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Meta edition

Previous thread >>129273992

/hbg/ Wiki: http://homebrew-general.wikia.com

3DS: 9.2 (10.3 downgrade, 10.4 userland only, eShop NVer 29, 28 via HANS)
Wii U: 5.4 Loadiine (5.5.1 IOSU exploit coming soon™)
Vita: 3.51 (Userland)
PS4: 1.76 (Webkit)

EmuNAND 10.4
O3DS: No abnormalities to report
N3DS: Cakes/Rei/Gateway supported; rxTools ≤ 9.5 only

3DS: http://pastebin.com/TQwDsWh9

DS: http://homebrew-general.wikia.com/wiki/Nintendo_DS

Vita: http://pastebin.com/zwBhCPtd

-Nintendo released system update 10.4.0-29. It fixed memchunkhax2, the ARM11 kernel exploit necessary to downgrade.
-Menuhax and Browserhax still work, but that's it. Downgrading now risks being forced to update should you ever soft-brick.
-Home Menu 10.4 now checks whether IronFall is up to date, effectively killing Ironhax.
-NTR has been updated to work on N3DS emuNAND 10.4

>Is downgrading safe?
Not really. If you try, you only have one shot. If it fails, you'll be forced to update to 10.4. You might want to wait on 10.3 without updating, even though at the moment it doesn't seem there is going to be a safer way.

>Wii U
-5.4 Loadiine v2 out now http://wiiubrew.net/540/
-Hykem generously shared some keys, seems to be in good spirits.
-Yellows8's .mp4 exploit has not been patched in 5.5.1

-Cobra Black Fin was announced. http://wololo.net/2015/12/07/cobra-black-fin-an-upcoming-dongle-to-play-ps-vita-isos/
-A Vita update got released, you might not want to update since it fixes the email exploit.
first for pokemon tits
This t︂b︂︂h
3st for 9.9 when?
For some reason when I choose rxTools it boots into Menuhax again and when I choose rxTools it goes into a singular bottom red screen. Does anyone know a fix?
so is there a good cia installer that supports installing over the network? windows shares for example?

how does this affect speed? getting sick of taking out SD card...
After the first rxTools boot, hold whatever key you have to bypass menuhax, and once you're in emuNAND, change your theme.
>NTR has been updated to work on N3DS emuNAND 10.4

Is there an undub version of Azure Striker Gunvolt anywhere?

I played through the english version, and I realize there's no voiceover in it. Or not much, anyway.
How likely is it I get a regular N3DS in Australia on 9.0?

Don't want to get stuck on some firmware between 9.2 and 10.4 or have to update to 10.4 after fucking things up.
Probably stupid question but pretty much every homebrew app/.cia has 2 folders, lets use sysUpdater for example. It has sysupdater.cia, then a 3ds/sysupdater folder which has .3dsx and .smdh files.

Does the 3ds/sysupdater folder go into my SD Card's /3ds folder, or does everything just go in my card's root?

It was my understanding that .3dsx and .smdh files can go into /3ds folder so you can run them in Homebrew Launcher, but what happens if you just place them in the sd card root?
What am I looking at here?
>tfw no retard proof piracy guide for 3ds
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The inner workings of a good time.
Pokemon porn
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>tfw pingo is 10.4 lad
That was quite a revoltin' development.
>another mod that just changes a couple of things

Why not actually get some action replay tier hacks going on? Disappointed that Smash and PKMN haven't been cracked wide open.
i decided to just delete alpha sapphire's update data so i could load layeredfs properly and get ingame screenshots of the mod
brace for disappointment
Isn't Smash being worked on?
FunkyCIA doesn't download my updates. Is it that It doesn't work for updates anymore or I'm just being unlucky?
WiiU 5.5 exploit when
https://gbatemp.net/threads/change-ctrbootmanager-color.411118/#post-6000729 black-screen CTRBootManager
how can I install stuff to sysnand?
launch minipasta
launch fbi in sysnand from hbl
>not setting timeout 0
If you use Cakes, go into the settings (hold L when launching it if you use autoboot), and then disable "Enable emuNAND" so that sysNAND is launched instead with CFW. Don't know any other ways since I only have cakes.

