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/fog/ - Fallout General
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You are currently reading a thread in /vg/ - Video Game Generals

Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 214
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>Fallout 4 General Information (Read Before Asking Questions)

>Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Links

>The Art of Fallout 4

>Fallout 4 Item IDs

>Fallout 4 Legendary Effects & IDs Guide

>Fallout 4 Settlement Mods & Information

>CBBE Links & Outfit Studio Guide

>Fallout 4 Mods By /fog/ And/Or Removed from Nexus


>Fallout 3/NV

>/aco/ Thread (NSFW goes here)

Pre-War Thread: >>128642846
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First for the Institute
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2nd for Danse.
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>He can't handle the memes

You guys are bigger crybabies than my wife's son.
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That was not nice.
3rd for danse
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What happened?
Mods finally got around to deleting the early thread.
Thread was posted 6 posts before bump limit, it's considered spam.

This one should be fine now that the old thread is at bump and no baiting in the OP.
Retards still don't know what a bump limit is

750 fucking posts

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Post /ss/ and your companion
You guys are morons.

OP of last thread got perma-banned for something, and all his posts were deleted. Including the thread. At least, that makes the most sense.
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hopefully he was the cuckposter
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Hey guys. Good night to everyone.

I'm thinking of a little project here. I just got out of high school but I was unable to join a college because I failed the admittance tests. So I need to study on my own to succeed this year.

Now you might ask, why am I saying this here? Because I got a plan that might help many others. Everyone here loves Fallout. So why not contextualize exercises? Math, Physics, the list goes on. I'm looking for someone doing a STEM course or knows a lot about Math to join forces and make this a reality. I'll be publishing them on a website for free use for anyone.

Anyone here would be interested?
I think it was my wife's son actually. I'll have to discipline him later, if my wife says its okay that is.
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He probably got banned for poor taste in uniques.
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>Not taking X6-88 for your above ground Institute boogymanning
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As ive said
i posted some of your pics to rule34 paheal
>turning N1G-G3R into Nora
Is this some advanced form of the BBC meme
Nah. Cuck posting is only a three day at best. These days I think the only thing you can GET perma'd for is posting CP. Well, that and ban evading. Which I think might make the most sense. He got a three-day for cuckoldry, then evaded that ban, it got bumped up to a perma and all his posts were deleted.
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I want to make X6-88 a exact clone of my character for RP reasons desu

What do
Bans for ban evasion aren't permanent my tiny white friend. They're like a month.
I'm flattered, anon.

Have one of my older screenshots.
>The shitty filter is still up

Come on
>it is the current year
I know anon.
So he posted CP and got v&. RIP in Pizza OP of last thread.
It unfortunately won't ever happen and the general will devolve into thread wars if it does because people can't handle anything associated with /tesg/ even when there's like one page about waifus and everything else is related to graphics and gameplay.
god these unique weapons pics are making me sad
http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/8159/? changes X6's voice to female

Download faceripper and faceripper presets, choose input save, pick player, press dump face, set faceripper presets as output plugin, input the face onto one of the male presets

Then load in game and showlooksmenu on him and change presets until it shows yours
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It's not like there aren't any in F4. It's just that there's not enough of them.

Can you record a webm with sound of X6 talking with the female voice? The examples listed sound pretty shit.
>Winchester 1886 never
I just wanna be a cowboy.
It sounds like shit, they just put a heavy filter on all of X6's voice lines so she sounds like a robobitch
I don't want to be a regular cowboy I want to be a scifi cowboy with laser repeater rifles and shit.
There's like two or three that actually look different, though. Most of them are the exact same looking weapon. NV's were just way more interesting and diverse. I wish I could play it again.
>I wish I could play it again
Why can't you?
Wasn't there one in New Vegas? You could port that easily.
He wants a good looking repeater with good animations.
I don't have a console to play it on, and I don't have a pc. My PS3 controller is broken and the NV PS3 edition is garbage anyway. I'd need to go buy a 360 and the game again, which I can definitely afford but I really don't wanna do. I'll do it eventually.
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Good point. There should be some decent public models out there at least that could be ported.
>tfw I'll never be a cute enclave officer girl

