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>Check Pastebin -> Check the Google Doc -> Google it -> Double Check Thread -> Post here
>Pastebin w/ answers to commonly asked questions:
>Pastebin w/ Guides to lvl 60 Skell Frame & Super Weapon Materials, Storage/Dupe/Boost Probe Locations, & other general purpose info:
>Xenoblade X All Purpose 'Everything' Google Doc - for H2H, Affinities, Tyrants, Collectopedia, Etc:
>Steam group for Squad Missions
>Ultra Infinite Armor Drop List
>Additional documentation

>Region Maps w/ Marked Locations:
>Region Maps w/ Location of Collectables:
>Tyrant Locations
>Probe Placement Images
>Blood Lobster Locations

>Xenoblade Potential Calculator:
>How the Battle System Works: For Idiots & Nerds who like math:

Previous thread:
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So, what's your favourite theme in XCX?
Yes, XCX. I won't let you all post XC themes
Tomboys a shit.
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how about Tomboys in SKELL SUITS?!

And Mandatory NAGI.

not sure If I'll keep this helmet on him, a few other options, some are pretty aight.
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The it's alright, not good but alright.


SEE THE SUN... something something
>that concept art
imagine if in the lifehold instead of the soldier chimera being spawned to 'defend' you had horrible mutated people who had biting fingers and, like, blades made of bone coming out of their elbows and mouths that went ear to ear filled with teeth, and not every people!chimera would have the same mutations and they all had different, mismatched skintones and body features
The key we lost battle wise though none of them are bad. Oblivia is my favorite location and theme.
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He can drop multiple.

Anyone want to take a guess as to how many resets it would take for him to drop all 3 of his weapons at once?
How can you be certain he could drop all three at once? It might cap out at two.

Shit, are those things even any good?
I've had other enemies drop 3 pieces of gear at once, I'm just assuming that holds true here as well

And No, they're absolutely terrible.
But as far as I'm aware this is the only chance to acquire them
Well, one thing I could think about is getting someone to get to the fight, save, beat it, treasure deal the results; reset.

I think I got an F-Arrow; the weapons are from any Caladar, just this one is the highest, much like Sarnaak's Seidr and R-Cannons.
Yeah, the 60 series of the three weapons types, A-Spear, F-Arrow, and L-Cannon, only drops from this guy
Unless there are more high level Caladars I'm not aware of.

I'm treasure dealing the results and resetting right now

I wonder if anyone in my squad will even appreciate it.

Due to the Friend's Squad option, it really shouldn't be that difficult to acquire all three with that method though.
Assuming you got a friend at that part who is willing to help that is.
first let me hop out the muhfuckin skell
Spearing of Wrothian skell weapons, why is it that the only one actually worth using, the HOMURA, doesn't have a level 50 version?

I mean really, when you talk to the prince he says that he wants to try fighting Elma so why is there no high level refight against the Vasara?
Reposting, but do you need a mining probe to get rare resources or does it work with any kind of probe?
Well that would have been too easy otherwise, thanks!
Almost level 30. Which skell is the best? I've heard good things about the Verus.
Well that would have been too easy otherwise, thanks!
Well that would have been too easy othermise, thanks!
What does stability do? I added two xx augs of it to mine katana. is it useful?

Also what augs do I need on my Ares to beat Ygg and Blast in Slyvalum?
Well that would have been too easy otherwiise, thanks!
Well that would have been too easy otherwise, thanks!
You're not going to get enough evade on a level 30 skell to really be untouchable like you want.

It's certainly not a bad choice, and it DOES come with a g-buster, but Lailah and Amdusias are probably better frames if you can only afford one.
Well that would have been too easy otherwise, thanks!
Well that would have been too easy otherwise, thanks!
Stability is more consistent damage
Some weapons have a huge variance in the amount of damage they can do with an attack, a more stable weapon gets closer to always use its exact listed value in the damage equation.
This raises you damage minimum, but also lowers your damage maximum
stop cockblocking me
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Someone who didn't ask the question is trying to three combo to match the three combo answer.
and failing at it.
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>Skill that increases electric damage by 300% when shock is inflicted
>Skill that has a 20% chance of inflicting shock when a melee art is used

what is the fastest weapon?
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GG knife has an auto attack cooldown of 0.8 sec

pretty sure that's the fastest melee weapon

But I don't see how you plan on using that considering what you described procs off art use
Well basically I'm asking what weapon has the fastest arts.
How am I supposed to beat the stupid fucking Tainted Sphinx when I'm forced to use Lao and his shitty useless class?
>Having trouble with the Tainted Sphinx
After that one, you got 3 more to kill
To be fair my character is only a class level 4 Striker because I started leveling partisan eagle, realized it was boring as fuck, started leveling a psycorrupter, realized it was too limited early on, and then finally switched to a Striker so I felt like I had abilities that actually accomplished things.

