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>Seasonal Event: Final Fantasy XI: The Maiden's Rhapsody:

>Patch 3.1: As Goes Light, So Goes Darkness:

>3.1 OST


>FF14 Resources (Includes: /xivg/ Free Companies/Linkshells & Resources/Guides.)

>Previously on /xivg/!
remember to take a break every meow and then
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Come to my house and hang out with me! Everyone* is welcome!

Leviathan--Mist--Ward 4--Plot 57.

*catboys are not welcome
Wouldn't want to go to a shitty tater's house anyway...
Please post c@girls!

anyone want to do anything on balmung
Bard question.

I have DRG 34 and MNK 50

My cross class skills are blood for blood, internal release, invigorate and not much else is looking for for the 4th and 5 slot

Second Wind?
With you?
>chromatic aberration

And me convinced nothing could make elezens look even worse.
second wind and feint
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No thanks.
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Remember to hug a beastman every day.
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Your loss then :o
that is a beastwoman
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oh hey, GET time
>Dark Knights are treated like edgelord villains instead of European Ronins

Not with you.
>european ronins
How many replica swords do you own bud?
fucking commas, how do they work?
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Hey question anyone on behemoth know of the social scene? Looking to transfer over and would love to have some people to play with
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c@s is plural right?
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>Void Ark queue for tanks
More like fl@girls.
What does any of that have to do with replica swords? or is this some neckbeard implication meme
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What kinda flat are ya looking for here?
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got chu family
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For you:

Is it true Vjera made Naaki break up with you?
Is "I pay for my sub I do what I want" something that actually happens or is it just a boogeyman argument for passive aggressive players?
There are actually literally like totally entitled people out there anon
I have actually seen people say it a couple times, but I wouldn't say the sentiment is one that is commonly articulated.
Am I the only one who thinks he's cute as heck?
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tfw waking up and all your markets crashed with none of your big ticket items selling

There are actually people out there like that and it's a scary thought
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>catboys are not welcome
based qt3.14 lala. I'll visit if I ever play my levi alt. Can I bring a friend?
Hows that savage might V selling
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Thanks to everyone who helped me get this far ^_^
I really appreciate it!
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c'mon ippiki you're better than this
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sadly yes its been said, and ive experienced that and "i play for fun gosh >x(" arguements too
Can't go wrong with Second Wind, and Feint is useful for instant attacks in WM when you have to move and the ability is on cooldown.

Keen Flurry is useful for tanking adds or enemies that deal physical damage. Mantra is okay, but you won't see much use of it.

Personally, I go with Second Wind and Keen Flurry, and swap out the latter with Feint once you have WM.
I know the /d/ FC is on Behemoth. I don't think many people from this thread play there though
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Post clutch as shit pvp wins
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blood c@s
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>meet random midlander idling in the mist
>become friends
>they don't play often
>month passes
>wanted to lvl an alt with them but they had to go somewhere
>promise we'll lvl when they get back
>takes longer than I expected
>mail them letting them know I have a doctor's appointment and have to go to bed early
>promise to make it up to then
>get online later
>they replied saying its fine, they're just happy they get to play with me
w-what is this magical feel anons?
Explain every Thordan Phase for me and the names of each phase.

I have no clue what phase people are asking for on the PF.

What phase is the Ultimate/2hour?
You're from fucking sweden you don't even know what the bloods are. Where is godspeed to drop some street knowledge of this fucc nigga
>they didnt have 210 esoterics pieces until 3.1

l m a o
midlanders are all sluts
>someone compared needing to watch a video for void ark as the same as learning to drive without a driving license
eat shit you lazy fuck, literally shitloads of videos out now and you can learn the fight yourself. make a party
>spoiling yourself by watching stuff before you do it.

Why would someone do this?

