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>you married Silas edition
"The Cynthia of Fates" edition

>Nintendo Direct 11.12.2015

>Fates NA Website ("Full site coming soon")


>Previous: >>123862597
Silasfag pls go
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I love Hinata!
I dont want to waifupost while people are being fags
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What's his name again?
Has anyone ever really used him yet?
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Cute Maids.jpg
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Killing Flora!
Dressing Aqua up like Flora so you can relive the memory of killing her!
Felicia is a Psychopath!
A Psychopath!
Wow Midori is fucking me in the ass here.
After 3 turns they send in peg reinforcements and an ally falconknight drew a boss towards my party who cannot take him on at all because the game forced me to use units I didn't even use at all.

and it's a desert chapter
xth for Maiden of Darkness
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Have Eirika and Ephraim talk to each other
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Birthday sister
Just have Eirika and Ephraim talk, it'll "end" the chapter and it'll restart and let you pick your units.
Might as well post this again. Reminder his song is called Black Rain and he's gonna be confrontational to Itsuki and his crew like a faggot edgelord.
that didn't do anything
Weird, maybe they changed it from an earlier version.
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Soleil Icon.gif
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>wahh someone in my high school jpop game won't be super nice to me

I look forward to characters trying to fuck the player up. Nothing beats a good rival. Navarre looks better than most of the guys we've seen so far.
Oh wait it kicked in after I ended my turn.
Jesus that was stressful at least I killed Tiger eye
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I'm not saying it's bad, I like a good rival myself, but this guy seems more like an edgy fuck than a rival. I still think I'll like him though, especially since I love memedons.
wait until next turn
I love Pieri and so do you!
Why do you love Pieri so much!?
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Working on it. The +7 skill from Blacksmith dealth with his blindness so nicely. That 26 defense is so good.
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>Fates has actual online battles too
I thought it was just that castle stuff.
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Lazward pls
Because crazy chick shenanigans make me remember I'm alive! Pieri is cute! CUTE!!
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I love things! This is one of them!
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>forgot to post an image
I'm sorry Pieri!
you're waifu is not a thing
>not "I forgot my image but I didn't forget my love for Pieri!"
Yeah, but they're pretty terrible matches. Some skills like Copycat and Warp control the meta.
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Trying to come up with new things to say in these posts with Foleo!
I'm seeing that. And the levels are ridiculous, with those seals that increase cap. Some of the characters in the video are almost level 70.
Is he any good as an Oni? A lot of people just stick with Samurai.
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>3rd place had her birthday on the 28th
>2nd place had her birthday on the 30th

IS should just come out and say Femui's official birthday is on the 2nd.

Would complete the trinity.
Shitposting with /feg/!
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Well, the murderboner is interesting enough, but what other girl has cotton candy between her legs?
I expect Samurai's better for him overall. Low skill with clubs gets really lame, plus he gets doubled a lot without his wife behind him.
Speaking of poll placement
>MaMui and Aqua sharing 5th place is a bias from IS
>but MaMU and Tharja sharing 3rd is just an unfortunate coincidence
I'm calling you guys out on that, you big bullies.
How would one effectively stop Foleo from doing this 'faggot' stuff?
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It's too late to stop it, soon all will be consumed.
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Shame Nohr's Lancer is leagues better than Hoshido's lancer.
I want to ram Assram's ass.
>he's done Foleo art
How did I not know this before? I love this guy's stuff.
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What are the best pairings for the Awakening kids?
Inigo/Pieri and Severa/Silas seem pretty cute and happy ending-tier for them. I'm marrying the shit out of Owain regardless.
I want Charlotte to step on my balls!
>MaMU had brown hair in that poll

It wasn't the REAL MaMU.
>ok i'll just wait until next turn to lower the bridge because the game autopositioned Midia too far away for me to recruit him this turn
>sniper has jesus powers and kills Lena


