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/evn/ - Boogieman Edition
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You are currently reading a thread in /vg/ - Video Game Generals

Thread replies: 255
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Discussion about the making or playing of Original English Language Visual Novels.

Do you have a question about a Japanese visual novel or a translation of it?
/vn/ is ready to answer it.

>Getting Started:

>Recommended Reading:

For Developers. Huge collection of guides on everything:

Ren'Py Download:

Previous thread: >>122182126

Remember to BUMP THE FUCKING THREAD every three hours please.
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That is a nice cabinet.
>not lying down in bed while fapping to eroge
She's still dressed, he hasn't gotten to the fapping part yet.
It's falling over and I can't tell quite which direction.
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Is this too shota?
i've written about 40k words this last week for a 'short' spinoff of one of my other vns which isn't even released yet
what am i doing
barely shota at all, would have to see full body to say for sure.
you're a terrible person
but at least you're practicing your fast-writing skills
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It's okay anon. I'm close to release and I have been fiddling around with not one but two other games. One will get released mere months after my first.
well i'm only writing this other thing because the writing of the main vn is already finished but i can't release it because i'm waiting on assets
only i've been waiting for a while and i got restless
That's an okay reason to get started but - how will you feel when the assets come in, but you really want to be writing this other thing?

I say, having repeatedly delayed a project I've promised people because I keep being stuck waiting for someone else and starting something else in the meantime....
So /evn/ what game have you seen recently that has a good looking GUI. I'm looking for samples to blatantly copy and tear apart for my own gain.

ClockUp's recent games have a very nice, simple GUI.
It's hard to recommend one. Games tend to have certain feels in their GUI.

This. When it doubt the "subtitles over a black gradient" is a safe bet imo, but you should aim for a GUI that reflects the feeling of your game.
I guess to actually answer you, there's literally "visual novel interfaces" on tumblr. There's also VNDB which tends to turn up textbox ideas.
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Still good to have samples. Helps when I need an idea.

The graphics are nice but jfc that text placement and font.
Not bad. Move the text up and maybe cull some of the menu options.
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>get song after the millionth revise
>its distracting still

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Unfortunately, this other photo is the only one I have of him(I'm still getting the writing done). Spoiler for yogurt.
Delete because file size was too huge
It's awkward seeing someone else post my stuff.
Seinarukana fucking when
If it helps, it came up on random rotation on the front page of VNDB, so no stalking of you was involved.
English is ard
Worst VN you ever read? That wasn't purposely bad. Mine was the first rising angels game.
Yaruge Girl Triona.
Nothing else will ever compare.
>that art
Why would you even download that game in the first place?
The criteria was "Not purposely bad."
Are you sure that Yaruge Girl Triona wasn't purposefully bad? Because it looks like it.
Oh god I half want to play it out of curiosity
Guys, should I salvage a five-year-old project?
Pickings were slim in 2008.

It was meant to be showing off the exciting technological advancements of RenPy. I think it was possibly the first game with a customisable character.
Depends, How much is usable, how much do you love it, and how much would you have to do to rescue it?
If it's been dead for so long maybe there's a reason.
It basically set the tone of my current project.

Funding issues.
> http://voiceactingalliance.com/board/showthread.php?98779-Sakura-Angels-Visual-Novel-Casting-Call-3F-Paid-OPEN&s=7bb0877ef823eac55c99245fe9467fbc

just what this game needed, an english dub!
Yeah isnt angels their worst one...? All things considered

I haven't played the others, but Angels is fucking terrible so yeah, I can't see how adding english voices would make it more attractive.
Gotta sleep

Please bump the thread so i have somewhere to shitpost

You aren't doing it write. Watch and learn buddy.
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Threadly reminder to NAME AND SHAME (con)artists.

