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Thread replies: 255
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Freedom of the Press Edition

>Fallout 4 items, map, power armor, companions and bobble heads guide

>Fallout 4 comprehensive map

>Fallout 4 system requirements

>Fallout 4 spoken player names list

>Fallout 4 mods

>Collectible Checklist and Interactive Map

>Character Builders

>Fallout 3/NV

>/aco/ Fallout Thread (NSFW goes here)

>Fallout 4 Mods that were made by /fog/ and/or deleted from Nexus.

Pre-War Thread: >>123639507
This is my fantasy
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Piper's the best!
The smg shouldn't be this good
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What's her ethnicity?
reminder that she's at least 60 years old buddy xD
Piper is best waifu, but Danse is best companion, from a practical standpoint.

Why are all the other companions utterly worthless, no matter what weapons or armor you give them?
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Am I being retarded or is melee super badly balanced, at least for low levels. Anything more than two bloatflies wreck my shit, I'm only in leather armor so I'm torn to shreds by anything with an actual gun, I have two ranks of the melee perk but I still can't one-shot radroaches with a bladed swatter, and it's not like I can just sneak attack everything either because sneak and ninja perks unlock super fucking slowly.

Low-level melee is suffering.
Okay seriously, Tycho just keeps rushing into the next room and gets destroyed by the muties.
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she finally got in
Vaguely western european
Could have parts germanic and italian
She doesn't have a lot of telling signs other than her particularly thin nose which might imply she's british or french specifically
So if I join the Railroad, I can't join the other ones? I gotta choose if I want the ballistic weave in my playthrough?
I have a Radeon HD 7870, why is my fps so shitty even on low settings? When I started playing it was ok, now I'm in the city, just did Trinity Tower, and my fps has been terribly low. What do? I read some shit about validating the game files, could that help? I could run GTA 5 with no problems..
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RPing is 100% Pretending Pretending a little more doesn't bother me.

Going from spending days eating raiders corpses and murdering countless settlers to

Is pretty jarring and a fair complaint

Side note what would be a good way to capture this happening? in TFC i can't trigger cannibal

Italian can say from personal experience as a wop
>alittle brown
Doing a useless perk run
46 more perks to go, will I run out of choices?
You're being retarded. Put more points into strength and endurance.
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>Just working with that
You can do quests with all of them, up to a certain point. You can get weave and leave
That image alone should tell you she don't give no fucks.
I am LOVING these Piper OPs.
Just make her the biggest slut possible.
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nth for Lore Rape
Best girl.
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she's losing, even in full power armour and the furious power fist
>didn't go with logan's loophole from the start
I've considered getting rid of all that and just have a central trading hub where it all connects to, does the storage get shared through second hand connections you think?
>go with logan's loophole, one of the best traits in the game
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>>why is it clogged up with useless shit like VANS?
>>why does the 4th perk level for hacking and lockpicking exist?
>>why can everybody pick novice locks now?
>>why are most perks passive and noninteractive and boring percental increases? There seem to be a lot of perks that just don't give you special boni when upgraded
>>why do i need to take the boni when i want to only upgrade my damage?

The answer to all of your questions is "Modern Gamers" You just cannot fathom how stupid they are. They're the ones who need guides to get through the Polymer Labs.

Check steam. Right now. Go. What is the percentage of people who have the game but have not gotten the achievement for leaving Vault 111?

14%. About the same percentage have not gone past level 5.

Only 5.2 percent of people have killed more than 5 gigantic creatures.
Only 0.3% have gotten 100 happiness in a settlement.
Only 14% have beaten the game.

Gamers are retarded. Games, are made for them, so games are retarded. AAA games cannot be good anymore. That's just how it is. it's never going to change.
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It chains all the way. A central hub is just pointless managing when you can have one settler go to the next settlement and so on.
7 STR, 7 END, 4 or 5 LCK (for Idiot Savant), everything else 1

Should I be using VATS more?
traits != perks
>Tattoos is out of place
RPGs are dead the cod gamers have won. Our only hope is DOS2
traits are essentially level one perks
>a little brown
You think her roastie is a little brown on the edges too?
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i just put them all in order, that one just happened to be on the top tier
What was the fucking point of having voiced names? Seems like the money could've been better spent.
It's not that expensive for just one character and was an ebin gimmick.
To make people buy the game.

>less than half have reached level 25
>only 10% have reached level 50

Good jesus... I bet beth is kicking themselves for not making MORE streamlined.
>that pitiful collection
topest kekes
Had no idea you could actually display comic books.

