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/mbgg/ - Mobage General #527
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Thread replies: 255
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Reborn from the ashes edition

This general is for discussing the less popular mobage (Mobile Games). Games whose /vg/ generals wouldn't last a day or two on their own and games that are not popular enough for their own general. Typically these are Japanese only games

>For a full list of games and information on them, please READ THIS:
Feel free to request a game to be added to the list.

>When playing Japanese Games:

>Friend ID/Name list:

>Upcoming mobage doc

Link to previous thread: >>134934018

Remember to REPORT and IGNORE shitposters instead of giving them the attention they want and helping them shit up the thread.
Was nuking shitposters and accidentally collateral damage'ed the OP. Sorry.
God damn where are all the good 2016 mobages?
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girls frontline
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Are a group of people fucking with us or something
I love you, thank you for cleaning the thread.

Is this a really game? Googling gives me nothing.
Should've just kill the general senpai.
Great work, don't forget to delete this one later so we can make it the third one in 24 hours
Your best bet would be modded cs or f2p korean game or pso2
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Why so many thread kill?
What the fuck happened
Well the first one was because of a butt mad janitor that got upset about a grimms notes op and the second one was because of shit poster pruning apparently
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/Mbgg/ janitors gone mad with power.
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I'll reroll nonstop once its out
I want to reroll but fuck the CC tutorial.

Its so long, annoying and unrewarding. I'll definitely be picking it up for this collab though.
Is that girls front?
Or stupidity
anyone try "Summon Revolucia"
It's a fucking mess. Card game that doesn't have coop? Docomo needs to get their shit together if they want a piece of this yummy mobage pie.
>tfw your favorite Japanese actress was in a mobage commercial

Thats what I typed first and only the first link talks about it and is about plagiarism. Anyway found the site and it appears to be a browser game you can play on android like Kancolle. Looks good.
Its not a browser game
>march release
>already mid march
It's coming out on the 31st isn't it
>Only looking forward to 3 mobages in 2016 so far
>1 has a 99% chance of being cancelled
>Other 2 are taking forever

Finding a new phone game that wont bore me in the first 2 minutes is really hard.
Silently cancelled or delayed like last period
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You might be old enough to realize all phone games are shit compared to real games.
Not a release, march is obt
Sounds like Digimon Linkz, just change March to all of 2016.

Nintendo will change that. They will make Mario Party and Animal Crossing for phones and it will be awesome.
The only way nitendo is fixing console games beonf better then phone games is if they continue to make games.
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I'm glad it's over.
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Just started playing very recently. Is this a decent start?

fuck you
It's not a very hard game senpai
Why PSO2?
Gretel is good. Everything else is average, but non-whales can't be picky. You'll be fine anyway.
ranger/gunner + appropriate weapon and costume
Are you a fucking retard or something?

Why did you delete the previous thread exactly? Because it put you into evidence and you didn't want people to read about it, Mikirin?

There was nothing wrong with the previous post and you just wanted to have the OP for yourself again for some reason even though it was unnecessary, it's about time you passed the baton to someone else instead of always being the fag with the OP post.

Can see that happening now, even though you'd probably be jesting.
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Remember to REPORT and IGNORE so we don't have to go through another shitfest again.
>implying you can have my (You)
Thanks senpaitachi. I'm still in the second map so plenty more gems incoming I guess. Are any of the other cats worth rolling for?
I seriously don't know what your problem even is.

Are you too full of drugs to even understand that you can't always do this kind of shit? We were already done with all the shit going on at the time you deleted the OP and it was even more so manageable without needing to remove the entire OP that someone else made.

It's just so disgusting and retarded, what you just did.
Summoners War anyone?
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Tiara cards
More info when they actually come out

[Tiara] Miki
Skill: 16x damage (18x damage), Medium Circle
Randomly selects between two different attack patterns:
Increases damage dealt by 50% and adds thunderbolt to attacks for 15 seconds.

[Tiara] Nozomi
Skill: 19x damage (21.85x damage), Medium Circle
Randomly selects from three different attack patterns:
Becomes invulnerable for 15 seconds.

