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vanquished >>121439530

>Gameplay Trailer
>Announcement Trailer
>Screenshots & Artwork
Official: https://imgur.com/a/GUjb3
Leaked: https://imgur.com/a/c08Bb
New screenshots & artwork: http://imgur.com/a/5fhcQ
http://pastebin.com/PUSbw02s )

>/dsg/ Player List
>/dsg/ Steam Group



des sucks
i really like it when rhea insulted me.

i want her to step on me.
your mum sucks, I don't complain
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Have you been having fun with friends?
I completely disagree.

FaP extends the one-shot area far past where it would normally be, I don't think I got one-shot by anything in the game.

It also gives you increased weight and stamina, both things you don't really have access to at SL1.

I was reluctant to use it in my playthough, but after I popped it on I had a much easier time.
DWGR gives you a few extra frames if you dodge, FaP gives you a chance to survive the attack if you miss the dodge.
FC Cath Blue, need host with warmth!
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>You will never co-op with Snoop Dog or Darth Maul
because it's not normal to get one shot by anything in ds1 even if you are playing at low level

wow who is this sexy beast?
Wanna do some fight clubbing while we wait for Snoop?
"inb4" does not serve as a substitute for a tenable argument.
Have you ever seen bosses?
O&S AoE is a one hit without FaP
Nito's AoE
Demon firesage AoE
Taurus demons
most of bed of chaos' attacks
there's more

3 frames is not enough of a difference to risk dying to those attacks
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fuckin casuals
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it's me

are you sl1 or what
none of these things are 1 hit kill
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It's not all chocolates and roses
The whole point of the FaP suggestion was for a SL1 build

We're talking about SL1
I'm doing an SL1 run right now an FaP is a godsend
The only downside is that I'd rather have Havel's than FaP for 4kings but I'm stuck with it
wow you're a sexy beast
How do I have fun? I want to play dark souls but I also would like to have fun
define "fun"

SL1 is fun for me but it would be hell for some of my friends.
don't play with my heart pls
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>do blighttown
>now I have to leave blighttown
>first attempt up elevator, get inexplicably sucked down the crack between the top of the elevator and the platform
>grab souls, make it up the elevator, and die immediately to a dog combo (fire machine gun damages me like the hellkite drake's, and a bite to finish me)
>respawn with sadness in my heart because i know with clear and distinct certainty that the game will force me to lose my 60k souls trying to get pas the elevator
>Lo and behold, get sucked down the crack again

seriously fuck this game sometimes. How do you reliably get off the top of the blighttown elevator? Leaving blighttown is the only difficult part of the level, I don't know why anyone complains about any other part.
my last soul related run was a sl7 wanderer run, i got tired of using clubs.
It was much cooler than sl1 run because you aren't stuck to clubs.
holy fucking shit mate. have you tried not being a bitch? fucking hell.
You don't. The blighttown elevator is a buggy piece of shitty and that whole path upwards is a deathtrap of bad collision
Hollow Shield and Balder Shield are both better, but they're semi-rare enemy drops
If you go back the the Asylum, you can kill hollow Oscar for the Crest Shield
If you go to the Valley of Drakes, you can find an Undead Dragon miniboss guarding the Dragon Crest Shield

Again, it's not a big deal at all
Knight Shield just bothers me personally because it weighs 5.5
I usually prioritize finding one of those above shields so I don't need to use it.

I don't use clubs at SL1
I'm using a Battle Axe
get on
if you walked straight on go to the top right corner, furthest and rightest from the platform
ride up and walk forward up and off the right side
I've never had trouble with the elevator there
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fuck me
Oh, and the Spider Shield is better than the Knight Shield anyway
Unless you've invested upgrades in the Knight Shield, of course
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>no poison gushing from the cut off tail
shame that'd make things interesting
I like you
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so walk, don't roll, from the side of the elevator paddle that closest to the cliff? Alright, I'll give it a shot.