using rxtools, thanks though


I don't have minipasta, do I launch it from HBL?
Higher comparability if you don't.
Is this the correct way to update from 9.2 rxTools to 9.5 rxTools (N3DS) :

>download and install sysUpdater .cia
>download update packs for my region, put updates folder in sd card root
>run sysUpdater, and install

thats it?
actually, booting too fast can fuck some cfw up (particularly rxtools on o3ds)

but either way, i like to boot into sysnand homebrew channel on occasion, like if i want to use decrypt9 to dump cart games
Post em
I guess it depends on what you're doing, but I managed to dial in a 100% bootrate except if Menuhax itself fails.

Maybe it depends on the rxTools build. I do prefer cakes, but I gave the 3.0 build in the autoboot pastebin a shot on my o3DS and never had it hanging.
Before 10.x access, sure.

I'll believe it when I see it. I tried it and it froze all the time until I put it to 2, or the like
How do I prevent ctrbootmanager from coming up when trying to get into homebrew in emuNAND
Currently booting homebrew from the CIA file but it interferes and brings up ctr instead. I can get to homebrew from here but I can't get back into emuNAND without rebooting.

gotcha, now how do I inject FBI into sysnand? rxtools won't let me do it. Decrypt9?
For installing ReiNand, do i put the /3ds/ReiNand folder in my own /3ds folder?

or do i just drop the entire folder in my sd root?
Yeah, that should work, but you can just as well use the .3dsx
Manually change the name of the .3dsx files.
you wouldn't be able to get back to emunand either way without rebooting

use the 3dsx for what? FBI?
just select the hbl entry lazy faggot

So launch minipasta, then hbl, then use fbi to install files to sysnand?
huh... can't someone merge the busty may version with this?
Eh it's better than I thought it'd be, so that's fine. What exactly were you expecting anon?
1. Rename the Homebrew Menu's boot.3dsx to HBL8.3dsx and drop CTRBootManager's boot.3dsx and paste the boot.cfg in the spoilers above into your SD card root
2. (9.0-9.2 only) Menuhax should now lead you to the CTRBootManager screen. From here, you can launch Cakes or the Homebrew Menu.
yeah you could, if you had the (ass)ets.
not having the "ass line" bugs me, but its better than nothing
i'll deal with that tomorrow and try to fix the ass up (which might prove difficult but it's worth a try)
considering the tools, nothing amazing but with the kind of buildup it got the outcome is a bit anticlimatic isn't it?

if a new set of editing tools comes out that supports importing new models instead of slightly editing existing ones i'll get on that as soon as i can to atone for my sloppy sins
Nice. Thank you for your lewd contributions.
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I still think it's pretty good, the boobs look nice at least. I mean I'll still compile this version as a .cia to tide us over just in case lewder versions are not available for awhile.
Just installed the SSB4 cia with newest update and DLC. Game works fine, but when attempting to go online it moans about TOS even if I accept them. Does it just not work online or is there some way to get around this?

Okay I did it but I'm getting an error, it says invalid combination when I try to install the patched agb firm file
works on my machine :^)
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Are you still here theme/sound anon?