Unfortunately this means my abilities are limited and of a low level.

Maybe I should just control Elma for this fight.
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With this outfit I have finally achieved my goal of being able to play this game while fapping until my dick breaks.
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Is New Tokyo also on Mira?
Lao is actually pretty good
Put all his melee arts on his bar

"not my forte" my ass
Maybe, I think they imply they don't know much about the whole planet and that there are other cities
Could easily be planned for the sequel
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>New LA goes on an expedition to a part of the world they haven't been
>after days at sea just before they run out of hope they bump into other intelligent life
>it's the New Tokyo search team, who met up with New Paris's search team
>by contrived coincidence the French and Japanese ships that sent messages to The White Whale also crash landed onto Mira, albeit different landmasses and have started settling New Tokyo and New Paris
>they have coincidentally aligned themselves with a variety of alien races similar but distinct from the races New LA knows such as skinny, long-nosed aliens talented at machinery and obsessed with sushi, artistically skilled bee-like aliens with a hivemind, a group of Marnuck who refused to join the Ganglion, etc
>nearly everything they went through before setting out for other continents mirrors what New LA experienced
>Mira continues to earn it's title of "Most Bullshit Planet in the known galaxy"
>*Alvis laughing in the background*
I want to believe there is a legit godlike power whose influence stretches across the planet, causing all the THERE'S SOMETHING ABOUT THIS PLANET moments. Like a Monado or something in the core of the planet with leaking magical energy
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was bored and making some webm
>Sakuraba skell gear
no shit they lost. GGG heavy all the way, man.
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I was expecting both of them to be recruitable at some point after they decide to be mercenaries fighting against the Ganglion. I thought they'd demand a regular amount of credits at certain intervals, like when you get money from FrontierNav, and to make up for this ongoing cost, they have generally increased stats or something compared to other characters
Poor gwin. He gets so much shit.
Can you abandon a normal mission?
So I just finished chapter 6

Was that thing that saved me a Telethia? Had a similar entrance and whatnot to the previous game.
so i just finished chapter 1

any tips?
chapt 12 you will kill lao
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So i just finished fapping to this real hot grill

should i clean this mess or just shake it off?
Go electric photon saber
Photon saber has fast arts.
Kinda wish we had cinematic of Team Elma doing awesome shit, but I already see the nightmare with the custom gears and weapons.
>samefag: the team
Because homura is even more broken than G buster and level 50 version would absolutely destroy
Custom armor didn't stop them from doing it during the first game.
The only problem would be the MC and possibly the fourth member, Elma and Lin don't have that problem. So it would be just those two, which would lead to people being annoyed. Either way people complain.
Buidhe keeps offering her help.
It's infuriating.
Her being recruitable is everything I've ever needed in life -_-
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Infuriating indeed. But this is Mira, and here, the waifus tease you
i hear a lot of people complaining about getting stuck in the last area but cant you accept a squad mission and return to the barracks?
>dunban is a hero wielding the monado in a battle year before XBC events
>cannot use any monado replicas
There really isn't a point to him using them if he cant use the arts.
You mean the last chapter? Pretty sure once you go in, you're stuck there.
But he could during the prologue? Because i do remember hitting fags with a buster
new to post game, just went to fight Yggdrasil, and I took 10RP; but got no rewards? Thought I was supposed to get tickets or something
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>Boze's final affinity
>find the target monster
>it's in the area where it has a bunch of lavas and platform jumping segments
>monster agros while I'm jumping onto another platform
>all my party members fall off into the lava and die
lost it when he lost his ability to use the monado, besides, the monado is a two handed weapon.
Nope. When you're inside for the last mission, your gamepad doesn't show the world map anymore, preventing fast travel. And the exit is blocked too. So when Elma asks you twice whether you're ready, make sure you've saved beforehand. And don't save again when you're inside.
Global Nemesis Battle Spoils
You actually can't save inside.
Yea I checked there first, nothing was there senpai, do I just have to keep rekilling it?
Did you not break anything?