That's really strange. And you said you can't even one-shot radroaches? I was one-shotting them with my bare fists the minute I ran into them, and I only put 6 in END and STR. Don't know what to tell you anon.
Irish accents over a hundred years after nuclear war.
>Only 5.2 percent of people have killed more than 5 gigantic creatures.
>Only 0.3% have gotten 100 happiness in a settlement.
>Only 14% have beaten the game.

I'm level 46 and I haven't bothered doing the second and third one
>not just adding levels to get the achievement
>everyone should be playing 12 hours a day
Probably not. She's canon virgin. Curie's cunt status is unknown, but she's confirmed virgin of mind. Cait is a canon prostitute, so she's got a nice set of beef curtains down south, and has quite a few lumps and bumps down there as well. "For your pleasure", of course.
I'm sure the gimmick of being able to say "OMG VOICED NAMES GUYS" and its selling point for the game made up for the cost of the extra hour or so it took for one VA to say them all.
Anyone had a settler complain they were sleeping in shit or something?

Wonder if it's because I make them sleep outside.

sorry I’ve been too busy liking cool things and being attractive.
I don't even understand how the fuck to get 100 happiness unless if it requires all level 3 traders in one settlement.
why wouldnt you join the institute?
you get to be in charge of the most powerful faction at the end. Cant you just tell me to not kidnap people when you're the director?
It's mostly an excuse to build something different, it would make sense from a role playing standpoint too, a place where i can spend all my hard earned water jewing.

But yeah, as far as min-maxing i know it's sub-optimal, i already have more routes than i need, my map is a mess and the road is riddled with traders.
How do you even get your settlement to 100% happiness? Mines been at 85% for so long now.
Maybe the bleed effect from the "bladed" swatter mod is fucked up, I don't know. Guess I'll just beeline to ballistic weave or something

cut that by a sixth and you should still be above level 25 two weeks in.
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>600 am
>nothing to even do in fallout anymore.
>300 something locations for nothing but only have like 220
>have maxed the x-1 and all the weapons
>no quests
>was up all night
>song starts to play.
>not playing at least 20 hours a day
>implying that faggot from the SRB would listen to you
>implying they couldnt just have you thrown out or some bullshit
my happiness is at 80 and everybody has plenty of food, water, beds, shelter (no rain ever touches my settlement outside the crops), and perfectly calculated defenses.
Yet I STILL hear "Easy living, this ain't" fucking ridiculous
I'm level 53 and I have done everything. What the fuck? There is no content.
I managed to get Long to somewhat not complain a few times in sanctuary.
Same, except that cunt Marcy keeps bitching. I really want to kill her.
farming isn't easy though you sperg
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Who else loves the added verticality to this game?
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Bruv, achievements don't work for 50% of the people that bought the game on launch day.

Modern gamers are still some dumb motherfuckers though goddamn
>it would make sense from a role playing standpoint too

I totally want to do this. A central settlement with none of its own settlers acting as provisions and with all the high level merchants recruited to it.

Honestly I haven't bothered setting up enough settlements for it to make any sense though.
Me. My computer doesn't love it though.
yeah, let's fuck with the guy who singlehandedly kicked the brotherhood ass and eats deadclaw steak for breakfast.
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Who is a baddie here?


Brotherhood of Steel best faction.
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>not getting off to her teasing
She's just tsundere for you.

>that cute voice of hers
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You paid 30 dollars for the game. what do you expect? that 60 dollars would be a fixed value for over 30 years? A 60 dollar SNES game in 1991 would cost you 103 dollars today.

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>Basing things on steam achievments of all things
You're right about people being dumb, but as a metric thats fucking retarded.

147 hours in the game and I haven't finished the main story, because I just never felt bothered by it. Mostly because voiced protag.
>Can play as a murderous bastard that kills everyone
>As soon as you touch a main quest you are back to "MUH BABY ABLOO BLOO BLOO", even if you just killed a guy by pickpocketing all his clothing off him and planting a nuke grenade up his ass

I also don't have 100% settlement happiness achievment, because they always hover around 89-94. I was actually somewhat curious as to why.
Or 17 other achievments because I just fucked around, though I think 5-6 of those are story related.
Now that I think about it, I'll just assign her to artillery duty so she just stays in one place.
Fahrenheit is qter
Half of my settlers can't seem to climb the steps to the roof of my red rocket base to their beds.