[Tiara] Kurumi
Skill: (5.4x)*3 damage ((6.2x)*3 damage), Medium Circle
Randomly selects from three different attack patterns:
Increases damage dealt by 50% and becomes invulnerable for 15 seconds.

[Tiara] Kaede
Skill: 23x damage (26.45x damage), Medium Circle (Homing)
Stuns enemies for 7 seconds.

[Tiara] Hinata
Skill: (1x)*9+(6x)*3 damage ((1.45x)*9+(6x)*3 damage), Small Circle (Cross Directional, Homing)+Large Circle

[Tiara] Sadone
Skill: 19x damage (21.85x damage), Linear (Front)
This thread is officaly reddit way to go . I hope you people are happy all opinions that are unpopular are now down voted and deleted
Why did you just crop something out of Reddit like 10 hours later?
Rare happy sadone
that's what happens when literally everyone is playing kusoge
She looks really happy and really cute there.

I hope we eventually get at least one card that removes her dead eyes and keeps her in a happy state.

All mobage are kusoge, anon. Some are slightly less shit/cashgrabby than others, but they're all kusoge and I don't think anyone here is under the delusion that they're playing legitimately good, well-designed games.
Now that you mention it, this is the only general with a lot of deleted posts.
The only way to remove them is to keep her eyes closed
>this is the only general with a lot of deleted posts
>I've never been to another one in my entire life
This is the only general where a janitor removes the OP thrice, even for personal reasons.
I dunno the other ones I've been too usuley only delete porn in most and anime in hearthstone.
What of it?

Reposting because autist janitor deleted the other OP.
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Or keep her happy with lots of headpats.

Lots and lots of headpats and presents.
I'm a resident of any f2p games in vg and it's true.
>have a different opinion
only at /mbgg/
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Happy Birthday Miki!
Translation for the birthday event: http://pastebin.com/BVsNC8WS
Seemed really short this time compared to others. Also, the cake that Sensei gives is the 1k gifts.
I've never seen that happen in like, forever.

And I know because it has happened to me.
I'm going to put that eating out guide to good use and take her to a nice family restaurant.
>recommending a 1.9 game.
This is gonna die faster than Innocent Bane.
If I did it would be in the FAQ. I don't even know what gameplay is like yet.

It's 1.9 as someone else said in the previous OP because apparently it was bugged out when it came out yesterday.
They haven't fix it. Game still crashes a lot.
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Forgot to mention, White Day stuff and Onsen end in under 4 hours, when Tiara is released.

For White Day, that mostly means all of the 9k gifts go back to being governed by the gel's whims, except Miki's which will stay in shop for the entire day.

I have no regret translating her regift to that.
Okay I'm going in blind I'll have a review in a bit.
Don't bother i already played it. Tutorial roll seems to be fixed ssr but that's where the good ends.
>stamina based
>autobattle fest
>no multiplayer from what I've seen unless it is locked behind ranks for some shitty reason
Whats the best place to farm bath salts fast before the event ends?
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UI feels like it's based on molasses, real card suites just feels bad the art is bad.
Final rating
1.9 at least it works.
TL soon

I hope
Last one of the 2nd set if you have a weapon that heals. It seems to have the most toweled serpent spawns, which drop them. Most I've had drop is around 3. Earlier ones seem faster but don't really drop any. Plus if you're over point total, every 15k gives bath salts.

Stick Miki in the party too.
Is this basically dorapo?
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I don't know what dorapo is but you build a deck of creatures and play them and they fight automaticly I couldn't wait to stop playing.
Damn, 2 invulnerable cards and a thunderbolt card. Looks like I'll be spending 1000 gems on this set too.
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I want to lewd a jellyfish.png
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First part was posted here for people that missed it.
Not the translator anon, just reposting it.

What if I don't have a healing weapon?
Dragon poker/dragon ace. You had cards and played poker hands that do extra damage or something. This looked similar because it used the same card numbering
Hope the TL anon delivers. I'm curious how they did meet and it looks promising so far
It's similar in that they're both card games but instead of poker it's a Japanese game similar to the Chinese's landlord or Hong Kong's big 2 if you're familiar with those.
Make one. The hammerミョルニル and spearソプデット made with the white crystals with the blue outline remodel into life-stealing variants. I swear I had a picture of the hammer but I can't find it.

