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Alicesoft/Rance General
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Alicesoft/Rance General #490
Last thread: >>135173213

What the fuck you guys? Edition

FAQ: http://pastebin.com/5sGDpNCx
Read the FAQ before you ask questions.

Alicesoft Image Booru: http://haniho.booru.org/
Rance Game Translation Chart:
Rance World Notes: https://mega.nz/#!nRESUJYZ!ZqoypfshkozVBFpeFGI3Oi5xBtU22SjnrnfjIo2SUGY

Remember to use spoilertags when discussing and posting images of plot elements, especially those of untranslated Rance games. Ignore and report any blatant shitposting, including nameshit
Check pastebin for FAQs, downloads and General Hints

Just Released

Beat Blades Haruka (ENG)
buy from Mangagamer if you want to buy

Recent Releases

29th Jan 2016 - Tsumamigui 3 (JAP)

29th Jan 2016 - Rance 01 OVA Ep 3 (JAP)

Released Last Two Years (See FAQ for downloads and info)

October 2015 - Blade Briders OVA (JAP)
August 2015 - Rance 03 (JAP)
June 2015 - Rance 01 OVA Episode 2 (JAP/ENG)
April 2015 - Evenicle (JAP)
January 2015 - Mamatoto (ENG)
December 2014 - Rance 01 OVA Episode 1 (JAP/ENG)
October 2014 - Blade Briders (JAP)
September 2014 - Kichikuou Rance (ENG)
April 2014 - Rance IX (JAP)

On permanent hiatus unless localised by Mangagamer. Late 2016 at the earliest for the next Alicesoft game after Haruka.

Rance 5D - 100% translated,100% edited. Never to be released

Rance VI - 88.4% translated.

Rance Quest - 59% translated
Apparently this thread dies when I sleep now


Translated English Isoroku Doujin
We're really having a bad day. 2 dead threads in 1 day. I have stuffs to care off, a book to return to the library and then I may not feel lazy to start Evenicle.
WE'RE ALIVE. Thank god.

Why's /vg/ so busy lately? I look away for 5 minutes when we're on page 9, and then we're archived.
I'd normally be bumping as well but I feel asleep on the keyboard
Needs 15 pages to be honest
I resumed collegue today and I'm one of the regular that sometimes bumps.
I guess it was a combination of a lot of people not being around today.
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I agree, 10 isn't enough for this board.

If we just keep dying like this, we should do what so many other generals have done and start a Discord group.
It is only one day so for now lets continue as normal
This is no coincidence.
There's also two that voted for the Free Cities.
Helman only has manly men and even their women are manly(Minerva, Amitos). Meanwhile, the Free Cities has Bird.
Two people voted for Rolex in the best swordsman poll as well
Would Bird try to seduce a Helman woman? I mean, he must be pretty desperate by now.
Something like this is the only thing Bird can aim for.
I'm also usually bumping around that time and the thread died while I was watching Ajin, so yeah. All 5 regulars of /haniho/ looked away at the same time.
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Surely nothing bad will come of attacking him.
>Attacking Pulptenks father
Come on
Sheila, Anasel, Elena etc
Pulptenks is love.

How far in the game does she pop up?
Saving her is the first major objective in the game so maybe an hour or two depending on how much you fuck around in town and the early game wilderness?
She has two sex scenes
That's not enough. I hope she's as cute in game as the OVA.
There is a few things that are missable. Like some gal monsters CGs, better to save often. Like once a day or at least once a level.

Try reading the newspapers on the inn from time to time, there is some fun lore info on it.

The OVA does a shit job in general
Oh shoot, thanks for letting me know.

I don't know if I'll be able to read the newspapers very well, but I'll give it a shot.
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I really don't know what to say about this mother and daughter. Ai seems to have the male role somewhat mixed up to say the very least.
Sen doujin is next by the way
Oh boy, I'm really excited then - because she was pretty cute in the OVA.
Absolutely glorious.
I had the last post, but the thread died in less than 20 minutes. /vg/ is just faster than usual.
That's what I was thinking too.