I guess I'll just make an inn on the ground floor.
Im only fucking level like 42 and i have every weapon and all of its shitty 700 mods when you only actually need the best one. body parts dont change.
every location is kill fest and then grinding for parts till its nothing but testing out weapons.
did every quest that mattered. just need to find the only other thing thats interesting which is the Chinese sub in the empty murky fucking water and then im done with this shitty game. 3 days worth of playing is enough, even though half of that is grinding for shitty junk.
who is this semen demon

So 230,000 other people obviously shared your experience? There's no dumb people on the planet who play video games?
>some NPC says something dumb or annoying like I DON'T LIKE OUTSIDERZ
>quick save
>beat them to death with my bat
>beat everyone else to death

Am I the only autist that does this?
>check Steam price
>80CAD for FO4
>40CAD for DLC
Top jej
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>>123647287 >>123647325 >>123647337 >>123647365 >>123647436

They belong on wood shelves! Metal stands will ruin them. I hope I can seal them with the enxt patch, else I'm going to mod it myself with GECK.
Do cats respawn? Like the birds?

>in-game computer stats

Wow you made an honest self-insert.
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Hey who would have guessed KL-E-O is OP as fuck as a follower, being an Assaultron and all. There is a major risk to her; her lazer death beam can kill you in crossfire. Its pretty cool to watch her mow down enemies though.

On another note, is there a way to remove Atom shrines you find in the wastes? I killed them in the Glowing Sea crater but their influence remains with shrines scattered around.
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if i kill this guy can i no longer get face change surgery?
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No. But sometimes you need to be a man, and not reload the game.
>not living in the glorious The United States of America.
>wonders why his games run like ass
What's the best weapon choice to kill feral ghouls?
yup tien guy and i bought the season pass but 3 fucking real side quests (cabot house,ship,wicthcraft) and well that shit story .. thats fucking it? What are they gonna do? add shit in the water? do a quest expansion? add enclave and ncr? its only been 6 years in canon from NV. So ncr and legion still exist plus the burning man.
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Yeah, but I make sure the female raiders I kill are always center-mass shots so their bodies stay in perfect condition, then they get displayed naked on railings and other waist high walls, so we all have some autism in us.
Does the beam also apply if you have Inspirational?
showlooksmenu player 1

The chink takes over.
Literally any rifle
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>technically advanced enough to create human beings
>can't cure cancer

Because it's 2287
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back home now, got the first one done

I'll try and do at least one more today

i havent tested that yet, she's pretty strong already though
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>settlement near the river
>go upstairs
>see a ghoul sitting on the couch
>he says hi
>I blow his head off
>everyone else attacks me
>kill them all
>dump their bodies in the river
>come back later
>1 settler joined in and is the only one
>it's a ghoul lady
>VATS her with a hammer

Sounds edgy but eh, I like to roleplay as a strict slave owner.
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>he fell for the buy FO4 and season pass meme

He wanted to die.
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What did she mean by this?
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When you have literally nothing else to do, you do this.
Ghoul-slaying gamma gun
You can't just make a cure for all cancers anon
a headless body makes my dick diamond
>human beings
They're robots.
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When I found out her corpse doesn't break apart I put Desmonda in a coffin.

I ended up killing the annoying people at some settlement I set up. I only reloaded in Vault 81 so I could get Curie fine. I didn't even end up using her.


Horse armor.

Areas you can only access from a new vertibird port or some kind of boat.

Underground can go literally forever.

Other pointless shit, i'm sure. Meme guns, probably more rick and morty references. More references and re-use of Skyrim assets.
>but 3 fucking real side quests
So the Chinese submarine, and the big dig dont count as side quests?
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>Can't fuck Maxson
End it.
She wants to have some interviews with you later tonight.
>you will never tonguepunch his hairy fartbox

She wants you to watch her back as you crush her puss, brah.
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>Kells spouts shit about my bro Danse
>Murder everyone on the command deck
>1st line agrees about people being dumb
I'm on the beta, and I don't know if this is a bug or it's always been like this. But when I go to mod a weapon at the bench, the weapon is somewhat translucent. I can see the character though the model. Is it supposed to be like that?
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So they were nazi's right?
>i must've slept with piper 200 times by now
pregnant mod when?

You kill mirelurks, hack a protectron, then walk through a tunnel killing more mirelurks and then three pointless goons.