>Holding down ZL when in vehicle mode goes into reverse
Did you break its appendages?
Every one gives you at least one drop, which you can exchange for tickets at the battle spoils menu.
guess not, damn it
Is there a good level up spot for levels 70+ in XBC? Or it's implied you must follow the story all the way to the point of no return, then do the quests and all the shitload of XP is supposed to push you to 90+?
Do quests.
I don't remember needing to grind at all outside of the final push from like 95 to 99 with those enemies at Three Sage Summit.
All the quests i have now feature 80+ shit while i'm 73
Unfortunately I don't think you can steer while going in reverse but it's still a neat feature that some don't know about.
after you break all parts take all items DONT SELL THEM

break all parts+ tail press + pressx pressx abandon

press Y >>> glob nemes reward
Those Gogols on Bionis Knee should be a good source of exp, especially if you use Melia to knock them off the edge.
you can call me sensei if you want
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Is it usually better to do this method or wait for the items to turn into more rare materials?
He can't wield it onehanded.
>wait for the items to turn into more rare materials?
sorry i dont know what you mean

is the fastest way to farm tickets atm as far as i know
Are you still doing that?
Ugh, i'm such fucking garbage. I keep trying to kill Gradivus on foot and whenever I think i'm doing fine I get stepped on and killed eventually. Gittin' gud is hard, man.
rare mats don't turn into tickets
When Telethia got killed to death, skulls turned into emeralds.
We don't know what Ygg drops will turn into something.
PS: If it doesn't look like Ygg will get killed to death turn them all in or you'll lose a fair amount of tickets.
>Do first phase by overdrive cheesing via stellar entry for free gp
>Second phase, good, reflect the spikes, don't get hit, golden
>It then decides to start flying again
Fuck nice things.
How viable is pure melee? I don't see a use for the guns other than generating less hate.
Most of your damage will come from melee in almost every build.
Guns you'll mainly use to answer ranged soul voices or provide support arts.
Where can I farm a good ether longsword? I need to take a break from photon sabers for a while.
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Wew lad.
>Doing it in a robot

I haven't got that far in the game, but I don't want you to feel ignored. In conclusion, here's your (You) and good luck with whatever you're doing.
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Any tips on Lugalbanda? I hear he ignores Control resist. Also, are most of his attacks electric?
Level 99 superboss. Pain in the dick.
I hope you didn't bring any Treasure Sensor gear so you can get her holofig.
Where is that located?
I did.

Enter the cave, hug the left wall.
Eventually you'll see a hole at water level you can only go through without your mech.
Follow the path and you'll get to Lugalbanda.
Lugalbanda is hiding in a side cave in the vitriol cesspool.
haha, I got there and I died instantly... So is there an augment I can craft to stop that from happening again?
Yes you can. It's called Get good, melee accuracy up XX, ghostwalker
Ghostwalker prevents me from losing control of my character?
Pretty sure his control is over 100% application rate like YggZero has over 100% for topple
>Get good

O i am laffin
I rushed him down and killed him pretty fuckin' fast this time around. I was just caught off guard with that mind control shit, i've never seen that in the game before. I guess the trick is to kill him fast?
Pretty much
Alright, after my seventh rematch with Nardacyon I don't know what I even did to make him actually die the first two times I killed it.

Agahsura seems to be doing twice the damage when I hit him in a certain spot, but I don't know where or what and neither do I know how to replicate it. Does anyone know what's going on here?
Anyone doing Ygg? I'm doing it alone and bored to death.
First gold longsword! Nullify Physical Reflect, Melee Accuracy up, and Crush : Gain TP. Man,
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>find spirit wand
>find shiny lamp
>find nopolith

god fucking damnit I hate this so much

I'm trying to get nopolith and nothing

fuck off
>Using good skills somehow is a bad strategy
Well, to be fair you're kind of a faggot for assuming i'm shit instead of assuming mind controlol. But I guess you probably get a lot of stupid questions here to begin with, so I probably would have assumed that too. I guess.
Ghostwalker dodges the mind control attack, I believe. If it's a real hassle, you should take some allies with treasure sensor gear as well, so they can get MC'd instead of you.
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Now that my mim is godly powerful I feel the need to do the same with Elma, Alexa and Mia/Yelv.

Someone please stop me.
How do you unlock the battle gauntlet?