Why live?
that still leaves out the animations part though

then why dont you just end it
Yeah but it's a start. Do any of the new mod-added weapons have custom animations anyway?
>tfw I'll never get to fuck a cute Enclave officer girl doggy whilst she bites down on her tights that are crammed into her mouth and wrapped around her head whilst I keep her pulled back with my entire force before cumming onto her APA which is strewn across the room

we should hook up
You'll never be anything Fallout related.
Hell I'll never be one no matter how much I jerk off pretending that.
I should

i'm not sure if I understood your fantasy anon.

we can pretend if it's on the internet
I don't think so. The only custom animations I've seen was that proof of concept video showing it was possible.
Which means the means to do so haven't be really documented yet.
Hey faggot I'm not sure if this is your area of expertise, but do you know if a mod could be made so that scopes don't actually cover the entire screen, but rather leave some peripherial area around?

It's always helped me aim a lot better when scopes work like that.
>APA across the room

If that's the description of the first encounter you're doing it wrong. Obviously you should've made her wear it, then cum on it.
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the best Fallout already has this mod, FYI

It's definitely possible. You could have a 2D scope that doesn't darken everything but the crosshairs or a shitty 3D scope if that's your thing.

>best Fallout
well memed
no, I had to crack open the APA piece by piece with no technical knowledge of its operation and she was the prize contained within
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I fixed the bug where I can't jump after looting things.
Apparently rank 2 of the cannibal perk causes this but, but not rank 3. So I just had to add the third rank of the perk without getting rank 2 first.
not even him but it literally is
I know. I pretend very hard sometimes.
Sometimes I genderbend myself as a slutty Brotherhood sentinel that decides to let people cum on her armor since Maxson gave her a free pass to do what she wants
when did the truth become a meme and when did /v/ not stay in their containment board
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It literally isn't.
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we could pretend to be a cute enclave officer girl and a slutty Brotherhood sentinel and have hardcore lesbian hatesex.

VR can't come soon enough

You can't have your cake and eat it too, faggot. Go study by yourself.
You tell me /v/eddit
oh, come on. When people argue or debate over the 3D games, it's hardly right to bring the isometric titles into the same race

NV > > > 4 > 3
2 > 1 > Tactics*, if we're counting that*
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Hey /fog/ How do you play through the fallout nv dlc sierra leone without getting scared/discouraged because of the horror? is there a mod for it to be less scary but still difficult?
>2 is better than 1
You still have shit taste.
fuck off
yeah, easily.
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What, like this?
>sierra leone

john pls!
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>Sierra leone
>NV > > > 4 > 3
Objectively correct
1 is genuinely a bit too barren for my tastes; I much prefer the political intrigue of factions than the day-to-day needs of settlements

great game, but I don't have a hard on hatred for 2s goofiness, so yh, I prefer 2 by a wee bit
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Sorry. Sierra madre. but the question still stands. Is there a way to make it less scary/ghosty without going full godmode?
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Somebody hasn't been to sharp training.
melee weapons, half the horror is worrying about running out of ammo. save the police pistol for speakers, and remember to cripple limbs. Use God whenever possible.

And remember to take all 37 gold bars, you'll be set for life in the Mojave.
Fair enough. Sometimes less is more though and no Fallout have has ever managed to evoke the same feeling as the original.
>Enclave x BOS lesbian hatesex

That's beyond hot.

Thanks for that, I'll fap to that tomorrow, mmm. Can't wait for VR/money for expensive cosplay outfits.

>tfw no decent enclave rule 34
Not really.
It's not that scary.

Get the funny ghoul to follow you so it's not that scary.
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>Playing fallout 3
>Run into a bunch of enclave soldiers
>Lob a few plasma grenades at them, easy peasy
>Loot the bodies
>Notice that the officer was a qt
>Twinge of guilt
I wonder if they'll ever bring that armor back.
Do people really do this?

Don't tell me you niggers didn't take Valentine out for the detective cases, or left Preston home when wiping out Quincy.
I went in there with melee weapons at 30 so they're tearing me apart with bombs out of nowhere and those beer traps almost give me heart attacks
The fuck you're talking about?
I won't argue the feeling. Honestly, it's probably more due to me having played Fallout 2 as a kid before I'd played 1 and as it was my intro to the series it holds a special place it my heart

like people who were early teens with 360s when Fallout 3 came out, I guess

You can still be a qt Brotherhood officer anon. I'd help with your power armor and everything.
With both fighting over who gets to be dominant, and switching constantly.

man this became way too much of a fantasy of mine
About to play New Vegas for the first time after getting through 4. What should I expect?
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My dog is the only companion I need.

