old nofun here?
No one cares goatti
fuck off goatti
That's not the lgbt
It's been a problem for a while. WG can't figure out how to make bigger maps without making slow tanks completely worthless. Well, more completely worthless than they already are.
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>old nofun
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>implying i'm oldfag enough to know who Fim "literally who" for is
>play tier 10s
>1200 damage
>0 damage
>2300 damage
>460 damage
>1600 damage
>recent WN8 still advances to 2700 from 2640
what the fug
No, the M6 is statistically superior the the KV-85. M6 is more mobile, has better gun handling and massively better depression, and the front armour isn't much worse (ie they're both shit). KV-85 has some side armour and better DPM.

Granted the OI obsoleted every other tier 6 heavy now, but I still don't understand why people clung to the KV-85 for months after the split happened. The gun depression is just too limiting unless you know the map in advance, and even then the old model ARL44 with 105 was better in tournaments.
I miss Arocalex
who ever popularized wn8 as the standard rating should be locked up and tortured
propose an alternative
WN9 that's in the works
WR :^)
player statistics
That would largely be XVM's fault.

No rating system will ever be good until it incorporates assisted damage.
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>getting ammo racked in my amx 5 100 twice
You are literally who goatti, fuck you
what does /wotg/ consider a bad, average, and good survival rate?
it doesn't matter at all
Depends on the tank, but 30-35% I guess. Kind of a useless metric
What is a good distance traveled per game? I feel like there aren't enough stats for me to feel good about myself
Have I implied anything else, friend :^)
Survival rate is much less important than actual contributions to the game.
idk, I consciously try to play the same way regardless of how many hitpoints I have, and my survival rate is ~20%
so my wn8 & average damage are inflated but my winrate is low as fuck
>every time
t. literal who
Trying to grind the Sturer Emil is suffering. It's only redeeming quality is its gun depression, but that's pretty useless when it takes half the game to get up a suitable hill and still exposes paper-thin armour when hull downing.
it's fun with the top gun

But it requires a 50k+ grind with the stock gun to get it.

I've been saving my free experience for a rainy day. This just might be it.
It makes a huge difference, the 10,5 is absolute garbage.
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>Playing my AMX 12t
>Camping at 40kmh running from a 34/100
>Hit by arty for 500 & tracked
Shouldn't have been camping like a noob. Learned my lesson.
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help me /wotg/, for the past 4 months i have grinded french arty line and now when im at lorr 155 51 (yeah i play very inactively) i realize that my wr has dropped 7% (65% -> 58%) and wn over 800 points (im barely blueshitter anymore). problem is that i just cant figure the fuck out how to arty, i cant even manage to get 2nd moe and i keep seeing even tomatoes with it. how the fuck do i have fun playing this piece of shit which cant hit anything reliably???
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A man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones. Imagine every game is a stone, some easy, some difficult to lift and carry. No matter what it is you will be rewarded with something better in the end.

Unless you're driving French tanks
Git gud shitter
Arti is very difficult to get 3 marks in or even 2 also you can't shine as hard as in other tanks so it shouldn't be any surprise.
>the day after you got nothing but wins and averaged 4k wn8 suddenly MM feeds you complete potato teams - defeat,defeat,defeat,defeat...
>Playing S-51 with 203 mm
>See tiger 1 coming from flank
>Load AP
>he bounces me, I oneshot
>"reported for war pack I have tier 9 arty cant do that"
>he has 47% WR and plays 90% of his games in french arty
>Here's your 67mm penetration gun tovarish
>It's on a medium tank, so remember to flank
>Tier 5 O-I Exp 75/70/70

Thanks Wargaming.
What tenk?
>going through light line to WZ-120
ayy mao zedong
Panzer 3.
>Speedybambino with a passive aggressive bitch fit.

top scrub
>lel jap heavies cant bounce anything
>look at their armor no angles
>too long reload times

t. jap heavy players
Mao tsesung will live forever, Stalin into trash be forgotten forever
Just load skill :)
Makes me hard desu

Free xp past it if you can

It's garbage
>Play so sparingly that I'm I only have 5k battles since 2011
>Not a single MoE

I should just commit sudoku
tournament in 10 minutes goys :^)
>wasting free xp on a tier 4
Could be spent better elsewhere. You should only do this if you have a shit ton of playtime already and 20 or so lines up to an elited tier 9. For everyone else but the long term veterans, all those little free xp dumps into minuscule grinds is just making the real grinds that much longer.
Tournament in 1p minutes and I'm not going to make it for the first few battles again tonight. Sorry for being a shitter.

t. Mongoose
Looks like everyone stopped posting must be tournament time
there is 10 minutes until tournament starts, only 2 of us are on
fugging benises show up
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>benis a team on-track for 12k gold and 13 57
>nobody shows up for todays round
They'll end up electing Clinton too
8 minutes benis

Get in the tournament

Lucky we had a bye this round
I would love to show up but these slow fucks are taking 15+ minutes to melt cheese on fries
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The fuck are you talking about?

Come home you don't need cheese fries fatass
I'm getting my dinner that should have taken less than 5 minutes
>getting your dinner 15 minutes before a tournament where we're winning $80 worth of shit
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>amerifats value getting dinner over a tournament they agreed to show up for
It was right across the street I usually am in and out in less than 10 minutes
then just fucking come back here and forget about your $2 cheese fries, you have 4 minutes
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You should be ashamed of yourself

You took an unnecessary risk to satisfy your gluttonous ass
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Is there a mod to remove the horrible beeping every time a module is damaged? I can't fucking take it anymore.
So I am grinding the Japanese med line. Currently at the Chi-Ri, should i go with the autoloader, or should i stick with the 7.5 type 5 model I? I will need to unlock it anyway, just wondering if it is worth unlocking the cheaper module first. Conslebaby BTW.
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>mfw Benis B-Team is on time and performing admirably
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benis a-team managed to field a team and won it's game

No need to panic
the autoloader is the only mediocre feature on a really bad tank
We got 4 at the last minute.

We're going to make the straggler change their name to cheese_fries with the winnings though.
fucking do it
The autoloader is one astounding feature upon a heaping list of admirable traits possessed by the Chi-Ri, among them incredible gun depression and a wonderful hitpoint pool. Do not shame the Chi-Ri with your tongue
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