Gonna save that for future use.
We're never going to find out who the anon was talking about in that image, are we?
Remember to name it correctly with all caps too, I probably won't be around for much longer anyways.
>I probably won't be around for much longer anyways.
That sounds so sad, anon. Where are you going?
If you've got to use a rope, make sure it's a comfy one at least ;_;
No, because you retards made a meme out of it. Probably never future ones, either.
It's not a meme. It's a reminder.
Reverse-diversity game, being the only straight white guy in a progressive South African community college.
Or a game about a 22nd Century Crusade that aims to remove faggotry and Islam in one fell swoop?
A game about Syria?

A game about Islamic Europe, with South America being the new seat of the pope.
sory bad english but who was crusader

Nobody in mind. It's just an vague story idea so...
Holy fuck I should move to /pol/ before shit hits the fan here.
The only acceptable crusades game would be one that lets you date Richard Lionheart.
Not dating Saladin?
This board is an offshoot of /v/. It's far too late, like it or not.

No. You can fuck men but they've got to be CHRISTIAN men.
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It's too late. It hit it before you even knew what was happening
Will break off from main project to materialize this Crusader Dating Sim because fuck it.
Don't you dare taint pure crusaders with moeshit.

> moeshit
> implying it wouldn't be BL

we have had this exact same conversation like four times, you ought to know better.

It's okay, going to avoid the moe art-style and the tumblr style all together.
>any romance
>at war
Love can't bloom on the battlefield, Snake.

Pfft. /tg/'s love can bloom.

it can, it just means that your loved one has a 99% chance of dying horribly.
A story about ideology, bravery and camaraderie (and/or lack of thereof) sounds much more suitable than yet another gay shlickfic, honestly.
Seriously /evn/ should I even give this some thought?
Of coursh.
Contact Paradox while you're at it, they may or may not incorporate your vn into Crusader Kings franchise. You'll have to have kekoldry though.

22nd Century Fictional Pope Richard

Wasn't Richard historically gay anyway? Or at least there's a lot of people nowadays who suspect he was?

Start a war to give yourself access to a whole army full of pretty boys, fuck them, cry manly tears when they die.
Everyone was gay historically, just like all blacks were pharaohs and shit. Don't take stuff like that seriously unless there is evidence.
_Everyone_'s a bit of a strong statement. I know I've read stories with gay Richard in them, that's all.

Looking it up online, it looks like there's not much clear evidence other than him having a very close friendship with another man and no legitimate children, making confessions relating to unspecified sexual sins, and being WAY more interested in running around with the army than in going to England, but historians are divided on the subject. So I guess you could write it either way and still say you had decent backing for your view.

>In the same year, there came a hermit to king Richard, and, preaching the words of eternal salvation to him, said: "Be thou mindful of the destruction of Sodom, and abstain from what is unlawful; for if thou dost not, a vengeance worthy of God shall overtake thee". The king, however, intent upon the things of this world, and not those that are of God, was not able so readily to withdraw his mind from what was unlawful, unless a revelation should come to him from above or he should behold a sign.
>add english voices to terrible game
>it bombs even harder
for once i'm okay with this technique, at least if it helps drill in the idea that english voice acting is almost never good.
> Wasn't Richard historically gay anyway? Or at least there's a lot of people nowadays who suspect he was?

That was the joke.

> close friendship with another man

Iirc it was the king of france. Mind you, back then it was common to do stuff like inviting friends to share your bed non-sexually, but it's one of the things that makes historians go "probably gay".
English voice acting in games is often good. But not when you have a tiny budget and/or are hiring the same five 'anime' voices for everything.
In professional games, yeah. I'm talking about evn and how 90% of them decide it's better to have shitty voice acting than none at all.

It can also be a huge inconvenience. See Backstage Pass.
Will there ever be a waifu game with a hidden bro route? Gay sex optional.
I dunno - there are several bishoujo games with joke guy ends, and there are several games where having a choice of male or female love interests is out in the open and a selling point. Would anyone want to go to the effort of making a serious BL route and then hiding it?
I've been stuck on editing these two scenes for hours.

True Love 95 did it and it was such a half assed attempt it just made me mad.
still mad about that
fuckity fuck fuck
no fucking CGs?
even his little sister got CGs, but the gay dude you share games with NOOOOOO SKIP STRAIGHT TO THE ENDING WITH JUST A DESCRIPTION OF BECOMING BOYFRIENDS

Love that game, but fuck that shit.