Neither does my friend, I think in only one of my playthroughs out of 10+ I've manage to not die to it.

for real m8
>guy fieri
>snoop dogg
why did you summon these people
it's the hardest boss in the game, but walking forward off the right side onto the beams has always worked for me
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If you look closely, you'll notice we're intentionally co-oping through the game
weed then shitty food? sounds good to me.
What do you use to record these?
every day
I'm having trouble with Sen's Fortress

is there a map or something I can look at that isn't convoluted as fuck?
Shadowplay. I use it for webms mostly.
For actual recordings and/or streaming I would recommend OBS
what part I know the place by heart
Just burn an ascetic
looks like somebody tried to stick an apple watch on their deformed ankle
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I'm 2 for 2 on successful elevator dismounts now, thanks for the advice anon.
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Y'know, sometimes it's pretty fun to go back to the burg and crush hollows. Nice way to unwind for a little bit.
I like big damage
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I like this one of Tarkus and Beatrice in the TotG, even if it makes no sense.
I'm having fun with my "Smough Souls" run
I CE'd in enough souls to use Smough's gear and 2h the hammer, and the challenge is in the slow attack speed but huge damage, only allowed to use the hammer.
Menas is a bad artist tho
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>fuck up a deathless run in scholar because i tried to cheese dragonrider
you're still obvious autismanon
At least you failed early.
There's nothing worse than rolling off a ledge in the shrine of amana on a no-death run.
>and the prices for commissions

That he charges a lot doesn't mean anyone's buying.
>commissions = good
I've seen artists who draw as shitty as me(a person who very rarely draws) with commissions.
Emerald Herald is a cute. Prove me wrong
>4kings at a sliver of health
>try walking to the last one instead of running, so I can preserve stamina and kill it immediately
>magic projectile hits me
>I immediately try to heal
>because I was walking instead of running, I'm still in perfect range for its sword attack to kill me while I'm chugging
It was my own fault
but that really stings
SL1 is really fun though, glad I tried it
yeah. on a website where everyone is shit, he's garbage. what an achievement.
Unlucky man, good stuff though. Now apply that to life.
I'm not going to pretend they don't exist just because one autist throws a fit about them
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>he made a shitton
>Now shut your whore mouth

CaIm down, Menas. You'II find a way to make rent this month somehow!
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this guy's art is awesome
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This is what the DaS3 Greatsword "guts mode" should've been like
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https://gaming.youtube.com/user/photikx3/live should be live in few minutes, playing from the start
why do you feel the need to announce this degeneracy
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>get to old king doran
>he does magic damage
>whip out the silver shield
>blocks, but leaves me with little stamina
>low health, desperation kicks in
>parry him and riposte with +5 dragon bone smasher
>136 HP

And that's the story of how I finished him off with death cloud and a single arrow to the dick.
I got parried by a summon, and both the summon and the host did a riposte at the same time, instantly killing me

I didn't even know that was possible.
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I just saw that I have 18 hours in Dark Souls and I've only killed the bell gargoyles and the capra demon.
How bad am I?
Also lost 6k souls and a humanity (of which I've never been able to use a free one yet) to fucking curse frogs. I'm mad. I didn't even know that's what they were doing. But I fell down a God damn pit and 4 of them ganged up on me.
I would pay per-release price and buy the console for that game.
Paper Mario NPC humor must be included.
You're right on track, buddy.
Oh good.
I thought I might have fucked up picking knight since I got a handle on parrying now.
They even threw eggheads and stuff into the crowd
Parrying is a high level strat
fish for backstabs too
I would buy a NX if IS made a paper souls, all they have to do is ask Fromsoft for permission and develop the game.
Class doesn't matter much, don't worry about it.
I do recommend keeping on with parry, the sooner you learn, the more rewarding it is.
>dodging on the right when the Sentinel does its big swipe
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>a bunch of posts deleted
Did I miss something special or
>Autismanon posts

Happens aII the time
I destroyed the illusion at Anor Londo are all the sliver knights gone?
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Demons Souls SL 110 desperately farming PBS
I've been at it for 5 hours, PBWT, 4-2 BP skele farming.
I will dupe whatever the fuck and will also dupe the PBS to give to other people. For the love of god, can someone give me a PBS?
No. If I remeber correctly, the ones inside the castle near the second bonfire (the Solaire one) should still spawn.
all those tits are gone, that's for sure
>Biorr gets me past the blue dragon
>I can lock on, begin to fire arrows indiscriminately
>dragon stops blowing fire
>fear for the worst
>dragon dies just seconds later
>run down the stairs
>don't see a corpse, but don't see him
>wonder if he walked away like ostrava used to
>get to one item
>get his armor and presumably his ring

I'm going to carry this weight, /dsg/.
>presumably his ring
yeah, there are two rings of great strength
one belonged to Vallarfax and the other to Biorr
the one you get in 1-1 was Vallarfax's, while Biorr still had his equipped until you let him die
>until you let him die