How does this look?
anon, i think i love you, less than may, but still.
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Can you boot into sysNAND from CTR? I keep seeing boot images like this that show sysNAND but, unless I am mistaken, you cannot boot into sysNAND once you see this screen and would need to be holding the button prior.
What the other guy said will fix it. You accidentally installed menuhax and both nands. You only want it on sysnand. If its on both it will be stuck in an infinite loop of booting. Changing your theme on emunand will mess up it's menuhax, fixing the problem.
The problem now is that I can't even get to emunand anymore. The farthest I get is just the red screen on the 2nd menuhax boot.
Sound anon here: looks fantastic! Do you know which song you want to use yet? (I'm about to go to bed, but if you need anything I can post something tomorrow)
all .3dsx and .smdh need to be in /3ds folder correct? Or do they work if i put them in my microSD Card root?
Shit, is there a .cia for this? I need it, but I can't google shit now, I'm at work.
psst, why do you have more than ONE menuhax boot?
Are you installing it to Destination: NAND?
can I play sm4sh 4 online on my hacked 3ds?
not released yet
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Can somebody tell me how I can make the 3DS auto-boot to CTRBootLauncher without holding down L?

I've tried going into menuhax settings and picking Type2 with <no buttons> selected as an option, but it didn't do anything to the startup.
i had to keep the tits smaller is because the nipples start to look flat as the chest gets bigger which is hard to work around, but i'll find a way
zinnia is really late-game stuff so i'll keep that in mind for later

a fellow anon is building and uploading the cia for it as we speak, the link should be posted soon™
cia? yes
Don't get my hopes up anon, I really need this.
There are still no tools because gen VI games work a but different, so they have to create a tool from almost 0.
We have Ohana3DS and Pk3ds, but we need to know what all flags are to make a different story, etc.
I'm not sure flat nipples are a bad thing. I'd actually like them to be a just slightly duller color and slightly bigger.
Menuhax kept breaking because of custom themes so I had to install Menuhax again and again. Plus getting back into emunand was a bitch because Sliderhax is super unreliable. I guess I installed it one too many times.

Once I fix this issue I'm never sing custom themes again and only installing games through FBI's network installer
You dont want the second menuhax boot, thats the problem. When you click on rxtools the first hold whatever button you configured to ignore menuhax. It will boot into emunand.
I'm not sure why you wouldn't just use browserhax instead of sliderhax?

yo im on caped speed internet, so im a bit worried about updating my emunand to 10.4
what happens if update get interrupted.
or does it download then install the update
I'm using O3DS. Forced to.
it's like the ps3, it downloads the entire thing, then updates
different anon. maybe attempt to enter eshop in sysnand (cancel update prompt) and exit. perhaps also try a newer build of FBI where it replaces the .cia in the NAND if you already have one (or make sure you've uninstalled the older version)

those are my two guesses
oh, that sucks.
I have no idea what you're missing then. I hope someone else can help you.
Which is the best for managing saves, savedatafiler or svdt?

are they both available as .cia's?
sliderhax is part of browserhax.
Anyone have a proper MHX .CIA? The Google Drive one doesn't work.
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Alright anons, what should the Title ID of the Lewd editions be?

I actually like them how they are at that size. If you do make them bigger can you give us a small version too?

Working on it now! It should be out in the next 2 hours or so.
any links to hack a superslim ps3?
safe, cheers bud
1134 of course

It might be rxtools, I hear you don't need a patched agbfirm file on the sysnand, only the emunand. if you install a patched one on the sysnand it can conflict and cause an error
Rx 10.3 when?
You're a true hero. The hero we need, but don't deserve. Can you quote me when you finish? That way I can get a notification. Thanks anon.
the main one. On n3ds/xl, you only have to scan the barcode and it's done. on o3dsx you have to use the slider.

the google drive one does work, you're doing something wrong.

you can't. get yourself an ODE if you want one.
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They're both really good, but I think the first one from the Konami game is better suited.

Here's the bottom screen.
Why's that? Just curious

Has to be in number form like so:
00 C5 11 00 00 00 04 00

Will do!

Its got the most recent english patch already installed.
guys, it says that NTR supports 10.4 now, is that true or what
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I just found this.

I suppose it's too late to add this to the mod hey?
The download keeps failing >.<

that is quite literally the same .cia he downloaded.
rule 34
also 0-9 1-F are the valid characters for the title id
link and i'll look into it
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I fucked up. There's something subtle that's off on both of these and I'm sure as hell going to notice.