Hell, they didn't even need to fuck. I'd have been content with just a CG of them playing videogames like the bros they were.
You totally get it. Glad to rant together.
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Sometimes I'm surprised by how much of a similar taste anons can have.
Post progress.
Working on my game and trying not to think of how much nicer my new ones looks in comparison.
Got some CGs and sketches in. I'm having some fun with a sexy scene where the love interest wraps herself up in nothing but a ribbon before trying to give herself to the protagonist as a birthday present.

Also did a bunch of writing today. I feel productive.
What game is this? A nukige?
Nope, there are just some eroge scenes in there for a couple of the routes. I got bored fading to black, so I added some optional CG and scenes for the horny bastards like me.
i'm now distracted by the mechanics of imagining a naked girl TRYING to figure out how to wrap herself up in ribbons and failing utterly because the ribbons are too thin and don't cling to skin so they just slide off
My only progress would be redoing the variable initialization part of my script since it's been fucked up for the past two months now.
Does finding an artist I like count as progress?
With help from someone and a fairly thick ribbon tied tightly. It's not like it stays on for long anyway.
I should take time to fuck with my hideous grammar from five years ago. Thank you Py'Tom for not updating the blog aggregator.
Oh, it's certainly possible if you put your mind to it, but the idea of a naked girl flailing around in confusion amuses me.
Discussing the next CG with the artist and realizing the gross oversight of not having a DILF as a LI.
Would I be off the mark in saying 80% of new VN makers probably saw sakura spirit and said "I could do better"?
Yes, because where would you get that from?

Who is actually inspired by Sakura Spirit? AJTilley maybe, but he's hardly 80% of new devs.
>designing female outfits that are sexy but easy to draw in CG

Its a nightmare
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weren't a load of evn makes making evns before the sakura series ever came out?
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the bumps
¿Que clase de brujería es esta?
I wanted to see if anyone would notice.
If your vn is set in the real world/can use real clothes, you can go to a store that sells party clothes and take notes from their mannequins.
Or just Victoria's Secret.

Are men actually allowed in there? I don't remember.
If anyone asks, just say "I'm looking for X for my girlfriend"
I personally find it much more amusing to say it is for me.
They might tell you to mail-order, then.
Unless you're skinny enough to look like you can fit a stock size.
>newest asset delivered
>SO good

Best feel
I can't decide if I want to stick with my kinetic novel path or add some dating sim elements to add a little gameplay to it.
Don't add dating sims elements if you are not fully commited because a badly executed sim is the worst thing.
How do you jump from KN to stat raiser anon?

Well you might check out Princess Maid yurijam. It does what you say to an extent
I was bored and played Roommates. Thought to myself, "Hey, something like this might be fun to add."
Oh wow um thats a pretty big game. Well I love stat raisers but like the above anon said try to do it right. Otherwise you could just add some false choices and have the same effect.
Many stat-raisers are kind of boring, though. Figuring out the balance to make them interesting and interweaving it with your story so it doesn't feel stupid and contradictory isn't that easy - winter wolves doesn't always pull it off. Like, if you're going to have the path fail at the end unless your Academic stat is really high, it's bizarre to have all the story events up until that point act like everything is perfect and wonderful and then suddenly without warning you're kicked out of school and told you're a loser who never studies.
WW games are pretty big, I wouldn't say it's something you add casually.
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In your opinion, what's the worst evn fad? Imo it's browser games. I can't stand them.
do we really have fads, other than a brief surge of katawa shoujo clones which eventually died out?

there have been several attempts to build a decent browser engine but none of them have ever really caught on and become the game-changer their authors wanted them to be
I guess fad is a strong word, it's more like... patterns. For example, at one point we had about 6 BL games with non-human LIs in development, which is a very specific thing. (Though of those only about 3 are still being worked on).
Esta en castellano, pero ni puedo leer lo que dice porque las letras están marrón con negro. Cambiarlo si es tuyo.
¿Acaso estas medio cieguito?
realmente, no es una buena decisión. querés pelear negro?
4chan is on American soil, please respect the land of the free and speak English.
che, miren a esto gringo!!
>want to report the gringos
>know if i do there's less to bump the thread

Are we getting enriched right now?
Chequeate esos ojos, negro. Yo sé lo que te digo...En realidad no, solo estoy jodiendo.

