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A wizard has given you the power to remove 1 movie from history
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What movie would that be /tv/?
The Goonies
Iron Man.
The Dark Knight Rises, this board would have never stepped down the dark path it did
Fight Club
Con Air
The Dark Knight, so it would never be possible to this sequel-franchise thing exist.
You faggots are killing cinema by watching those type of movies

I imagine if you remove the first movie in a series, you get rid of its sequels too?

I'd probably get rid of Iron Man and gut the entire MCU.
What's the point if I also forget?
triumph of the will

this would relax the germans a bit, no WW2, no israel, and as an added bonus, no star wars

search your feelings
because it damaged Alien and destroyed the mystery behind it forever.

Its not that I hate it because I don't, its impossible to hate a film that bland.
Its just a good way to make sure Cameron doesn't waste the next decade of his life on shit sequels no one wants.
Everybody wins
A bout de souffle

you are welcome.

>The Dark Knight was the first movie to ever have a sequel

Are you retarded?
Star Wars
You really overestimate film's impact on society.
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Ghostbusters 2016
MVU and DCU just happened because of the sucess TDK trilogy was, that's a fact, Hollywood had finally gotten over the fucking shit Lucas and Spielberg started in the late 70's and then comes Nolan and fucks shit up + people who have MBA's becoming heads of studios
The Crow. Then there's a chance Brandon Lee would still be alive.
Remove the lord of the rings the fellowship. So i could never live the disappointment of waiting for the hobbit
The snowball started rolling with spiderman newfriend
>Hollywood had finally gotten over the fucking shit Lucas and Spielberg started in the late 70's

Do you literally not remember that Lord of the Rings had just come out?

Not to mention as

Comic Book movie sequels didn't start with Batman, hell they started with Superman.
>Killing French New Wave
>Thinking its a good idea
We would probably say goodbye to every avant-garde movement besides italian neorealism and iranian new-wave.
Hell, even Iranian new wave would've taken a hit
OP here

Shut up
didn't x-men success get spiderman going
> Titanic

it was the turning point of James Cameron becoming a faggot. he should have stayed edgy,
Eh, thats true, but Spiderman 3 was shit so nobody cared about it.
I hate the Jackson epic thing, but LoTR at least was based on a thing that ended.
Comic books shit will never end because of muh alternate universes.

The thing thats happening now, that they announce 30 movies that are going to happen till 2020 never happened, and usually mainstream movies had their money used to fund the artsy fartsy ones, now that will happen less and less, heck, Birdman almost didnt got funded.
>These people posting Star Wars
Empire is the correct choice

>Titanic never comes out
>Leo never becomes a big star
>Inception gets ana ctual good lead
>Revenant never gets made
>Wolf of Wall Street never gets made

You paint a nice future
Days Of Future Past

Lets see how Fox gets out of their shithole without the one thing that fixed the X-Men franchise
So much this.
Franchises should've never happened.
X-men was pretty small fry in comparison to the gargantuan success of the first two spiderman films.

It certainly didn't hurt it but it was Rami's trilogy that really kick started it and got the hollywood execs salivating at how much money there was to be made with comic book films
>The thing thats happening now, that they announce 30 movies that are going to happen till 2020 never happened

But that's not Batman, that's the Avengers and the films leading up to it.

The DK trilogy is stand alone and not in any way linked to the DCU, Marvel came up with the combined universe series and all so they could get people hyped for Avengers.
Iron Man
Leo wouldn't have to suffer for more than a decade.
BvS, so the shills on this board stop littering with propaganda threads
Either the first Spiderman movie or the first X-Men movie so that Marvel retained the licence and we didn't get so many fucking z listers in Marvel movies
>Likes Inception's plot
>Dislikes WoWS
I'd actually pick James Bond's movies if you're going to imply franchises should never happen but Empire / Superman 2 is also ok
>Likes Inception's plot
Didn't say that, just implying people might have an actual reason to like the movie if it had a good actor in it.

>Dislikes WoWS
It's an hour too long and Leo worked on the screenplay
The Hunger Games

> Jennifer Lawrence doesnt become a big star
> she disappears into obscurity so eats herself to death.
> Hollywood doesnt get taken over by SJWs and feminist faggots
The first image reel of a train.