Either the jannies aren't pruning correctly, or there's been a new huge game release.
As far as I'm aware, The Division was the last "big" game release. Hyrule Warriors Legends is another week~ away, then Dark Souls 3 is next month.
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>that Rance
>Rance 01 for 3200 yen on Mandarake
Is it time to start the collection?
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He looks fine at times.
Alright, so be it.

Tracking down Alice 2010, 5D, and VI is going to be a pain in the ass.
She's absurdly popular.
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Official Rance 01.jpg
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Kind of sad that the new generation of Japs can't appreciate Maris
>Maris that low
What the fuck, Japan
More importantly.
>Sill above Menad and Willis
>And Lia and Yulang
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I'm terrible when it comes to name Kanji, what's her name? Nami something?
Nami Takeda IIRC?
Horikawa Nami, Her real name is >>135227005 though
Oh damn, really? Well, she did say she was from Takeda.

She also said that Rance reminds her of her brother, I believe. Hmm.
She's the Takeda princess basically akin to Senhime,
That's awesome. I love her design, too - really attractive.
That isn't surprising. Sill generally only loses to relevant characters.

Lia isn't that popular

Horikawa Nami but she's the actual Takeda heir.
Rance resembling her brother is a reference to the initial plans for Sengoku Rance which was going to be a RPG where Rance joined Takeda
>RPG where Rance joined Takeda
That sounds amazing.

Then again, joining Oda is pretty awesome too.
>Sill generally only loses to relevant characters.
>Loses to Nami, Millie, Pulptenks and that Mysterious Ninja that never appeared again.
Relevant characters and a few other characters per game.

And in Rance 01 Mysterious Ninja is the only other major girl in the game.
Pulptenks was also great while Milly and Nami are really pretty
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Damn Nami, that hurts.
At least we're better than /vn/
That's not very hard.
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So many options, oh my.
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Loving every second of this conversation
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fuck Milly
D-Do I have to?

Can I fuck Nami instead?
You can fuck both, You need quite a bit of money to buy the item to beat Nami though
Do both
Neat, will do. Is there a hard time limit on these things?
Milly has a timing related to her event and if you're too slow you won't get access to quest to get her scene, Nami's you can do anytime after seeing the required event
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From memory there sort of is for Milly.

But it's late game stuff
Millie has two, the time she gets attacked by the giant lizard and the glasses that disappear after finishing the mansion.
How is Tsumamigui 3? From a few of the posts I've seen here, the girls seem a little... bitchy.

Ah, okay. Gotcha. I'm worried about a hard time limit for the game in general, as well - I tend to spend way too much time fucking around.
Tsumamigui is one of their NTR games. The girls have to be sluts for the concept to work
If the girls are sluts, wouldn't it just be cheating?
Don't think too hard about it.

They have very loose legs though
Milly's first event is triggered by some dialogue, you might want to look up a walkthrough for the side quests in 01 if you want to do them all.

I'm honestly not sure how to describe Tsumamigui 3 at this point other than Miyuri and Kazuto being Infuriating beyond belief. All of the women are sluts to some degree but Miyuri seems to be one the of worst kinds of sluts, those who emotionally manipulate without even noticing and cause quite a large deal of pain for men.
That emotional manipulation isn't exclusive to sluts.
Women and Slut are interchangeable terms in this case.
Damnit. I usually try to do all the side quests, but hitting all the flags within small timeframes, following a wiki in a language I'm bad at seems like a disaster.
Milly's scene is worth it
If she's the only girl with time restrictions for the most part, then I think I'll be fine if I don't push events too fast.