No waifus, no bros.

Just a boy and his dog.
a better video game than what you just played
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It's Curie. Strong there just REALLY likes cooking up god knows what at that chem-station
I don't wanna be Brotherhood.
Brotherhood does not have cute officer uniforms.
Hope they will. At least the Hellfire one, it's got a hole on the back for the fusion core. They'd look badass on the new system for power armors in Fallout 4.

If modders won't put it by themselves after the release of the Geck.
Expect a better storyline for starters
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tell me, anon... how does this make you feel?

Of course they will. They're gonna rip off that "For the Enclave" MOD from New Vegas. This is Bethesda were talking about. They can't keep power armor consistent, let alone the lore.
Saved to my wallpapers Pres. Eden.
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>better storyline
The main story is bland. The DLC stories and side quests are GOAT though.
>a better story
>better writing
>better dialogue options
>more zany encounters
>better weapons
>better quest design
>better quest variety
>fewer (if any?) radiant quests
>better and more rpg elements

Expect a better game pretty much across the board. If you can handle the shitty visuals and inferior gunplay, you'll love it. New Vegas does have a different feel to it than 3 and 4, so be warned, it might not be for everyone.
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Army sexual harassment training.
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Time to turn off the radio.
I wish I was her

Good point. You'd look good in anything. And scribes don't look bad. The jumpsuits are a bit silly looking if they aren't black or olive drab though.
Hatesex at its best. Bet they'd meet each other daily in a hidden sewer just for that purpose.

This kinda thing has been my fetish for literal years
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>mfw that happened to ian
pls no stop
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ghoul fight.webm
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I mean, he doesn't speak ebonics, so he's alright by me.
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Dat fps tho
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>Using a bolt action sniper in close combat
>nigger who talks like a cracker
all the cum
Someone needs to remake that /vg/ discussion meme except with more RADIO MEMES
>Brotherhood of Steel
>army training to the SS

They probably enforce that to initiates who are born in the brotherhood but meh.

Irl i'm too much of a 'derp' person for army shenanigans.
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Curie and /ss/ in the rain

I really need to get ENB. I wish I could be arsed to read the instructions on how to install again, though.
>he doesn't hip-fire with a laser sight
Why live?
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Fallout4 2016-01-14 06-31-08-98.jpg
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What the hell happened to the old thread?
Your SS is cute. Are you using a face retexture mod?
s-stop it

I don't want to get banned
Join the Legion if you aren't a little dick bitch.
install project nevada
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>That sight
More like join the Legion if you're a little dick bitch that likes cock in your ass.
it went the same way as your father's respect or the dodo
Why does your Curie make me think of the Cabots despite not dressing like any of them? Is it just the alien blaster, or am I missing something something subconsious?
>Your SS is cute
Th-thanks, y-you too?!

I'm using the stuff linked here: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/539/?

Not using the actual save, though.
OP got b& for cuckposting
Were there radiant quests in New Vegas? Like would the game randomize a location, tell you retrieve/kill something there, then give you an identical quest with a different location when you got back?
rip dodo
i bet you tasted great
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Fallout4 2016-01-11 06-33-54-21.jpg
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Me and my waifu!
>gimp yourself of content and ease of travel on your first run
>join a niche faction off the bat instead of on a more suited run from a RPing perspective

you're a dick bitch, anon
No if you ran out of quests you ran out of quests. There was an arena you could do an infinite number of times and some filler quests though.
Why would ya get banned?
Hope you don't mind a threesome.
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What do you think?

In all fairness the retard made it early though.
You have no idea how good it feels to have your boipucci filled with BBC...mmm, my boiclit is getting hard just thinking about it...
nope, but it had limitless RPing potential
i bet you primarily sided with ncr in new vegas...
>laughing NCR women.bmp
the water based money one is one of those forever makes you smirk type of deals
because lewdposting is not allowed.
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Nick ain't in this picture, but trust me, he's around.
It somewhat makes sense, though. If it weren't so easy to find purified water, it would make a lot more sense.

>too derpy for army shenanigans

That's like being too rapey to be a Catholic priest.
Are there any mods that make the combat rifle not sound like peashooters?