Ya quisieras, brother.

>want to report the gringos

Someone please talk about games.
Yeah i feel the diversity... no wait, no one cares about that kind of diversity. black or chinese only.
That's not a fad anymore. It's a part of the business model.
Don't forget fat and anything other than "gay/straight".

I've changed from ADV to NVL. I feel like I'm really making a mistake, since that'll pretty much be the last straw from what most VN readers are used to... But I think it'll fit better, so you know. Win some, lose some.
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I was thinking to have smaller obstacles, but have them more frequent. You'd also be more focused on helping your classmates survive than your own stats.
>You'd also be more focused on helping your classmates survive than your own stats.
>You'd also be more focused on helping your classmates survive than your own stats.
That sounds like some sort of management sim - like, you have to get your whole harem to keep their stress down and pass their classes so they don't get expelled and you can date them all. Which could be a fun game but is not something you should just throw into an existing plot.
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I hate people telling to pirate but jfc, Blackmonkey's games are terribly overpriced for what they are.
Yeah, I've paid for one thing from them and I feel like that's a sufficient donation for a while.
So is this what gets girls juices flowing
well, i need to work up some juice in order to spit in contempt
> that anatomy
> that design
> that coloring

There's one Spanish dev at LSF that gives off the SJW vibe.

Not to mention this one guy who jumps on everything that's set in a Japanese high school.
The latter sounds like a good guy.
The Spanish dev is Deji correct?
I can't think of a single dev who isn't annoying. Even when I limit myself to following people with projects I'm interested in, I end up with stupid sjw shit all over my dash/twitter.

Bonus points because 3/4 of devs seem to belong to some "opressed" group and can't shut up about it.
She is Chilean.

Nope. It's a guy who has two or so WIPs.
I can't stand LSF anymore. All the wiser devs have bailed to twitter.

I stay for the recruitment section... but then I get jumped on right away or outright ignored since I'm part of the "high school setting" group that doesn't preach the values of diversity, homosexuality, and social justice.
I check the recruitment section too but god damn they need to put in a rule stating you cant comment if you're going to mini-mod or say how you dont have enough money to afford their 10$ sprites bleh bleh
A VN about the white farmer's plight from the regime of Mugabe.
What game is this
When somebody posts a screencap that's filename is a short string of numbers, it's 99.99% likely it's a screencap from vndb, so searching "[filename] screenshot vndb" on google will get you the game.


Somebody really needs to put this in the OP.
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What the fuck.
I can't give an actual fuck at the ratings.
W-Well the sprites are very dynamic at least...
Ren'Py Engine tag was just added two weeks ago.

I do remember it being denied multiple times.
What is it supposed to do and why denied?

Because back then vndb didn't allow engine tags.

that sounds problematic
They're Asian so it doesn't count.
So, "the letter" kickstarter has almost certainly failed. Any ideas on why that is? The game looked to have relatively decent art, which I thought was the main factor for getting funded these days.
Not a monsterboy BL story.
No clear audience. Nobody wants to play as both a boy and a girl. You either get the otome audience, the bishoujo audience, BL audience, or GL audience. Intermixing games very rarely do well.

I thought *he* was squirting rainbows.
Too bad
>Bonus points because 3/4 of devs seem to belong to some "opressed" group and can't shut up about it.
I'm horridly constipated, I can't tell you how oppressed I feel some days.
>Nobody wants to play as both a boy and a girl. You either get the otome audience, the bishoujo audience, BL audience, or GL audience. Intermixing games very rarely do well.
Winter Wolves and Bioware would say otherwise.
>Any ideas on why that is?
They raised a decent amount for a completely unknown team with an idea that's fine but lacks any immediate MUST PLAY / MUST TALK ABOUT hook.