I'm blaming FE3 for that because you are already supposed to have Astram by now. Oh well, I have backup staffbots.
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>not having Femui on the 29th so she can be squished between Oboro and Camilla
Shit. Ever since the poll results, I've been having weird thoughts about them being together. Help me, /feg/.
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>it was Navarre after all
>it wasn't Lon'qu
>it wasn't Inigo
>it wasn't by some stretch of imagination Gregor
>it was Navarre, based motherfuckin Navarre

I-It's a sunshine day after all..
They were doing like a gold, silver, bronze thing I believe, just like how FeMU had white/silver hair for 2nd. Also I had to look up the poll results to see if they changed Kamuis hair for 5th, and I noticed a site was using the image I posted here of the results. Funny.

Also, the last thread got a bunch of deleted posts and is sitting at about 680, do we just leave it?
Hinata porn for that anon from the previous thred:
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Blonde Kamui Icon.gif
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Blonde Kamui
Dumb frogposter
Anyone who thought otherwise was delusional. Maybe at best it could have been Lon'qu, but even that was never gonna happen.
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Eff the Weff
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So when you play as the opposite gender in FE, what name do you use? Just the default one, some random name?

I ask for opposite gender because I know some people use their real name for the same gender avatar.
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Marx is pure and the only non-degenerate in the Nohr family.
Is that a good thing or a bad thing? I cannot tell.
I normally use the feminine version of my name.
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I'm going to Eff your Weff desu
Whatever the default is, so Robin/Kamui.
I use Alice because I want to be a girl and that's the name I use with people who know how I feel.
>implying you married anyone other than tharja/shara
I used Kairi back then, nowadays just the defalt
I just use my name since it's unisex
I don't see the avatars as myself, just characters I create, so no.

I tend to give my avatar dumb names.
The dumbest opposite gender name I got was Galuxior for the possible ugliest avatar I could make.
It was some build 2 male avatar with the poop cyan curly hair and a pissed off face. Horrendous.
I've only self insert once for my first playthrough then just used Robin the rest of the time. Doing the same with Kamui. Not using Corrin.
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Not exactly the answer you were looking for but I always go default gender -> default name -> no customization/default look.

You may have noticed that I am a very boring player. I couldn't bring myself to customize in Pokemon XY until I beat the game. Everything afterward ergo is non-canon and I can spend the non-existent post-game expressing myself.
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Ok you caught me, but if I were to have gone FeMU/FeMui, I'd have chosen those names.

Also here's an edgelord.
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this looks silly desu
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Best Siblings

Marx and Camilla's love is platonic! PLATONIC!
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Now I'm gonna be impatient as fuck for his trailer on Thursday.
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What are these supposed to be used for? They look like those spotpass icons from Pokemon.

>Multiple correct solutions required - please solve more
What's the best Silent Hill fampai?
The name of a character that I liked from another game that I had played recently.

I'm probably going to use Hilda as the name for at least one of my Femuis.
pretty sure these are fanart
Person below me needs to fuck off.
>Hey everybody MageKnight404 here
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Shinonome Icon.gif
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Nothing, I just think they're cool.
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I try to think up something that sounds appealing, but I spend way too long trying to make whatever I think up not sound Tumblr or Deviantart-tier.
Help me out here /feg/gots, give this Kamui a name.
Reminder that Leon only loves Femui if he marries her, not Camilla.
Robin when I'm a guy, and my name when I play as a girl. I mostly played as Robin though,
I went with Kamooee on a Femui run since I just felt like fuckin around

Havent done a FeMu Awakening run so I dunno, would probably just keep that Robin
>NX to ship twelve (read: 12) million units
>still no console mainline fire emblem

Stop you're giving me PTSD
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I love Leon!
Leon loves Camilla!
>that artist
>think it's going to be the same picture lots of times with minor differences
>it's not
they're just cute little edits

Yeah, the want the games to sell.