>they could have put stuff like this in the base game
Hosting invades darkroot garden lvl 125
In 3's network test you could backstab two or more people at the same time

>tfw no special shishkebabing animation for pulling this off with a spear
getting a shit load of failed invades as host in DaS right now, anyone know what might be causing this?

fog starts as if im being invaded but doesnt connect the phantom
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Whens the best time to do the DLC for Dark Souls 1? I'm Level 64 and just beat O&S
halp ;_;
That should be the last thing you do, the DLC bosses are really hard.
Besides looking cool, is the obsidian greatsword any good? I haven't grabbed it yet but I can make it work with my current stats
There are a lot of better options, but it's still a good weapon.

But then, that can be said about almost any weapon, it usually comes down to your skill with it and not how good the weapon is.

Also, special weapons are really fun to use when you know how to.
Only DLC boss that ends up ever giving me trouble is Manus. Fuck that guy
Same here. I usually have some trouble from time to time with him and Kalameet, they're some of the few bosses with undodgeable attack sequences, and that doesn't end very well in higher NGs.
Kalameet as well, forgot about him. Not a fun guy to fight and doesnt really give much of a reward for it either.
It's a specific weapon for buff builds or vit gouges.
It's a slow type greatsword with standard range, and a pretty good 2hr2 explosion.
great for buff builds
I've just plain never beaten Manus in anything past new game.
I tried to fight him several times and got my ass beat every time, so I just ended up sniping him with the sniper crossbow
You can't prove, or disprove an opinion, silly.
I like Maiden in Black desu, the real OG.
What is that sheathed sword? Estoc?
Looks like silver knight straight sword.
>Tfw farming for mad warrior set
I just want to get the predictor looking mask ;_;
Wait so is there a FC going on ?
>tfw I ended up asking an invader if he could just fucking give me the mask
>tfw he did it Then killed me anyway
I only just got the armor.. I'm starting to think he only drops a piece per NG...
What's the best new player gift for Dark Souls?
I know I can ask google but I want your guys' opinion. The master key seemed nice and all but I haven't gotten much use out of it yet and there seems to be some story stuff I'm missing on.
pendant or nothing
You get stuff for nothing?
master key is the best, since it gives you quick access to the grass crest shield and havel ring, and also lets you skip the depths + most of blighttown.
pendant or old witch's ring. because talking to the fair lady ASAP to ease her suffering.
Master key is really useful if you know your way around the game. Firebombs are an useful item all around and you can get the demon's great hammer with it. Other than that, they don't really make a difference.
Only the master key has any use but I wouldn't recommend it on your first playthrough. You can get all the gifts through out the game, so pick anything you'd like.
old witches ring or pendant. master key just removes some content from the game.
If only I knew what part of the depths I would have skipped. I have a habit of turning around and going back the other way in a fork if I get too far in one direction and start seeing more forks. I still don't have a good mental map of that area.
It starts you off from the exit to blighttown(the door in new londo).
So who is the NPC that you hate the most in any souls game?
when you summon a friend in dark souls 1 can you actually progress the game together or how does it work?
you progress through the area until either you die, he dies, or you kill the boss of the area at which point he is sent back to his world
>killed well over 30 dickwraiths with golden serpent and 10 humanity
>still not a single drop
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What happened to Cute Souls?
>Did I miss something special or

Just the 4kings/Menas shitposter. It's literally one guy doing all of it.
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Any NPC that needs a stat requirement to talk to.
delete this
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it's not lore friendly.

I like to think their lives were better when they were younger.
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On PC, is it too late to ever be able to legitimately get the covenant rewards that involve PVP?
Online still works fine
The playerbase isn't massive but it's still there
It helps that it migrated from GFWL to Steamworks a year ago, and that so many people were disappointed with DaS2

Forest and Darkwraith still work fine. Darkmoon is possible to do in a reasonable amount if you don't get discouraged by FAILED TO INVADE. Dragon and Gravelord are probably the least active but still doable.
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what exactly are you asking

That sort of shit has been around since Demon's Souls.

I don't know why people think it'll ever go away.

It didn't go away in Dark Souls. Didn't go away in Dark Souls 2. Didn't go away in Bloodborne. It is not going away in Dark Souls 3.

