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Now it's obvious Xenoverse 2 will have DBS stuff, what you
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Now it's obvious Xenoverse 2 will have DBS stuff, what you expect from there?
I want pic related be at least a Vegeta palette swap
My expectations are Champa and his team, Tagoma, and Gohan being made into a joke character. I autistically made a semi-realistic roster, but it's a bit long.
This thread isn't hiding any ponies is it?
I assume Sony completely dropped PS3 titles because I haven't seen "new" PS3 games while they keep PS Vita? Because I'm still stuck with PS3 and too poor to afford a console.
who the hell is this fruity as fuck nigga?
Why would you want him?
His filler arc was worse than Garlic Junior
you're gonna attract the guy that attracts HE WHO SHALL NOT BE NAMED
Purple Vegeta.
Vegeta jobbed to a purple blob and it's took all his power
Baby possessed him. Purple ooze just took all his powers and was going to erase Vegeta from existence unless he sucked on a pacifier
Baby from gt?
Take off all the RPG elements and make it just about how gud you are and not what gear you're wearing
OP's image is obviously Twilight Sparkle in a wig.
So what, is Vegeta dead?
Vegeta got his power stolen by purple drank for a while
Purple nurple just copies his form then?
It creates a perfect copy, and the original slowly disappears from existence unless the copy is destroyed.
>Monaka literally saved Vegeta's life
How is that worse than Garlic Jr again?
Goten and Kid Trunks are there the whole time and Monoka is just a less funny Mr Satan
Who /futuretrunkshype/ here?
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Hercule super saiyan.jpg
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No one, he will be hideously drawn in front of a blurry texture of an environment
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Nipples the Enchilada.png
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The strongest fighter better be in.
>he will be hideously drawn
>he hasn't seen the preview
I'm mostly hype because of Mai.
>blue hair
What were they thinking?
Future Bulma also have Blue hair
Normal Bulma has blue hair.
Vegeta had reddish-brown hair
You should watch the episodes, no matter how bad they are.
>Hey Trunks is supposed to have the same hair color as Bulma so let's make it blue
>But what about young Trunks? We already made his hair purple
t. Akira Toriyama
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I want Baby Vegeta to be a playable character
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So Toriyama's answer to Baby.
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Dude, I really doubt the artist is the one posting. I think you've finally gone off the deep end.
Did you seriously went to find a source on /mlp/'s archives?
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You die as well, Barneyfag
Yes, I did. Because I've known that shit for quite a while.
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>Dissing Mr Rogers
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fuck the 3rd reich.gif
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Well, unfortunately, it seems pretty obvious it would've happened eventually.
She is trunks waifu in the future
Have you seen the preview of the next episode?
•Cooler/ Meta Cooler
•King Kai
•King Cool
•Android 13,14,15,19
•Dr Gero
make them die
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DB characters and more movie villains, i don't care much about what they add from Super.
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New 30 stone discount just popped up on Dokkan Battle.

I got absolute shit from it, not a single SSR.
Is the next Super Saying Level going to be rainbow hair?
If his SSJ hair color is red, what is SSG hair color supposed to be?
Is Barniefag one person or just shitposters?
Man, fucking die.
Thread replies: 56
Thread images: 17

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