Fuck this medium. Fuck motion pictures.
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I choose the TDKR
Just think of the meme void it would create
WoWS is nicely edited, the film doesnt feel 3 hours long

>Create a meme void in meme space
>Meme causality occurs
>Kek is thrust into our universe
>We can make memes manifest

This is what the leaking of meme magic has all been leading up to.
The Avengers, in the hope that the retarded "cinematic universe" concept would die with it
150 people would still be alive.
ANH is where the marketing and merch tie-ins started though.

this to be frank. I just recently watched Aliens again and it just hurts my soul knowing he's gonna waste the twilight years of his career shitting out sequels to that piece of shit flick Avatar
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Bad Boys

He'll fade into obscurity after his show ends, never being the poster boy for summer action flicks. Might even keep him from being remarried and spawn that retard, Jaden Smith.

After Earth will never exist and I'll finally get my 12 dollars back. Fuck this lanky negro shitter. He's dead to me.
Iron Man 1
While I enjoyed the film it lead to endless quipcore capeshit and shared universe faggotry
He was already on board for Independence Day before Bad Boys came out.
Then what must I wish for to have his career end prematurely but also successfully?

Avatar is pretty edgy.
Nothing edgy about CGI fern gully in space.

Its even a pg13 ffs

Schindler's List.

Not a fan of fantasy.
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Careful son,

You could cut yourself on all those edges
The Phantom Menace.

The protagonist turns against his own species for an alien woman, leads an army against his comrades, tells them to fuck off and die on Earth, and finally becomes a transalien, because fuck being human, amirite?

Oh look another propaganda baby

"They taught me about the holocaust in school so it must be true!"
the Lightning THeif... we might've had a GOAT series if they didnt fuck that up
I want /pol/ to leave
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You sound awfully triggered by my comment for an internet bad ass who doesn't care what anyone thinks.

Never change ;)

And you still haven't given a reason why the holocaust was real other than "I believe it"
Hell yes.

I'm not even the first person you replied to.
Force Awakens
Jackson's Lord of the Rings. It's one big movie.
Fucking cringe garbage for manchildren.
I wouldn't worry.

I mean the poster is so dim he thinks people will waste their time actually debating him about politics on the film n tv section of an animu message board.
Spiderman, Lord of The Rings, Harry Potter, etc.
Muhammed pls leave
Fight Club
this is a film board, you twat, not a court of law

>he thinks people will waste their time actually debating him about politics

Well of course not, because no one can refute me
If this is the case then I will remove Scary Movie, then none of the other 'spoofs' would exist

>tfw never seeing Epic Movie
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wow I genuinely don't think I've seen a poster this desperate for (you)s

Well here it is. Hope it was everything you hoped for and more.

>Can't form an argument so has to attempt to assume moral superiority to look smart

Boy I bet the Jews love you
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>he STILL wants people to debate him about politics on the film n tv section of an animu message board.

yeah everyone else here is stupid but you,
You sure showed us anon.

Hey I'm not the one who can't actually defend the holocaust happening
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You may wish for one waifu, and she will be yours in the afterlife for eternity if you reply with her name to this post. Best be quick; claim her first and she's yours!
>this level of autism
v for vendetta or avatar

I mean sure man, you can keep posting these posts full of hot air but all I'm seeing is a man afraid to show that he knows nothing.

If the holocaust is so undeniable why can't you give even the slightest indication as to its occurance? Hell you could even ignore me but instead you've spent at least 7 posts now replying gibberish. Do I threaten you and your way of life that much?
Natalie Herschlag
I want her for this lifetime, begone wizard
this better be bait
Hunger Games. Without it that cunt wouldn't be so rich.
Avatar. So terrible and the cgi already looked dated when it came out
Just gtfo and go suck David Irving's cock
Schindler's List

It's pretty much the iconic film of Holocaust Dramatization.

>Waah mommy I can't refute the big man I'll have to resort to ad hominem
This thread is disgusting.
You have no idea what you're talking about neo nazis. My 6 year old grandmother was taken on a cattle train to auschwitz with my 8 year old grandfather. When they got there they were lined up. A jewish man accidently got pushed out of line so the Nazis took a portable gas chamber with a bear inside and threw him inside it, it was horrendous. Then my grandfather tried to stop them but he was gassed instantly before he could say anything.

Later they got to the check in room where my grandmother witnessed the secretary execute a crying baby because it was making to much noise, he then stuffed the baby in a glass bottle to keep it as a souvenir.

