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/wwe/ General #1606 - A Real Man's Man Edition
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Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 112
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First for /autism/

I approve of your thread OP

post GOAT >muh William Regal moments

does anyone have a pic of the belt pre-brock with swapable sideplates?

I don't know why you think this is so funny, both of those things are true.

Just a samefag wootist

C U C K Man Punk marks on suicide watch


Keep crying ;^)

Joe does a run in at the end and takes out Finn.
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roman cant stop shaking.webm
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I'm amazed he got through that without crying.
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WM 29. Admit you were wrong bitch.
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Roman is a savage
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rock always gets custom belts tho. where's bryan's sideplates?

>looks like a fool after shitposting

lol, kill yourself you worthless parasite
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The Young Bucks have not been receiving much attention from /wwe/ lately.
That was my first and only post in this thread you fucking dumb abo mong
predictably, both of them said

you know, the wweshop page that started this conversation literally has all the sideplates that have been used so far for sale
Roman Reigns and the Usos have made me hate The Rock. It really isn't his fault, but because of him, everyone in that fucking Samoan family is going to be pushed down our throats regardless of talent and charisma.
I forgot about Randy Orton. It went:

Rock, Cena, Bryan (won it, then Orton cashed in), Orton, Bryan (held for one day, disputed finish), Orton, Bryan, [Vacated], Cena, Lesnar, Rollins.

And it was a shitpost, not even one post in and you've already lost track, I thought chinks were good at math.
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Torrie Wilson 55.jpg
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>3.248 million for Raw

Bring back the Bikini contests
Worst WWE superstars:

1. Roman Reigns
2. Ryback
3. Sandow
4. Eva Marie
5. All the non-Bo$$ Divas

debate me faggots
but those were never on the WWE Championship belt. when bryan held the WWE World Heavyweight Championship title, it was represented by two belts, the WWE championship and the Big Gold Belt. as far as i recall, neither featured swappable sideplates.

the swappable sideplates did not come into play until the championship was merged into one new belt, held by brock lesnar, passed to seth rollins.

the rock had a title with unique sideplates, but it appears that was because rock had a customized belt as usual, not because the sideplates swapped out.
Remove 4 and 5 and you have 3 of the best WWE superstars
>1. Roman Reigns
Has put on great matches; was awesome in the Shield
>2. Ryback
Is an oaf
>3. Sandow
Is house show comedy act
>4. Eva Marie
Will never ever be good
>5. All the non-Bo$$ Divas
Becky and Charlotte are great wrestlers; however, wrestling is not allowed in the Divas division
WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY...checks flag


carry on m8
The new title has had changeable side plates since it was introduced.
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You recall wrong.

This reminds me that the Smackdown after Mania featured Bryan posing with the Hulkster.
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This is a picture from the night he revealed it, December 2013, clearly swappable sideplates, stop being a fucking moron.
everytime a family starts to develop stroke in the industry to rival the mcmahons, something horrible happens

like with the hart family owen died tragically - doing something vince's buddy shawn did a million times without incident, no less

with the guererros they lost eddie, and things didn't go great for chavo

and the jarretts were doing nicely before russo showed up to fuck everything up

i wouldn't be surprised if the mcmahons are trying to take the wind out of the Anoa'i family's sails by exposing the usos and roman's faults though their booking
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You can see his sideplates here.
Same question from the last thread: You can get one replica title belt from the WWE. Which one do you choose?


White IC or Big Gold
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oh crap i totally remember the cena plates too now

do you think Vince killed Kerry Von Erich?

wouldn't put it past him.
Are you suggesting Vince killed them? Spoopy
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You were wrong and you should feel bad about it.

AE title has always been my fave.
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Thoughts on the current Champs /wwe/?
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But if it weren't for The Rock, we wouldn't have that sexy beast Nia Jax. Dealing with the Roman/Usos/Tamina bullshit is worth it just so we got her.

Seriously, she would be amazing in bed.
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okay so i wasn't paying a lot of attention when the crock, boreton, or champ were holding the titles

not really something to feel bad about imo

They're all pretty great aside from Shitlotte.
Those NXT tag betlts are awesome.
irredeemable crap, every single one of them
too many minorities - HH

Damn, Vaudevillians are really out of place on that list. They need to drop the titles to Gable and Jordan soon.

It hadn't occurred to me that all male champs on the main roster are heels, that has to change soon. Which heel loses first? Unfortunately, I'm thinking New Day will drop them to Usos.