I'm still worried that I might only have X amount of days to clear the game, though.
There's no overall time limit.
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There's no time limit that I'm aware of, nor should it take you anywhere near that long to finish it in case there is one
Phew, that makes things a lot easier then. I was worried I didn't have time to go fuck around and grind in the wilderness for a bit.
You might want to keep a piece of paper around to draw a map out the main outside area with notes of what appears on each ? square.
It gets that bad? Yikes.
It gets that bad in the 25+ area

Better animation than the Pulptenks sex scene in the OVA
Rance 03 has the same dungeon system but fortunately Rance 03 has maps
I found /tg/guy's stupid roll chart when organising my folders
I don't even.
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this one?

>leila glegnee
>There aren't dubs in /vg/
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Man, I've just been running around town in 01 and using all the actions I have available for a while. This is pretty entertaining.

I suppose I should go talk to Pulptenks' father now, though.
I don't want Helman scum
05, 05, 05, 05.

Alternatively, I would a 54, 28, 83, or 30. Maybe 01.
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This seems new
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Only one line so far but it seems QD has the same personality as in Evenicle

For some reason I really like her voice
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Heh, that was unfortunate.
Kuu is the best regardless of what game she's in.
This reminds me, the anon playing 01 probably should've read this before starting 01, huh?
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In Evenicle they didn't even try to hide she was in charge of camelot did they?

Same Theme.

>trying to eat the protagonist
No, QD and Aruther are stated to quell in Camelot
Wait, why should I have read Drapeko before starting 01?
No, not Drapeko. That Evenicle bonus thing that came with the popularity poll. It has some hilarious short scenes and one extra H-scene for Kath.
OH. I intentionally skipped that. No Ramius H-scene, no play.
Once I finish Drapeko I can do my long awaited replay.

If I'm confident with my reading after that I might try and do a translation patch for Haru Urare
Is that the prostitute simulator?
Nice. That's one of my fetishes.

I'm not good at JP yet, but someday I'll become a hero of /haniho/ and translate something
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I've already decided QD is best girl
I got the 100 advance gold from Pulptenks' father, do I have to buy the very short sword from the weapon shop, or can I get Rance's sword back from Nami?
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Actually no. She's obviously a lot younger.

I can see her developing into having the same personality as Evenicle QD though
You never get that sword back
What? It was just supposed to be collateral, goddamnit.
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You don't get it back because Rance completely forgets about it
She's just a mysterious but competent ninja who never appears again.

I have visual proof of this
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stop trying to eat him QD
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I want sex scenes with the nee-san
How did that happen?
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Yep. QD's VA is perfect
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Highly competent ninja

>QD tells some 10 year old kid that he's lost forever
>he starts crying and calling for his nee-san
>QD starts laughing at him
>Este starts crying out a list of about 30 names he'll never see again
>Oh I said Gilbert twice
>QD gets annoyed about how big his list of people is

Got the feeling that I'm going to enjoy this
Did they retcon her into competency?
No. The mysterious ninja fails to capture Sill of all people
It's not Kanami


Can a hymen be torn twice?


The plot thickens.
> Can a hymen be torn twice?
Yes, because it can be surgically restored.
I wonder if Hawzel and Hornet regenerate their hymens

Kanami you slut
She could also be a phoenix.
Doubt it, Kamilla's didn't
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QD is much better looking than Noce

Kamilla wasn't a virgin when she became a demon

But Satella's didn't in Magnum so obviously they don't
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dragon slut.gif
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they weren't kidding about the bad ends
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titty hero.gif
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Gentle Rance, eh?
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Rance does not approve
But Rance is the biggest lolicon of them all
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Contraception should be banned from my eroge
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I see, I see.

