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It's objective fact that the best American filmmakers come
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It's objective fact that the best American filmmakers come from Jewish, Irish, or Italian backgrounds.

Why is this? Does being part of a formerly oppressed group give you experiences that other white people do not have?
scorsese has tiny man syndrome lets face it
who are the good jews, spielberg, kubrick, konigsberg, thats only three
coppola is a fat pig
lucas is just some white kid
>Forgetting based Polanski, Lang, THE FUCKING COENS
That's an interesting way of saying nogs can't into film
>forgetting based Alejandro González Iñárritu
He's easy to forget.

All the Mexican New Wave are hacks.
I was thinking about Asians and WASPs desu

Boring minorities don't make good film
Alejandro pls go
Innie is great. Also the Harry Potter guy
Brett Ratner
wait but none of those groups are oppressed....
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