Why bother playing a JRPG or something when I can just read the guide.
Yikes /d/huh
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I have an aim up because Harp undercut the mights by like 400k reeee
n-no you!
epic bait

but just in case youre actually serious, just make your own fucking learning party from phase 1 so you can avoid muh spoilers
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wtf I'm not even from Sweden I'm from LA. You probably have me confused with someone else.
any cat with a bandana is Guffy
There's a two or three year old selfie of him displaying his scrawny abs for the world to see.
It was repeatedly posted in /dsg/ back in the day, go dive into the archives.
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These goggles look so nerdy when you visor them down.
Haha what a geek
I'm not Ippiki...
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>i170 brd just pew pews
>ask him why no songs
>unironically says "check your privilege"
Why should I bother doing anything myself when I can just watch a video!?
I actually find this strangely attractive. I'd do things to her and let her do things to me.
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Holy shit, I guess everyone is playing around in the new raid and such and not leveling alts jobs anymore. ques were never this bad before the patch
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>tfw some flat bitch jackin my sweet goggles style
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>go dive into the archives
>This is, sadly, the mentality many normies have
>150/180 Greed/210 Need. No Job Switching
>sets the PF to where no one competes with your loot on either left or right side


They should make Diadem have their own separate loot and not party wide.
Would you rather he used "literally?"
or just run with friends/people you know and have organized loot? /shrug
Not that guy, but unfortunately I don't have like 50 friends to run stuff with and people don't drop whatever they are doing to come run diadem with me. Sometimes PF is my only option.
If you're leveling a 50+ job and do all your roulettes that give exp bonus, you can earn around 2M exp a day in 2-3 hours. Over 15 days, you can level a job from 50 to 60 at between 30-45 hours.
i don't either man
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you've changed . . .
Diadem is so mindless.
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tfw no laz gf
ur mindless...
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Mindless is the definition of comfy.
It's not even comfy.
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but it is
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is this thread a safe zone for elezen . . .
Duskwrights are pathetic scumbags but the good Elezen are fine
Can you go into Diadem alone? Or do you get put with random people? I haven't done it yet. I just wanna gather there but I'm afraid people will yell at me...
it's hard being eorzea's nigger . . .
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You can enter alone from Ishgard, but it puts you into a party of 8.

Generally you probably shouldn't do that since it's Greed Only and you'll lose any i210 piece you see to someone who doesn't have the job leveled.
Those are Ala Mhiggers.

Duskwrights are more like Burakumin.


If you think this is handsome, you should've seen Quentyn.
Oh I see, thank you!
I might just go in alone if I can't gather up a party and gather there, I don't care much for the pink gears right now.
There's nothing wrong with expecting people to have experience if you say it in the Partyfinder info.

I mean, it's perfectly cool to have like a Phase 1, Phase 2, and Phase 3 (or whatever) PF group up . .
Why do ninjas always overwrite my storms eye? I put it there so you can damage harder you fuck
There is everything wrong with it because the content is BARELY THREE FUCKING DAYS OLD.

I don't even want to join the party finders, it just pisses me right the fuck off that people even have that STUPID FUCKING ATTITUDE.



FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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>Not having all ebin pictures that have been posted backed up in the /XIVG/ library.
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Я бyквaльнo cдeлaл мycopa
Retards like you are the reason EU/NA PF is shit. If I know up to the limit break on Thordan, I don't want to spend time teaching retards like you how to clear all the previous phases.
It's not a stupid attitude to have, though. Those people have already progressed through clearing those phases, they'd like to find other people who have as well. If you have no experience, there is nothing stopping you from making or joining a PF group dedicated to learning it from scratch.
They're too used to war not doing it.
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>do diadim pug
>everyone is a fucking gatherer
>they don't care about the objecteives they just want to fish and mine
They need to make a separate diadim for people who want to gather this is fucking bullshit
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Who /unoriginal/ here?
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The only duty-related things I've ever used guides for in this game is what loot drops where and which quests unlock what. The fact that people expect new players in fucking DF to know exactly what to do is absurd.
It is a stupid as fuck attitude to have and scrubs like you deserve to get perma-banned from VIDEO GAMES AS A WHOLE.