Can someone post that image of Kanna where she looks like she's doped up on all the drugs?
I use the name Rin when I play as a girl.
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>planned on doing 6 separate runs in total of each route, 2 on each cart and then an extra 2 on either whatever game I liked better for IK
>remember that Special Edition has everything on one cart
How's that gonna work? Will I be out 9 extra save files or what? I might just buy a Jap copy of my favorite version and rerun that if Treehouse really fucks Fates raw.

After PoR almost killed the series they're not doing any mainline FE game for console anytime soon. The costs for HD games are too high and need enough return to justify it, I remember them saying that a FE for Wii U would need to sell at the very minimum 700k copies to return a minimum profit, they're not risking killing their revived franchise.
I love that image, its so sweet. I wished we got to see more of their past.
You get three save files per route you have. So with Special Edition, you have 9 save files.
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at least post the translated one
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Big sister's birthday!
Not him but nice, Hinata is a real hottie.
I can't believe we live in a world where Fire Emblem has 9 save files and Pokemon still only has 1.
Game Freak is a bunch of assholes.
That's to avoid people cloning Pokémon left and right, anon.
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I like Effie.
She makes me happy.

Effie-weffie is the best waifu in Fates. Pieri a shit! A SHIT!
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Does anyone have the image by this artist of Leon and Camilla in their swimsuits? It isn't on their Pixiv account and I can't find a Twitter or any other website account.
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>tfw think ISIS is bad
>but then remember that GameFreak is the literal scum of the earth

I'm thankful for what we have.
>Still no EU release date
At least we know we're getting the SE
I HATE Effie
She should be given away to Hoshido so that they can take care of her!

They said summer 2016 on their twitter.
Leon is an equal opportunity siscon.
But since Femui doesn't always exist, it's easier to make fun of him for wanting to fug Camilla.
Or Elise
>yurops get style savvy 3

fuck off
>style savvy 3

So hyped for that game
It's okay for boys to dress as girls
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hitting close to home.png
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>tfw raiding castles just to get more facerubbing time with her today

I love Camilla! I want to make her birthday the best ever!
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How can you love a fictional character?
They can't hate you back or reject you for what you are.
Yes, thank you! Any idea where it's from?
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I wonder how this artist feels about the Leon revelation
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Our waifus.png
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Because we'll never know what love really is.
But you can just find someone in real life that can reciprocate your feelings that you have towards them.
>That hair
If only, if only.
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My waifu will get DLC, right? Right...?
Does anyone want my Japanese cipher code thing? I have no use for it.
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It ain't easy being cheesy
What is Femui does exist though? Does he want to fuck both her and Camilla?
Elise!Foleo would be pretty powerful.
Even if your waifu/husbando was real, they would hate you and think you're creepy.
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It was just posted here when that one anon was calling Leon a siscon before it was revealed to be true.
I don't know, Flora has pretty low standards.
>tfw can't play Fates yet so I miss out on her birthday
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I don't even have a real waifu nor intend to get one, but that's not true for everyone. Life for a misfit is way easier when you accept that you're going to die alone but acknowledge that it doesn't matter until you get there than when you keep reminding yourself every minute with self pity or try to find a coping measure.
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Yes, he wants a neesandwich.
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That's kind of sad, I'll be rooting for you misfits.
What are the age differences for Leon-Kamui-Camilla anyways?
Leon: 15
Kamui: 16
Camilla: 18
I always thought it was


So you're the 0, and you start off at age 17. Ryouma is 4 years older, Hinoka is 2 years older, Takumi is 2 years younger, and sakura is 4 years younger.

That's the way I thought of it. I'm probably way off though
Looks like they had a Twitter account but deleted it (that's where >>123899825 came from)
They haven't updated their Pixiv account in a while either. I think they might have been bullied off the net for supporting Leon's degenerate ways.

