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I think this movie gave me cancer
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I think this movie gave me cancer
But it's kino

I liked it, early Naomi Watts was hot
I've met the guy who wrote the comics. He's a bit of a weird dude
Awesome. Fingers crossed the cancer is so aggressive you don't get chance to post again.
The good kind of cancer?
Does she at least have hairy pits like in the comic?
most annoying movie of all time. it's like having 40 pop up ads barking at you in russian
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Laying it on a little heavy there 2bh
Just banter brother don't take me serious
It was much better than that crappy remake that came out last year.
yeah pretty shitty just like its comics btw naomi watts hot as always

I wonder if he's upset that Tank Girl gets ripped off pretty often (even Avril Lavigne did it) but still remains super obscure
File: ha ha ok.gif (1 MB, 480x270) Image search: [Google]
ha ha ok.gif
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oh you
it is a decent movie.
Thread replies: 16
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