There are no good faces on the roster.


>Del Rio
Based as fuck


>New Day
>only five titles
>one is wymyn only

pretty boring desu
they should bring back the TV Championship, i mean guys like dolph and rusev are on TV every week either way, may as well give them a reason to be there that's better than "Waah i got keked by a midcarder again"
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>check archive to see how many times this guy has asked about the champs
>this champion roster from before mania

things sure have changed

Ambrose, Lucha Dragons, Cesaro, Brock, Neville. Those are all good faces that could realistically win titles.

I loved the way Blake & Murphy went from being jobbers to winning the tag titles over the course of a few weeks. I wish that happened more often.

good match senpai

not even a bretfag but this is pretty good
when was the last time the Divas did a segment like a dance off or Halloween costumes or lingerie modelling?
>Charlotte is a great wrestler
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Diva's Battle Royal Dance.webm
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They usually do some kind of costumed match every year. So, not that long ago.

A couple years ago there was a dance off feud of Summer Rae w/Fandango vs Emma w/Santino.

And there was a Divas Halloween battle royale last year, featuring Paige as Summer and Brie and D Bry.
needs more enzo and cass
less eat owens eat Charlotte is what she is
>that black guy clapping and going crazy
kek wtf is Paige wearing
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>all them creepy virgin rapist weirdo soldiers

That has to be the most uncomfortable show of the year. Being around soldiers is awful in any scenario, but putting them in the same room as scantily-clad women would be awful.
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Paige as Summer Rae.webm
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She's dressed as Summer.
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>not supporting the troops
she looks good walking girly

>supporting people that volunteer to murder other people

Why should I support them? They are well compensated for the work they do. I'm 30, and there hasn't been any combat operation in my lifetime that "protected" me in any way. Why should I support them?
I first encountered something like this when I was younger, and then realized it applies to the military as well.

The term he used is "All Boy's Camp Syndrome", or ABC Syndrome. Basically, the longer guys spend around other guys, with no women around, the more their perspective shifts in regards to what's attractive.

So a bunch of milfags who barely ever interact with women are going to go nuts at anything remotely sexual. Even if its cringe inducing garbage.

You right. Have you ever seen the film The Master? There's a rather disturbing scene early on where a bunch of soldiers make a woman out of sand on a beach, and then Joaquin Phoenix fucks the sand woman. At first it's funny, but as it goes on, it becomes increasingly uncomfortable.
agree with all of that.

Sasha and Asuka best tho

Pretty good as long as he's booked well

>Del Rio
Boring desu but I'll give him a chance for a few more weeks yet.

Boring desu

>New day

>Finn Balor


Literally who/boring/literally berried as soon as they are on the main roster.
SPOILER: The mechanics are now the tag champs
Can't complain. Talented, willing, and entertaining despite the shit booking
Needs a good feud. Ryback was stale and lackluster. His tease against Dean Ambrose was pretty good.
>Del Rio
Is he a face or a heel? Let's see how Jack Swagger manages him before judging him. While not overall spectacular, he always manages to put decent matches. He reminds me of Triple H in that sense.
Yesterday show proved how better suited and deserving Becky and Sasha are. The chemistry between them was crazy.
>New Day
Best part of the show. They need more titles.

I don't know. He has no personality besides the cool as fuck entrance
Perfect babyface work. Great worker also.
>The Vaudevillains
Too little TV time to say anything about them. But I'm willing to say the Mechanics are going to be better champions
its pretty clear del rios a heel now.

Smackdown spoilers pretty much IMO confirms owens is feuding with dean. Hopefully he is.
Charlotte is so fucking terrible
Fuck nepotism
Fuck every online IWC podcast and smark praising her as the next coming of christ
She's so fucking BAD in the ring
"Oh but she's a natural born athlete and was born in a ring ready to go"
How? She botches every fucking match, has some of the worst ring psychology EVEN AMONG THE DIVAS of all time, and she's trash on the mic
GOD it pisses me off so much how everyone is all over her dick
fuck that give the title back to Nikki, at least she's gotten better every match and is plenty to look at.
Charlotte is offensive to me in every sense
this desu. I'm probably just a jaded smark but The only two divas i see any sort of talent in are Asuka and Sasha. Everyone else is just jerk off material
I can't see El Patron not being a heel. He always use brutal and heelish tactics, even as a face. Beating Cena clean was something really exceptional and there's no kayfabe explanation yet.