I hope they are reveling in the truth now
Camilla is probably way older than 18. I see her as 20-22.
What's wrong with Leon?
IS doesn't want to release any character ages, so all people can do is guess.
That would fuck up the timeline though, it's easier to assume this:

Older brothers: 20
Older sisters: 18
You: 16
Younger brothers: 15
Younger sisters: 12
Wasn't Joker's age and height supposed to be revealed in this book? The black lines in the sample pages only crossed them out because it was just a sample didn't they?
This particular artist drew Leon x Camilla art months ago.
The "Making of FE" book that released yesterday revealed that Leon has incestuous feelings towards Camilla and has caused a shitstorm among his Japanese fans.
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Frederick level.jpg
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Frederick strong.
No, they don't want to reveal specific ages for characters period. They even said as much in a Q&A.
Speaking of which, has concept art of any other characters been shown yet?
>implying Leon fangirls won't be back to suck his dick once the new DLC has Leon saying romantic shit to them left and right
Frederick is bench juice for me
Did that guy hacking the prepromote classes post? Last thread got hard to keep track of.
What's with Japanese people and incest
Camilla is actually 17...
I will cum in her teenage pussy
That would make her your age or one year older, I doubt it.
Camilla and Elise are both 18 in the NA version so it's fine.
By that logic Kamui is 12-13, Leon is 9-11, and Elise is 5-7.

No fucking way.
that's a dank meme senpai
Crit rates start to get nasty here in FE3 and most units have tissue tier durability. Minerva here just obtained and then lost the Silver Card in one turn.
>Kamui is born
>Lives in IK for 4 years
>Sakura is born, Sakura's mother dies.
>Mikoto flees to Hoshido
>Kamui spends a year there
>Sumeragi take Kamui to Nohr
>Sumeragi dies
>Kamui is kidnapped

Ages of Royals at the end of Fates:
Kamui: 16
Marx/Ryouma: 20
Hinoka/Camilla: 18
Leon/Takumi: 15
Sakua/Elise: 12

This fits pretty well.
What about Aqua? Isn't she implied to be as old ans the older siblings?
So what's with the books in Midori I've been finding from time to time? They're in my misc section in my convoy.
Skill books, like in Thracia.
Kamui is 5 at the age of being kidnapped, so he wouldn't remember his siblings very well, and Takumi and Sakura wouldn't remember him, whilst the other two would. Sakura's mother could've died after giving birth due to complications?

I assume it would just be Kamui's story in reverse.
I think Sakura is a little bit older than Elise. I forget what exactly but something about how Elise was born after Kamui was kidnapped while Sakura was born before.

I'd say more like:
Marx/Ryouma: 21-24
Camilla/Hinoka: 19-21
Kamui: 16-17
Leon/Takumi: 15-16
Sakura: 13-14
Elise: 11-12

I think Aqua is at least as old as the older sisters.
Camilla's mother could've just been a concubine.
>still have the silver card

>Sakura was just born/still an infant when Kamui was kidnapped, in her words
>the people of Hoshido received notification after Kamui was kidnapped that Elise was born, according to Aqua
>Aqua's kidnapping was done in retaliation

Chronologically, yes. Elise would be a bit younger.
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cordelia and lonqu.png
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If Cordelia and Lon'qu is canon then why is Luna so shit
blame hydra, Lon'qu!Severa is god.
For being old, FE3 was very nice regarding a few things.
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Shit, I forgot about it completely. I'll take care of it. Just checked the list from last thread and I'll take the screenshots now.
Doesn't the game mention she's the daughter of an unknown woman? Her mother may not have been a Queen.

>Garon has a son named Marx with his first wife who is the first queen
>2 years later
>Garon's wife falls dies, he has Camilla with a concubine, and never marries the concubine due to grief
>2 years later he cuts off contact with Camilla's mother, who never became a queen
>Azura (and Kamui) is born and is taken to Nohr with Shenmei
>Garon decides to re-marry
>Shenmei becomes the second queen
>Shenmei dies?
>Garon is overcome with grief and never re-marries
>Leo is born a year later to a concubine
>Elise is born 2 years later to another concubine
she spends too much time eating and not enough time training
>couple has good support/looks good together and is good eugenically

I love it.
And non-canon because Luna is shit.