Undead Darlings didn't succeed either. The art was cute, the concept was more focused, but they still only hit about $20K out of the $50K they wanted.

There's tons of kickstarters these days, there's no guarantees you can raise high sums.
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Bioware still likes to pretend they are selling rpgs though. There was also a huge shitstorm when the LIs were revealed (mostly about how they weren't all bisexual like in DA2 two).

WW is weird and since players didn't like the obviously superior Amukiki in Loren, I consider their playerbase's taste shit anyway.
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Careful with the perspective on the younger lad's face: his eye looks like it's seen from the profile, dead on (partly also because of the structure of the cranium that you can infer from how the hair looks), while the nose and mouth are in 3/4 from below.

I've had a stab at showing you what I mean, though it's just a 3 minute sketch in MS Paint.
>There was also a huge shitstorm when the LIs were revealed (mostly about how they weren't all bisexual like in DA2 two).
The shitstorm mostly means people care; at that level there was nothing they could do that wasn't going to get complaints.

Many people were outraged by having all the LIs bisexual in DA2. As a bi myself it all makes perfect sense to me, but the lesbian fans complain that it's lazy writing allowing bioware to 'recycle' the LIs without writing any REAL f/f content, and the het male players were just grossed out by the thought of being surrounded by stealth gay.

Are there more of those than there are of people who want every option available? Hell if I know.

It also made sense to me, since the way ME and DAI locked you out of romances was pointless (except maybe Dorian for plot reasons). It also makes sense for games where the MC's gender in not going to become relevant (no romance) or you have the budget to make them truly different stories. Imo the audience for vns is really divided so you have to have at least one "must play" element, whether it's waifus/husbandos, good gameplay, someone famous on board, etc. Just having a 'good' game isn't enough to get 30k.
I want 30 grand too.
I want you
M-Maybe we can work out a deal?

I'm new to this KS business. So what happened to the $15k after 5 days?
Goes back to the potential backers.
Nobody is charged until it passes. If it fails, nobody pays anything.
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One who doesn't like eating pussy.
Why don't you fund your games through patreon? I figured it'll be easier to get.
Patreon is a terrible way to fund games, it's meant for people who release content on a regular basis. Games take forever! If you have a staff artist who's willing to pop out a contributor image every month then sure, but for most of us it's not really practical.

If you have the right kind of game then once it gets going you could use patreon to fund its ongoing development and updates, but most VNs don't lend themselves to that.
>Nobody wants to play as both a boy and a girl.
Uh, what? That's not true at all.
get the fuck in here senpaitachi

Checking out LSF's newest guestbook entry yields this. And yes, the dude's a furry.
>try to draw wet t-shirt boobs
>its really hard

Try finding some good reference images.
It probably depends on your style how you want to go about this, but I would draw the boobs normally (with or without bra), then only draw some semi opaque lines where the shirt doesn't adhere to the skin (how thick these are depends on how tough the fabric is - I'd make linen lines thicker than silk lines). If you like to have lines, just draw lines thinner than those on the outside of the shirt around the semi opaque lines.

For an idea of placement, >>122581405 has the right idea. Sacrifice yourself and look at a few pictures for reference on how the fabric tends to bunch up depending on the type of garment and body type.
I'm so fucking glad dA has implemented this age confirmation thing. Now I don't have to jump through loops to look at things marked mature.
Drawing boobs is hard, like, I can't think of many artist that draw nice boobs.
I can.
If WC director lets Wanaca out of his basement, then she can do a tutorial on it.
It really is. Its hard to get the shape right.
Maybe I'm easily bothered by dumb details?

>Boobs looks like globes
>Boobs are nice but they are too droopy
>Boobs are perfectly drawn, but the nipple is too tiny and reminds me of Kyubey
>Aureola is fucking huge(inb4 that's my fetish. Well! Good for you!)