4e 55 44 4d
so umm I'm pretty sure I didn't update to 10.4 yet because I haven't used the 3ds in a while. how do I make it not update once I start it? is there a simple "no" button or do I need to boot it where it doesn't have wifi
I just tested it, it's working for me.
Alright, sounds good. I'll see what I can do and will post next time I see buffalo bell tomorrow.

Hah, okay. I'll just lurk the posts here when I wake up tomorrow and see how the theme turns out.
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turn off wifi.
They're still uploading as I post this

Also this folder has some textures for some Pokemon too.

Chose type 2 and select a button. The button will then boot insto sysnand while the autoboot is to ctrboot
Oh shit lewd Flannery would be awesome

Are any of the characters valid to edit out of the following?
00 C5 11 00 00 00 04 00
Or does it have to lead with C511 or what?

If so I'll do one with LEWD, one with NUDM, another with 1134, and open to one more suggestion (there will be 4 seperate cias, one for stock AS and then the 3 rom hacks)>
Why was the link in the OP removed?
So then larger aerolae don't look as good? I would think it'd make the tits look better honestly. Any pictures of gardevoir with the edit applied?

and god bless you for doing this.
savedatafiler is more versatile and has a better success rate, since it's actually part of the sdk. The only reason to use svdt is if for some reason you can't install cias.

It's available as cia, but because of the sdk thing, places like gbatemp don't like to post links to it due to the whole 'legality' thing. Should be in the pastebin somewhere though.
Ah. Well I installed it an hour ago from that site and it worked.
but this retard-proof guide says I need to use my browser to hack it. is not not retard proof after all?
oh wait LEWD wouldn't work would it nvm, two more suggestions.
wheres the pastebin with all the games and mods? all i see is the faq and noobie pastbin
the issue wasn't the game, it was the link not working for him.
You can, either with the Quick Reboot 3dsx (for clean sysnand) or minipasta (for CFW'd sysnand), as long as you keep holding the button afterwards.
or can I do the browser thing without wifi?
i don't know i haven't tried it yet, ill look into that tomorrow
as for gardevoir i think i can arrange something by shrinking the skirt into nothingness;
no promises though
I have a question, the nude patch, that's with the randomized pokemon, right? And with the harder gym fights.
no idea, but that code comes out as gibberish in the hex converter
use mine for now: http://pastebin.com/SYxBj16f
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YES! IT WORKED I'M BACK INTO EMUNAND! FUCK SLIDERHAX. Downgrading was easier than dealing with that shit.

Have a cute kitty for your troubles
figure it out http://yls8.mtheall.com/3dsbrowserhax.php
There will be a version with higher difficulty, not one with randomizer. You'll have to edit your rom yourself if you want randomizer.

That's the official title id for AS
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Pokemon Sapphire: Lewdicolo Edition
something is wrong with that ace combat update file, it prevents the game from loading, once it's uninstalled the game loads fine but otherwise it's no good.
>no promises though
None needed, just try at least. any chance of gardevoir getting nipples too, or is that a pipe dream?

Every time I try to access my friends list on sysnand my 3ds freezes what do I to stop this? This happened after I unlinked both nands by formatting emunand
When I try to install a gba game to sysnand I get the invalid signature error in FBI, what does that mean?
sounds like it's not the right region. I'll remove it. Thanks for the heads up.
Is there a way to play those GBA games when I have the NANDS unlinked?
>>129301615 that's possible, will look into it
use devmenu
I tried it with the one off 3dsiso as well and same issue, so maybe whoever dumped it fucked up or something
Hey are you the guy that worked on the wario song a few threads ago?
I have no idea, I have unlinked nands.

I'm not finding an ace combat link in my pastebin. Are you sure you aren't confusing mine with the other guy's?
I get a yellow screen every fucking time I boot my 3DS after add some .cias to my SD Card.
And sometimes I get 3 fucking yellow screens in a row.