If you want this shit to go away, have From make a LAN mode.
ded gem
ded gen
>title is what do
Obviously asking what area should be implemented in ds3
FAP is not good for SL1 runs other then NG+0.
After NG+1 it's useless and it's much better to use DWGR + hornet for levels and RTSR for bosses.

t. SL1 NG+7 fresh start doer
>other then NG+0
if you're carrying it into NG+ you can just unequip it anyway
i'm pretty sure that convo was about first-time SL1 NG players and/or SL1 Darkwraiths, which both definitely do benefit from it
Where can I buy this?
So why are you restoring Ember in DS3

Did dragons finally take over
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>tfw burnt out

i want to play but i don't
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>people who care about Souls lore
>people who care about Souls PvP
which are worse?
People who care what others care about.
PvP fags since they actually want the game to be balanced around their dumb ass wannabe MLG bullshit joke.
IIRC you can do all of them offline, but farming for items is a bitch. Sunlight maggots drop sunlight medals, basilisks drop eyes of death, and other enemies drop other such items. Hit up the wikis.
i've watched the webm 5 times and i have no idea what im seing. the pieces of rock flying around?
Only covenant you can't level up offline is the forest guys. I think the only reward from them though is the fog ring which you can get by trading a skull lantern with snuggly.
Why nobody posts gorgeous Menas art?
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Japan: http://ameblo.jp/soreron/

Just take a break and do something else for a couple of days. Nice art of the onion armour btw.
not my art, found it on google a while ago
Then take a break and learn how to draw.
Then draw porn and rake in patreon and commission money.
i have literally zero talent or dedication and i pull myself down no matter what i do

ill just go suck dicks or something until i feel like playing again
i hear obs is gud, but if you cut the tail and he kills you, there is next to zero incentive to go back
The crows in ariamis drop souvenirs of reprisal sometimes iirc
am i the only one that thought favor set was the most ballin' thing ever?
Believe in yourself ! /Dsg/ was always famous for its appreciation of amateur artists, giving them good advices, constructive and moderate critique of their artwork, and general support. Right guys?
it's a meme. miyazaki had said that players that wanted the full experience should get the pendant or nothing at all. funny thing is, this can mean that everything else is inferior to the pendant OR that the pendant is as good as nothing and going in empty handed is the best way to enjoy the game. at the time it had created a lot of theories and miyazaki was probably laughing his ass off. at any rate, it can be traded for a souvenir of reprisal, but almost as soon as you can get to the darkmoon tomb, you can also kill lautrec, so it's kind of unnecessary
Gonna dump some masterpieces from the most well-known /dsg/ artist of all time, now welcome in the official circles of Namco Bandai.
(I strongly believe that she-wolf Sif is everybody's most beloved hero, after awesome Lord of the Abyss Arty, of course)
>Yeah thanks for saving me from the abyss and all, also beating manus was a kinda neat thing to do
>I´m stil not gonna give you this ring you need to fight the abyss again, I´m afraid you´ll have to kill me for no reason
Stupid asshole
Man, Pursuer is such a cool design.

If only they gave him a bigger moveset that actually made use of all those weapons he had on his back.

That, and have him use more often the "heat up" moves he would only use if he stabbed you with the curse sword attack.
what is the guy on the right wearing? other than havel's gauntlets
shut your whore mouth drooling piece of autistic trash.

One of my favourite things about softs was the pursuers that actually used their magic attacks. I had never seen them before in my game.


Gwyn's chest piece & EK legs.
Nah I´m sure Sif did the right thing, forcing me to fucking murder him for a ring he already stripped of a corpse.
>Then draw porn and rake in patreon and commission money
just be as talented and dedicated as Menas, and you'll wallow in commission monies all day everyday.
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Sup bros

Is the halberd a decent weapon to level with in Dark Souls? I like its moveset, but the stats on it are pretty eh.

I am also playing a medium-armored knight build, so medroll and block whenever, though I prefer to twohand the halberd whenever I can.
Okay, this picture is giving me an itch to play the Lifehunt Scythe.

Please someone here give me a good Lifehunt Scythe build.
>insulting the best boss in the game whom everyone refuses to kill and cries bitter tears after her death
walk out your window right now, please.
It's sad none of you faggots were ever as skilled and talented as Menas to make decent OC. Very sad.
"stats are eh"

I mean, it's no zweihander stats, that's for sure.
>everyone refuses to kill
>Impossible to beat the game without killing xur


I'm not sure if you bitching about 4kings is worse than you bitching about Menas.
>best boss
that would be 4 kings
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>autismanon calling other people sad
I firmly believe we all ought to show our appreciation for Menas, so please visit his deviantArt gallery and ask for a commission, also don't forget to visit his RedBubble store for various goodies, and of course make sure to follow his artblog on tumblr.
and that's why it has literally zero fanart kekekek ;)
dont lie to yourself
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so is this the same guy who can't shut up about 4 kings?
What a cutie
fuck off autistic piece of shit ;)
make me :^D
>Illusory Ring of a Conqueror
Who actually has this?