You're shit and you're scum if you expect people to know a fight that hasn't even existed for more than a week. YOU ARE THE CANCER OF THE COMMUNITY. YOU ARE THE REASON WHY NA/EU IS SO FAR BEHIND JP IN TERMS OF CLEARS

Make your own PF. "Kill party only after we clear objectives". Then you can report people for going against the PF rules.
>I have to wait who knows how long to get a party because of selfish fucks
>queueing solo
>expecting everyone to want to do the same thing as you
Fuck right off.
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I imagine a lala is doing all this yelling.
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>pls carry me ;_;
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>210 gear loot drops
>they win it
>don't even have the job leveled
I just put up a PF for Diadem (easy) gathering-only, no one fucking joins.
You're both shitters and are the ones actually getting carried if you can't manage to handle a group that has little to no experience.

You're so shit you NEED the path of least resistance. Yet you'll come on here and complain shit is too easy or that there's no content but it's YOUR FAULT.

Honestly, I fucking hope you shitters quit or get banned. You're literally PURE CANCER to the community and even video games as a whole.
? No, it's your attitude. If people were to make clear parties for certain phases/segments of fights, and as you learned from one type of party you could progress to a new type of party, there would be a LOT more clears happening. IIRC this is literally how it is done in Japan.

If you care that much about people new to the fight learning it, you should learn it yourself and then create a 'new to the fight' party to teach others.
>helps more and more players get better and teaches them fights
>have more clears because of this
>Don't want to help each other get better
>out right shuns newer players to fights never giving them a chance to learn
>because of this less people learn the fight and because of this the player base stagnates
>watch a video
what a casual can't even do it without a guide LOL

>don't watch a video
what a fucking shitter. go away you casual.

>multiple PFs for different parts of new fights
>people join the appropriate party and learn more
>people demand that progressed people hold themselves back and help retards that can't turn around for Gaze
>guy has gear better than the 210 gear that dropped
>needs on it anyway
This just fucking happened to me. I had no luck getting better gear for my tank past law so I thought diadem would be easier. Turns out it's just as bad
Nobody is expecting you to know it. That's why there are parties available for people who are brand new to the fight. That's why you can create your OWN party, to learn the fight from scratch.

How does a party that says, for example, "know up to the final phase" effect you at all ?
Why do I have to live on the cancerous side of the planet.

Both of your posts are so true it fucking hurts.
I'm not even concerned with joining any of the groups, so stop projecting that I'm upset because of myself.

No, I'm upset because shitter scumbags with this attitude are PURE FUCKING CANCER.
Don't know it's the reason why japs always beat us in fighters. They actually help one another
My condolences to anyone French.
This is why you kill muslims.
>Ask for tips and follow them
>Don't say anything, people assume you know the fight
>Wipe 2-3 times
>People leave or mechanics are explained
>Still fuck them up
less frogs on eu servers
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But you aren't explaining yourself. You're just raging against it and calling it cancer. I don't understand why.

For example, I don't have any experience in the new Thordan primal at all. Let's say I want to start to learn. I'm checking the PF for it right now and this is the only party available, 'exp up to meteor phase.' Fuck, I don't even know what that one is. Since there's no other parties up, I can make my own that says something like 'First try in Thordan, no experience required, learn first phase.'

The other party has no bearing on me at all. It does not effect or hinder my ability to play the game or learn the fight. In fact, if I were to make my newbie party and learn up to the meteor phase, I could later possibly join the first guy's party and be able to complete the fight.
I love when people send me tells makes me feel really good like someone needs me
100% of the time it's spam and I get sad though
I played Behemoth for a year, it's pretty dead in terms of socialization. There's like 3 big guilds and they all have their own special groups of people. I transferred out
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60 DRK, I need advice. When I should use STR accessories and when VIT ones? I don't want to be an asshole with the healers. I should ask them beforehand?
>But you aren't explaining yourself.

I already did explain myself. It's not a problem to me, I'll learn the fight with the group of people I play with, without having to watch any stupid fucking videos.