I guess if you want to call that a side quest, you've already lost hope.
necro mod when
> Find cure that cures everything and have 5 shots of alien magic
> Can't use any of em on Shaun

Thanks Todd.
That's all I want, anon. And I can't.
What kind of cup size does Piper have. There needs to be a canon bodytype for porn mods for Piper.

Even the nazi's were justified in their actions.
>Confidence Man
>Diamond city Blues
>The entire Vault 81 quest chain
>Here There Be Monsters
>Human Error
>The Big Dig
>The Disappearing Act
>The Gilded Grasshopper
>The Silver Shroud
>Not side quests

you whut m8?
Oh no you dont. You dont get to say things like that about muh PRIVATE DICK! Best comments, best outlook on things, best looks.
get yourself checked for autism m8 you could be terminal.
>tfw you can't sleep with Piper in her home with Nat watching
Hey guys, quick question for all you PC players. I'm building myself a decent PC for christmas, 6700k, 980ti, 16gb DDR4 etc.

Here's the link if you want to look:

My questions are thusly, is this PC going to run the game smoothly on ultra settings, what are your experiences with your own hardware. Is there any point setting godrays to anything but low?

I'm going to double the RAM next year and get another 980ti. Not that the second card will matter because Bethesda seem to think it's ok to not support SLI or Crossfire. Pricks.

>find cure for everything
>it can't heal a 210 year old gunshot wound.

So much for sci-ence. You'd think all it would take is a single stimpack, or that cabbot serum.
>is this PC going to run the game smoothly on ultra settings
Nothing runs Fallout 4 smoothly on ultra settings, anon.
>no speech check for incestuous threesome
way to fucking drop the ball, todd
Hitler first actually had a reason because of how fucked Germany was after ww1 because of the shitty unfair treaty france shitted on them (we didn't sign it) . then he wanted more and went insane, he could of stopped at France and Poland and we would of never gave a fuck. plus at the time 70% of us americans were german.
they create human synths almost a perfect human synth,
which means they know almost everything about the human biology and anatomy, and how could they not discover a cure for cancer.

Shit plot to be honest family shakes my head.

Don't bother. Gaming is dead. There's nothing even remotely good coming out next year.

The Silver Shroud alone is longer than some Skyrim faction quest lines
you're fine nigga.

Dont listen to the memes.
ayy lmao
Well now I can't get the thought out of my head of cumming on Pipers face and putting a picture of it in the paper and parading her around town letting anyone who wants shoot their load on her as well

America created the league of nations.

America created hitler. America has created its own enemies for almost its entire existence.

Shit, americans were the first ones to come up with eugenics.
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Yep, and you did good son. Send those sauerkrauts back where they belong, Boston is for the people.
Why bother man games are shit now, spend the money on traveling and getting foreign pussy. Unless you like the new cod mod for skyrim.
>3 fucking real side quests (cabot house,ship,wicthcraft)
Dude what. If you count Witchcraft as a "proper" sidequest there's probably like 50 of them in the game.
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>bethesda doesn't support SLI

is that the fucking reason my game's running like absolute shit? goddamnit, i'm a fucking moron
I wish they didn't make the kids look like monkeys.
We tried to only help and backed out of that shit, it didn't work so we ditched. Its not our fault everyone else were stupid.
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but why

>that one guy who just can't finish
>won't break eye contact
>starts getting reeeeal awkward
>America created hitler
You're retarded. Hitler was pissed because of how harsh the treaty was on Germany. America wanted to make the treaty a lot less harsh, but the other European nations didn't want it that way.
>Those temps

I hope youre not idle.
Yeah, we gave the Arabs a shitload of training.

You think some terrorists figured out how to make shoe bombs and IEDs from youtube?
Nah it was all CIA.
>go to the vault 81 or something
>kids wearing jumpsuits
>they have manly fucking shoulders, especially the girls

They really didn't try.
No, your game runs like shit because you're playing games on a laptop.
>gimmick to rope consumers into wasting extra dollars

You probably bought fallout 4 too with season pass and all.

America made the league of nations. No league of nations, no blockade on germany.

Take responsibility for keeping the world at war for over a century. Your entire economy depends on violence.
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body slider position for best ass?
That's your issue. Don't SLI two piece of shit GPUs designed for laptops.
>Vault 114's premise and staff instructions.

Yeah the nigga who came up with this read his fair share of doujins.
This if you know you history we didn't even sign it or want anything to do with it. but France was butthurt.
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Modern Gamer shittiery has gotten to a point where it would kill game sales to not pander to these fucking plebs.

The game Industry might crash again, and it deserves to.