That's too much work right now, so just don't get hit.
The easier stages might also be faster if the last one is too dangerous.
I could go back and screenshot all of her affection events. Would like to know if he found a video or not before going through the trouble.
Why is thunderbolt good? Does it bypass weapon weakness defense?
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What's the best place to farm these that's not the daily?
Any high level coop will drop a bunch of runes.
I've been farming the hardest difficulty for the solo mission on the Nemo/Noah story. You get 20 blue and red things, 40 and you can trade in for those things you need.

Started two days ago and it allowed me to almost cap Noah, and 4/4 level 30 her motif wep.

A little worried about doing any difficult coop since I don't know how hard it'll be.
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so anyone playing this ?

Might want to head there instead because there's no players here
There use to be
Additional attack that hits your target wherever it is for half of your damage, but also unaffected by weapon resistances.

It's become so useful that it's almost the only thing I use.
TL anon here and fraid not. Or at least not in the quality I could use. If you could screencap it then compile it onto an imgur album or something similar that would be wonderful
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Whoa, she looks super cute in this outfit.
I want Kaede to step on me.
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Tell me about it.
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No, have some Miki instead.
No more cake, pls
>can't even clear mob of gels
It's shit right?
Those steps sure look low energy
Looks like a worse Sirius Anko.
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No, more cake pls.
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Reminder to append :orig on twitter links to get the full size.
>Sirius Anko
A what?

And forget how it looks. It's a 50% damage boost with lightning bolts buff. Crazy.
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But she wants to share.

My bad, thanks.
I run 11* Limit's Battlefield
Wait a minute. Now that I look at this more closely, the skill does randomly choose either 50% damage boost OR lightning bolts. Well, that just makes 3/5 of these cards garbage, since they all seem to have the same wording for their skills.
What they said on twitter for the movies:
Hits in the middle of the target, has the potential to stun.
Autoreload and SP cost down on 5-combo for her friendship skill.

Gives thunderbolts or a 50% damage buff, with the potential that they'll overlap.
Gun Sadone?
Staff Sadone.
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>Horrible skill animation.
>Worst dancing.
>Doesn't even guarantee both buffs.
Well, what can we do when she's shit?
It's a shame about those actives.

Doing them slowly. I hate using imgur but it seems to be the easiest for this. I left out the MC's reactions.

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Are they even going to slow down soon?
>Slowing down
Seems like imgur might be down but take your time anon. And don't worry about the MCs reactions since I'm not really bothering with them either unless their amusing
yeah i just looked for 2 minutes but fucking hell i rather play alone then be there
Works now and starting the TL. Thanks a bunch anon
>roll to dodge
>camera freaks the fuck out from auto targetting
I really hate whoever designed bghs' camera
That's just me forgetting to make it public I think. Here's number two.

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I hope, i never got Miki again in this Tiara gatcha. My deck already flooded with Miki.
Any niggaz playing Tales of Link yet?
The Limit Breaking of 5* cards kinda unnerves me but I hope it's not mandatory if you wanna challenge endgame content.
you're definitely getting miki now that you said that
I have many Renges and most of them are spear, this gatcha I'm safe from her.
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Ive been emailing FromJapan back and forth and theyre literally going to PRINT out my bought account details and MAIL it to me. What the fucking fuck? Just EMAIL me you retarded nips.
>mm yes pay for shipping goyim
You guys are alright. Dont use FromJapan
They're also going to add a "Fuck you" and draw a smiley face next to it when they make you pay shipping for a piece of paper.

Should have used a better site.
Thanks anon. About halfway through the bond 1 events and they are up on the pastebin but I'll resume tomorrow since it's been a long day for me
No problem. I'll link the rest of the albums to this post once I'm done uploading them. I appreciate the translations.
50 minutes left until Tiara.

Sometime ago, I asked if we wanted to try to figure out if affection is triggering the desire sensor for gacha. I've made a form for it, but it's kinda ass, since you'd need to redo affection each time.

Shall I post a link?