It saddens me seeing Ambrose out of the Main Event picture, but I want to see that feud pretty bad.

Also, Roman/Rollins double turn when? Roman is already a corporate champ and Rollins is a natural babyface
She's not that good. But she isn't as bad. Her psychology and selling are on par, and her last promo was good enough.

She's an innofensive babyface. And that's probably her biggest fault.
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Only title that looks like a true final boss heavyweight world champion.

Also the spinner was underrated.
I think my favourite one is this one

The spinner was zany shit and only looked good on Cena for that reason
Also, I can't see Apollo not being a champion
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Vince (2).gif
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Is Apollo Crews a black man that Vince could approve of?

Vince will be dead by the time Crews gets called up.

Literally who?
>WWE in charge of not doing racist gimmicks throughout the whole 90's

Pretty good apart from Del Rio, Charlotte, and those jobbers who will lose the NXT tag titles shortly.
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no doubt.

You'd have to be gay not to.
Sandow should be 1.
>literally wearing no underwear

I hope she gets that washed regularly
They should bring him up after Mania and put him in New Day.
i want to see emma get blacked

I bet Tyson licks it clean.
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Charlotte Falling Nothing.webm
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This is the truth right here. She is one of the fucking worst.
I really like New Day but I hope not.

Who doesn't senpai?
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emma's gonna kill you.png
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Emma is also great senpai.
>I really like New Day but I hope not.
Might help him develop a personality. At the moment he's just going to be another black "athletic" guy.
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Eddie Champ.jpg
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The spinner belt was absolute shit.

This, however, was a great fucking title.
Yes, Vince will love him.
this. this is probably my favorite championship belt of all time.

that and the belt that was made after the wcw title and the wwe title merged after haitch beat jericho
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Would you a Kaitlyn?
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They are the same belt bra
I think Seth Rollins is a good talker.
Yeah definitely, although I preferred her more natural look when she first came in WWE.
Why is the IC belt the only belt that looks good?
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The Big Gold WCW belt.
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rollins brock raw after mania.png
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Agreed desu senpai. He's better than people give him credit for.
Classic design. Also, it's white
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Kaitlyn Layla.gif
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Yeah, she definitely looked great back then too.
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>mfw just unlocked Haku
>mfw Haku and Vader teaming up in Universe

Her implants are disgusting. I think the rest of her looks fantastic but they're just look like balloons stuck to her.
What's the difference between the replica and the commemorative belts?
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They look much better these days. She probably got them fixed.
except now her face looks busted
Based A+ player. He's been such a workhorse for the company this year.

>New Day
The first genuinely interesting tag team in quite some time. Hoping WWE doesn't fuck things up with them.

Based as fuck. His reign as IC champ is just the appetizer.

Shit. Only slightly less shit than the Bellas

>Del Rio

greetings from /v/.
what the fuck is undertale

Layla is 38

I hope my future wife keeps it that tight.
>not having haku vs brock at mania
>out of kayfabe toughest fucks

Dudes are the two toughest SOB's out of kayfabe.

Big islander man would probably rip brocks eyes out though if it was prime vs prime. All those fucking stories.
replica is like the almost the real thing they use the good stuff for the plates, and commemorative is the same size and style as the real belt but use a cheaper metal or high quality plastic i forget.

fuck off with your shitty meme game
LGTSS t b h
>Fuck every online IWC podcast and smark praising her as the next coming of christ
>She's so fucking BAD in the ring
>How? She botches every fucking match, has some of the worst ring psychology EVEN AMONG THE DIVAS of all time, and she's trash on the mic
>GOD it pisses me off so much how everyone is all over her dick
>fuck that give the title back to Nikki, at least she's gotten better every match and is plenty to look at.
>Paige is offensive to me in every sense
rinse and wash paige to a T except nature girl has a more famous name
if haku was there when the rest of the samoans were supposedly pissed off and almost rioting you would have gotten that as a bonus after wrestlemania
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>Give the title back to Nikki
Sure anon, let's just jump right back into the pit we just got air lifted out of.

>Charlotte botches
Nikki and Brie have been in damn near every Botchamania. And at least Charlotte has a moveset. Nikki just does punches and kicks, with a finisher named for her tits.