Tho FO4 and MGSV have been astoundingly successful, albeit Generally disappointing
>order Piper finish him herself while having Nat watch
i am

bought an $1800 laptop from a coworker for $800
and it still fucking outperforms my shite desktop, kill me
Wait for Pascal.
Also, I have a 750ti windforce oc, 8GB ram ddr3 and an i5-4460 3,2ghz (3,4 with overclock) and I run it on ultra. I have one mod that one anon made that drops your fps when things explodes, but I usually go from 25 to 50/60 fps.
So I would worry for incoming games or the newest ones that actually requires these expects and USE them.
Bathesda is a kek.
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Hey /fog/

I've just got to the part of the main story where I met Shaun and explored the Institute, I was told this was a good place to explore and do shit.

I'm going for a Minutemen/Railroad ending (Enter/Blow up Institute with Railroad. Blow up Prydwen with Minutemen)

I've totally ignored the Brotherhood of Steel up to this point, I'm wondering whether I should do some quests for them since it's a bit weird that they're just kind of floating around in their blimp not doing anything, and they obviously have ties to the main story.

The problem is that it seems a bit weird at this point in the narrative that my character would suddenly want to join up with the Brotherhood of Steel out of nowhere. It bothers my autism. So, what do?

America is the most successful terrorist uprising in history.

Why wouldn't other countries try to imitate their success? ISIS is no better or worse than the Sons of Liberty.
they all have the same ass
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>waifu Piper
>get lover's embrace perk
>go to bed
>wake up to her gently moaning "awww do we really have to get up?"
>start training adamantium Skeleton
>hit level 39
>oh shit that heavy metal armor I been saving
>train armorer 4
>Polish these babies up
>apply Dense padding
>go find some cunt with a rocket launcher
>found a super mutant near some water pump plant near the Handy Robot gardens
>direct rocket launcher hits are barely doing anything to me
Good fucking feel.
>take responsibility for europes failure
No thanks.
Shame Sarah Silverman has the body of a cinderblock.
Typical Jewish genetics
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Could be worse
What is this unholy abomination?

Anyway, i've been running SLI since day one, just google it.
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I'm on a 7870 myself, 1920x1080, TTA, AF 8 samples, textures on high, lighting on high, godrays on low, everything else on medium. I have no performance complaints other than the absolutely horrible loading times, not silky smooth 60 fps, but it feels perfectly playable.
What's the rest of your rig?
I feel bad for anyone who thinks this is a good perk
>America should be responsible for Europe fucking their good idea up
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>tfw you fuck right after you kill raiders in a raiders bed
>tfw you do it in front of everyone in your settlements
>spec blogs
Is Fallout 4 that bad that people would rather talk about secondarily related things to the gameplay instead?
I asked a gameplay/roleplaying related question and nobody cared, so yes.
Funny thing is Hitler was far too afraid to attack us, plus he knew we were basically german at the time and we were actually trading with him. japs went insane and it fucked him over, he still had a thing for japs though.
at this point, everybody here probably finished the game already.
Something that's kinda interesting is that people are playing Fo4 and enjoying it that haven't played any other fallout or enjoyed it.

That's something i've noticed when looking through some streams on twitch. There was that one guy (richardhammer) who was recommended new vegas and he literally stopped playing after goodsprings

Maybe it was because the game lacked explosions maybe it was because he couldn't look past the graphics i don't know

>husbando maccready
>go to bed
>wake up with him saying "I never knew a mutfruit could be used like that!"

what the fuck did I just miss
Her name is piper.
So her grandfather might be a plumber
She works for the press
so 100% italian
>there are people who don't have a bed on a raised pedestal with a bell next to it
>there are people who don't hold ritual waifu dickings in front of all of their settlers
>/fog/-Fallout General
>Someone complains about people not talking about Fallout
>Somehow this is a bad thing

Fuck off, cancer.
It wont crash since it is a multi billion dollar industry, the only thing that will happen is casualization and dumbing down of more games. Add more generic FPS games to the heap too because console plebs and teeny boppers moms buy that shit up.

Mass Effect 3 and XCOM2 will be dumbed down for the console profits and pc gamers buy it regardless as we see with fallout 4 with its shitty port.
>people use sli and expect 2.0x the performance.
>it's not fallout related if I don't like it
Is it worth setting a weapon up with all the hip fire improving mods instead of all the highest damage stuff?
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Yeah but we made a good thing and it only failed because of everyone else fighting, so we went nope see ya and backed out. That should've been a good idea to back out at once but they didn't.
I just finished the main quest for the railroad and now i'm making a new character to see if this game cared about my choices
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Any mods that make the pip boy light more realistic without bugged third person shadows?