If you even try to defend this shit you're bad at video games and cancer to the community. If I could, I'd ban you and everyone like you from the game for eternity.
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>tfw we'll never have a community as good as the japs
>tfw I'll never meet a chill group of players and make a linkshell with them after learning a fight with them
>tfw I'll never make friends for life with anyone in this MMO
Learn how to optimize your cooldowns, thats the best thing you can do regardless.
And what if no one new joins huh? How exactly is he suppose to learn when no one joins his pf?
He can't and because of people like those in the pf you posted he will be unable to learn.
Use it as incentive to learn moon
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So how do you go about joining a static if you're not very social?

You don't need VIT accessories in anything other than Savage to reach a certain amount of HP to not get one-shot by tankbusters. . Any competent healer should be able to keep you up in full slaying, as long as you're properly using cooldowns.
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Wear VIT on trash and pull more mobs.
42 days till the squatters get kicked out

>My condolences to anyone French.

I am so fucking sick of you people going 'my prayers to the French' or 'My heart goes out to the victims'. No one cares about your stupid feel-good hippy shit and it does nothing but clog up a few bits of data on someone's server.

It's honestly pretty fucking offensive that people are dying and you feel the need to inject your own useless fucking shit to feel better about how useless you are. Holy fuck.
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I don't have the patience or dedication to learn a new language, half my family is Belgian and I can't speak it.

Even if I did learn moon I'd have to move to the other side of the world to get a decent ping.
You should be using STR over VIT in most situations, just get to an HP level you're comfortable with in expert/diadem/etc. Asking healers will usually result in either a solid answer or they'll fling into an autistic rage and try to get you kicked at about a 50/50 chance. Good luck!
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TFW my Gilgamesh friend carry/teaching LS will never be revived.

>getting mad over people expressing sympathy

Do you tear up condolence cards at funerals, too?
>bitch bitch bitch
If you want a PF that starts from the beginning then make one yourself. Others aren't obligated to hold your hand when they're trying to progress beyond a point most folks have already managed in the first day of the content's release.
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Fake it. It's the internet, no one can hear your awkward silence.
There's nothing wrong with asking for people that have experience up to X in the fight. It's not stupid. It doesn't matter that it came out three days ago, some people have been going at it for those three days nonstop. This guy might even be one of them.

What if they don't ? What if they do ? What if the world was made of pudding ? That's just how partyfinder works. Sometimes you get people who join, sometimes you don't. That guy in my screenshot's party finder is particularly old and he doesn't have anyone in it (in fact it has been taken down by now). Clearly it's not because he has no experience. It's just the luck of people needing or wanting to do that content.

I could go make a party finder right now and see how it does. If it fills up, would that somehow make me right, or make you consider my point of view ?
Is this a bad time to queue for the levelling roulette as a DPS on Aether? I want to try levelling my MCH just to experience the parallels, similarities, differences between BRD (my main job).
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that guys an angry nerd but he makes a good point

condolences are lame and nobody ever means anything
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Funerals are different to something happening at the other side of the world.

There's a difference between a loss near to you and strangers dying on the other side of the world. People die every fucking day/
I don't understand how watching a video makes you acceptable.

So if I watched a video on heart surgery I can now perform it?
>you should have to make one yourself even though you have no intentions of doing the fight right now



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So is this thing just broken?

It's bugged, you're still in queue, just the display is fucked.
>[2.0] The matching algorithm for Duty Roulette has been adjusted to reduce wait times.
Working as intended!
>There's nothing wrong with asking for people that have experience up to X in the fight. It's not stupid. It doesn't matter that it came out three days ago, some people have been going at it for those three days nonstop. This guy might even be one of them.

You're a moron, and it is totally wrong BECAUSE it fucking came out three days ago.

If it had been a month or so now, yeah, I could kinda understand it. BUT IT HASN'T EVEN BEEN A FUCKING WEEK.


I bet these same fucking faggots who are expecting people to have experience are fucking virgin losers who whine when a girl wont have sex with them because THEY HAVE NO EXPERIENCE.

LMFAO at you pathetic losers trying to defend your idiotic position in the argument. You're wrong and no matter how much words you shit into that little post box will not change that you're wrong as fuck.
Hey, at least some of their population can actually coordinate to clear content.
If you're not 100% confident in your ability to tank and survive the damage of the upcoming encounter, don't wear Slaying.