Is it repeatable?
What elements other than Gravity does Ygg do?
I was considering going full Granada skell but it gives -20 to everything else but 10 Beam and 100 Gravity.
Which one?
We will not. Go forth, with formidable power
So what I got from a post last thread, Crush.APPEND XX is a better augment to have than attribute ones like Ether plus damage. Does that apply to Skells as well?
Yeah, that's what i've been doing. Awesome. I ghostwalker, run behind him and overdrive, primer + early bird - then he usually dies on starfall rondo.
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you saved the guy who was trying to poison the water? how??
I prefer using Ghostwaker+astrolibrium+stacking reflect augs. That's true invincibility there.
The reflect augs are from the super tyrants though, right?
Ether is from a chest underneath a huge flower tyrant, or telethia
Therm and phys are from dadaan
elec and beam are from lugalbanda
Grav is from pharsis-chan
For something like Yggs farming? Yes, though I have heard art gain gp can help you get into overdrive faster every time much faster so it makes appendage breaker kinda moot I think?
>Ares is basically wearing heelies
pff he he he
Zero, but Pharsis info would be nice, too.>>128546858
Zero uses phys, ether, grav, and I think elec. It also has grav spike.

Pharsis has an unreflectable grav, does grav, ether, and phys, and has a grav spike.
This is awesome. Maybe i'll reflect the world instead of going long sword. I'm really FEELING photon sabers.
Be careful that some attacks still pierce reflect, in particular both Nardacyon and Pharsis do it.
For those, you also want to run Ghostwalker. GW + Reflect is completely invincible.
Where the fuck can I find a Resonating Madonater?
It's a very rare collectible found in certain parts in Noctilum. Check the region maps for specifics.

Have fun.
It just sucks that I have to take a potential up off. I really wish I can just throw one of the reflect augs on my weapon. I have a free slot on my duel guns,
Dueling guns would be cool.
If I am having trouble with a particular boss or Tyrant, what can I do other then level up more or buy better gear to beat it? No idea what to do in terms to changing tactics since I BARELY understand the battle system at this point
>No idea what to do in terms to changing tactics since I BARELY understand the battle system at this point
Getting closer to the end, what are the XX augments worth making to get setup for the post content?
Anyone know who the section recon tryant is between FN 119 and 120? Can't seem to find it.
Where can I find dadaan? And what reflect augs would I need against Gradivus? His stomp would be physical and if I had to guess his purple beams would be gravity?
Ji-ett, a fal-swo up above.
Dadaan: 307.
I know Gradivus uses Physical, Thermal, Electric and Gravity. Not sure on Beam and Ether.
Gradivus uses every element. His spin is phys, his stomp is grav, he has ether beams, he shoots elec, he does fire, and he also has a beam attack
Dadaan is right next to 307. Unless you can one shot him, don't fight him in a skell.
For ground:
>Melee/Ranged Attack Up XX
>Melee/Ranged Attack Boost XX
>Melee/Ranged Accuracy Up XX (for certain tyrants)
>Potential Up/Boost XX
>Arts: TP Up XX
>Resistance Reducer XX (depends on the build you're running)
>Overdrive Count Up XX
>Appendage Crusher XX

For skells:
>Position Damage Above XX
>Weapon Attack Power Up XX
>As many slayer augments you can make
>Opening Damage Up XX (a free one that does 90% can be gotten from a tyrant in the far west corner of the map)

For both (this is very important):
>Negate <Element> Reflect XX
Thanks. I guess i'll just have to git gud to beat Gradivus anyway. Those spins and stomps usually hit me when i'm a good amount in and I get staggered until I die.
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How hard is chapter 9? I accidentally finished everything needed for it before starting 8, but I'm still level 30.
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Once you're invincible, it's just a matter of keeping your aura and ghostwalker up, doing damage is a secondary part, since he just sponges up damage forever.
Dadaan is swarms, gradivus is endurance, pharsis is deeps, Narcydon is accuracy, Vortice is skell, Telethia is final exam.
It's quite the difficulty wall, lvl up get some skells then come back
Difficult because the fucking wrothian scum have cheap ass arts that make either resistance or evade, and the two assholes brought along friends and there is another fight after with skells, and they once again ask friends to help during the fight.

So yeah have fun.
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So I'm about to do Chapter 12 when do I get to fight the Telethia and what Skell should I use?
Having trouble with a level 25 tyrant. Everyone in my party is level 26. Other then leveling up more what can I do to kill it?
How do I recruit Hope?