How is it even possible to not die once?
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with one post he sucks some mediocre drawfag's dick, with the other he shits on 4kings
fuck off cuntrag ;)
remember this name? oh of course you do, that's how all of /dsg/ called you back then.
Really easy once you get used to playing, i got mine by accident after speedrunning to ng+2 for a pvp build
>mediocre drawfag
His art is now officially posted on the DS Facebook page. Speaks for itself, I suspect :)
I just can't complete the game without beating all bosses and picking up all items and going everywhere, feels like an incomplete file
>back then
>implying it's just one person
What I did was complete the game normally on ng, speed the fuck through ng+ and then unlock every area/kill every boss/get all the shit i missed in ng+2

that way you can get a complete build while also getting a chance to collect the illusory rings

but why is everyone taking the bait so easily
>with one post he sucks some mediocre drawfag's dick

He's basically trying to get people to shit on Menas by pretending to be an overenthusiastic heavily autistic fan. Last time Menas and I spoke, he was feeling fairly unhappy with his level of skill and autismanon was making him uncomfortable.

So, yeah, fairly nice guy who used to drawfag pictures of other anons characters seems to have been pretty much successfully run out of these threads by our resident shitposter.

With all that in mind,
You can stop now. You already won.
>implying it's actually ME who's just one person
dohoho :)
So you did a no bonfire and no death run at the same time? Damn son
>Last time Menas and I spoke
Proof or gtfo, nigger.
Also, now that he made his name as a respectable artist on DA, he's wallowing in commissions and making tons of monies, and probably doesn't give a single flying fuck about all of you.
>drop my red sign in iron keep
>tab out while I wait to be summoned
>out of nowhere, the parry sound effect plays

what the fuck
no i never got no bonfire but i did get no death accidentally
if i ever need that ring i can just ce it in though

what i meant is that if you can do no death/no bonfire then you can get a complete-ish save by NG+2

otherwise just go up to ng+3, do no death on ng+ and no bonfire on ng+2 and complete the areas and shit on ng+3
Sorry that was me
>CE it
but then you would feel like a scrub
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It was in one of the flockdraws, he participated somewhat often when we used to do them.
Really though, your job is done. You can rest.
eh, i wouldn't really care on a pvp build

if i wanted to get the rings sure, but otherwise they are just a nice bonus
>It was in one of the flockdraws, he participated somewhat often when we used to do them
Epically nice AND convincing proof. You're still an enormous piece of autistic trash. Go fuck yourself ;)
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>together with my /dsg/ bros
Is it just me or are rolls in Da2 pretty shitty?
Most overrated fucking boss in the entire series. I hate this guy because smug DeSfags think that his existence is proof that their game is the hardest in the series.

DeSfags only say he's the hardest boss ever because every other boss in DeS save Allant is a complete pushover in comparison.

And Flamelurker is the only boss aside from Allant that actually attempts to be aggressive. And no, fighting him with a pure melee build doesn't mean he's automatically hard. He's easy as hell to side dodge and punish his highly telegraphed "hand AoE" attacks.
as long as you don't dump ADP or straddle 70% equip load you shouldn't have too many problems
The animation? The roll animations are fine.

What's bad is that they're tied to the Adaptability system, which is singlehandedly the worst game design decision in the entire Souls series.
Imagine how hard Priscilla would be if she was more aggressive and moved faster when invisible
What does Eileen look like under her mask?
>tfw dead 4cuntface will never get to play DaS3 while we all will be enjoying the shit out of it like one big friendly family
makes me feel warm and comfy inside.
>you'll never get spitroasted by the demons
why even live
She has a running animation, but never uses it.
this is now menas fanart general
File: sharedpicture3.png (122 KB, 900x540) Image search: [Google]
122 KB, 900x540
It's not like it matters if you believe or not.
I just thought you should know you don't need to keep going.
>The special biting attack does NOT infect other players with the parasite.

Why so carebear?

Why are there no dogs chewing his balls off?
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