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Found an old NES, PS1and XBOX should I buy?
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Found an old NES, PS1and XBOX should I buy?

buy the cooler, fill it water, wash the date off and replace it
NES for sure, maybe for the xbox and if you really don't have a PS1 then should you get it
I'd like to see prices and more pictures
Did you think we wouldn't believe you if you didn't have a timestamp?
The xbox doesn't seem to come w/ controllers, theres also a xbox 360 but no cables/controllers. There's a wii fit broad too.
NES, definitely.
PS1, sure if you lack PS2 or 3, as they run 1's games.

Xbox... nah, it was shit back then, still is shit now.
if the xbox is $20 or less it might worth a shot, I picked up mine $50 with controllers and a component cable and learned it was chipped and fairly often xboxes in the wild can be found modded
I'd snatch up the 360 too if it was cheap and hack that too
The Huge box doesn't really have a reliable emulator at the moment, so it wouldn't hurt just buying the console itself.
I changed my mind on which board to post on
/v/ has basically been /b/ for a very long time.
>Tfw only want Proginal xbox compatibility on One and I would buy it.

Is it that fucking hard fuck.
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