>Charlotte's mic work is crap
And Nikki's isn't? Her promos are kindergarten tier. Making an L shape on her forehead and going "lol ur a loser XD"

>Her ring psychology is bad.
Can't really dispute that one. Their match at NOC, I couldn't tell what was worse, Nikki working the wrong leg, or Charlotte's overselling.

Tldr: Charlotte is shit, but Nikki is far worse.
Big Eagle
Big Gold
Smackdown WWE Title (the one JBL had)

>these literal children voting for brock
Shit why the fuck is 2k16 so fucking hard
Bret Hart is kicking my fucking booty
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>That fucking KO render
Because, you aren't the best there is, the best there was, the best there ever will be

Alberto Del Rio defeated Neville

- Alberto wins a non-title match, then attacks Neville after the bell, but Jack Swagger runs out for the save.

It's literally Swaggie time bros
The stock images on the site like that are usually referred to as renders, don't ask me why.

Paige is much better than Charlotte though. There's a reason she got a massive pop for beating the shit out of her last week. If Paige had been on NXT to wrestle Sasha, Becky and Bayley, it wouldn't even be a debate. Charlotte got carried through her title reign and she's horribly awkward in the ring.
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>chody faggot rhode's father is ded

time for swaggie to get squashed by a beaner at SS
>Sasha's cleavage during that promo on Raw

No Nikki can carry them to a decent match, Charlotte is just shit in ring and has zero personality outside of it. A terrible choice to hold the title, literally everyone would be better holding it than her.
> no blood streaming down austin's face at the end of the WM 13 match
You had one fucking job 2k
One fucking job

Austin's showcase is based 2bh, shame we couldnt get Owen in it
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diva's wrestling.webm
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Nikki is definitely bottom of the barrel too and Brie is somehow even worse than both of them.
>getting this turned on by a pushup bra

nigga u gay
Totally understandable reaction, to be honest with you
Yeah, it was pretty good senpai.
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Well yeah.
that's the purpose of them senpai
this must have been a terrible stretch for WWE. and why do the NXT tag belts look better than the WWE tag belts?

also, that NXT champion belt is ugly as shit.

also, also, the ICC belt is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.
>terrible stretch for WWE
>Seth/Cena/Brock randomly fighting for the belt with interesting, although lackluster, segments, that in retrospect went nowhere
Honestly don't' remember anything about Barrett's IC reign except he got it stolen every other night and was the worst champion ever
Rusev squashing people was pretty great
Divas is always shit
Kidd/Cesaro was the greatest tag team of the last 8 years and they really truthfully 100% brought up New Day to how amazing they are now.
Seriously New Day wouldn't be shit if they didn't beat Kidd/Cesaro for the belts
That was such a good feud with amazing matches every single time
I can't believe they dumped those gold and blue tag team belts for this shit.
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Nice little tight booty for the fella's just waking up

Rememberer to Keep It Tight my family

Lots of virgins lurk these threads. Devitt for example used to get turned on by the slighest show of a butt crack.

That's ridiculous. The blood makes the whole moment. And there's blood in 2k15.
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keep it tight

KEEP IT TIGHT for daddy
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I miss them so much.

Adding blood changes the whole rating of the game to an M.

This entire feud was fan service from Vince to the people who greentext ">women's wrestling" but literally no one appreciated it for what it was.

The same shitty shit that Vince and Dunn have been coming up with for the last 20 years?
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It was legitimately my favourite thing on Raw. Everything else was so fucking dull and we actually had an old fasioned, fun wrestling storyline. Rusev completely carried it though.
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most people dont give a shit about her name desu and it will probably hurt her in the eyes of some fans more than anything. they havent even started really branding her with merch and i doubt she finds paiges success on a promotional/media level.
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Ah, good times.
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>mfw her merch is literally a remake of her father's from over twenty years ago
God that booty is beautiful

Is this nigger wearing a womens shirt?
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She's a wonderful woman.
your loneliness on a scale of 1 to 100?

no offense meant.
Brock just doesn't give a fuck
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>tfw RuRu gets to go full Bulgarian bear mode on her every night while you're alone
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Maybe a 55?
Every time I think about putting effort into getting a girlfriend/hookup slut, I just recall how I've been burned in the past and don't care that much anymore
At the point where I'm kind of just apathetic towards everything and just enjoying working more than anything else

>tfw their children's superior genetics
Feeling good for him desu. Don't be sour and be motivated to become a strong bulgarian too
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>that's the purse Rusev bought her
This is a wrong mentality. On the other hand, I can't conceive the idea of actually putting effort into make a person like you. That should be effortless.
Post your top 5 from the last Raw lads