I found this but it only works with semi-auto receivers for some reason.
Keep in mind, SPECIAL & skills are much more important for role-playing than they were before, and it's much more difficult to raise your attributes.

You should plan your build. And I recommend getting a decent med-skill, just for the speech options.
Hahaha you can't make this shit up
>bill burr and his wife

Puzzled. There's something off about her face, but I can't tell what.
Can I still kill Danse if I side with the Minutemen? I want to put a bullet in that Buzz Lightyear looking goober.
it's not drenched in mayonnaise?

>Arial text
hey /fog/ It's john again and I've recently picked up fallout new vegas and done the main story without mods twice getting NCR and legion ending. Which mods should I explore to enhance the experience and improve the longevity of the game?
It had none? Seriously? They were able to put in 100+ hours of gameplay without putting in bullshit repetitive radiant quests? What a fucking concept.

I was actually enjoying 4 until I got to the Railroad. Then my enjoyment plummeted. Those fucking MILA, safehouse and courser quests killed my fun. I thought they were required to advance the Railraod questline, then when I found out they weren't I nearly fucking lost it. What a waste of time, same with those BoS quests at Campridge police station.
this post honestly made me lose my shit with laughter
>gimp yourself of content
#NotAllLegionnaires wear red and chuck spears, anon. Play a saboteur, and wreck all the NCR quests.
Spotted the newfag.
We need to find an alternative. Because lewd posting is always a subject round here.

Yeah. Exactly.
Probably during basic training i'd be that kinda guy who drops a grenade on his feet, someone tapes it and posts it on YouTube.

Plus i'm too fat and got tendencies to turn myself off from the world. I'm kinda like Travis.
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Yes, but you'll have to live with that on your conscience.
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>100+ hours

*unzips dick*
I think by the time you can execute him it's too late & you'll be railroaded into the BOS ending.
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Through his quest ? Not if you have already done nuclear option. Otherwise you have to make him leave you or make the bos hostile and then you kill him

Nevermind that youre killing the best companion in the game if you follow his story, shithead

Can you give me an idea how to install a buttload of mods? I've used FOMM, and tried my best to keep it minimal, but as soon as I tried to install:


And it did not work, and made a bunch of shit have black textures, completely breaking the game.
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>Loverslab isn't okay with linking ports

I'm a tad surprised.

What happened to the old Loverslab that used to post lolis everywhere?


I meant in one playthrough, no mods. I've probably out it over 500 hours between all my playthroughs.
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Anyone else kinda bummed about the new Power Armor system? Each core only lasts like what, 30 min? Its like I don't even want to use it because its such a scarce "resource". I feel there should be 2 modes, high efficiency (burns power) and endurance (saves power, -bonuses)


Thanks for your email! I personally recommend Project Nevada, as it adds a wealth of new features and options to explore. Further, you might want to try some of the official downloadable content (DLC). These include Honest Hearts, Old World Blues, Dead Money, and Lonesome Road, as well as the useful and interesting item packs! Please let me know if my suggestion was helpful by sending an email to me at [email protected]

~ Mark Hosche
Danse is a fucking idiot. He's more cardboard than Garvey.
No, you can do it before changing to the minutemen ending
I'm pretty sure you can default to Minutemen at any time, even if you're up to storming the Institute, by killing everyone in your current faction.
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>Post tutorial
>Get PM
>"hey great tutorial bro btw can you port this armor for me"

And just wait till you see the gatling laser.
It uses them as ammo
With rank one scavenger I have over 100 cores at level 50. I wouldn't say that they're scarce anymore by the time you finish the main quest. Mode switching would be cool for earlier in the game.
Indeed, your statements are quite accurate.
Because you disnt follow through with him. He kinda has the boss's ideals. Loyalty to the end yadda yadda.
yh, that's the effect of using Sameface Overhaul; it's such a bad thing to do that the mind plays the trick of making you perceive your game to be broken

but for real, do you know what I mean by and have you toggled archive invalidation?
inb4 'no'
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>Oh, sorry. I thought this place was fine with posting ports. Alright.
I was never able to find this :(

unrelated but god damn, randy is such a piece of shit, seriously
it wasn't in the silver rush?
but anon, you just buy it

from Gloria at the Van Graff's if they're not defunct or from the vendortron at Gun Runners if they are

it's a weapon added with Gun Runners Arsenal - DLC
They are a community website centered around modifying a single company's software, they have good reason to fear lawyers.
even if you follow through with him danse's personality doesn't end up that much better than prestons