Have them fax it. Last I remember Japan still uses fax machines for some reason. This probably won't help though, since who the hell has a fax machine still.
Not that anon but they can email it. FromJapan is intentionally shipping it because they dont like when people use their service to buy codes and digital goods from what I heard.
I figured they just want to physically deliver something, so asshats can't say they received nothing and chargeback.
I'm curious, post the link.
If what I heard is right, you will get a message that says "Please don't use our service to buy digital goods" or something along those lines when you get your account info.

I think they're the only service that do this shit so you got really unlucky when picking a site.
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Hahaha oh my god dragon apocalypse.
>Have data validation to error for numbers greater than 100
>Test with 77
>Too high

Here's the link. You can go into co-op or change seating to see everyone's affection at once. Selecting the student with highest affection in class is optional and maybe irrelevant if they're not in gacha.
Holy fuck this is so bad they ought to be ashamed of themselves to even ""code"" it.
So you still get the account? They just leave a passive agressive comment along with it?
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http://imgur.com/a/jfOKk First
http://imgur.com/a/uw5vi Second
http://imgur.com/a/o1rd9 Third
http://imgur.com/a/0mrVI Fourth
http://imgur.com/a/wPTEO Fifth
http://imgur.com/a/DDwWT Sixth

Went over each of them so they should be in order.
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So much quality
so i started gun girls z

so if anyone want me to use their invitation code just respond to this and i will use it

first come first served
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So inspired
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>Got wrecked so hard I can brag about it
3 more tries for Sardine
Oh boy.
What is this?
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Mixed feelings here, but I guess I'll accept it and save for now.

Would like Kaede for leg zoomins, but I'm not that into the cards I'm missing.
And the dupe woes continue.
At least I got the card I wanted the most.
Dragon apocalypse its the very definition of Mediocre.
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Atleast got Nozomi
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>tfw all you get is a soulless girl
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>Rainbow run-in
>six 3-stars and Kurumi
Time to see how broken she is this time.
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Holyshit I got Kaede on my first roll, I feel blessed.
With Sadone, I only need Kurumi now.
Please go explode yourself, thanks.
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Just in time for her birthday
>3 singles
>0 Tiaras
Oh well, back to stocking up gems.
>fucking got miki
>already have Valentine Sakura

Why the fuck does this game keep pushing miki on me.
Uh anon. There is a guaranteed 4-star for the first 10+1 roll over 4 days, not singles.
Tiara PV is out
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I know, but I didn't want them bad enough to spend a full 250 here. Especially after how many I spent on onsen.

Which means I probably should have skipped this one entirely. But I still like to toss in a few rolls, so that there's still a chance to get 'em.
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Oh dear God, it's not random chance of either buff, but instead both buffs when you're at 26+ combo.(28+ in Kurumi's case)

Miki and Kurumi are broken as fuck.
>Kurumi is broken

Who would have thought
>Another set of broken units

And the creep grows. I don't get enough dupes or weapon type limit breaks to keep up with this.
Does it ever buff both if you get your combos high enough? For mob clearing Sakura just wrecks. I guess miki is for multiplayer sandbag killing.
Holy shit kurumi fucking beasts it. Combined with the 20s anti knockback and with 3 tap I can do anti - kb, invul + damage, 2x damage special and never drop the anti-kb.
Or alternatively, spam charge attacks while giving no fucks.
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Okay, event news. There's a bunch.

Main event first
>Each Tiara card provides +0.2 bonus subs work
>Event rewards a Cherry Blossom plant, which increases co-op damage until April 15th
>The tree's level increases as you accumulate event points, max level 3 for first half, max level of 5 when last half comes
>The 'Idol Magazine' from event rewards, when given to a student, they'll say something about Tiara members

Record Player!
>When placed in the room, allows you to change the room's music to any of the Idol songs, including solo versions of cards you have
>You can change music for various scenes from MENU > Options > Sound Settings
>Requires version 1.1.2
>Record player obtained from the present battle available until the end of Tiara events

Finally, the secret phrase is: 力を貸して
The space is to get the ime to kanji, or just copy paste the first
Addendum, after some experimentation I've determined this.

Miki gets +50% attack buff at 13 combo, +50% attack buff and lightning buff on all skill uses at 26+.