1. Seth Rollins
2. Xavier Woods
3. Kevin Owens
4. Big E
5. Ziggler

Why are WWE faces so boring? It's beyond me senpai
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1. Big E
2. Big E
3. Big E
4. Big E
5. Big E

>new day rocking out to seths theme
>kevin owens being teased for main event scene next year
>based as fuck bray wyatt promo where he controls the elements
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Rusev is what everyone in here should aspire to be.
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rusev emotions.webm
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>Grow up in Bulgaria
>Be stronk
>Impress childhood friends by breaking boards over your head
>Move to America to pursue dream of becoming a wrestler
>Rek people in NXT
>Beautiful blonde Russian scouting for talent
>Your body hair and ferocity impress her
>She becomes your manager
>Bond over childhood both growing up in eastern Europe
>Agree to fight for her country, because you love her.
>Win US title
>Lose it to John Cena thanks to Lana
>Keep losing
>Get tired of her shit
>Tell her to leave
>She runs away with a greasy American
>Get a new girl, make her dress exactly like your ex, which she does willingly
>Display your chivalry by being there for your ex when she's injured, despite everything that's happened.
>She agrees to marry you
>Get injured at the same time as her so you can make passionate, one armed love to her all day.

Rusev. A true hero.

So 2k15 was an M? Also, if a kid goes and watches the match on the network they'll see the blood anyway. It's stupid.
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paige 2018.jpg
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Could you niggers handle the thickness?
Holy shit, Bray. It was over the top and corny and I loved it.
>>Get injured at the same time as her so you can make passionate, one armed love to her all day.

Could literally tie one arm around my balls and I'd still be happy with her desu m8
The thumbnail looked like Adrian Neville

holy shit why
I just meant taking chicks out on dates and all that crap
I just don't care nor do I like spending money
>Seth Rollins
>New Day
>Del Rio
>Lucha Dragons

Raw was actually pretty good overall.
1. New Day
2. Owens
3. Rollins
4. Magical Bray
5. Sasha
1.Kevin Owens
All Of new day
I hope Rusev and Lana come back toguether. But being Bulgarian doesn't get as much heat as being Russian.

Either that or just go with the rest of euroheels telling how Europe is superior to America in everything.
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bray got super powers now.gif
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I forgot about that Bray promo. That shit was great too.
They show the video clip of him in the sharpshooter with claret all over his face literally straight after
Im guessing you can turn the blood on manually like in the other games
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They need to bring back the European title. I've been saying this for like 3 years now...

It didn't work out before in '97 because Vince only had one legit Euro on the roster which was Davey Boy'. Now it would actually work and make sense with the most vast Euro roster ever in the WWE.

Cesaro with the strap would be the shit.

That looked so bad. I actually like the idea, but the fact it's literally just Bray igniting pyro is really lame.

It was weak using superimposed lightning as well, when they used to do it physically in the arena.

No it was whack and goofy, and it's why people don't take wrestling seriously.
And who does, mang. But I'm sure there are places you would like to spend your money anyway.

The fact that the ratings are still low after two solid RAWs saddens me, but if that means they actually have to give a shit about the customers, then it's perfect by me.
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>Literally every belt from back then looks better than the ones now
Tfw no daughter-wife
There's a lot of euros in the roster right now. It could work. But I thought that was the idea behind the intercontinental title.

>Cesaro, Sheamus, Barrett, Neville, Rusev, Balor, Owens (because he's French)
It's cool bringing teatrics. The superimposed lighting was weak, I have to tell.
Also, he should have summon mist too.

Lucha Underground plays more with the mythological elements and it's a better product than what WWE is putting it.
It could be but being American, the IC was originally made to be disputed between North and South America, hence the title name. Now it's just any continent. Still, they should replace the US with the Euro since the IC originally and still means more than just the US since it does in fact include it, make sense? I think it does.

But of course, since it's an American program, the US belt has more significant meaning to casual mid-card marks.

I'm surprised Vince still has it considering it's now the last remaining piece of WCW, which we all know he despises.
Soon to have Balor and others from NXT as well. Before they had McIntyre and others. I've been saying this for years.

Undertaker calling lightning down has always been whack and goofy, the same way Kane "shooting a fireball" at Chyna was. Bray's promo was okay but him setting off the pyro and making it seem like it's "powers" make me turn my head in embarrassment. Even if I was a kid I'd still have thought it was the dumbest thing imaginable.
It was also normal pyro, totally unrelated with the fire flames of Undertaker.