>mass effect 3

I've got bad news anon
>missing the point this hard
Must be hard being clinically retarded.
What the fuck was that ending? What the fuck was the point of factions? All you ever get is you nuke some other faction and get a cutscene that recaps the start of the game and ends with "this time I'm ready, because war never changes". Fuck bethesda holy shit my middle school essays had better stories than this piece of garbage.

Fallout 4 is essentially a console facebook game. It is so easy, so banal, and so pointless that the average idiot can get into it and feel special for succeeding at a video game.

This is the future of marketing and the recent past.

They don't make games for people to the right of the bell curve. Never again.
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the GECK can't come soon enough
>sleep in my house piper happened to be nearby
>she says this while sitting on a chair
>mfw no face
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I can fix anything
>railroad wants the institute destroyed
>place where synths are made
How is talking about computer specs Fallout related again, faggot?
>Mass Effect 3 and XCOM2
So, a game series that got destroyed by the SECOND game they made, and a revived game title that was already significantly casualized's sequel?
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>a bed on a raised pedestal with a bell next to it
I can't fucking breathe holy shit
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I enjoy both. 58 hours in New Vegas was extensive modding and shit. 54 hours with Fallout 4.

To be fair, I enjoy NV waaaaaaaaaay more but both are enjoyable.
Wait for the geck nigga
Some consequences of what you do can you see in game and some things don't have consequences at all because the choices given were too trivial
But yea i still kinda wanted a recap of what i did like in New Vegas
I dunno man, I get playable (except for rare stuttering) frames in the city with Phenom II and a 750 TI. That's with most stuff set to high and only a few things tweaked lower.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and blame AMD for your problems.
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You were complaining about this in the last thread, and again I'm going to recommend that you play Divinity: Original Sin. Also, I will again call you an idiot for thinking a Bethesda game wouldn't be casual.
we all have a thing for Japs ;)
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Me too
Fallout 4 just feels like a mediocre shooter but it's still kinda fun
I miss the quest design from New Vegas
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yeah gundam power armor
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The only thing America did dumb in that time to cause shit was Oil Embargo Japan.


Was a Billion dollar industry in the 80's too. alot of games are outright garbage or gimped down DLC Case sellers.

I mean look at Battlefront
>STAR wars
>no space fights
>far.FAR FAR less features/game modes than its previous titles
Wew that last one sounds familiar

Dunno if it can be fixed til GECK because that mod only turns on the ability for those lights. Doesn't move them. The headlamps work well, but the Pipboys lights shadows are broken
>consolefag problems
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>he could of stopped at
Fucking subhuman trash, learn to speak the English language properly or go back to your krautchan shithole.

Who is in agreement that fallout 4 is a terrible game for grandmas only?

Can we get a show of hands? I feel like this is in the minority here.
i blow up the institute with the minuteman
can i still blow up the Prydwen?
>quest design
I miss dialogue options
Protip: that courser's outfit looks sexy af on Piper.

Fuck the Railroad, they're a bunch of idiots and their leader is a total cunt.
They don't think the Institute should be artificially creating sentient beings, but they believe the ones that already exist should be treated fairly, as they're essentially just people "born" into shitty circumstances.
I already responded you rude fuck
So I posted like a thread or two ago asking what kind of mod you'd create if the GECK were out and you could use it properly. I said I'd make a mod around synths starting up their own secret radio where they play 80s music, which in FOverse would just be synths experimenting and coming up with their own unique music style and how 80s fits because a lot of it is existentialist stuff and what it is to be human.

Anyways I thought I'd share a few songs that I think would go really well with it.










even in 3 they cared enough to give you ladykiller options and you even had an option for mysterious stranger :(

How am i gonna roleplay if i'm always a middleaged white man with a soft voice (even when i'm threatening people what the fuck?)
could have*
How was it dumb?
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mass effect 4 i mean whatever its name is

Loved 1 and 2, 3 was bad.
Anyone: can you get into the Mass Fusion building without choosing the BoS/Institute?
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You're in the Fallout general you idiot, and the game is still fairly new, of course you're going to be in the minority here. If you wanna bitch about the game go to /v/
>how can I roleplay when I am given an actual role to play instead of generic "all in my head" TES self insert!
3rd gen synths have feelings too
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