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Now that the Xbox and ps4 are getting 4k updastes, what are the
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it is, it's called the NX

hahahaha just kidding it'll be 1080p at best
>ps4 was supposed to be 1080p at 60 fps
>it isn't 60 fps and it isn't 1080p
>everybody jumps on the idea that there will be 4K games now
Why do console shitters accept sub 30fps so much? So pathetic.
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It'll probably end up rendering at 1080p60fps with the new cards and then they'll use a fancy upscale ASIC to push it to 4k. It'll probably be pretty okay.
you know it won't be
Every game would have to be absolute bare minimum settings with shadows off to run at 4k on a console
WiiU games are already up scaled to 4k if you play it on a 4k tv.
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>TFW I would probably buy a Neo if it meant being able to enjoy exclusives at 1080p/60FPS
>It will probably be 4k/30FPS
An RX480 can do 1080p60fps and they'll probably end up with some flavor of that in the new consoles. Combined with the ASIC upscaler, which will probably have some fancy baked in flavor of fxaa, it probably will do "4k" good enough for the average person sitting on their couch.
Do people honestly think that upscaling is ok? Why even bother. Just anti-alias the shitty resolution if you have to.
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You fucking retard go learn what upscaling is. Ps4 all ready upscale to 4k
I sincerely doubt it will even be that. No clue why Microsoft is trying so hard, when they are porting their games to PC anyways.
>Ps4 all ready upscale to 4k

Yeah, but its dog shit at it.

Starting with a base 1080p60fps render, and then pumping it out to an ASIC specifically designed for outputting 4k will be a huge jump from what we see now in consoles.
The PC versions are used to sell Windows 10, if they can't sell hardware, they can at least try selling software
As for Sony, Neo is supposed to be what stops people from jumping on PC

They won't be getting anything above 20fps at 4k with the supposed hardware. Then again if its equivalent to low settings on PC thats doable to push 30fps. Still most of /v/ is woefully ignorant of how taxing 4k actually is.
Scorpio is speculated to have around 6 Tflops, which is plenty for 4k/45fps+ around mid settings with some on high. Obviously since it's a console, they'll go for the 4k ''high'' / <30fps thing.

I just wish they would offer a 1080p mode, with ultra settings and 60 fucking fps.
>Not emulating Nintendo games in 4k
joke's on you shitter
Who in their right mind is going to buy the 4K consoles? They're stupid and pointless, it's just a buffer up Xbone/PS4, but for the regular price. You're better off waiting for the PS5/Xx_box_xX
I'll buy the even slimmer ps4.
We're talking about a company that was an entire generation late to online play and another generation late to HD.
>implying any game will actually run above 1080p at 60fps

TFlops doesn't mean shit for gaming performance - its just a repreesentation of theoretical compute performance.
eat shit

Jusdt because you don't understand how gpus work doesn't make my statement wrong. If a game isn't loading up a card with compute based tasks (most do not) then all this theoretical performance is sitting unused.

Hell if TFlops was the only thing that mattered for gaming AMD's hardware is generations ahead of Nvidia. Fun fast: on paper a 390x has more compute performance than a 980ti.
>new console every 3-4 years

Game market crash when
4k 45fps cant happen through hdmi.

HDMI 2.0 has enough bandwidth.
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