Even if you are, consider your healers or if your confidence is unfounded. The number of fuckers that are shit at tanking and don't know how to stay alive but think they're hot shit because they wear full Slaying is infuriating.

No, because then the people might have actually known the fucking stiff and had an impact on the family.

This is "I have nothing to say really but I can't keep my fucking mouth shut so I'll just inject myself into this issue that everyone's talking about but I have no real connection to." and it gets fucking tiresome.
The display is. Despite that, it confuses people so I wouldn't be surprised if people think they won't get queued into content.
Why do you constantly say 'stop projecting on me' and 'get reading comprehension' when you continue to misread what others say and insult people at no provocation ?

The length of time it has been released for means nothing.
damn dude you are so mad over a video game
>The length of time it has been released for means nothing.

It literally means everything in this situation, and you fuckers are projecting because you keep thinking I'm upset because I'm not getting into groups.

I'm not even TRYING to get into groups because I'm not even TRYING to do the fight right now. I have plenty of other shit to do.

I just happen to open party finder and see multiple groups expecting people to have experience, and it pisses me right the fuck off because this sort of attitude for such brand fucking new content is LITERAL CANCER.

And yes, you fuckers are projecting like crazy. You even did it in the post I'm responding to RIGHT NOW.
You sound like one of those scrubs that joins a PF and then expects to be spoonfed the details of every individual phase instead of doing your own homework.
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>Expert roulette: Arboretum as an i196 WHM
>Well geared tank with STR accessories, starts pulling large groups.
>Even with my best heals, his HP drops faster and the DPS can't kill the mobs before he dies.
>We wipe.
>"Maybe I should use vit accs".
>Pulls the same amount of mobs, and we clear the group faster because I can Holy Spam.

I like when the Tank wears str on bosses, but is pretty inefficient to wear that on big pulls. it fucks my dps and slows the party


Except it's not, you fucking moron. Despite the content being relatively new, people HAVE gotten through various phases, and want learning groups for phases after that so they're not stuck in groups wiping on phases they can already do successfully.

People were doing this same shit DAY ONE of Alex Savage, so don't act like this is a sudden atrocity that you have to "take a stand on" because it literally doesn't concern you as you're not even attempting to do the content.
>other side of the world.
nigga plz Paris is a few hour drive away from me.
VIT doesn't affect healing. Only proper cooldown usage does. I'll take a good STR tank any day for trash.
More health means the healer can DPS for longer
We've been over this
Your 200-300 more DPS =/= the DPS we put out
Feel free to switch back to Str for bosses
>I'm too dumb to understand that there's a big difference between someone who's never set foot in a new instance and someone who needs to learn the final phase but can do the first five minutes perfectly
>Full STR war
>Do big pull
>Deliverance+Equilibrium when pull near dead
I've healed every dungeon and tanked every dungeon. Any difference you're noticing is a difference in cooldowns, not in HP.
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>DPSing like a pro, the tank is at 80% and with regen.
>Suddenly a big spike of damage, the tank is at 10%.
>Cancel action, Cleric Stance, start channeling cure2.
>The tank dies before the heal is done.
>Have to babysit the tank because he likes to do mediocre dps.
You have to be a pretty shit healer if you can't do the same DPS with a full-STR tank as you can with a full-VIT tank.
>spike damage in trash
LITERALLY NOTHING TO DO WITH HP. That's the tank being shit and getting hit by aoes or not using cooldowns. Doesn't matter if they have 15k or 18k.
>not popping Bene
>I've healed every dungeon
I assume you're a good healer, but have you found bad tanks that wear str accessories because they saw a Xeno video? Because they're pretty common.
Depending on pull size, my SCH can't keep up with my static's WAR back on the previous set of experts. Granted he fulltimed Deliverance which most DFers wouldn't do, and still took less damage than someone in tank stance.

Shit dies so quick that my DoTs don't have that much time to tick.