Rance is being a nice guy, and she pulls this.
Kanami is Sioux's cool nee-san after all
I concur, ban contraception. Ban Riche as well.
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QD has a best girl rival

Bet this maid betrays Este though
There is always hope that the Kalar Queen is pregnant, after all Riche didn't use a contraception spell and the queen did state she is still fertile.
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Well fuck
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All these bad ends

Meanwhile slutty mcslutt is 150
So, where do I take these ALICEMAN pennies? I think it says the Monument of the Saint.
In the Main wilderness there is a shine to ALICEMAN, take them thier and you get 1 bonus ability per coin. There's a optional order to choose as well
Neat. How deep in the wilderness is it?
Not very deep and you can get to it without a single battle with proper movements IIRC
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This is a pretty funny game
一発屋 = Critical damage bonus
超代謝 = 15% heal after each battle
粘り腰 = Chance of survival even if knocked to 0 HP
免疫力 = Length of abnormal states is shortened
戦闘狂 = 20% bonus XP
戦闘狂 = 20% bonus gold

You want to get 超代謝 -> 戦闘狂 -> 戦闘狂 ASAP
Ah, excellent. Thanks anon. Saves me the trouble of having to look them up.
>You want to get 超代謝 -> 戦闘狂 -> 戦闘狂 ASAP
超代謝 = Means you are no longer capped on exploring via HP
戦闘狂 = Faster leveling saves grinding and snowballs the eariler you get it but you can't use to it's maximum benefit without 超代謝
戦闘狂 = You need money to buy better equipment and the late game stuff costs a lot so the earlier you get this the less you have to grind later on

一発屋 is very good but due to the random nature it's ranked below the 3 above

The other bonuses are good but don't effect game play as much as those 3 as all of they all help soften the blow when you fuck up, and you shouldn't be fucking up to begin with.
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My sides.
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He gets a loli maid anyway

Just happens to be the Vampire Princess
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QD sees your dick.jpg
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Would you give QD your used underpants for a transforming mecha?
Who wouldn't is the better question.
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Good, now stop hogging up screen time that the other girls need.
I want to knock her up and then leave her to raise the kid on her own
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Well apparently QD can make androids and shit
I couldn't subject my own blood to that.
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Oh for fuck sake, is this women some kind of fucked up succubus?
She seems like it. Damn, she has issues.
To be fair, the guy is clearly at fault in that situation. He's held a crush for a women who already denied his confession and who has already married another man a good 10 years ago, on top of that they don't keep in contact at all. Nobody in that game knows how to move on
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>full blooded incest

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Well damn, I didn't expect this to happen so early.
You fight her more than once.
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This is why your maids should wear underwear
Wait, how do I buy the item to advance Pulptenks' side quest line (the 980 gold one)? It's supposed to be at I, NET.
Oh, figured it out. Talked to the robot and he updated his database and items for sale.
Oh come on, it's a robot.
Yeah knew it
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Fortunately QD isn't a treacherous whore
Obviously not
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Sorry for doubting your best girl status
For anon playing Rance 01, remember to save from time to time. There are two slight different scenes for Yulang depending if you beat her in the coliseum using a trick or actually level up enough to beat her fair. You would want to go with the trick as that also unlock Nami's scene, but at least save and beat her fair once for all scenes (or just get a save later and see it, I guess). And don't worry about the time limit on Millie, it only starts after the scene you try to go into the weapon shop and she isn't there. Then you have 3 days to do something.
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Going to rape the fuck out of that treacherous bitch of a sister
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Mighty Doragon
That's a relief, the time limit was hanging over my head like the sword of Damocles - and it turns out it didn't need to be.

I've been making a new save every 2-3 days or so, so when the time comes I should have a save close to it - thanks for the advice.
Oh, and after going through her scenes and side quest, I have to say even more so - Pulptenks is love.
>Est has to collect the seven dragon gems to complete his wish

This is a highly original plot
Never seen such thing before.
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>10 posters

jesus christ
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too loli for Rance
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sasuga QD
>too loli for Rance
I find that hard to believe.
I'm surprised that Rance seems to be the only character with sense in that regard.
Fucked up the filename last time, sorry about that
>remember kath
>satella wife version
>best game gele
>ride Kamilla
>wife satella

>raping milly
>dick fucked
>shizuka please
>kayblis ramius
>wives quest
>possible hornet products
>ride kamilla
>best game gele
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>ride Kamilla

Yes please
>died 3 times in a day

What a time
Well we died twice during the my sleep last night so please don't die this time.

