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Banach Space
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Thread replies: 16
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What's a Banach Space?
that doesnt exist, you just made that up to troll /sci/
a normed vector space whose set of cauchy sequences converge within the space

>Banach Space
Thats not how you pronouce Banach
Is there any text-to-movie site out there these days? It's such a simple concept, but never fucking spread
thanks, professor
bornek space
>Dr. Hilbert
ayy lmoa
Only Scots can pronounce it correctly
A complete normed space.
File: banach.png (7 KB, 242x86) Image search: [Google]
7 KB, 242x86
yup, close.
File: njwildberger.jpg (155 KB, 1067x1070) Image search: [Google]
155 KB, 1067x1070
>vector spaces at all
File: 1365350211303.png (69 KB, 225x225) Image search: [Google]
69 KB, 225x225
>I shall make my foot converge to your ass in the Cauchy sense
top kek
Thread replies: 16
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