They took my grandmother to where she would be staying, it was an empty stable with farm animals inside, they had to sleep on the hay with the cows. It had a swimming pool in the back as well. My grandmother woke up and went outside to pool, there were lots of people standing around it each with a Nazi guard behind them. Then the nazis kicked them into the pool with sharks in it and whenever one tried to get out they would instantly gas them.

A few hours later she went to eat dinner, the Nazis were feeding her this mashed, brown substance. One girl found out she was eating the excrement of the sharks who had eaten our fellow jews, she was instantly gassed.

My grandmother woke up the next day, she had realized her fellow jews were gassed. The Nazis came back for her, they took a horse and forced my 6 year old grandmother to have sexual intercourse with it. As she was being raped one Nazi held a shekel in her face and started waving it around, then she was instantly gassed.

Next time you hear anyone deny the holocaust remember my story about all the horrible things they did to my grandmother and what they did to 6000 trillion other jews.

Alien 3.
Oh, right. Thanks for that wizard.
Where does one even begin, from the filmed evidence, to the eyewitness accounts of the perpetrators themselves, to the accounting books of the German firms that built the machinery of extermination, to the census figures...really, man, the evidence is there, this is just not the place to discuss it. Go read "The Holocaust on Trial"
whichever was the first capeshit movie that had success and resulted in this decade of mediocrity
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The new Birth of a Nation. Fuck that "reclamation" bullshit, one of the great classic American films deserves better than being co-opted by BLM thugs.
>eyewitness accounts of the perpetrators themselves
Are you fucking stupid?
Oy vey this!

Just look at this testimony from my Grandmother. Oh the horror.
Iron Man to kill capeshit
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oops pic related
Avatar: The Last Airbender
>being this fucking ignorant
>Then my grandfather tried to stop them but he was gassed instantly before he could say anything.
>6 year olds
I'm calling bullshit on this entire story.
Indy 4
Are you talking about your own ignorance, brainlet?

Do I really have to explain to you why a testimony from someone being put on trial by the USSR is by no way going to be accurate at all, or are you honestly this fucking stupid?

meant for >>69068659
Survivors' tales are fucking ridiculous, I suggest you simply read some books on it from supposed survivors, they will open your eyes that it's clear lies. For example jews claiming that blood ran in rivers from the camps and that german officers would force them to drink from it, stuff like that. Also the infamous 'holocauster tycoon' where jews were apparently put into mine carts that ran down on rails into massive ovens and were incinerated alive.

Also a real claim is that jews were forced to baste other jew corpses with the fat melting off them. This doesn't work for a number of reasons firstly how can the basting jews be close enough in these incinerators to baste without being incinerated themselves? Secondly, if jews were starved in these camps how do they have sufficient fat to act as a fucking accelerant?
I'm talking about people like Oskar Gröning, you twat
Did I mention survivors? No, I did not.
>Oskar Gröning
Dude is literally 94 year olds and is about to die who's trying to get a light sentence. Do you honestly think he's going to go "huur dint happen ...pls don kill me" in a country where it's illegal to even question the holocaust? Once again you're proving how much of an idiot you are.
Also, look at his own testimony. He never said that the showers existed, just that he smelt burning bodies (which would probably have to do with the lice infestations they had in the camps.)
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The Scary Movie franchise is nowhere near as bad as people remember.

It's decent slapstick.
Alien Resurrection
I can't decide either that or TPM
Mad Max : Fury Road
It worked! Thank you OP! Now nobody apart from me remembers that movie.
You'd have to go a little further back than that. There were franchises in film as early as the silent era.

> Not Aliens
Wild wild west thrust him into the public eye, turning him into a household name. ;^)
the original star wars trilogy (fuck you 1 movie doesn't make sense here)

i want this nerd shit to end

The first JJ Trek, easily. The first act is decent but the rest is horseshit with pleb-friendly flavor additives
We delete the earliest bad movie. So Alien 3 in this case. Gotta wait some 18 months.

My brother was just as mad with After Earth as well

Top kek
If it wasnt for the success of IM studios might have steered capeshit in the dark and matured direction of TDK rather than the halfbaked mediocrety it is now
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>Anything but self-indulgent trash
Hayley Atwell
Get this hothead out of here

Daisy Ridley.
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Just imagine
Avatar is pure kino. All storylines are unoriginal, at least this film had the most wankable visuals of all time.