Canon pairings:
>Lissa x Frederick
>Olivia x Gregor
>Cordelia x Ricken
For someone full of grief Garon sure plowed fields all way like a peasant.
Camilla's mother was a concubine. Check her Zero support.
You've got to release it somehow
We already know how it went, from supports.
>Garon had a wife and a harem
>Marx is his only (?) child through his wife
>she died at some point
>he had a lot of kids through his harem and loved them all
>gave Leo headpats and piggyback rides
>at some point he married Shenmei
>concubines got jealous of each other and started pitting their kids against each other
>several of Garon's kids died, he became bitter
>somewhere in there he takes Kamui
>Shenmei died and he became even more bitter and cruel
>Elise is eventually born
When is Fire Emblem going to let you use the D-Pad to move the camera so that you can see the rest of a character's portrait instead of just the upper part that's shown by default?
>Lon'qu x Cordelia
>good eugenically
Thanks, man.
I thought Slime Garon took Kamui.
Dare I take the bait?

Lissa and Freddy actually perfectly explains Odin because of the clashing mods. He even gets that negative speed.
No, regular Garon did so that he could get Kamui to kill Hydra, after Shenmei told him about it.
gr8 b8 m8
Is Sev still good as a unit even after that mess? I guess you can make her a Sorcerer.
Not doing too well after last map, and this one isn't easy either.

i dunno why I gave the last slot to Radd. I guess he can just pretend to be helpful or bait a Dracoknight.
Slime Garon wasn't around yet. Leon remembers Garon being kind during his childhood so I'm guessing it was a bit yet before Garon got switcheroo'd.
Probably, but not as a mercenary.

You can make her work, probably. I'd say Donny is worse for her because his mods are garbage and he gives her no classes.
80 31 46 41 43 46 41 44

as a sorceror
A waste. LonkxPanne is way better

>giving yarne priority over severa
>even using yarne in the first place and not letting their species go extinct

If you must have yarne, just give stahl, but even stahl is too good honestly.
You mean Garon actually was going to be the hero before he got replaced by saturday morning cartoon Garon?
>Wasting Lonk's premium sperm on fucking Yarne
Yes, sort of.
>kill garon
>he's back in his regular form
>before he melts away like aqua does he notes that it's the first time since his physical body perished a whiiiiile back that he feels at peace
>says kamui was disposable and intended to be used to bait mikoto into trying to save them so he could kill the two of them and conquer hoshido

I don't even know anymore, but maybe Sumeragi wasn't a good guy after all.
Anybody read this in a childlike pitch tone on their minds?
I want Lonk's premium sperm in me so we can have sanic speed babies.
Chaika! Shocking truth!
I always read it in Felicia's voice.
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So in Japanese?
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Hacked classes, woo. I felt like doing a bunch of extra ones. I still have the file available so I can take more if necessary.
In her tone
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The GBA swordmaster crit reminds me of the Tsubame Gaeshi
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Would you drink Pieri's tea?
>Aqua walks in on Mamui wearing her dress
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violate chaika.jpg
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As long as it's free, or not made of people.
I'd poison her tea.
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Yes, just remember /feg/
Those Chaikas were cute, but the show sucked, and apparently the novel was only decent at best.

Lucina feets
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>tfw even though your neetfu scored low on the polls, she's good in cipher
Fucks up the meta with her effect

What is it with you guys and the feet of Lucina? I don't get it.
Camilla was a slut even as a Wyvern Rider?
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Lucina feets.
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There's more of her? Also, what's she saying?

I want to understand.
Thanks! Maybe Cav Marx/Gunther? Isn't that Falcoknight on Yuugiri, though?
They're cute.
should take off the helmet on ryouma
What's that on the bottom right there?
and smelly
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Chrom was my awakening husbando
Has anyone been playing the Tumblr rewrite of FE8?
What do they smell like.
Mine's Priam. He probably gives great cuddles and has a rugged, manly scent.
I'm scared to ask what they changed
What? What? What?
What the fuck is that?
I see.
What did they change?
I'm surprised they even had people make the effort to do one.
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