Kurumi gets just the invincibility buff on at 14 combo, +25% attack buff and invincibility buff at 28 combo, and +50% attack buff and invincibility buff at 42+.

Miki pretty much just shits out damage incomprehensively.

Kurumi literally cannot be hurt or flinched if paired with movie Kokomi on top of also getting a +50% attack buff. The buff durations are also long enough to squeeze a third skill in.
Nozomi gives team wide invul at 40+ combo and her animation isn't bad at all.
So everyone is broken?
The secret phase is what?

Do you mean it's

I'm a bit confused.
Fuck I wish I got kurumi. My sword cards are all pretty shitty right now.
Where is a tiara apk? Bot app and apk pure don't have it.
Oh, found the record player in the dorm shop too.

Someone will have to correct me, but China Miki has no knockback for 10 seconds, if you couldn't pull Movie Kokomi. Kokomi's lasts for 20 seconds however.

Oh sorry, the two below are reading and romanji of the first line. It's only:
>Including solo versions of cards you have
>Of cards you have
sadone's not that great
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Hooray, got nozomi and broken ass stuff
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This thing is fucking great.

It bothered me not being able to identify voices in the the songs, so it's fascinating hearing how close/far the VAs are to their character while singing.
Now how do you use it? Tapping it isn't showing a new option.
I'm glad miki has a worthwhile card
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>Collab repeats
God I'm tempted to roll for meme girl. I hate how stingy YH is in their currency
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I take it i re roll?
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You know what to do
That's just your tutorial roll. Do some rolls on the current idol gacha then reroll if you don't get some of the broke ass shit
Chulip's song sounds a lot better as individual tracks.

Place it in a room, poke it and choose the play button.

If you can't do anything with it, update your game.

After you throw your last two rolls at an Idol gacha of your choice and get no 4-stars, yes.
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Where can I get this from guys?
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I was the one who said I wasn't going to play on Miki's B-Day. Now look what happened.
You might be missing some idols? I didn't realize that for a while.
Chaguma Normal, area 14 stages.

I think they're for the Hero team clear sub-mission.
They sure sound pretty similar, at least the ones I have. I wonder what sardine sounds like.
Gacha LOVES giving you whoever you dislike the most.
See >>135248882
I forget when it was, but I remember posting who I wanted in gacha but knew that wouldn't happen and I'd get Kurumi running down the hall last on my first roll.
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Any good?
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You're rolling the wrong gacha. Roll this one
Eh. Anon pls, you should be rolling any one of the idol gachas, not normal gacha.

It's a cute outfit but not something you should start with. I suggest rerolling, using either Chulip or Sirius, then grinding 250 gems to roll the guarantee for Tiara.
The default music is there at the end, so that should still be available without any idols. So they probably just need to update.
How do they do it? Is it possible to cheat the desire sensor?
I don't really like her voice
I think the normal Tiara version is better
Kurumi isn't even my lowest affection, Hinata is.

I want to research desire sensor relation to affection but only have one other response aside from my own >>135246269
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Can confirm desire sensor is real.

Never liked miki that much. But she's been growin on me since she's practically carried my ass through the game.
Does she sound confused and robot like? If so, at least she's in character
Alright, let's go.

>Best song?
>Best off vocal?
>Best solo for each song?
no it's not robot like at all
it's just a high pitched voice and I find it kinda annoying
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If you don't roll, gacha can't give you who you don't want.

If you don't strongly want to get (or not get) someone, anyone it gives you is a pretty good roll.

Otherwise, just shove it full of gems until the one you want comes out.
The only thing I understood was re roll, got it.
Is a costume not a 4 star charcter?
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Went from 25 gems to 250 between now and the start of the gacha. I don't have the will to do this for another day.
give me a sec and i will fill that in.
Gacha is war?
DO it. It will get easier for a bit than get harder.
Normal gems are dried up along with event clear gems. Not worth it when I just wanted an outfit for Sadone.
Every card comes with an outfit. based on what they're wearing on the card. (Except subcards, but those don't come from gacha anyway.)

But that gacha is all old cards you can trade in dupe crystals for later. And they're a lot weaker, due to powercreep.