This shit is annoying as fuck.
it's in one of the mega links
Welcome to Menuhax's reliability on Ninjhax 2.5. Supposedly it was better on 2.0.
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Some of these links aren't hosted by me, so I can't do anything about that. If you give me the link, I can add a note to it.

Update off of the eshop if it's in your regon.
Why do people play these weird versions of Pokemon, like Neo X, or Star Sapphire? What's the difference against original versions?
try inserting the sd card again, it sound stupid but it works
I'm not, but I made a dumb swapnote-esque original doodle I've yet to post

maybe tomorrow, but i am now working on the other track for buffalo bell anon
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Alright Title IDs will be
1134 (rule34)

Will compile the cias now.
If I've got a .cia of Hyrule Wariors Legends, can I use it to unlock the Wii U legends characters?
They are harder, they don't require trading (not like you could with a romhack anyway) they have randomization (sometimes), they have different story, etc.
gpsp.cia on n3DS or injected gba .cia?

It's working near perfectly on gpsp

Would try injected but installing to sysNAND sounds risky
the nude info will need to be updated soon, because of >>129301876
Also, injected games looks ugly as hell.
It's in the 4th mega link under updates
for n3ds it doesn't matter. for o3ds I'd go injected.
To get the new Legends characters in the Wii U version you need to redeem a code, that comes with the game, on your Wii U.

ok, will make note. Thanks again.
does anyone know where i can get the latest mii plaza update?
So I guess Flannery etc didn't get in.

Unless there are two Anons making these.
anytime, I don't even know that the update actually does
shitting hell, really?
Uploading right now, gimmie a moment.
there's one past 4?
>a guest
that's not happening unless someone makes a new one
That's true, I'll update it later. This pastebin needs to go in the OP though, people keep asking.

There's one anon compiling the CIAs, that's me. There's another anon actually making the files I'm using, he's the one doing the hard work. So far he's only done May so this version will only have May. If he feels like making more, I'll be happy to update the CIAs in the future. It shouldn't take nearly as long as it's taking this time.
Well, this is kinda weird. I am at these steps:
11) Once the system has downgraded it will say this: "Updates installed. Rebooting in 10 seconds..."
12) Leave the system for 5 minutes, it should reboot on it's own
13) If it doesn't, remove your SD card and wait another 2-3 minutes
14) If it still hasn't rebooted, or it is constantly rebooting, turn off the console.
15) Place the SD card back inside and turn the console back on.

When I was at step 12, I have waited for more than 10 minutes, but it continues to give black screen. So as the guide suggests, I remove the SD card (without turning off the 3ds). Not long after, it managed to reboot but gave the error message. I thought I was fucked, but when I tried to turn on the system without the SD card, it works just fine and the system is now 9.2. So if I have my SD card inside, it always give black screen when I turn it on. If I remove the SD card, it works.

So, what's going on? Does that mean the downgrade is successful but my current SD card no longer works and I have to buy new SD card? Or am I fucked?

Someone in the last thread said to reinstall menuhax, but how do I do that when my 3ds keeps giving me black screens whenever my SD card is inserted? Holding L while turning the 3DS on does not help.
there's just the 4.0 and the 6 games.
And by "it shouldn't take nearly as long" I mean I shouldn't take as long for me to compile the CIAs. Editing models is still hard work.
that's what I though
Hey there, /vg/, I happen to have a 10.3 Euro N3DS; is that a good version to homebrew? The pastebin seems to reference 10.4. I'm a bit at a loss here, being the first time I try anything like this since the PSP in days of yore.
I'm sure if you simply format your sd card you'll be fine
Anyone know which one is the up to date version of RRSS?


Dray didn't say.
10.3 is your last chance to homebrew, you only get one shot, if it fucks up you'll be forced to update to 10.4 which will prevent you from downgrading

good luck, this isn't nearly as easy as the PSP drag and drop 10 minute hack
Anyone that wants to work on more lewd textures you don't have much time.