Then the tank was bad and didn't properly rotate cooldowns. Even with the spike in damage, he could have Holmgang'd/Hallowed/Living Dead'd to give you time to get a Bene/Cure II out.

HP literally means nothing in dungeons where there are no tankbusters.
bene is on cooldown.

>Doesn't matter if they have 15k or 18k.
Yes, it does, if he have 18k he wouldn't die and I could dps more.
More projecting from idiot shitters defending their idiot position.

Oh boy, look another entitled nerd thinking their time is more valuable than that of everyone else.

>People were doing this same shit DAY ONE of Alex Savage, so don't act like this is a sudden atrocity that you have to "take a stand on" because it literally doesn't concern you as you're not even attempting to do the content.

That's still not fucking okay. If you want a group that has knowledge of the fight, PLAY WITH A FUCKING STATIC.

>>I'm too dumb to understand that there's a big difference between someone who's never set foot in a new instance and someone who needs to learn the final phase but can do the first five minutes perfectly

>I'm too dumb to understand that a brand new fight shouldn't have people expecting other people to know it just because they think they're more important than other people and shouldn't have to help anyone ever

Keep it up shitters. You're a literal joke to the Japanese community and the part of the reason why the NA/EU community is shit.

Why? Because all you shitters care about is yourselves. You have no interest in bettering the community. You have no interest in helping anyone other than yourselves.

You're literal cancer and deserve to be expunged from existence as a whole. The universe would not miss you even for a fraction of a second.
>tank has half i170 and half i160 left side
Probably a drg/mnk main.
Not him but yea that happens a lot. Since xeno became popular back on 2.5 healing warriors became a major pain. Fucking idiot taught everyone to go full strength but he left cooldown rotations out from his guides.

And yea, hp barely matters. At most it only cuts your rotation on 1 dps skill and replaces it for a heal.
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>Str vs Vit hour.

OK, if you are a bad tank or you aren't well geared enough, you should wear VIT.

IF you are a good tank AND you have good gear, you can wear STR.

Now, the question, how you can measure that YOU are a good tank? Because probably you are a very bad tank.

If you don't know the answer, wear VIT.
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>examine them
>no Str DPS leveled
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>WHM problems.

>not using PF the way I want you to means you deserve to be wiped from existence

Can you go ahead and put on a trip so I don't have to look at your hyper-autistic drivel?
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>eso right side includes SHIELD
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>AST dreams.
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Keep being a retard, retard.

No matter how much shit you post here you're still wrong. But your over-inflated sense of self-importance and general egotism wont allow you to see that.

Keep being a literal waste of oxygen to humanity and all creatures living on this planet.
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Isn't specifying to what phase you need to know the trial common in Japan? Because I'm fairly certain it is.
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>tfw whm
>don't run into that kind of issues
>tfw trying to get i210 healer gear with ACC on it
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I need to stop doing Alex Normal now that all the casual shitters are in there.
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>if he have 18k he wouldn't die and I could dps more.
I try to tell people this but they think tank dps is better and sacrificing our dps to heal is ok.
>not swiftcasting or at the very least buffering a stoneskin while in cleric stance before dropping it

That was your mistake.
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What the actual fuck.
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I love WHM and I can heal and DPS pretty well, but sometimes the tank is pretty bad.

What should I do when the tank doesn't use cooldowns, eats AoEs like a champ and wears str?

>inb4 kill myself
>You're a literal joke to the Japanese community and the part of the reason why the NA/EU community is shit.

The EXACT opposite is true. The reason that NA/EU servers are a joke to the Japanese is specifically because our servers are full of people who want every single "learning party" to be inclusive toward people who have never set foot in the fight before, rather than having learning parties for specific phases.
Actually that's pretty cool

I am going to make a macro for that
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Do what any sensible person would do and cry
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Holy stuns trash
Warrior, right?
can you read?
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hey wait a sec...
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>grinding A1-2
>never win bolts
that works for what? the first 10 seconds of the fight? and I'm being pretty generous
god i hate undercutters
post cute boys
Japan uses Party Finder for learning. They use Duty Finder for clearing.