Thanks mang. I'm not at the point where I can fight the squad bosses but my tickets have been fills up and I want to start collecting mats for the right stuff at least.

I'm not really sure what I'll do for a build at the end. Do you generally just fight bosses alone, or do you need to gear up not buddies as well?
You could start by telling which level 25 tyrant it is m8
Monster power is also based on size, not just level. The game tells you that around when you fight that first tutorial tyrant. So if it's a big fucker, come back at a higher level or with mechas.
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Finished the Oblivia holofig hunt.
My HONK collection is steadily growing.
>looking for blue honks
Have fun trying to get it to rain fire in Cauldros and THEN have the rainbow stay long enough for that one tyrant to appear.
I'll deal with Cauldros when it's due time.
Now it's time for Sylvalum tyrant hunting.
Hephaestus, the Absconder. Main character is an Astral Crusader. Really the only battle tactic I know besides getting better gear or a higher level is just trying to topple it. I barely do any damage to it at this point
when messing with the settings to get more color does it also transfer to the gamepad when I want to play in bed?
For people who care about holofigs, my current squad has squad mission 20 active right now, which means an opportunity to get the Phanatos fig.
Nobody has done the Tersqual task yet, so it's up for grabs.
I have to be level 50 to buy level 50 skells?
No, but you have to be level 50 to use them
>turning on my wii u as I read this.


Gimme a second to add you.
Whenever I beat a Tyrant or a mission is get something that says "x series". X being a particular name.

What does that mean?

Also, are what you pick up from collectibles random, or are certain ones in certain places?
Zero's aura that shits damage can be avoided with antispikes?
Those are weapon holofigures that you can display in the barracks. As for collectibles, certain items can only be found in certain places on each continent.
Holofigs for the barracks.
Alright, accepted you.
Cool, post it when you're ready.
Yeah that fight is bullshit. However, if you buff yourself up with gear that has 20 electric resistance each, you'll have 100 electric res and be immune to all of its attacks. Then you just solo it.
I just got disconnected, if there is a spot I hope I can get in.
I'm not working on the task, I already have my Phanatos fig.
It was more of a PSA in case anyone here wants to get it himself.
Ah alright, cheers.
I've just posted it, I'll wait for a bit so you can join.

It's the mission in noctilum, right?
You can fight Telethia at any time. He flies around the top of Noctilum at the Divine Roost in the north.

Killing him is a whole different thing. You have literally no chance until you get an Ares skell (which is also very difficult.)
Both are in Sylvalum.
First one is called The Insect's Fear. During it two containers will appear, open them to trigger the second mission with Phanatos.
I'm not too sure. Give me a second to do this other mission and I'll join up.
To unlock them you have to upgrade the first AM all the way
>You have literally no chance until you get an Ares skell
This is not an understatement. I ran into it with a team full of lv 30 Amdusias Skells, knowing full well I wouldn't stand a chance against this lv 99 enemy. And it still scared me with how every single one of my attacks missed and it's first attack after roaring dealt 35k damage
It's fucking beautiful though
Ah alright, posted the right one now.

Where are you getting your info for squad tasks?

The doc section for them seems like a bit of a mess.
I'm in now. Should be the 3rd person.
>Ares 90 requires 100,000 miranium

So how exactly is this even possible? I'm barely pushing 40,000 with most of the storage and duplicator probes. And a booster.
All I know about squad tasks/missions I've learned by doing them myself. Since almost nobody bothers with the missions, this gives you a lot of attempts to do them and find the conditions to unlock the secret missions (like the Phanatos one).
There's a link in the OP for it.
>Probe Placement Images
Just scroll down through it, and know that it is outdated and some anons here have found a way to reach over 200k storage
The two from before I have the Ygg mission. Join up!
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Missed it the first time. Thanks sempai
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>time limit expired
Wow I'm sorry I was waiting for anyone else and didn't pay attention to the timer. Fuck.
That's fucking hilarious.
PSA: It's actually retarded to wait for things to turn into rare materials as it's like 1 of 10~ items, and all the other materials get turned into tickets at a rate of 1:1 item to ticket; turning them in beforehand at battle spoils is like 1:86-99.
I got one, get into the one I'm in now. 40 mins on the timer and the first mission is currently up.
>No chance until you get an Ares skell
>this is what retards actually believe
Just hit her with a superweapon with high opening damage that skips p1
Then fly down below her where she'll land, ghostuwalkah and buff up
Kill her before she goes p3; this can be a pain to get the timing right, since it's a threshold thing, but you'll get it eventually. Only takes like 150~200 potential.