Here's models from OR/AS

And X/Y if you want to make lewds of actual Pokemon you bakas.
- Pokemon Rutile Ruby 1.3

- Pokemon Star Sapphire 1.3
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o3DS US emuNAND on 10.4 using CakeCFW
n3DS US emuNAND on 10.4 using CakeCFW

Is a System Transfer possible through the Settings Menu or will that cause issues?

I want my hard earned puzzles.

Tits to grab your attention
Why does Mario and Luigi Dream Team Saga not have a banner when I install it?
After updating to 10.4 emunand on my n3ds, cakes now freezes everytime it boots up. It works just fine on 9.5, and I'm using the latest version of cakes, but is there anything else I need to do to prevent the freezing and make it usable again? I backed up my emunand btw, so it's not a huge deal if nothing can be done, but it's kind of a pain to be stuck on 9.5 when it's possible to update to the latest fw.
I'm looking for Rising Ruby/Sinking Sapphire (Dray's hacks). And I need the ROMFS versions not the CIA versions. I mean I could use CIA too but then I have to manually extract romfs and it takes like an hour.

I currently have compiled Lewd Editions of stock Alpha Sapphire and Star Sapphire, working on Meme Edition and Sinking now. Then I'll test that they work and then host them on MEGA.
What's all that about the 10.4 CFW, then?
why did you even update?
that means you can update your emunand to 10.4 after you downgrade and get the emunand up and running

how do I install to nand through devmenu?
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How good is the GBA emulator in the HBL?
That's what I uploaded, so..



was a straight dump from funkycia2?


- Pokemon Rising Ruby

- Pokemon Sinking Sapphire
No reason not to, and you can play online for games up to date
Ahh, I'm not sure.

I'm downloading a different .cia anyway.
Nearly perfect on N3DS, hot garbage on O3DS. The console is THAT much better.
Well whatever, I guess I wasted my time.
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whos in charge of the paste bin?
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Ok, can someone with Meme Sapphire installed use braindump on it and post the resulting .CXI here? I can't install it on my system because Star is already installed so no lewds of Meme Sapphire unless someone else can give me the CXI (or tell me how to extract CXI from CIA).

That's the cia friend, but it's ok I found the romfs. Thanks anyway.
you can play online anyway
Boot it without SD card. Put SD card in. Change your theme. Problem will be fixed. You'll have to reinstall menuhax though.
cant you just use packhack and use the cia extractor to extract everything you need?
Do I need the ambassador program certificate to play the ambassador program games if I install them? They're not working for me.
are you trying to brick your 3ds? every game, update, dlc, virtual console goes to the sd
Woops, you're right, I didn't see that option. Meme Sapphire coming up.
No. The ticket is just a flag on your account that you are an ambassador. It doesn't do anything to compatability

I'm trying to install gba games you fucking idiot
Got it. Time for me to try my hands at downgrading.
are you really THAT retarded?
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It's done
don't update to 10.4 on n3ds if your guide has you using rxtools only on o3ds
So I don't have to use hans/multiregionpatcher to access the eshop/buy smash dlc/play nintendo badge arcade/etc. I do a lot of things that require the latest firmware. I also made a backup of my emuNand before updating that allows me to easily revert back to my previous state, so it's not that big of a deal if I update.

Of course, if anyone does has a solution to my problem here >>129302697, I'd love to hear it. I swore that someone posted a solution a while back with deleting some file in the Nintendo 3ds folder that was corrupting the boot process, but I can't find it anymore.