WWE needs more pyro. The fact that Rollins doesn't have and Neville does is embarrasing.

My explanation has always been that Taker's just a really tough fucker who's a master of smoke and mirrors to play mindgames. His lightning was usually a practical effect, which helped. The idea that he actually has mystical powers for Bray to absorb is pretty silly, but you can always argue that Bray's just full of shit and putting on a performance as well.
>people should take wrestling seriously
No thanks.
>you can always argue that Bray's just full of shit and putting on a performance as well.
That sounds like a good explanation
Ok, I'm asking.

Do you think any professional wrestler has ever posted here?
I am 98% sure that Xavier Woods shitposts here on a daily basis.
I'm sure Haitch posts here.
Some of the posts I've seen here are TOO suspicious
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I hope the only thing they add is the mist to the Wyatt's entrance. Maybe some of the fireballs at the stage that Taker uses. Anything else would ruin it.
Maybe. He has to travel a lot, so why not post a little.

Xavier Woods ur da man

Now that's silly. But on the other hand, feasible enough
That could be really cool.
> le bane meme means she posts on spee
Kys wallaby shagger

Xavier is that salty nigger from reddit that gets triggered in here from time to time
Post belly
I always imagine Sasha being the hardest worker in the female roster, so she wouldn't have the time to shitpost here.

>Just call me stepmomkek
DJ Z in TNA used to have a signature move called Bible Black. His power level is seems pretty high and I wouldn't be surprised if he lurks 4chan. Maybe not this board specifically, but yeah.
the guy in the pic actually used to post on the bodybuilding forums and misc so i wouldnt be surprised if hes posted here
I heard that Paige used to post here. Not sure how true it is though.
Why were you making stuff up and insisting so strongly if, as you now admit, you have little clue what was going on at the time? That's what you should feel bad about.
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so much hnnng in one picture
I post here quite often
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>that pic

boner achieved
They are literally scissoring each other.
How old are you?
Do you know what scissoring is, and if so, how are you getting that from this picture?
Get back to work
AJ Lee Brooks has a nice arse and there are plenty of clips of her cheeks jiggling and folding over. Ghetto lard-booty is not the only way.
Reminder that Swaggie+Jordan&Gable are going over Dorito+Los Matadores in their new gimmick in the 6 jabroni preshow match at Mania
He's big
He's well spoken and looks like a classic baby face
Can wrestle
If he were white, i'd say he was a lock to be a future wwe champion. But since he's black, I honestly don't know, especially with Vince involved.


holy shit this thread was up when i went to bed...wtf
Yes, because she's actually thick. Unlike Nikki who people try to claim is thick.
Trips confirm
C U C K Man Punk marks on suicide watch


Keep crying ;^)
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So this is the power of Reigns
>you will never have Bulgarian tricep meat

Feels bad man.
A C U C K?
No they don't. It was just a midcard belt, which currently the IC title is filling that role.

>gaslighting marks at some convention

dude you are literally as cringe as rybackfans right now who posted his audio with jericho

literally countless people have talked about the shield being paired up with Punk

it was a literal storyline that happened on screen.
>Jordan on Wrestlemania
Dude's hot tag game is the best of the company. He's basically electric.
>Punk will never come back
Don't know how to feel brehs
>insulting Cmpuke101

Please leave

>roid delts

I just love it when some neckbeard thinks they know when someone is roiding just cause they have bigger arms than them.

Faces are one dimensional THEY SMILE SO LIKE THEM PLS.

Heels are varied with their antics, mannerisms, and motivation.
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>yfw this actually happens
Heels are getting more screentime.
Seeing Cena wrestle is like watching Coyote and Roadrunner. You root for the bad guy to win, but know he isn't going to.
It seems like heels get a lot more creative freedom to improvise how they act outside of the directions of the script. I'm sure Roman is basically given directions down to the most minute detail of what to do every time he's out there just because of the role in WWE he's bei g groomed to take. New Day especially seems to basically just go out there and improvise and act naturally whereas guys like Ryback and Roman look wooden at times because they're probably given such strict directions.
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think so you can tell by the neck
daily reminder that that gimmick lasted only for 6 weeks because regal was so fucked up on all of the drugs and somas and shit during that time that he needed rehab.
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