Doesn't FOMM do that for you? I thought it did it automatically through one of the tools.
at the Silver Rush, I meant. It's late.
we all have reason to fear lawyers
It was never there when I went to buy it.
yes, click the button labeled Archive Invalidation at the bottom of the Tools dropdown so the tick is "off" and then click it again so it's back "on"

that's toggling archive invalidation
He changes from a drone to being grateful

Yeah, I did that before and it did not change anything. I've even done it manually. I'm not exactly a retard at modding Fallout games, just things break sometimes.
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Fallout4 2016-01-10 00-37-02-54.jpg
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I think I'm going to temporarily remove my ports from Mega, actually, or put them on another site like Mediafire. I really don't want my whole Mega going down due to some ports from FO3 and NV.

Or at least, give them a different file name or put them in a pack named something other than "NCR RANGER PORT.rar"
I literally just finished watching that doc and as a brit I had no previous exposure to the story

shit's messed up
and preston changes from a quest giver to someone who used to have depression

both are similar in that their arcs aren't very good
we've been using Mega for /sg/ stuff since forever and Sergey alone is definitely more greedy than Zenimax

you're k
Hey it's John. Why did you start laughing at me wondering how I could improve my gameplay and the game experience.
How do I sneak up on a deathclaw????
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don't mind the hat
There are a lot, John.
I'd suggest you check the F3/FNV pastebin.

I like this John meme tbqh, I hope it stays.
deathcrawl don't run
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Fallout4 2016-01-09 05-39-35-52.jpg
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Alright. My ports need lots of updates anyway when Geck comes, so everyone that has them now...congrats on being the beta testers.
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Long Noses
That's a pretty fat spy.
Were there fast food joints on China? Fat as fug.





thats good to know. I just started and I only have 3, at level 10
Curie's smells like baby powder and Vaseline.
Anyone try the latest Beta patch? Any good? Is it breaking mods? Also RIP Killshot Perk (thank fucking god for that fix if you ask me.
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>no captcha
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This was a cool weapon
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thanks m8
She's a qt alright
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Fallout4 2016-01-08 02-10-42-68.jpg
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And who are YOU to come before me?!
If you guys have a chromosomal disorder fetish too?
MILA are not radiant pham.


Yes they are.

>get MILA
>go to random location
>place MILA
>return to HQ
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Will extremely long grass mods be possible with GECK? I mean up to my armpits long
Not a fair comparison since danse has his own quest and is quite more complete than prestons despite having been cut
It's the same eleven locations.
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This reminds me. I shall begin porting the 40k helmets now.

And don't worry, I'm doin' Beakies, too.
The locations change but they are random, it's just there to add filer content so Bethesda can say "there's 400 hours of gameplay in Fallout 4!" even thought a huge amount of it of it is boring repetitive nonsense. There wasn't nearly as much in New Vegas or even 3.
Port futa dicks into men, synths and ghouls
Where the fuck is a clickable download link for beta update 1.3

I like to archive things like this and so far I can't find a downloadable update that isnt tied into update when loading the game in steam.
no, giving danse his own quest does not make him more fleshed out as a character. he's still just as much as a blank slate as preston.

That will literally take one second to do in Nifskope / Outfit studio.

Its so easy I'm not even going to do it, nor am I going to waste my time doing it when it would be a good experience for someone to learn how to do this shit themselves. I didn't make that tutorial for nothing.
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>Not giving your companions personalized power armor
Cait's is on the left. Curie's is on the right.
Fuck it, I'm going with the SJW Railroad.

I like synths.
I was a little bummed this didn't make it into FO4, but considering just how much Bethesda pretends that Obsidian didn't make a Fallout game, I'm not surprised.
Im on a tablet and cant have nifskope till the 27th. Buffscalie pls
My computer died before I could get an answer:
For some reason electric lights no loinger appear in my Lighting menu; there's only candles, lanterns, and streetlamps. What could be causing this?
I don't understand this meme
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You're playing FO4 on a tablet?
No i mean my computer is getting fixed
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