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What's the comfiest game you've ever played /v/? Screenshots,
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What's the comfiest game you've ever played /v/?

Screenshots, soundtracks, greentext stores are all welcome.
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the soundtrack reminds of the innocence of youth

it is there i am the most comfy and carefree

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Not so much game but comfiest level, there's just no contest, like at all in my book.
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reaching Dragon Palace in Okami
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles on the GameCube. It isnt the most difficult game out there, its sort of like a Kirby game in that sense, but what made it relaxing were the way the world had this storybook feeling to it, and the soundtrack is incredible.
Once you get the combat down STALKER feels so comfy to me. Especially with some mods to mess around with the weather and flora and stuff.
Something cool about chilling in a bar with your fellow stalkers while a blowout is going on outside.

Also not necessarily comfy per se but my go to "I don't want to try too hard" game is most Fire Emblem games because I've played them 3+ times
any of the kirby games i think
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Tearaway 02 Celebration.webm
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And Kirby's Epic Yarn.
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Reel Fishing. its a shame none of its successors did anything like it.
Tearaway was fucking great, way better than LBP.

I'd love to see the game get an actual sequel which expands on the gameplay.
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Captain Toad.gif
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I always thought that this "comfy" thing that /v/ always mentions was retarded until I played Captain Toad back in January.

That game was an absolute delight to play. It's simple to play, looks great, has charming music and it's just a total stress reliever.
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> game engine design breaks apart if you have too many citizens
> comfy
> he doesn't know about Mummy-Me Maze
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FFIX on my Vita

absolute bliss. hours of chocobo hot and cold without a care in the world.
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FFXI, solo mainly.

Breath of Fire 3, music, friendship
oh i know, its just still an incredibly relaxing game
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gameplay tamiya 2.jpg
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