All the other gachas are cards you won't be able to get later on, and much stronger. >>135253257 is the most recent one.
I hate Kurumi for breaking the game and being ever popular despite being rather boring.
Plus I have every single one of her Secret Lessons. They all end in disappointment and a hopeful Sensei getting shut down.

You want a 4-star from any of the gacha you passed on your way to the normal gacha. Reroll a gacha with outfits you like, then save up to roll a 10+1 in the newest one.
Oh, I gotcha. Thought you were that new guy rolling.
I like Believe in Stars the most, as for solo I'm going with Nozomi and Kurumi, because I like their VAs..

That was me during the Valentine Gatcha, and even after all grinding I couldn't get Kaede, still Keep up.
There are a few exceptions, but again, few. At this point, Animal Kokomi, and Doll Play Sadone? Either way, they're probably the ones you might want to trade in for at some point.

Animal Kokomi is a nice AoE that heals 40% to the user.
Doll Play Sadone allows you to reload without rolling after a combo of five, which is amazing and makes her great even with power creep since there is no guarantee that you'll pull a limited girl that does it.
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No idea since missing 99% of chuu and sirius. Nozomi Tiara. Guess Anko for chuu since she's the only one I have
Forgot to link the new guy's post.
How come I can't freely add the 2 event guys to my team? Do I need to be a certain level or something?
>the 3 girls I'm going for in one roll
Please implode, anon.
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Tulip > Sirius > Chulip
Same for off vocal too I think, however
>Solo sung
Chulip > Sirius
Michelle Anko is pretty but it doesn't really sound like her
Subaru or Haruka
Not enough of Tiara to determine
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So what are you suppose to be doing on their birthday??
Is there a way to not change bgm sound level in general when raising volume of song in dorms?
Eating cake
Tap them to set cards.
Poke around, you can't mess up anything.

Outside of dorms uses general sound options.
Hmm, dunno why bgm outside of dorms rise when I increase the sound on that record player then
I actually only have 1 4* kurumi and it's her pirate card. I don't like her either so it's all good I guess, though it would be nice to have more broken shit
>Anko is pretty but it doesn't really sound like her
It really explains why I never really 'heard' Anko before. Not that it's bad, but not our hikkomori.
Got Kurumi on my first day. Hoping for kaede and sadone.

Also holy shit, that practice field is gorgeus as fuck. The best I've seen, followed by the pirates.
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Everything is greyed out do I need to do an event?
Ah weird. Usually new stuff for dorms has bugs or it's just using the same bgm volume setting.

She gets really close for less lyrical parts.

Oh! Those are subcards. You don't have enough affection yet to sub them on anyone, but that's what they're used for.
That is a sub-card, you can't use it for battle. Once one of your students get to 10 affection lvl, you can use that card to increase their stats. The only way to level that card is with exp orbs, which you can find in your inventory.
Wells fudge, thanks.
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I wasn't gonna roll for the outfits.

I wasn't gonna roll for all the talk about how broken they were.

But this record player stuff may yet get me to roll after all. No group version of Tiara's song without at least one of 'em.
>Do 10+1 roll of Sirius for it
All 2/3*s
>no chuulip cards
>tempted to do 10+1 for one
Rolling outside of guarantees is indeed harsh.
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Alright I guess that makes up for only getting sadone from the tiara gacha
>Chulip Sakura solo.

This is delightfully in character.
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Nice to see all the little panels that I've missed.
Wow, Asuha sounds kinda shit in her solo
Asuha's VA isn't much of a singer. Best singers are pretty much any girl who was an idolmaster honestly. Love Live too I guess.
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Went for it after all. Not bad.
I did 3x 10 rolls and got zero 4*.
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Get a fucking room you two.
So the 1000 coin gift on their birthday is better than the 9000 coin ones right?
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Haha happy birthday.
The 1000 coin gift is good for finishing achievements. Other than that, the 9000 coin gifts give more total affection and have a better gift return pool.
They do. Every night
I guess I'll stock up on both. Currently don't have 4* miki.
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Re roll anon here, how bad is it?
You got probably the least desired card of the set.
Welp I tryed guess this game isn't for me.
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>tfw melee feels weord compared to range thanks to Chulip Sakura/Sirius Haruka/Christmas Hinata cheese-team
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