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ITT: flicks that you won't even bother pirating
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ITT: flicks that you won't even bother pirating
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Every capeshit ever
because you payed money to watch it already didn't you dumb DCuck
Terrific, it's good for this masterpiece to stay away from the eyes of people like you.
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Huh !?
yes, because i will buy it

hey /pol/ now fuck off
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Never watched it and dont feel like downloading
Same am getting the steelbook edition.

Idk if the uncut will be released separetly

watched a cam

I'll probably be called a DCuck, but I enjoyed this and think it's worth a pirate tbqh lads
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>watched a cam
>made final judgement on that
I assume it will be. I don't see why they'd package them both, studios generally like for their consumers to double dip.
How long does it take for the Blue ray rip to be released??

I want some HD wallpapers cos that movie is filmed with kino imagery
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>All these DCucks with great taste
Unsure, really. Generally 3/4 months after its theatrical run? If it's a stinker, it's generally released quicker, but BvS is a tentpole film. We'll see it in August or something.

bet you think games need good graphics to be good aswell :^)
Hello /v/eddit

point proven
My website says its gonna be released on BR on the 27th of July.

Hope we get a commentary but doubt it. Idk why directors and actors hardly do them anymore
Probably because the home media platform is dying. It's a shame though - I'd love to hear Battfleck on the track. His Armageddon commentary is hilarious.
I saw it in the cinema already, ans is true, I will not pirate it I will buy the DVD.
Reminds me of Brendan Fraser's commentary of the Mummy.

Just him talking and is pure gold.

I get a bit teary at end when he says "bye for now" ;_;
25 cents has been deposited in your account :^)
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wew lad


I'll have to check it out. Watch Tropic Thunder's commentary. RDJ is in character the whole time.
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Wowww those numbers speak the truth!!
I downloaded this, started watching, then stopped.
Haha no wonder he said
>"I never drop character until after the commentary track".

Also Bruce Campbell's Evil Dead commentary is gold as well.
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so what else is new
I'll check that too then. I've been meaning to revisit that trilogy. TV series was great.
>Star Wars Episode 7
Is weird that no poster nor the Blu Ray cover ever calls it Episode 7.

Made me think that they were not gonna have this on the opening titles, as a homage to the original which would have been nice.
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Try to get this R4 Aussie version which comes with both of the commentary tracks. Not every release of the dvd has them.
i still haven't seen deadpool
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say no more, senpai
>Jason momma before Jeremy irons
>gadot before adams and eisenberg
What world we live in
You're not missing much.

The colossus/deadpool/Megasonic dynamic was good and there were a few good jokes but there were more that fell flat on their face.

I wouldn't bother going out of your way to see it, but you end up in the position it's not that bad
Woww I forgot you can download commentaries.

You don good
It's not bad, though it goes better as it's own story, and doesn't mash well with other Avengers.
It's the atypical Marvel film. I'm hoping that 3 will be good.

Yeah, shit is cash
Is there anywhere you can easily download/stream commentary, to just play alongside the film, rather than having to download the entire movie with the commentary?
fuck off
BvS is clearly the literally most SUPERIOR taste of all
You're missing out, that flick is pure kino.
>OP mad as fuck no one shares his shitty opinion
>tfw I saw this in theatres

Memories, m8

Probably, but they're bound to films. You can demux/remux them if you find them. I doubt anyone would be posting up .ac3 streams though.
Yeah, I'm definitely not pirating. The Blu-Ray will be great.

Capeshit commentaries are fun to watch/listen to.
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Hi /pol/!
Do you think it will sell well on home video? I'm sure they'd get a lot of VOD downloads too
why would you, as a film enthusiast, ever waste your time watching cape shit?

should i make threads every time more manchildren fuel is announced about how i'd never watch it even for free?
Good goy
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>Jeremy Irons
>as Alfred Pennyworth
>*Skrewdriver song starts playing*
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>muh /pol/ boogeyman

Kill yourself you fucking retard
Its a pretty good family drama with some romcom elements
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Is that the movie with the mario kart rainbow road?
yup, they did a really good job at making a "rainbow bridge" look cool
Literally any capeshit. Just can't be bothered.
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>actress known for being israeli
>poster feign to discover she's jewish
>/tv/ retards not getting it's a meta joke
And the best goy award goes to....
>your tangerine my cocaine
jesus he never stopped
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>Your quints, check'd and approved Clark
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I am sure she was picked for the role because of her talent.
same thing, I kind believe how unwatchable it is.
>he posts cinema
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