Expecting people to know shit for party finder for a BRAND NEW FIGHT is stupid as fuck. You're not going to convince me otherwise because you are 110% wrong as fuck.
>decide to try A1 cause it's comfy easy as tank
>people still wipe because reasons or enrage.
I-I just wanted too have accessories so I can desynth my lawtome junk..


We ran that together.

I main DRG so i was pretty happy. are you on cactuar?
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You're retarded as fuck. You're right, they use PF for learning. So why are they going to have people learning phase 1 and people learning phase 5 in the same party? They're not, because the phase 1 people are just holding the others back from learning so they can queue in DF.
I dunno, can you? Nothing in that post suggests anything about what tank class it was.
can I join your mumble
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chest proof for nonbelievers.jpg
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how the fuck do i get the ehcatl wristgloves? the vendor won't sell them to me and there's no option to buy with gil, im lost

So, somewhat new player here, does this mean Diadem drops the best shit in the game?
10 seconds is pretty long senpai
id rather you didnt, but it's so dead i dont think anyone would fucking notice
How do you get more people who know phase 5? By teaching them or letting them play with you?

Nah, fuck that. That makes no sense.

That was sarcasm by the way, you're retarded and you're wrong so stop trying to argue against this because you are WRONG.
clearly, lol
>How do you get more people who know phase 5? By teaching them or letting them play with you?
I don't. I let them make their own PF saying "Learning party for Thordan Ex, no experience required". Then they group up and progress through the fight. When they're done, each person there can go join a PF for phase 3 or 5 or whatever they got to in that first party.

I know you're being an obnoxious piece of shit on purpose, but unfortunately there are actually people that believe the shit you spew, so fuck right off.
i was the asshole fishing while you guys spawned stars and only came for the stars
>fc dies
>everyone promises they'll come back for 3.1
>no one comes back for 3.1
>just want to play the game with other hardcore players that want to have fun as well
>no friends

This is actually really depressing me. I can't even get my savage weekly clears because no one is doing it on Gilg and I know no one to party up with.
yeah, i was probably the only person ok with you fishing lol.
Where do you get the new primal minions?
Seems like they can have up to 30-40 more secondaries than the gordian/eso equivalent. So given a general weight of 0.1 for secondaries, +3-4 main stat is the max. Probably equal to going up 5 item levels.
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>hardcore players
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Friendly reminder that 40% of Moogle now lives under martial law.
You really are an idiot who only cares about themselves.

It's barely over three days old. If you want more people to have experience, you have to fucking let them learn.

Just think, your groups for phase 5 would be filling faster if you had actually not been an obnoxious little cunt and bothered to help new players.

You must have not played FFXI and come from some shithole like WoW where the community doesn't give a shit about anyone and it's all about ME ME ME.

Fuck you, you're an ignorant child and your types really shouldn't even be allowed on the internet, let alone exist at all.

This as a MMORPG. If you want a good community, you have to foster it. You have to pay things forward. You have to be a good person that has a genuine interest in the betterment of other players and the community as a whole.

Not just a genuine interest in getting some "phat loots" that you can show off in town while you idle to stroke you e-dick and further inflate your already over-sized ego.

You're literal scum.
>these fucking faggots holding a vigil in gridania for the paris victims on balmung
>saying they're giving support
>by sitting around in an mmo

holy fuck
>implying the price wont go down further with how easy it is to get Vs now
holy fuck this angry nerd is going all out lol
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well there really isnt any reason to be there in normal mode if you just follow the mob of people
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ifrit is the only one available currently, requires blood peppers which nobody knows how to get though
>draw a girl
>call it a boy

I know right.

>nerds on /v/ and /vg/ thinking they're hardcore at anything other than shitting in socks and being complete social rejects who only care about themselves yet get turbo butthurt that they have no girlfriends
Not Ippiki but what stops THEM from starting their own PF on phase 1?
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have you never seen the anime or are you retarded
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Blood pepper seeds are from BTN venture XIX or something like that
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>Trying to apply modern day politics and governments to Final Fantasy and fantasy worlds
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