I also do recommend Drapeko if anyone has time to kill. It's pretty funny so far.
We were about to die. Don't leave NOW!
I still have Evenicle to see until the end before even feeling like doing anything else.
Not again.
Beside the announcement of a new Fate game, I don't see what else could make vg move so fast since yesterday.
What is she trying to say?
I haven't been able to figure it out yet, either.

Must be a lot of shitpost threads being made or something. Of course, we have the infamous /lolg/ that fucking bloats the board with it's previous threads constantly.
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Well then, 1 last bump from me before I have to return this book. Then, if I'm free, I'll actually fully start Evenicle in Japanese. Big pain in the ass but that's to be expected.
I believe in you, anon.
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I don't know, something seems off here. Do you really belong at this school?
Obviously, don't you see her school uniform? Duh, I don't know what are you thinking.
Just like the mysterious ninja, that's another character that never shows up again.
Aw man, that's a shame! She's extremely attractive. I sure hope she shows up again someday.

I don't know, something just seems off about the uniform on her.

I find it hilarious that Rance noticed something was off as he was leaving, too.
He has a good intuition regarding women.

Another what game?
That's for sure.
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Tell me about Kamilla.

She's in VI, right?
she's a dragon slut
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This is gold.
Can't wait to see him again in 04. It'll be hilarious.
There's going to be an 04? Damn, they're fully embracing the remake hype. Not that I'm opposed to it.
More nice asses please
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Lord, I have seen the light!.jpg
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> 04
Wait, what? WHAAAT?!
Is it really that surprising?

III ends on a cliffhanger after all
TADA said he wants to remake VI too so chances are high. But it isn't announced yet, nor should be for quite some time.
Jesus, how much are they going to change in canon?

Maybe Feliss will get some better circumstances.
Thank you, but not feeling down and give up will be really hard cause it's much bigger step up than kanas.
Yeah IV, I mistyped.
Well, IV looks pretty solid even now, why remake it? There must be a certain point when remaking a game would be, for lack of a better word, pointless. If they continue with this, by the time X and 05(?06?) releases, they'll thing about remaking sengoku, because it doesn't have voiced characters or something. And then you can just endlessly remake those 10 rance games.
> IV looks pretty solid

finally someone with good taste in this shithole
IV is a 22 years old game. Remaking it isn't that weird.
Damnit, I'm disappointed.

It looks like Feliss is still doomed to have hundreds of demon rape babies.
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At least as of now, TADA don't think 5D nor VI needs a remake.

After a 04, maybe they would make the "Rance V" that never came to be.

Why would they change that?
I thought I remembered hearing about a lot of unpleasant things being retconned for heroines in the remakes.
I can't think of any other than Kanami and the devils.
And that wasn't even because of her being a main heroine, but because they thought that with how Rance's character was established later on, he wouldn't just let a woman on his side be raped by demons like that.
That makes sense. I guess that's what I was thinking about when I remembered people talking about the retcons.
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Wait, I get to fight in the Colosseum? That's pretty cool.
Nagi looks a bit weirdly thick on that cover
Hey, I liked IV too, I thought I was the only one who thought it was pretty decent and still holds out today, unlike III.

Well, with the current standard of VNs, 5D and VI would still fit in, despite being old. Until they become what III and IV has become to the current industry, then they might remake those.
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Oh, the slutty sister, I love her!
Still think that the lack of fabulous Rance expressions is a major flaw of the remake series.

The may make up for it in the CGs, but his regular expressions are always fun to see.
*They make make up for it
This, I absolutely agree with. I hate that he's just a see through sprite on the side. Is it the same in 03?

Also, the whole eye, mouth, hand thing is kind of irksome.
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