9 billion HOLY TRUTH

Never forget the 9.5 billion!
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>Remove Star Wars from history
>Remake it from my own memory using modern day technology
>Become billionaire
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The Matrix.
>I write the sceenplay myself and get rich
>Stop the sequels from existing
>Stop the wachowskis making V for Vendetta
>Hopefully also stop them from having sex changes becauase theyre now homeless bums

Despicable Me. Fuck minions.

Helena Bonham Carter pls.
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You hate to say it, but he's right. Bane posting has destroyed this board, and everyone's constantly trying to new memes to start the next baneposting.
Something degenerate like
The Holy Mountain

>popular despite being of low artistic virtue
>spawned an army of autistic manchildren
>started the trend of visual effects being more important than the actual movie
>capeshit before capeshit existed
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What would 4chan be like without American Psycho?
TDK wasn't even close to the start of that trend.

That shit started 15 years ago.
Lotr: Two towers. It would be pretty funny to see nearly everybody wondering why Gandalf is suddenly back.
Le Mepris
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if TDKR was removed

would the planecrash still happen?
Upstream color
Star Wars 77
Daisies by Chytilova. The worst self indulgent adolescent piece of shit that has ever disgraced the silver screen. Fuck that movie.
scully tbqh
100% agree. This movie is a disease that needs to be destroyed


You guys are all faggots.

A Clockwork Orange.
Citizen Kane
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Citizen Kane

So the "THIS IS THE CITIZEN KANE OF _____" meme will die

I swear I'm not trying to be contrarian, I just fucking can't stand Clockwork Orange.

It has a completely ulikable/edgy protagonist/tone/atmosphere and it's absolutely boring. I don't see any deep metaphors or philosophical ideas that everyone else seems to get from it.

I just see an unlikable asshole being an unlikable asshole.

It's actually probably one of my least favorite films.
Nigga, The Lord of the Rings, Spider-Man, X-Men, The Matrix, and Pirates of the Carribean trilogies had all already come out before TDK.
The second Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. The first one was perfect, we didn't need it done again shittier
>he hasn't read the book
lord of the rings
i will be mad forever

Le Weekend is the best Godard film and funny as fuck
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this is the freshest pasta I've seen in some time
is this straight out of the meme kitchen
Citizen kane, so I don't have to read about how someone is so smart due to their favorite movie being old and shit.
what was wrong with that?
Emily Blunt
You're allowed to dislike ACO, but not for those pleb as fuck reasons

Hey Adam

Fuck you, faggot.

That is one of my favorite films.

Can't dispute what the other anon says.

ACO is a shit flick desu senpai
It sucks he died making a shit movie
That one girl who got away.
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Only good answer I've seen so far on this thread. I don't know why but when you have British people with cockney accents in alien it just sucks
Crash 2004.

Or they make other thrillers like Bound and stay indie and become an alt Coen brothers. Still a win.
If I choose the first of a series of movies will the subsequent sequels/prequels also be gone? I assume so.

I have a list of them I'd choose:
LoTR, The Hobbit, Spiderman, Batman, Fast and Furious, Iron Man, StarWars, Alien/predator

Have some freebies:
The God Father, Inception,
die pls
Forrest Gump
"Star Wars," or as Grand Schlockmeister Lucas renamed it, "Episode 4: A New Hope."

That massive piece of crap fucked over the entire history of cinema since 1977.
>this mess of a tripfag
This. The first two Scary Movies are actually really funny. The rest is complete garbage.

I remember reading that without Blade none of the Marvel stuff would have happened.
My Grandpa died in in 1943 when he fell out of a guard tower at Auschwitz.
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I liked them all.
L'arrivée d'un train en gare de La Ciotat, by the Lumière brothers. Overrated piece of shit. Just because it's influential doesn't mean it's good.
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Betsy Joslyn as she looked back in '79.
no shit? my grandpa died in auschwitz too, another officer fell on him apparently
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The Wiz aka The BLACKED Wizard Of Oz, but only if deleting it would mean that no other studio would EVER try to create a Black version of The Wizard Of Oz.

My second choice would be the original Star Wars only because much like the film FROZEN it has to be one of the most over hyped films in history !
Bridget Regan
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the matrix. or aliens.

olga kurylenko
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