Always bring 2x Antispike
Well I'm getting lunch, going to attempt again later on.
Hint: you can cancel out of long animations while on a Skell by double clicking the left stick. Works wonders for the Ares and its long ass recovery time after using Vajra / Gatling.
Think there'll be a sequel?
He prefers the longsword with maxed out evasion and blossom dance spamming.
Only if you're on the ground though.
>Agni Gatling
Yes. Even if it's not the next Xenogame Takashi is currently working on, that I've heard of, I think it'll come in due time. But does that matter when that next confirmed game will have motherfucking space battles?

If anything I hope we get new lines of skells from each race and we can actually fully customize the frames themselves as well.

A more indepth characreator to have even more unique mims/avatars.
I just want to see the conclusion to the story.
I kinda wish they don't bring back the character creator unless they make it a separate thing from the base game, like the multiplayer aspect is literally a game inside the game itself or something like that.

On an unrelared note, memewalker with lightsabers for the reflect would need high potential? Its TP arts aren't that great so maybe it's better to invest into melee/element? Someone who runs that build could give some insight.
Or improved creator+weight in discussions/story, mainly discussions.
Yes for the antispike thing.
As for the other, if you know exactly what elements the enemy you're fighting uses, you can use the extra slots for some potential ups.
>can't emote during fights
This is awful.
I'd suggest getting melee attack up since the majority of your melee arts are non-tp.
I feel like the inclusion of a create-a-character will eventually make you hate some part of the story no matter what because people will expect the character to do what you want.
Chapter 11 is a good example that's brought up, where your character does something most players would disagree on. Eventually that will happen and people will be angry about it.
How the hell am I supposed to break Progen horns? They have more HP than the monster itself
How often do Squad Tasks pop up?

Appendage augments?
What's a good duals/duals build? I've been running
>Killing Machine
>Blood Sacrifice
>Seventh Edge
>Stream Edge
>Zero Zero
with ether boost/core crusher/aura assault and the ranged combo/cd skills
It feels like my damage is being split up into too many parts which makes it really unfocused. At max overdrive count I'm usually hitting around 400k per stream edge hit and 150k per executioner hit
what do
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long hair celica.jpg
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Here's a sketch of a Celica from the Art of Mira.
Appendage Crusher?
>Elma thinks "I have a bad feeling about this..."
Is this Star Wars?
>Ga Jiarg brings out his lightsaber
Yup, this is Star Wars.
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Does anyone know how to make the small text more readable either through the game or settings on my tv?
I can see Tomoko's lewd face.
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>No mention of Galactic Knight, the LITERAL Jedi class
>depends if Tatsu can make it... if you know what I mean

What did she mean by this?
My TV has a zoom option in one of it's options with 16:9/4:3/cinema. Two, in fact, one you can toggle the zoom and move the zoomed section around.
But it's not really needed, only when changing equip is it really small, if you are on the previos screen with all the equipment slots, the lettering is readable.
That's a lot of hair.
If she doesn't destroy him on bed.
Next game needs more long hairstyles and proper hair physics, not just vertical movement.
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It means she knows what she wants and she wants that sweet potato
I've never had trouble with it.
Is it Xe-Doms? Getting a Crimson Aurora surrounded by angry Coronids?
I want to run my hands through her hair
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pic related.

Only makes her cuter.
Long hair and hair physics are probably the two things games are still trying to make look good.
I bet the next X game is going to focus on her and her people more. We all know she had a bigger role before getting cut. We don't know who she is, personally. Is she just a small town girl where she's from or is she royalty?
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Step aside, mass effect.
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I accidentally drove my first Skell into a pit in Oblivia about 30 minutes after I got it
>Achievement Unlocked: NOOOO MY SKELL
I did the exact same thing. At least you weren't trying to jump to that floating island with the FN site which you probably can't get at that point anyway
I like how they let you get to them early if you're determined enough but still make you wait for them.
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Favorite line of Engrish lyrics?
>Left Squad:
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No, I didn't do that.

I got out of it and tried fighting a Terebra that was ten levels below me on foot. Two more appeared and ganged up on me, and I started losing health so I got scared and jumped back in the Skell to run away. Instead I panicked and drove it over the cliff that was like 10 feet in front of me.
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