Are you? you have to install the cia's to sysnand and emunand to get them to work anon

did you even read my conversation?
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>get the Hyrule Warriors cia everyone is getting
>after the Team Ninja logo the game gives me "Error has occurred please turn off etc"
You install them to sysnand ON the sd card you fool
the implication is that you run FBI on sysnand and install things to the sd card
>how do I install to nand through devmenu?
>install to nand through devmenu
>to nand
Im on the same boat. I cant get fbi to work on sysnand, so icant install gba cias.
works on my machine :^)

you realize that does nothing, right? installing to nand while on emunand still installs it to the sd.


I can get it to work, it just says invalid signature when I try to install
dude, im getting worried about your mental issue, sysnand and emunand have a separate folder on the sd card
not if you unlinked your nands, which you're supposed to do if you want to avoid all possible problems AND get dsi/gba shit to work. why the fuck can't people this tiny little step? rxtools and done
Do you guys take theme requests here? Can someone make one using art from Garden of Words?
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No one?
which cfw?

you still have to run FBI on sysnand, that's what I'm saying.

When trying to install to nand from sysnand I'm getting the error.

do you lack reading comprehension, son?


My nands are unlinked. Are you supposed to run FBI from sysnand or not?
there are many guides on how to system transfer emunand to emunand.

Short Answer: yes, you can do it that way.

But it's a bit complicated.
if you provide the art and music I can make one in like 10 minutes
you havo to install the fucking gba cia on the sd FROM the sysnand
dude install to sd when you're on sysnand, install to sd when you're on emunand
back in the day when it was first discovered...

1. boot into pasta
2. load up fbi to install patched AGB_FIRM
3a. Install Mother 3 VC to SYSNAND
3b. Boot into Emunand
3c. Install Mother 3VC to EMUNAND
4. start Mother 3 VC inject
5. ???
6. done.
>Installed AGB form thingies on both Nand
>installed GBA games on each SD's NAnd
>Ambassador rip games works fine
>GBA VC games that are not ambassador (from pastebin)failed to install on sysnand
What gives? I installed them with FBI. Is there BBM.3dsx?

tried it, still getting error. If I have RxTools 3.0 do I need the patched agb firm in sysnand and emunand? RxTools has an on-the-fly patcher apparently so you don't need the patched one on sysnand or so I've heard
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I didn't find one in the pastebin of the OP, but I guess I'll google it.

Just thought I'd ask here to see if anyone had experience.
9.2 firmware, install cias with fbi, i use browserhax to start rxtools to play the games
Hey guys, I need to know how to hack PERMANENT skills in my Fire Emblem Awakening game without the RAM based exploit from so long ago.

I mean PERMANENT, not just Powersaved or keyed in, as those are not in the 'skill pool' when Powersaved.

I also don't just mean regular skills either, I mean Conquest, Shadowgift, and of course, Lunatic+ skills.

If it helps, I have Cubic Ninja and Save Data Manager.
the console only has 1 nand, installing cfw doesnt magically add more memory to the 3ds
GBATemp has an informative guide on how to do it.
What happens if I update a pirated game through normal means (ie accepting the update when I attempt to start a game with an update available)? Will it stop working? Will the Nintendo FBI break down my front door? Will it just refuse to connect to the e-shop so nothing happens anyway?
well I'm on 9.5 n3ds and installed with BBM

so, either update or use BBM?

the game probably requires 9.4 and up because it has amiibo support I don't know if it was fw spoofed
=> >>129303632
Use the save editor, FireEditor.


it'll still work. Nintendo wont do anything to you. It'll still work.
find an NTR cheat.plg and use that
>Hey guys, I need to know how to hack PERMANENT skills in my Fire Emblem Awakening game without the RAM based exploit from so long ago.
RAM based exploit still works as long as you install a browser downgrade.
try reinstalling the CIA installer. go to section 4a of this guide and you might be able to fix the problem


i never got bugged with invalid signature shit ever again

I'm getting different errors each time I do something. I'm just gonna give up for now. Something is fucked up, I'll just wait until I switch to a different cfw since RxTools is pretty much dead now
status on the ORAS lewd romhacks?
use the old method, btw
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