Yeah, for example, I don't like how Wanaca draws boobs.
I think she's one of the better ones, and I'm talking hentai art in general, not just the slew of western stuff.

Null is one of my favorites though. Diverse and pays attention to weight and gravity.
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I love the way Nan draws boobs, they always look so plump and soft.
it turns me the fuck on to think there are girls that draw lewd images
Aren't a lot of lewd artists female? Gotta pay the bills somehow.
>implying they don't enjoy it
The savior of BL!
You have three minutes to explain why you're not making a VN on Japanese culture despite never having visited or read anything about beyond anime.
Don't feel like it. 1 minute.
But I have been to Japan. Several times. I also speak the language and well versed in world history. This is why I know that the setting is not appropriate for my story.

And the rest of the 3 minutes can be used for annoying jazz hands.
> well versed in world history

Ngl, I'm surprised by evn's knowledge of history everytime the subject comes up.
Because I don't know where to find hot japanese male models to take pictures of.
Alright, thought experiment time: You've just received 3,000 USD to put toward your project. You already have your team, and the ground-work and budget have already been figured and put in motion. How do you best distribute the 3,000 for the most effective gain for the project overall?
Put it all in marketing.
"Awareness raising".
Can't have too much of that.
As someone who has done that with a similar budget, get ready to blow well past 3k if you do not have an on-team artist.
I tell my team we didn't win the grant and pocket it all.
>the servant who buried his talents
What's with all the bible parables?
I buy a lot of booze and throw a morale-raising party
Lack of saint-fucking to expurge them.

JPs, please.
Regarding fucking, it'd be very convenient to have a fuckbuddy partner to do VNs with.
Sex and games make sexy games, after all.
So what's your budget, EVN? How do you distribute it between art/music etc?
It'd be very beneficial in every possible way so long as everyone was honest and equally attached/committed. Need an opposite sex model for a pose? You got your partner. Need to write good descriptions? Do the thing and ask your partner how it feels. Want to do a fetish scene? It's all fun and games if there's trust.
Nah, my partner and I are both far too soft-bodied to use as decent models, and trying to enact scenes together is too distracting. Useful for checking simple "is this physically possible" questions, though.

everytime you say that I feel the weight of all the projects I want to do...


> no Saint Sebastian husbando
>far too soft-bodied
Rooting for you chubby lovers.
It's hard enough to find talented creative people as is, let alone someone who wants your fug ass.
It doesn't necessarily have to be consensual. Kidnapped sex slave artist is kinda hot too.
I do the music without taking from the funds so we can dedicate nearly the entire budget to good art.
Please berate me for not getting enough writing today.
I deserve it.
>It's hard enough to find talented creative people as is
no it's not

>let alone someone who wants your fug ass.
also not

What is hard is finding competent people who are also at least a bit stable into this kind of thing.
Listen here you little bitch, you're writing right now to tell me this. You don't have an excuse and only yourself to blame for being a huge fucking failure, just like everyone thought you'd be. They might have not always said it, but they always thought it and you're proving them right. And no, you shouldn't do it just out of spite, to prove yourself to them, but because it's what you want to do even though you're too pathetic to actually do something about it, and unless you start doing something right fucking now, you'll remain a maggot with no discipline, no better than a 12 year old writing fanfics, only you're an adult and have no excuse for your behavior.

Get your shit together or just give up and die.
We're in way too deep now
Having relations with a fellow team member will never work out. I don't care how long you've been together or how mature you think you are, it will eventually suck your project down into a whirlpool of blithering insanity.
Eventually we'll all be dead. I think most of you would be happy with ten years working relationship before the messy divorce.
Team is artist and writer/programmer. for outside art we buy backgrounds artist doesnt wish to take on, gui, and logo.

For music we do custom but are leaning towards using stock sites for 70-80% after a number of factors played in.
What the fuck are you doing here? And I don't mean here, on 4chan, I mean what are you doing here in life? You're wasting oxygen that someone else could be putting to good use... by writing.

But the day ain't over until you give up and put your head on the pillow. You've still got time to write.
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